Thursday, September 27, 2007

3-2-1 Discussion of Communication Module

Now that the Communication Module is over, please take a few moments to complete a 3-2-1 discussion.
  • Give 3 putups--let me know what you found interesting, enjoyable, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Make 2 suggestions--let me know what I could do differently to make the module more interesting, fun, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Ask 1 question--share one question relating to communication that you did not have answered.
Your comments help me understand what is good about the Communication Module and what I can do to make it better in the future. Thanks for your time and input.


Camille P 5/6B said...

3-a. I liked that it was a scan tron test b. It was nice that we didn't take the test the whole period c. The challenge was good.

2-a. Give more time to study b. I'm sorry, I can't think of another one because I liked the test.

1- Not in a mean way or anything, but why do we learn this?


Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

3 things I enjoyed were:
-The communication drawing activity
-The TV watching assignment
-Watching the "It's not what you say" video

2 suggestions I have:
-I did not like using Quiz Star
-The test was really easy

1 question I still have:
-Is sign language considered verbal or nonverbal communication?

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

1) I loved watching everybody loves Raymond.
2) I thought the test was at a good level of difficulty.
3) I think doing the parent persuasive speech is a really fun way to practice public speaking.

1) That packet assignment at the begginning of the unit could have been broken down into smaller parts.
2) I thought we could have played more games that have communication elements.

1) You said mass communication was when someone was physically there listening to a speaker. If a radio broadcast is on and you're a janitor in the building, are you physically there?

Izy :)

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

3 things i liked:
1. I liked watching Everyone Loves Raymond

2. I liked watching TV for homework

3. The test was pretty easy

2 suggestions
1. I didn't like Quiz Star- I accidentaly pressed and answer and I couldn't change it

2. The communication packet was kind of long.

1 question
1. I don't have a question

ashley e said...

3 things I liked:
-I liked watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" in class.
-I liked the Parent Persuasive Speech.
-The test was actually pretty easy for me.

2 suggestions:
-The communication packet was pretty long.
-I didn't like using Quiz Star.

1 question:
-I don't have a question.

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

3 things I enjoyed:
1. Watching the t.v. shows and finding examples of communication in them.
2. The drawing activity.
3. Having to make our own communication process stories.
2 Sudgestions:
1. Do more activities that involve getting up and communicating with others in the room.
2. The "It's Not What You Say" video was all just plain review for me. I already knew 99.9% of what that guy said.
1 Question:
What's it called when the reciever is listening to the messege?

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

3 things that I enjoyed were:
-the communication drawing activity where you drew what you heard the person describing
-that the test was a scan tron
-watching tv for homework
2 suggestions that I have:
-don't use quiz star to take the pre-test
-playing more games to learn about communication
1 question that I still have:
-how is this supposed to help us in the future?

Tierra D. 7/8A said...

3-I liked learning about all of the types of communication I had never thought of communicating in such depth befor, it was interesting. I also like the fact that it was a scantron. Another thing I liked about the communication module was the fact that our homework was to watch t.v.

2- 1. I didn't like doing was confusing.
2. We could have played more games or more hands on activities to help us understand communication better.

3- how is this supposed to help our communication.

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

3 putups: a. i thought that the did you know video was SUPER weird/interesting. more interesting though. b. the drawing activity was a great way to show how much we really need communication. c. the homework where we watched TV was really cool.

2 suggestions: a. giving us more time on the big blue packet. b. give us a little more time to study.

1 question: I didnt really get how Everybody Loves Raymond had something to do with our communication unit but it was fun!

David F.lrt7/8A said...

I have really enjoyed all the short videos, the blog has been very hrlpful, and the paket was very informational. If I were to make any suggestions when you say on the blog 9-24 assignment that you put what day it was. for example: monday 9-24. Another suggestion i have would be that there be a little less bloging.

michael j said...

3.a]iliked using the computers for that test.b]iliked the drawing activity.c]wachting everyone loves raymond
2.a]wacht more tv shows.b]take out a test many people did this help?

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

3.I now realize the importance of communication in the world today. I loved watching EVERY BODY LOVES RAYMOND. I liked the fact that it was a scantron test.

