Saturday, December 29, 2007

7/8 B Packer Contest

The Detroit Lions (7-8) play at Green Bay (12-3) on Sunday. Place your vote before kickoff on Sunday!

5/6 B Packer Contest

The Detroit Lions (7-8) play at Green Bay (12-3) on Sunday. Place your vote before kickoff on Sunday!

1/2 B Packer Contest

The Detroit Lions (7-8) play at Green Bay (12-3) on Sunday. Place your vote before kickoff on Sunday!

7/8 A Packer Contest

The Detroit Lions (7-8) play at Green Bay (12-3) on Sunday. Place your vote before kickoff on Sunday!

5/6 A Packer Contest

The Detroit Lions (7-8) play at Green Bay (12-3) on Sunday. Place your vote before kickoff on Sunday!

1/2 A Packer Contest

The Detroit Lions (7-8) play at Green Bay (12-3) on Sunday. Place your vote before kickoff on Sunday!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Have a Great Break!

I hope you have a great winter break! You may want to check the blog a couple times for information and to vote on the Packer Contest, but there will be no homework assigned. You all deserve a break and I hope you enjoy it! GO PACK!!!

12-21-2007 (A Day) Happenings

Hurricane Alternate Activity

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Thursday, December 20, 2007

12-20-2007 (B Day) Happenings

Hurricane Alternate Activity

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Weekly Update (1-7-2008)

  • Hurricane Wiki Project Task 4 Due
  • Hurricane Wiki Project Bibliography Due
  • Finalize Hurricane Wiki Project
  • Hurricane Wiki Project Presentations
  • RIF

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

12-19-2007 (A Day) Happenings

We voted on the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. Each team met and established what they had completed and what was left to complete for the Hurricane Wiki Project. Editors reported to me the status of their team. Students spent 45 minutes working on their Hurricane Wiki Project. Students then participated in RIF for the remainder of the block.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

12-18-2007 (B Day) Happenings

We reviewed and voted on the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. I handed out the January LRT calendar and went over the schedule for the remainder of the semester. I viewed a few tasks posted on the wiki and explained what was done well and where improvement was needed. Students spent 45 minutes working on their Hurricane Wiki Project. Students then participated in RIF for the remainder of the block.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Monday, December 17, 2007

12-17-2007 (A Day) Happenings

We reviewed the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. I handed out the January LRT calendar and went over the schedule for the remained of the semester. I discussed the 50 point Group Assessment of Each Member activity that will be completed after the Hurricane Wiki Project Presentations in January. I also reviewed the deadlines for Task 2 (December 17), Task 3 (December 19), Task 4 (January 8), Bibliography (January 10) and Hurricane Wiki Project Presentations (January 14). I viewed a few tasks posted on the wiki and explained what was done well and where improvement was needed. Students then spent 30 minutes working on their Hurricane Wiki Project. Students then participated in RIF for the remainder of the block.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Friday, December 14, 2007

12-14-2007 (B Day) Happenings

We voted on the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. I discussed the 50 point Group Assessment of Each Member activity that will be completed after the Hurricane Wiki Project Presentations in January. I also reviewed the deadlines for Task 2 (December 14), Task 3 (December 18), Task 4 (January 7), Bibliography (January 9) and Hurricane Wiki Project Presentations (January 11). I reviewed some important concepts about the use of wikis including the History feature. I viewed a few tasks posted on the wiki and explained what was done well and where improvement was needed. Students then spent 30 minutes working on their Hurricane Wiki Project. Students then participated in RIF for the remainder of the block.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Weekly Update (12-17-2007)

  • Hurricane Wiki Project Production Time
  • Hurricane Wiki Project Task 2 Due
  • Hurricanes Special Assignment
  • RIF

12-13-2007 (A Day) Happenings

We voted on the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. We then watched a Cingular commercial and discussed cell phones, texting and the technology gap between parents and kids. I reviewed important elements of the Hurricane Wiki Project and students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Wiki Project.

  • Complete the blog entry Cingular Commercial--Technology Gap? (DUE Monday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cingular Commercial--Technology Gap?

Today, we watched a couple 30 second Cingular commercials. Check them out:

Please answer the following questions:
  1. Do you text? If so, what acronyms (text shorthand) do you use?
  2. Do parents have trouble understanding why you text? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think there is a "technology gap" between what adults know and understand and what kids know and understand? Explain.

