Thursday, August 30, 2007

Vote Now

Our 1st poll is live! Vote for your favorite (or not so favorite) football team! GO PACK!


Queticogirl said...

The Packers are THE best!

Miss Buckley (7th grade Language Arts Teacher at South View AND Mr. Buckley's sister!)

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

Hi Mr. Buckley. I'm sorry but i don't like the packers.

Samantha K- 1/2A said...

The packers are a really good team but I dont really care about football.

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

Hey Mr. Buckley the Packers will be better this year with their D-Line and with Brett leading but I think their recieving corps is a little young..

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

Football dose not interest me so, but I am supportive of you enjoyment of the team 'Pack'.
I tottaly appologize for my fathers actions on the goldenrod sheet, with the crossing of the Pack and all... I shouldn't have let him sign alone. Back on topic, Is there any prectiular reason for the Packers? If so, what? And what team would you choose if there was no packers to root for? I dont know if you acctualy read/reply to any of these, but If you do I would LOVE to know. Its the small details that intrest me really. I'm sure your getting tired (if you are) of reading this, so all I have to say now is:
Go Pack!

(I know thats your thing but...)

Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...

I ♥ football, but just not the packers or vikings.... the vikings aren't good, but the packers are o-k!

Anonymous said...

I don't like the Packers...

David F.lrt7/8A said...

I'm going to have to chose the Patriots over the "Pack"

Jon Buckley said...

In response to Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B--I appreciate your support of my fanaticsm of the Packers and I also understand and appreciate your Dad's sense of humor.

I grew up in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I watched Packers games since I can remember and when I was very young the Packers weren't very good. They were awful for a very long time until Brett Favre arrived and eventually won a Super Bowl. I love watching the game of football and in fact, I have season tickets to the Minnesota Gophers Football games.

I've noticed that you've already added to your blog and laid out the ground rules for those who post. I'm impressed.

Jacksonc said...

I really don't mind the Packers, but don't think I could ever get totally get into professional football. Ever since I was a kid, I grew up college football, rooting for the Buckeyes, and booing USC and Michigan (but more USC). For me, college players are just more into it, they play for fun, not money. It's just more exciting for me to watch a Ohio State-Michigan game than a Viking-Packer game

Jackson C.

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

Usually I will root for the Vikings if they are playing, but I'm not obsessed with them or anything. I don't really mind the Packers, even though everyone else in my family hates them (sorry Mr. Buckley!). My all-time favorite team would be the Pittsburg Stealers though!

Jon Buckley said...

Jackson C.-LRT 5/6A--I understand what you're saying about college players playing for the love of the game. But that's one great thing about Brett Favre. He truly just loves to play football. That's what makes him special!

Jon Buckley said...

Sarah S.-LRT 5/6A--Mr. Forster, who will teach the 2nd semester of LRT, LOVES the Steelers! You will have to let him know.

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

My favourite team is the rams since I'm a st louis fan...

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

Thanks a BUNCH for replying!!

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

Go pack!

Jake B-LRT-1/2B said...

hey mr Buckley! so far the pack are 1-0, go pack

David F.lrt7/8A said...

just 'cause the "pack" won once. Dosen't mean they're going to win the superbowl. But I really don't care about football I'm a Red Sox fan.

Jon Buckley said...

I'm a Red Sox fan too. I love watching a game at Fenway and eating Fenway franks!

sherlock Homles said...

* the packers are great this year even though i love the vikings but it's ok the both rock************* go pack!!!!!!!!!

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

ehh.. packers are alright...