2.Mabey breaking down the first assignment into smaller chunks.
Also we spent so much time in class on some stuff but not on other material.

1. Is this really necessary for our everyday lives even if we already know how to communicate?

Svea!!! said...

3. a. I enjoyed doing the activity when the people had to draw what the speaker told them to draw.
b. I liked how you printed the power point slides onto paper, it was a good visual.
c. I liked that it was a small refresher to what i had already known.

2. a. You could maybe make some kind of review game to go over before the test.
b. You could maybe find a different video than the one we watched in class. :)

1. a. Is teaching about communication a mandatory part of the curriculum or did you choose to teach it to us?!

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

a. I liked the R.I.F. days the most!
b. I liked the Did you know 2.0 as well as the other video we watched.
c. Everybody loves raymond was hillarious

a. I wish we had more wrighting time
b. I wish we had more R.I.F time

a. What will our up-comming assignments be like?


Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

3 things I enjoyed were:
1.the TV watching assignment
2.the communication drawing activity
3.having to make our own communication stories.

2 suggestions I have:
1. I didn't like quizstar
2. The communication packet was too long

1 question I still have:
1. I don't have a question :)

Joey said...

Three things I liked or found educational were the drawing activity, the first school day ever video, and the last video we watched. Two things that would make it more fun would be to do more drawing activities and to watch some more videos that help us understand communication. One thing I didn't fully undersand was symbol communication.

Jenny W said...

I liked the drawing activity, the persuasive speach and the cheesey movies.

I think that some of the movies were not necessary and made the lessons more confusing. I also think that we should have gone through the packet on various days instead of just having to read it all in one night... it just made it harder to grasp

I didn't get the difference between public and mass communication...

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

3 things I enjoyed were:
-the TV watching assignment
-watching Everybody Loves Raymond
-the communication drawing activity

2 suggestions:
-the packet was really big and it was hard to read what was crossed off and what wasn't
-more games and activities would be nice

1 question:
-I don't have a question

Ivan L-LRT 5/6B said...

3-Watching everybody loves raymond.
-The assignments were basically self explanitory
-The drawing activity.
2-Have more explanation on the power point
-Can't think of another one
1-If you were talking to another person in a different language, but the reciever couldnt understand you, what would that be?

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

1. The three things that I enjoyed were:
a. I really liked the drawing activity.
b. I also liked the Everybody loves Raymond activity.
c. The third thing that I liked was the Parent Persuasive Speech even though I didn't convince my parents.
2. Two suggestions:
a. I don't think we should watch that really cheesy movie with the really bad acting. It's long and just a little bit boring. :)
b. I think we should have done the drawing activity at home to one of our famiy members to see how they would have reacted.
3. I can't really think of a question right now. Sorry.

Morganf said...

3 things I enjoyed were...
-Drawing activity
-TV assignment
-Watching the video "it’s not what you say"

2 things I didn't like were....
- The communication packet was pretty long
- I think we should have played more games to help us learn about communication

1 Question....
- Not to be mean or anything but how is learning every little thing about communication going to help us?


Emily said...

3 things that I enjoyed:
1. I loved watching Everybody loves Raymond.
2. I loved having to watch tv as homework.
3. I liked the drawing activity.

2 suggestions I have are:
1. Not watching the movie that we watched at the end. NO offense but it wasn't very interesting and we already knew most of it.
2. Make the test more challenging. It was too simple.

1 question I have:
1. If we already knew how to communicate since we do it all the time, why was it so important for us to know the parts and types?

Phil D-12b said...

1 I liked that the test was a scan tron test. i liked the Did You Know movie. I also liked the whatching TV homework assingment.
2 the test was really easy
I dont like the quizez online
3 what would thoughts be?

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...
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Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

3. -I liked the drawing activity.
-I liked taking the quiz on the computer.- I liked the watching tv homework.
2.-Make the test a little bit harder. -The packet wasn't very fun so I would not use it.
1. I don't have any questons.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...
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Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

First, I liked watching Everybody Loves Raymond. It was funny.
Second, I liked how we got to highlight things in the communucation packet.
Third, I liked some of the videos we watched.
Maybe some communication games etc, would make learning about it more fun.
Also I think that there could be communication skits or something. I don't really have a question about communication.

