Wednesday, November 7, 2007

3-2-1 Discussion of the Personal Experience Speech

Now that the Personal Experience Speech Module is over, please take a few moments to complete a 3-2-1 discussion.
  • Give 3 putups--let me know what you found interesting, enjoyable, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Make 2 suggestions--let me know what I could do differently to make the Personal Experience Speech Module more interesting, fun, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Ask 1 question (OPTIONAL)--share one question (if you have one) relating to the Personal Experience Speech Module that you did not have answered.
Your comments help me understand what is good about the Personal Experience Speech Module and what I can do to make it better in the future. Thanks for your time and input.


Anonymous said...

3.We got to talk in front of the class
2. we got to share fun stories
1. We didn't have a lot of homework

2. Mr. buckley should look less at the computer/paper and more at the speaker during the speeches
1. The time grading should be not 0 or 5 points, it should be based on the amount of time you missed or went over

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

1. we got to share fun stories
2. we got practice speaking in front of others
3. we didn't have to do much work during class

1we should have time to practice during class.
I don't have another suggestion.

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I liked hearing other people's stories.
2. I think it was a good idea to be able to go out in the hall before your speech.
3. I liked not having class work and homework.

1. I think we should be able to get feedback from presenting a to a small group before we present in front of the class.
2. Maybe make the packet shorter.

1. I don't really have a question...

steven D LRT 5/6b said...

1)we got to do something
2)we got good practice
3)we got some free time in class

we should have done it in the atoroium.
we should get more practice

James L. LRT 5/6 said...

I loved being able to talk in front of the class and share our strories!!!! It was very educational too.

I think you should not hve the upper time limit. it makes it hard to find a good topic and I think you should not not allow the person to move around.

Chip 5/6B said...

3. I liked hearing other peoples stories. I missed most of the Personal Experience Speech.

2. Maybe a little more time to write and practice the speech. I wrote mine the night before it was due.

1. I don't have any questions.


Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

3.We had the chance to share fun stories.
We didn't have to do much work during class.
We had the chance to practice speaking in front of the class.
2.The time grading shouldn't be all or nothing(5 or 0), we should be graded on how much time we missed or went over.
1.I don't have a question.

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I found It interesting to see who hard it really was to talk/give a speech in front of people.

2. Suggestion #1: Maybe you could make it worth 50 points instead of 100.

3. Suggestion #2: You could also give them a little more time in class to work on it if they were to have any questions or something like that.

Svea!!! said...

1. I liked having to give a speech because I have a fondness for public speaking.
2.It was enjoyable to hear funny/sad or ironic things that have happened to other people.
3. I liked taking a stroll down memory lane.

1. To have a time minimum but not a restriction.
2. To let us walk around while we present.
3. To have our peers grade our speeches not you.

1. Are there any other times when you have forgotten to pay for your gas?

Maddie D said...

1. It was fun to give speeches
2.IT was fun to listen to them also.
3. I was able to like [pay attention.
1. let us do other stuff other than listen
2 let us like give feedback and talk to them while they are speeching?
1. It was fun

Anonymous said...

1. It was cool to learn about fear and how it works
2. I liked watching dead poets society
3. The speeches were fun!

1. Don't have a limit to how long the speeches can be.
2. Let people choose the order you give the speech

1. How long have you been doing the personal speeches?

Jimmy said...

3. listening to the speeches, writing the speech, having homework time after
2. you could go over it section by section, and make the time requirements shorter.\
1. ... i got nothin...

Morganf said...

3. we got to share a personal eperience, also we didn't have a lot of homework and finally we got to practice fighin our fears ( if it was public speaking)

2. Don't make the time limit so long, and don't be so precise on the outline

1. How did our speeches compare to last years speeches?

Jenny W said...

3 put ups: I really enjoyed giving the speach. I also enjoyed listening. This was a cool way to give a speach, experience fear and learn about eachother.

2suggestions: Limit topics somewhat, fewer trips (some people used irrelevant things). Make time limit be worth 1,2,3,4,5 points so its not all or nothing.

Camille P 5/6B said...

3. We got a chance to talk in front of class.
2. We got to laugh at funny stories.
1. didn't have a lot of things we had to do in class besides just sitting.

2. should be worth less than 100 poiunts and instead like 50.
1. Let us have more time to do are speeches. :)

Jon Buckley said...

Mr. Buckley's Response #1--Thanks for your input. I will certainly keep in mind the time limit ideas and suggestions. In regards to me looking at the computer or grading rubric. I spend a lot of time filling out the grading rubric. Only 15 points is assessed on the delivery. I focus on the content which requires listening. I can see the delivery quickly and evaluate your ability to stand correctly, maintain eye contact and hear your voice. But the grading rubric is very extensive. It requires me to fill out a lot. I don't like to assign an overall grade without it broken down. This grading rubric should clearly identify what you did well and what areas you should improve on. As a result, I am not looking at the speaker for part of their speech. It's nothing personal; it's just how it works for me to grade you. In the future, it may be helpful to explain that to the class BEFORE presentations. And NO, I have not forgotten to pay for my gas since!!! :-)

Sophie N LRT 5/6b said...

1. We got to share our stories.
2. We didn't have much homework.
3. we got to relax.

1. we should have more time to practice our speach, like in frount of a group.

1. For the timeing it should be from 0-5 not just 0 or 5

Nico A 5/6B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

3. I think the speach in front of the class was really effective. I learned alot about public speaking, and honestly it's not nearly as scary as i thought, actually i kinda liked it and wanna do it again sometime. I also liked hearing all the stories.

2. i think that the template thing for writing the speach wasn't that helpful for me. I'm not sure why but i really didn't use any of the stuff i wrote on there.
I also think that this was a good thing for the fear unit.
i dont really have any other suggestions.