12-12-2007 (B Day) Happenings

I checked supplies. We then watched a Cingular commercial and discussed cell phones, texting and the technology gap between parents and kids. I reviewed important elements of the Hurricane Wiki Project and students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Wiki Project.

  • Complete the blog entry Cingular Commercial--Technology Gap? (DUE Friday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Monday, December 10, 2007

12-11-2007 (A Day) Happenings

I am out today at a TIES Technology Conference in Minneapolis. It's really cool and I will have some neat things to show you sometime upon my return.

Ms. Budke checked supplies. Students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Project.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

12-10-2007 (B Day) Happenings

I am out today at a TIES Technology Conference in Minneapolis. It's really cool and I will have some neat things to show you sometime upon my return.

Ms. Budke checked supplies. Students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Project.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Friday, December 7, 2007

12-7-2007 (A Day) Happenings

I checked supplies. I shared some technical information about the wiki and important information regarding the Hurricane Project. I answered questions related to the Hurricane Project. Students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Project.

  • Complete Hurricane Project Task 1 (DUE Tuesday by END of class)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Weekly Update (12-10-2007)

  • Hurricane Project Production
  • Hurricane Project Task 1 Due
  • RIF

12-6-2007 (B Day) Happenings

I checked supplies. I shared some technical information about the wiki and important information regarding the Hurricane Project. I answered questions related to the Hurricane Project. Students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Project.

  • Complete Hurricane Project Task 1 (DUE Monday by END of class)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

12-5-2007 (A Day) Happenings

I checked supplies. We watched a Brainpop on the Water Cycle and answered the online Graded Review Quiz as a class. We read and discussed The Story: Part 3 from the Hurricane! book. Each group presented their City & Hurricane Initial Information Wiki to the class. I explained the Hurricane Project and answered questions related to the project. Students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Project.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Mr. Buckleys' LRT
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12-4-2007 (B Day) Happenings

I checked supplies. Ms. Elliott, VVMS Librarian, gave a presentation on How to Conduct Research Effectively and Efficiently. She showed the class several resources that can be found at the Valley View Middle School Media Center Website. We watched Wikis in Plan English. Each group showed the class their City and Hurricane Initial Information Wiki. Students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Newspaper project.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at
Mr. Buckley's LRT Wiki--

Monday, December 3, 2007

Wikis in Plain English

Want to see the Wikis in Plain English informational video again?

Check it out!

12-3-2007 (A Day) Happenings

We reviewed the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. Ms. Elliott, VVMS Librarian, gave a presentation on How to Conduct Research Effectively and Efficiently. She showed the class several resources that can be found at the Valley View Middle School Media Center Website. I then introduced wikis. We watched Wikis in Plan English. I also showed the class and then introduced the LRT wiki ( and explained the wiki assignment to be completed. Students spent the remainder of the block working on their Hurricane Newspaper project.

  • Answer the poll question, What do you use to record your LRT homework?
  • Go to and click on Hurricane Unit. Complete the Wiki Assignment City and Hurricane Initial Information activity for your group's city and hurricane. Remember that you must enter the password (packers) to make changes. (DUE Wednesday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Friday, November 30, 2007

11-30-2007 (B Day) Happenings

We reviewed the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. We watched a Brainpop on the Water Cycle and answered the online Graded Review Quiz as a class. We read and discussed The Story: Part 3 from the Hurricane! book. Students watched Raging Planet: Hurricane and then reviewed and discussed the study guide questions as a class. I introduced the LRT wiki ( and explained the wiki assignment to be completed.

Content Reading Strategies Used In Class Today
  • Set a Purpose/Predict
    • Learn/Understand unknown words or concepts.
  • Monitor/Clarify/Infer
    • Create mental images to help you understand what you're reading.
    • Try to figure out things that the author does not say directly.
  • Answer the poll question, What do you use to record your LRT homework?
  • Go to and click on Hurricane Unit. Complete the Wiki Assignment City and Hurricane Initial Information activity for your group's city and hurricane. Remember that you must enter the password (packers) to make changes. (DUE Tuesday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Weekly Update (12-3-2007)

  • Raging Planet
  • Media Center Research Presentation
  • Hurricane Newspaper Bibliography Explanation
  • Hurricane Newspaper Project

11-29-2007 (A Day) Happenings

We did the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. We watched a Brainpop on Humidity and answered the online Review Questions as a class. Students read Hurricane Formation in the Hurricane! Book and completed the Hurricane Formation--Creating a Flow Map activity. Students used their Facts assignment to blog 5 facts about their assigned city and hurricane. Students then conducted online research to complete the City and Hurricane Initial Information activity.