Ariel L said...

3a. I liked the review sheet. I found it a great help on the test. b. I liked the TV show assignment because...well...cmon, TV! c. Watching the Everybody Loves Raymond show was fun...

2a. I think we should have done speeches in front of the class for extra credit. b. I think we should learn sign language.

3. Can't think of anything...

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

-I like homework that has to do with watching TV
-I like being able to Read in a different class besides Lang. Arts.
-I like blogging

-I don't really care for Quiz Star
-I would like more time to study

-Why do we have to learn about fear in communication?

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

3 things I liked were...
The drawing game
That it was a scan tron test
watching T.V. in class

2 suggestions...
We could have played more games
The packet could have been shorter

1 Question
I don't have a question

thomas m-lrt 5/6b said...

3.I really thought that that movie was fun because it was really cheesy
which was funny. I also liked how we did the quiz on the computer with our partners. it was also an interesting scan tron test.

2 I think that we could have done some more activities
and i think you should ditch the big packet and hand out small packets for each days or something like that because say you lost you packet than you are in deep trouble.

1 why do we have to learn this stuff any way.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

3.a:The drawing activity.
b:The watching TV assignment.
c:I loved watching Everybody Loves Raymond.

2.a:I didn't like Quiz Star.
b:Less homework.

1.a:I can't really think of a question right now, sorry.

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

I thought leanrning about communication was interesting, it was also enjoyable, and it was educational.

It was great except the packet was huge.

Can we not have a huge packet for all of our units?

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

I found it interesting how important communication was. I liked watching seinfeld. I liked how the test was multiple choice.

You could do more class activities. You could have a fun study day before the test.

I can 't really think of a question :/

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

I liked...
-The drawing activity
-Watching the you tube videos
-Making my own blogger account

My Suggestions...
-The packet was really long
-I think we spent too long on a unit that most people already know.

My Question...
-What is the difference between Mass communication and Group communication? They both seem like exactly the same things.

Maddie D said...

a.I liked how we watched videos it helped me focus more because it was better then writing and listening
b.I also liked how we got to do activities to show me and give examples of what we were learning about.
c. I liked doing the parent purswasive speech it was fun to have them listening to ME!!

a. Maybe more activities just to give me the feel to more what we are talking about.
b. The test could be a little more challenging it took me like 7 minuets to finish it and I thought it was really easy.

a. I really didn't get how verbal and vocal messages were to different things it confused me.

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

3 Things I liked:
-watching T.V for homework
-watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" in school
-the drawing activity

2 suggestions:
-although the test was 50 questions, it was really easy
-the powerpoint and the first part of the packet were basicaly the same thing repeated. It could have been just one, preferably the power point because things were stated more clearly in it.

3 (no offense) I don't get why we learn this. It's not as though we'll be thinking "I'm sending a nonverbal message" when we wave at someone.

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

3 things I enjoyed
-watching Everybody Loves Raymond
-RIF days
-watching Did You Know

2 suggestions
-I didn't like Quiz Star
-Didn't like the packet because it was too long

I don't understand the dfference between public and mass communication


T Moor said...

3. things i enjoyed were:
-that we got to watch any TV show for homework.
-the drawing activity.
-i liked how the test was only a scan tron.
2. suggestions: show some packer footage whenever they win a game.
-some of the questions on the test didn't make a whole lot of sense.
1. i don't got any questions

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

3 things I enjoyed were:
-The Communication Drawing activity
-The notes from TV shows
-Using Quiz Star

2 Suggestions:
-The communication packet was really long.
-We could use a review guide

1 question I still have:
-How will this help me in the future?

Jeff s said...

3 things i liked were.
1. watching everbody loves raymond
2. watching T.V. for homework
3. the cheesy video
2 suggestens are...
1. make studying this more interesting
2. i did not like using the quiz star.
1 question
1. how does this tie in with LRT?

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

3 things I enjoyed were:
a)The demonstration on communication
b)The TV watching assignment
c)The parent persuasive speach: mine worked!

2 suggestions would be:
a)The packets(kinda boring)
b)Maybe try a game to teach us

1 question I still have:
a)What would an idea/thought in your head be? Verbal, vocal or nonverbal?

Steve P-LRT 7/8B said...

The three things I enjoyed were:
1. Watching ''Everybody Loves Raymond.''
2. Playing the communication game.
3. Watching. ''It's not what you say.''
Two suggetions I have are:
1. The test was too easy!
2. We didn't do that much fun stuff.
One question I have is:
1.I dont have one.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

3. my putups are: a. Watching Everbody Loves Raymond was fun! b. The challenge was fun. c. the test wasn't that hard.

2. My 2 seggestions are: a. more hands on activities. b. next year, please don't make you're students watch that corny movie. I didn't learn anything and it was boring.

3. No offence or anything but most of the communications stuff I alreaddy knew. So why did I have to re-learn all of this? And I also have another question, Why couldn't we learn a little sign langueg?

Anonymous said...

1. I thought that watching "Everybody loves Raymond" was fun.
2. The drawing activity was fun.
3. The test was not too hard and not too easy.
1. Don't watch the "It's not what you say" video. It was really boring.
2. You should use the storys more to show what the different types of communication are.
1. Would public communication be the same as group communication?

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

1 a. I liked the activities we did(drawing activities) b. watching TV in class was cool c. Did You Know 2.0 was cool.

2. a. Give us more time to study in class b. More moving activities

3. Can't think of question

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

3 things i like are:
- the drawing activity was fun.
- watching tv for my homework.
- watching "everybody loves Raymond"

2 suggestions:
- do more activities
- the not what you say video was really boring

1 question- I don't have a question

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

3-a. i liked the fact that the test was easy B. the test was very short so it didnt take up all hour C. it was a medium on the difficulty level
2. let us kno ahead of time when the test is not just a day or two... like a week
1. cant think of one...

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

I liked watching every body loves raymond, The video about the high schoolers playing board games, and I know why communication is so important.

More fun stuff and give more time to study.

Could the test be any more easier?

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

3. I really enjoyed the Did You Know 2.0 video, the Everybody Loves Raymond episodes, and the communication flow maps.

2. I think that if we had been able to do the symbol communication activity that would have been fun, otherwise I think the unit was great.

1. I do not have any questions.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

I think that the videos were really cool. Also i think that it was neet to learn that the #1 fear is speeking infrount of people. last i think that most of the stuff we learn in this class will help me when i am older. Im not sure what you could do differently cause i think that it is fine the way that it is, but i do think the movies really bring a good point across. why is speeking in public the biggest fear?

EmmaC-LRT 7/8 B said...

3 things I liked were:
a.The Communication drawing activity
b.Watching the "Did you know" video
c.I liked that the test was scan tron.

2 suggestions:
a. The blue packet was really long, and we didn't have that much time to complete it.
b.Quiz star was a little confuzing.

I dont have a question.

Jackson K1/2A said...

3 things I liked were watching everybody loves raymond, the drawing activity, and the parent persuasive speech. 2 suggestions are the packet took a while, and have more time in class to study. 1 question is will watching everybody loves raymond help us in the future?

Jacksonc said...

1a. Everybody Loves Raymond
b. The scantron test
c. The TV assignment
2a. The test was a little too easy
b Maybe more games like the drawing activity
3 If this is a theory of communication, are there other theories of communication.

Erik N-1/2 A said...

a.Class activities
b.Everybody Loves Raymond
c.Persuasive speech to get what you want
a.No need for that video thing
b.More class activities
3. How often do we do intrapersonal communication daily?

Chris B.-1/2A said...

3 things I found enjoyable
-The drawing project
-The parent persuasive speech
-The learning experience

2 things you could do differently
-Just make it more fun in general
-More fun activities

1 question I have
-Why did we have to watch TV? (not that I have anything against it)

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

3.I liked the assignment when we watched a TV show, The test was not to hard, and I now know way more about communicating.
2.Get more interesting videos and have more COMMUNICATING time.
1.I can't think of a question. Hope you don't mind.

Joe N-1/2 A said...

3 things I liked were
-TV assignment
-The test was the right difficulty
-the drawing activity
2 suggestions
-the communication packet was a little long
-more study time
1 question
-no questions

Ellen!! said...