Content Reading Strategies Used In Class Today
  • Monitor/Clarify/Infer
    • Create graphic aids to assist in understanding.
  • Summarize and Paraphrase
    • Think about the main ideas or the important parts of the text.
    • Tell in your own words the important things you have read.
    • Retell the main point of the text.
    • Use new vocabulary when summarizing and paraphrasing.
  • Complete the City and Hurricane Initial Information activity. (DUE Monday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

11-28 (B Day) Happenings

We did the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. We watched a Brainpop on Humidity and answered the online Review Questions as a class. Students read Hurricane Formation in the Hurricane! Book and completed the Hurricane Formation--Creating a Flow Map activity. Students used their Facts assignment to blog 5 facts about their assigned city and hurricane. Students then conducted online research to complete the City and Hurricane Initial Information activity.

Content Reading Strategies Used In Class Today
  • Monitor/Clarify/Infer
    • Create graphic aids to assist in understanding.
  • Summarize and Paraphrase
    • Think about the main ideas or the important parts of the text.
    • Tell in your own words the important things you have read.
    • Retell the main point of the text.
    • Use new vocabulary when summarizing and paraphrasing.
  • Complete the City and Hurricane Initial Information activity. (DUE Friday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Cape Hatteras and Hurricane Gloria Facts

If your group has been assigned the city of Cape Hatteras and Hurricane Gloria in 1985, post the following information here:
  1. 5 facts about your city.
  2. 5 facts about your hurricane.
Read all student comments from this blog entry to gain more information about your city and hurricane.

Panama City and Hurricane Kate Facts

If your group has been assigned the city of Panama City and Hurricane Kate in 1985, post the following information here:
  1. 5 facts about your city.
  2. 5 facts about your hurricane.
Read all student comments from this blog entry to gain more information about your city and hurricane.

Port Arthur and Hurricane Danny Facts

If your group has been assigned the city of Port Arthur and Hurricane Danny in 1985, post the following information here:
  1. 5 facts about your city.
  2. 5 facts about your hurricane.
Read all student comments from this blog entry to gain more information about your city and hurricane.

Biloxi & Hurricane Elena Facts

If your group has been assigned the city of Biloxi and Hurricane Elena in 1985, post the following information here:
  1. 5 facts about your city.
  2. 5 facts about your hurricane.
Read all student comments from this blog entry to gain more information about your city and hurricane.

Galveston & Hurricane Alicia Facts

If your group has been assigned the city of Galveston and Hurricane Alicia in 1983, post the following information here:
  1. 5 facts about your city.
  2. 5 facts about your hurricane.
Read all student comments from this blog entry to gain more information about your city and hurricane.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