Hey mr. Buckley!!
1. So far I really liked watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" and the T.V. homework assignement! It was sooo nice to actually have an enjoyable assignement

2. I think that we shouldn't be given so homework, we already have enough in the first place. I also think that the tests should be short and sweet!

3. I dont understand the meaning of this class, whats the point?

Griffin C-lrt5-6a said...

Hey Mr Buckley!

3) pu tups of the communtcation unit were
A) i liked qwatching the raymond epasiod to learn the different kinds of communication.
B)The communication drawing activity.
C)When youscared all of us with your nonverbal communication act!

2)Two things that i would suggest to chance for next year
A)I think that you could have broken the big bleu packet in to smalller pieces.
B)I think that we could have had done more in classe activities.

1) One question I had was whather there is ever a moment were we are not using communication?

Lift (britta) said...

3) -I liked the drawing activity
-I liked how we watched really freaky and interesting videos in class. (ie: "Did You Know 2.0")
-I liked the matching part of the test.

2) -I thought reading the packet was kind of dull
-I think the test would be cool to do online

1) -I know that in the packet the authors said that it will help a whole lot to know all of this communication stuff and in the future we will do a whole lot better, but I really can't picture all of this communication lore coming in handy on a daily basis. How will this propaganda help us in any way whatsoever?


Grant M-1/2 A said...

-I like watching Everybody Loves Raymond.
-I liked the TV assignment.
-I like the Parent Persuasive Speech Assignment
-The test was easy.
-A review game might help.
1. Why do we learn about communication?

Peter slrt-5/6A said...


a. The tv episode and homework.
b. The thing were a kid had to explain a drawing.
c. The test way nice.


a. Less homework.
b. More rif time.


a. What do mimes have to do with communication.
(it was hard to find a question)

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

3. Things I enjoyed were:
- Watching "Everybody Loves Raymond"
- The Drawing Exercises
- I liked watching the video "It's not what you say"

2. Suggestions
- The packets are a little boring
- The test was pretty easy

1. Question
- Is reading in your head considered Intrapersonal communicaion?

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

i liked the drawing activity,i liked watching everybody loves raymond because it showed the differnt types of communication in real life/TV,i liked the parent persuassive speach becasue its a chance to get what you want.
2 suggestions are have more activitys
more time to study for our test
1 question i dont understand why we need to know this

The Donald said...

i think it was good because it's such an every day ting. i personally i'm not the best speeker. it leads well into the next uh=nit fear being the #1 fear.
i'd do less packet reading more group stuff being that it's a communication module.

Tara G-LRT 1/2 B said...

1. We know more vocabulary
2. We got to watch a cheesy movie
3. Scantron test vs. written
1. Make the test NOT about memorizing
2. Learn more about actually talking
1. Why did we do this unit?

JustinN-LRT 7/8B said...

3 Things I Enjoyed:
-I liked the watching tv assignmet
-I thought that the test was a good challenge
-I enjoyed Everybody Loves Raymond
2 Suggestions:
-I didn't like quizstar
-The packet was long
1 guestion:
-Why do we learn this?

McKenzie L said...

3. a) I liked doing the pictionary game that we played.
b) I liked the teast being a scantron because I think people do much better if they have a choice.
c) I liked watching "Everyone Loves Raymond"
2. a) I think that you should have a study day so that people can understand what's going to be on the test.
b) I think that you should have a study session after school some time.
1. a) Sorry, I don't really have any questions.

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

3.-a. it was kinda cool to get to watch tv for hw.
b. the videos

2.-a. i dont really like the online Quiz thingy
b. the packet was ALOT of work.

1.- i dont really have any questions!

Aria S 7/8b said...

3.Putupss...can i skip that?
2.make some of the choices less obvious.....and print your tests out in a new flasy color!
1. why do we need to learn this i mean im communitating, no?

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

three putups:
1. I liked the TV activities
2. I liked the drawing activity
3. The test wasn't too hard nor too easy

two suggestions:
1. play more 'hands on' games
2. no quizstar

Why do we have to learn about the communication process?

Hannah B-LRT 1/2 B said...