7/8 A Hurricane Newspaper Teams


Hurricane Specialist—Grace


Natural Hazards Planner—Michael


Computer Specialist—Tierra

Assistant Editor—Melanie

Assistant Editor—Susan

City: Galveston—Hurricane Alicia



Hurricane Specialist—Bakr


Natural Hazards Planner—Adam


Computer Specialist—Maggie

Assistant Editor—Emily

Assistant Editor—Veri

City: Biloxi—Hurricane: Elena



Hurricane Specialist—Brady


Natural Hazards Planner—Edie


Computer Specialist—Ryan

Assistant Editor—David

City: Port Arthur—Hurricane: Danny

5/6 A Hurricane Newspaper Teams


Hurricane Specialist—Julia


Natural Hazards Planner—Drew


Computer Specialist—Ryan

Assistant Editor—Erin

Assistant Editor—Evelyn

City: Galveston—Hurricane Alicia



Hurricane Specialist—Timmy


Natural Hazards Planner—Sarah


Computer Specialist—Natalie

Assistant Editor—Kalli

Assistant Amira

City: Biloxi—Hurricane: Elena



Hurricane Specialist—Nathan


Natural Hazards Planner—Leah


Computer Specialist—Waleed

Assistant Editor—Jackson

City: Port Arthur—Hurricane: Danny

1/2 A Hurricane Newspaper Teams


Hurricane Specialist—Jeff


Natural Hazards Planner—Thomas


Computer Specialist—Caroline

Assistant Editor—Jacob

City: Galveston—Hurricane Alicia



Hurricane Specialist—Samantha


Natural Hazards Planner—Ariel


Computer Specialist—Joe

Assistant Editor—Chris

City: Biloxi—Hurricane: Elena



Hurricane Specialist—Kalyna


Natural Hazards Planner—Michael


Computer Specialist—Austin

Assistant Editor—Michaela

Assistant Editor—Taylor

City: Port Arthur—Hurricane: Danny

11-27-2007 (A Day) Happenings

We reviewed the Packer Contest and checked for supplies. Students worked cooperatively on answering the Tracking a Hurricane Questions. We then reviewed them as a class and I explained elements related to tracking a hurricane. Students filled out the Hurricane Newspaper Role Request Sheet. I selected editors and created teams. Students spent a brief amount of time completing RIF. I assigned a hurricane and affected city to each newspaper team. Each team then reviewed their role and began researching their city and hurricane.

  • Research online 5 facts about your assigned city and 5 facts about your assigned hurricane. (DUE Thursday)
  • Read and respond to the blog entry Star Tribune Article--Reading's New Chapter? (DUE Thursday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Monday, November 26, 2007

7/8 B Hurricane Newspaper Teams


Hurricane Specialist—Kirstine


Natural Hazards Planner—Will


Computer Specialist—Carly

Assistant Editor—Ian

City: Galveston—Hurricane Alicia



Hurricane Specialist—Brett


Natural Hazards Planner—Tom


Computer Specialist—Elena

Assistant Editor—Sam

City: Biloxi—Hurricane: Elena



Hurricane Specialist—Balkis


Natural Hazards Planner—Bryn


Computer Specialist—Emma

Assistant Editor—Justin

Assistant Editor—Aria

City: Port Arthur—Hurricane: Danny

5/6 B Hurricane Newspaper Teams


Hurricane Specialist—Lucas


Natural Hazards Planner—Camille


Computer Specialist—Paul

Assistant Editor—Patrick

City: Galveston—Hurricane Alicia



Hurricane Specialist—Fartun


Natural Hazards Planner—Natalie


Computer Specialist—Steven

Assistant Editor—Jenny

City: Biloxi—Hurricane: Elena



Hurricane Specialist—Allen


Natural Hazards Planner—Joel


Computer Specialist—Maddie

Assistant Editor—Tryg

City: Port Arthur—Hurricane: Danny



Hurricane Specialist—Sophia


Natural Hazards Planner—Kaitlin


Computer Specialist—Ivan

Assistant Editor—Tijani

City: Panama City—Hurricane: Kate



Hurricane Specialist—Tyler


Natural Hazards Planner—Izy


Computer Specialist—Chip

City: Cape Hatteras—Hurricane: Gloria

1/2 B Hurricane Newspaper Teams


Hurricane Specialist—Philip


Natural Hazards Planner—Joey


Computer Specialist—Kathleen

Assistant Editor—Bridget

City: Galveston—Hurricane Alicia



Hurricane Specialist—Jana


Natural Hazards Planner—Evan


Computer Specialist—Tara

Assistant Editor—Sarah

City: Biloxi—Hurricane: Elena



Hurricane Specialist—Catherine


Natural Hazards Planner—Leah


Computer Specialist—Michael

Assistant Editor—Bob

City: Port Arthur—Hurricane: Danny

11-26-2007 (B Day) Happenings

We reviewed the Packer Contest and checked for supplies. Students worked cooperatively on answering the Tracking a Hurricane Questions. We then reviewed them as a class and I explained elements related to tracking a hurricane. Students filled out the Hurricane Newspaper Role Request Sheet. I selected editors and created teams. Students spent a brief amount of time completing RIF. I assigned a hurricane and affected city to each newspaper team. Each team then reviewed their role and began researching their city and hurricane.

  • Research online 5 facts about your assigned city and 5 facts about your assigned hurricane. (DUE Wednesday)
  • Read and respond to the blog entry Star Tribune Article--Reading's New Chapter? (DUE Wednesday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Monday, November 19, 2007

7/8 B Packer Contest

The 9-1 Packers are at the 6-4 Detroit Lions. Kickoff is 11:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day and is televised on FOX. Don't miss it!

If you are in 7/8 B, please comment to this blog entry to place your vote for your class. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

5/6 B Packer Contest

The 9-1 Packers are at the 6-4 Detroit Lions. Kickoff is 11:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day and is televised on FOX. Don't miss it!

If you are in 5/6 B, please comment to this blog entry to place your vote for your class. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

1/2 B Packer Contest

The 9-1 Packers are at the 6-4 Detroit Lions. Kickoff is 11:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day and is televised on FOX. Don't miss it!

If you are in 1/2 B, please comment to this blog entry to place your vote for your class. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

7/8 A Packer Contest

The 9-1 Packers are at the 6-4 Detroit Lions. Kickoff is 11:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day and is televised on FOX. Don't miss it!

If you are in 7/8 A, please comment to this blog entry to place your vote for your class. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

5/6 A Packer Contest

The 9-1 Packers are at the 6-4 Detroit Lions. Kickoff is 11:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day and is televised on FOX. Don't miss it!

If you are in 5/6 A, please comment to this blog entry to place your vote for your class. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

1/2 A Packer Contest

The 9-1 Packers are at the 6-4 Detroit Lions. Kickoff is 11:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day and is televised on FOX. Don't miss it!

If you are in 1/2 A, please comment to this blog entry to place your vote for your class. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Star Tribune Article--Reading's New Chapter?

Here is an excellent article that pertains to reading in today's 21st century:

Star Tribune Article--Reading's New Chapter

After reading this article share:
  1. List at least 3 thoughts that came to your mind as you read this article.
  2. List at least 1 question related to this article.
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the article? Why or why not?
Complete this assignment after Thanksgiving Break. For now, take a well-deserved break!

Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16 (A Day) Happenings

We did the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. We reviewed the seating chart. Students completed reading On the Job for Editor-in-Chief (10), Meteorologist (18), Hurricane Specialist (24), Natural Hazards Planner (27) and Reporter (40). While reading these articles, students completed the worksheet On the Job--Expert Tasks Q & A. Students who finished early read their RIF materials. I checked to make sure students completed this assignment. We watched Brainpop--Weather and completed the online review. Students read Hurricane Andrew's Windy Rain of Terror. I then introduced and modeled how to track a hurricane. Students tracked days 4-7 and days 8-13 of a hurricane and began answering Tracking a Hurricane Questions in the Hurricane Packet. Students will complete this activity at the beginning of the next class.

Content Reading Strategies Used In Class Today
  • Set a Purpose/Predict
    • Tell what you think will happen next or what you will learn.
    • Learn/Understand unknown words or concepts.
  • Monitor/Clarify/Infer
    • Create mental images to help you understand what you're reading.
    • Create graphic aids to assist in understanding.
  • Evaluate
    • Ask yourself: What did I read? Do I understand what I've read? Do I agree or disagree with it? Am I learning what I wanted or needed to know?
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Weekly Update (11-26-2007)

  • Hurricanes: Deadly Season
  • Intro to Hurricane Project
  • Brainpop
  • Raging Planet

November 15 (B Day) Happenings

We did the Packer Contest and I checked supplies. We reviewed the seating chart. Students completed reading On the Job for Editor-in-Chief (10), Meteorologist (18), Hurricane Specialist (24), Natural Hazards Planner (27) and Reporter (40). While reading these articles, students completed the worksheet On the Job--Expert Tasks Q & A. Students who finished early read their RIF materials. I checked to make sure students completed this assignment. We watched Brainpop--Weather and completed the online review. Students read Hurricane Andrew's Windy Rain of Terror. I then introduced and modeled how to track a hurricane. Students tracked days 4-7 and days 8-13 of a hurricane and began answering Tracking a Hurricane Questions in the Hurricane Packet. Students will complete this activity at the beginning of the next class.

Content Reading Strategies Used In Class Today
  • Set a Purpose/Predict
    • Tell what you think will happen next or what you will learn.
    • Learn/Understand unknown words or concepts.
  • Monitor/Clarify/Infer
    • Create mental images to help you understand what you're reading.
    • Create graphic aids to assist in understanding.
  • Evaluate
    • Ask yourself: What did I read? Do I understand what I've read? Do I agree or disagree with it? Am I learning what I wanted or needed to know?
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hurricane Katrina from Space

Waleed asked what a hurricane looks like from space. This is a satellite view of Hurricane Katrina as the storm's eye passed near the Mississippi/Louisiana border near Pearlington, Waveland, Bay St. Louis and Pass Christian, Mississippi on August 29, 2005. Pretty cool, huh?