1. I liked the T.V show activity when we watched everybody loves Raymond. I like the communication drawing activity, and doing the parent persuasive speech.
2. 2 suggestions are make the communication packet a little smaller and don't use quiz star.
3. Isn't vocal communication using sound, so can't it be words also and not just noises, and sounds?

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

3 things that I enjoyed were...
- watching everbody loves Raymond
- that the test was scantron
- watching homework for tv
2 things that I have for suggestions are...
- gives a day or two more to study
- do more group activities
1 question I still have is...
-Why do we need to know about communication?

Jimmy said...

3. the test was easy. the tv assignment. its not what you say video was sweet.
2. didn't like quiz star. harder test.
1. Ive got nothing for questions.

Nico A 5/6B said...

3: I thought that the most interesting things we learned were the classifications of the different parts of the cycle of communication, the different ways we communicate, and how important communication is.

2: I think we spent too much time on the communication cycle but not enough some other things, and some homeworks were a little excessive.

1: What's the term for misinterpretation of a message because of different things?

Anonymous said...

3. I liked the speech, the sanction test and the drawing activity.
2. Expand on the leadership with out all points of communication and keep the Scranton
1. Where is communication used the most?

Haley N- LRT 5/6B said...

3 things I enjoyed were:
-Watching a TV show assignment
-"Its not what you say" video
-The test was pretty easy

2 things differently
-Broken the packet into smaller parts
-I didn't like the quizstar

I don't have a question :)

Kathleen O said...

3. I liked how the test was multiple choice, the TV assignement, and the "It's Not What You Say" video.
2. I think you should do more of the communication drawing activities, that was fun! I thought the test was too long.
1. Sorry, i don't have any questions!

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

1. it was fun.
2. it was very helpful to learn about this stuff.
3. it was very educational.

1. i think that the speech should be worth more points.
2. i think that the unit was a little to long so maybe shorten it up a little bit.

1. what was the point of this unit?

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

3. the test was easy. the tv assignment. its not what you say video was sweet.
2. didn't like quiz star. harder test.
1. Ive got nothing for questions.

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

3. I liked watching the video
2. Um... no homework!
1. Do you always make us ask questions?

Renee J said...

3. I liked the communication drawing activity, the class where we watched tv and making our own communication stories.
2. I think you should teach the vocabulary in an easier way. I think you should have us walk around the room more while we are learning.
1. Why do we need to know the three types of communication?

Kate b said...

3. drawing activty, the short show we watched, and the Parent p. speach was interesting.
2. next time may be do a partner activty(but let us pick our partners, please) where we have to communicate to them on subsific sentence non-verbal and they have to figure it out verbaly--like charades.
1. what's your favorite way to communicate?

Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

I liked the scantron test

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

a) I liked watching everybody loves raymond.
b) the parent pursuasive speech was fun
c) watching tv for homework was fun

a) I think we should have more activities
b) packects are too long and confusing

3. a) no question

Anonymous said...

3.3 things that I enjoyed where;
Watching the tv shows, the scan tron test and learning about public speeching.
2. 2 suggestions; Maybe next time give more study time in class and make the test more difficult.
1.I don't have any questions.

Michael N-1/2A said...

3 I like that you got the whole period to do i, it was scantron, you got to read once you were done

2 less questions, more matching

1 why did we learn about communication?

Tom G said...

3 A i liked the test
B i liked that it was short
C. I liked watching everybody loves raymond.
2 A play m a review game
B watch more everybody loves raymond
1 Why do we learn this

Z E V R A said...

3. i liked that it was kinda short, that we did a scantron for the test, and the drawing activity
2. maybe not have the assignment be watch a TV show, or if you do, do it over a weekend, because i barely had time to watch one! i got behind on the rest of my homework because of it(while i watch TV i CANNOT multitask--it is totally beyond me!) and watch more TV in class.
1.why did we have to learn about communication?

Anonymous said...

3) I liked that we got to watch everybody loves raymond, and that did you know clip and also the test wasn't to hard.

2) Keep the test the same and maybe not show the corny movie..

1) i dont really have a question

Anonymous said...

3) I liked that we got to watch everybody loves raymond, and that did you know clip and also the test wasn't to hard.

2) Keep the test the same and maybe not show the corny movie..