Found at

11-14 (A Day) Happenings

I checked supplies and gave students a new seating chart. I handed out the Hurricane Packet. We watched a brief video on Hurricane Andrew and recorded and discussed thoughts related to Hurricanes. Students completed a pre-reading assignment and then we read A Hurricane's Humble Beginnings from the Hurricane! book. I shared some Content Reading Strategies. We watched a Brainpop on hurricanes and answered review questions in the packet. Students began reading On the Job for Editor-in-Chief (10), Meteorologist (18), Hurricane Specialist (24), Natural Hazards Planner (27) and Reporter (40). While reading these articles, students completed the worksheet On the Job--Expert Tasks Q & A. Students will complete this assignment during the first 10-15 minutes of the next class.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

11-13 (B Day) Happenings

We reviewed the Packer Contest and finished the 3-2-1 discussion of the Personal Experience Speech. I checked supplies and gave students a new seating chart. I handed out the Hurricane Packet. We watched a brief video on Hurricane Andrew and recorded thoughts related to Hurricanes. Students completed a pre-reading assignment and then we read A Hurricane's Humble Beginnings from the Hurricane! book. I shared some Content Reading Strategies. We watched a Brainpop on hurricanes and answered review questions in the packet. Students began reading On the Job for Editor-in-Chief (10), Meteorologist (18), Hurricane Specialist (24), Natural Hazards Planner (27) and Reporter (40). While reading these articles, students completed the worksheet On the Job--Expert Tasks Q & A. Students will complete this assignment during the first 10-15 minutes of the next class.

  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mr. Buckley's Trip to Lambeau Field on November 11, 2007

On Sunday, November 11, my wife and I went to Lambeau Field to cheer on the Packers as they played the Vikings. Here are some pictures of a great Green Bay Packers experience!

In the parking lot before the game.

Pregame photos before the big game.

I can't wait for the game to start!

The Lambeau Field parking lot prior to kickoff. Look to the left of the picture and you can see the throngs of people coming to the game.

Introducing . . . BRETT FAVRE!!!


Favre getting ready to beat the Vikings.

Cheering for the Green and Gold in the stands!

After the game, teams shake hands and then run off the field!

Final Score: Packers 34, Vikings 0.
The first time the Packers shut out the Vikings.
The worst Vikings regular season loss.
The most fans in attendance at a Packer regular season game.

The Lambeau Field Atrium is really cool!

We had an awesome time at Lambeau Field. The Green Bay Packers dominated my biggest rival, the Minnesota Vikings! It was a great day to be at Lambeau and to be a Packer fan!


11-12 (A Day) Happenings

Today was the final day of the Communication Unit. We reviewed the Packer Contest and watched a brief Web 2.0 video titled Information R/evolution. We used the 3-2-1 activity to discuss the Personal Experience Speech. The final activity of the Communication Unit involved watching and discussing The Wonder Years as a good example of a Personal Experience Speech.

  • Complete the blog activity Life Logged off? No way, Carleton students say. (DUE Wednesday)
  • Complete the blog activity Information R/evolution Video. (DUE Wednesday)
  • Complete the blog activity The Wonder Years: An Example of a Personal Experience Speech. (DUE Wednesday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

Friday, November 9, 2007

11-9 (B Day) Happenings

Today was the final day of the Communication Unit. We voted on the Packer Contest and watched a brief Web 2.0 video titled Information R/evolution. We used the 3-2-1 activity to discuss the Personal Experience Speech. The final activity of the Communication Unit involved watching and discussing The Wonder Years as a good example of a Personal Experience Speech.

  • Complete the blog activity Life Logged off? No way, Carleton students say. (DUE Tuesday)
  • Complete the blog activity Information R/evolution Video. (DUE Tuesday)
  • Complete the blog activity The Wonder Years: An Example of a Personal Experience Speech. (DUE Tuesday)
  • Check the blog daily and complete any tasks that are added.
  • Bring all supplies to class.
All extra credit assignments are optional.
Please remember that all handouts can be downloaded and printed out at

The Wonder Years: An Example of a Personal Experience Speech

The Wonder Years serves as a great example of a Personal Experience Speech. The time and place are established, chronological details are shared and each episode ends with some sort of lesson. What do you think was the lesson of one of the episodes of The Wonder Years? Can you relate to that lesson? In other words, have you had a similar experience or learned that lesson?