1) i dont really have a question

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

1. I loved watching everybody loves Raymond.
2. I thought the test was at a good level of difficulty.
3. I think doing the parent persuasive speech is a really fun way to practice public speaking.

1. That packet assignment at the begginning of the unit could have been broken down into smaller parts.
2. I thought we could have played more games that have communication elements.

Bridget! said...

The scan trons are good, and so was the video and the activities are good too.
2 suggestions i have for you is let us know when the test is a littloe more in advance, and do some more hands on activities.
I don't really understand why we learn about this, it isnt something we would really use...?

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

3 Putups:
1. How the test was in scan-tron format,
2. The drawing activity,
3. And the class where we watched "Everybody Loves Raymond!
2 Suggestions:
1. The green packet was a bit long, and I didn't really know where we were when we were talking about it,
2. And the Quiz Star thing was a bit confusing at times.
1 Question:
1. What was the name of the host from the video we watched?

mike m-lrt 1/2 B said...

1. I found this module interesting because it helped me understand more about communication, it helped me communicate better, and I can't think of anything else to say.
2. I think the packet should be shorter, and the unit should be a little less boring.

Jana G-LRT 1/2B said...

3. some things i found interesting were that what we do out whole lives has so much to it. I found it enjoyable that our whole test was multiple choice. It was worthwile to learn thses specific names for all those different kinds of communication.
2. you could make it more fun to try and come up with some kind of game that would help us study in class. it would also be more interesting if we learned about how a voice sound is created through the human throat.
1. a question i have is, why would we learn this in a class that is for technology?

Amira K-LRT 5/6 A said...

I liked watching everyody loves raymond, because we learned something while watching somethign that we might at home

I also liked the its not what you say video because the acting was so bad it was funny, but there also lots of information given.

Timmy E-LRT 5/6A said...

3-I liked learning how to communicate better with my friends and family and how to tell if a person is really paying attention.
2-MAke its more interactive and enjoyable for the students,
1-how do you make a speech mor intersesting for the people listening?

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed:
-The communication drawing activity
- Watching Everybody Loves Raymond
- The test wasn't the who class period
I thought the test was pretty well difficultized(if that is a word)
I don' t have a question.

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

1. I liked watching everybody loves ramond it was really funny!

2. I liked having the test be scantron.

3. I can't think of a third reason?

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

3. i thing it fun.
2. i don't because i have no ideas
1. i really did not have no questions?.

holly a-lrt7-8a said...

3. i found the communication module very interesting because i learned better about the communication in messages ect..
2. there are no suggestions i have in mind
1. no comment

Sami's bloggerrrr! said...

3 Putups!
a.I thought that the T.V. watching assignment was fun
b. I really liked the drawing activity.
c. I love blogging!

2 Suggestions.
a. The power point could of been more interesting.
b. i don't have anymore suggestions.

1 Question.
a. Personally i don't understand why we learned that because I'm pretty sure most of us already know how to communicate.

Maddie M-LRT 5/6A said...

3 putups:
1)i liked it when you had us watch the tv because it wasnt that hard to do..haha
2)i also liked it when the person had to go up infront of the class and made them say stuff to draw.
1) i agree with sami...the blogging is fun!

2 suggestions
2) i think that you should make more tv assignments
1)it was a long time ago..but i also think that you should show more of those youtube movies.

i dont have a question

Chip 5/6B said...

3. I liked watching a tv show for homework, i liked watching the tv show in class, and I liked how the test was set up

2. I think we could have had a little more time to study, and maybe do fewer blogs.

1. i can't really think of any questions i have at the moment.


mel e. said...

it was easy to understand& memorize, and it taught me abt communication.
i dont think we need to learn abt the order of how to communicate. WE KNOW HOW TO COMMUNICATE!WE DONT NEED TO THE SCIENTIFIC ORDER!!!!!!!!! you can totally shoot ?s at me abt this, btw. ive had deep discussions abt this w/ friends!

taylor u. said...

3 things i enjoyed were:
the tv episode assignment,
watching everybody loves raymond,
and the communication drawing activity.
2 suggestions i have:
the packet was really really huge,
the quiz star was confusing,
and i cant think of any more.
1 question i have:
i dont have a question.