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

3 putups:
1) Hearing fun stories
2) Presenting to the class
3) Not alot of homework

2 suggestions:
1) I didn't like having to make notecards
2) We could have blogged on it more

1 question:
no questions!!

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

3. I liked giving the speach, seeing sobersquad and hearing your speach.
2. I think you could have given us a bit more information and helped us prepare for our speach.
1. Was the sober squad totally randome?

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

3. it was fun to watch other people tell storys

i liked not having lots of homework

i remembered my funny story and that brought back good memories

2. make the time limit shorter

you should tell more of your stories!

1. NONE!

Aria S 7/8b said...

3. I liked telling and hearing the stories. and actually thinking of them out of our threshold of memories

2.Dont make it a "personal Experiace" just somthing that could and probably wouldnt happen


caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

3 Putups-

- I liked listening to other people's speaches.
- I liked giving my speech
- I liked sharing a story

2 Suggestions-

-I didn't really get what the speech was supposed to be about until you gave your example one to the class.
-I don't think that the outline should have been such a big deal.

I don't have a question.

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

3. I liked that we got to hear interesting stories about our classmates
2. I liked that most of it was during class
1. I liked that you gave us alot time of time to work on it and not ust one day.
2. I think that is the future you should make it a little harder.
1. I also think that you shouldn't have so many steps before the final draft.

Sam W-LRT 7/8B said...

3. I thought that it was alot of fun to share important moments in our lives. I also thought it was interesting some of the stories that were told. And I thought that this project was totally worthwhile.

2. I think that it could have been less points. And also I think that it would be better if we had a little bit more time.

1. Besides the fear of talking infront of others, why were we participating in this project?

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

Three things i found educational are:
1. We learned how to give a speech.
2. We got to hear and tell stories.
3. We got a lot of study hall.
2 suggestions would be to:
1. We should practice more in class.
2. The time should have been less- sometimes stories are just short and sweet.
i don't have a question

ashley e said...

3 put ups: I thought it was fun giving our speeches. It was fun listening to other speeches. Also, it was fun sharing an experience.

2 suggestions: Don't have the time limit so restricted (you either get all or nothing). I think you should be able to get at least half of those points. I also think that we should be able to move a little bit.

I don't have a question.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

3. It was fun to hear everyone's stories, there was not a lot of work we had to do in class, and we got to give a fun speech.

2. I think you should not have the speech be worth so many pionts and have the time limit be 6 minutes because some people like to tell their stories with a lot of detail.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

I found the different stories interesting.

I liked making a speech about previous experiences.

I found ir educational, because I learned a little about fear.

One suggestion is to give more time in class to work on it.

To focus more on this.

1. I wonder why we are learning about fear in L.R.T.

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

1 The speeches I heard were interesting.
2 The speeches I heard were also enjoyable.
3 It was educational.
1 Don't make us do a packet.
2 Let us make a shorter speech.

Edie O. said...

3 putups: 1) we got the experience of talking in front of the class. 2) we learned more about each other. 3) leaned how hard it is for different people to talk in front of an audience
2 suggestions: 1) I think that performing your speech in front of a small group before in front of the whole class instead of just for your partner. 2) more flexible time limit.
(no question)

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

1. Three things that I liked were
a. The stories
b. Giving a speech (we never really do speeches in other classes ever)
c. Learning how to give a proper speech
d. Also learning what skills you need to work on when giving a speech
2. I think we could have...
a. Voted on the best speech in the class. Whoever wins would get a prize. You could not vote for your speech though. That would be really fun.
b. Maybe hear some examples of other classes to see what other stories were being told.
3. No question.

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

3) A: We all got to learn about our classmates.
B: We actually applied what we learned in the fear unit as well as the communication unit.
C: We had hardly any homework.

2) A: Don't be as precise on the outline.
B: Let our peers help grade our speech- they watched it too, and may have a different perspective.

1) I don't have a question.

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

3. We got to learn about our classmates and to hear some of their stories. We got a chance to speak in front of the class. We also didn't have a lot of homework to do and if we did, it was really easy.
2. I don't think it should matter how long our speech is. We also should've been able to practice in front of a small group before we presented it to the class so we could get some feedback.
1. I don't have a question.

Jon Buckley said...

Mr. Buckley's Response #2--The Sober Squad was not officially part of the Communication Unit, but it is an important part of LRT. A common suggestion I heard was to give students a chance to present in small groups. I actually had planned to do that but eliminated it due to time constraints. I will try to add that back in next semester. The reason we examine Fear in LRT is that one part of LRT is giving presentations and learning to deal with fear in public situations applies to that.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

3. It was fun hearing everybody's speeches.
2. We got to share stories with our classmates.
1. We got to practice speaking in front of others.

2. I think it would be fun if the speech topic was a little more specific.
1. We should get to practice with a partner more, but not just our pair and share partner :D

1. Are we going to have the chance to do another speech?

Jackson K1/2A said...

3 putups: I thought it was good to give a speech in front of a group. It was fun hearing other peoples stories, and we didn't have much homewrok.

2 suggestions: Let us tell our speech in front of a small group and get feedback, and more time to work on it in class.
I don't have a question

Joe N-1/2 A said...

1. We got to listen to a lot of interesting stories.
2. We practiced our public speaking.
3. We didn't get a lot of homework.

1. I think we should have a little more time to prepare
2. A little time to practice in class

1. No questions

Austin W- 1/2A said...

it fit comming right after the fear unit. it was good because i suck at speechs so it gave a chance to practice. i geuss you could open the area of stuff you speeck aboutt.

Tom G said...

3. We got to tell good stories.
we didn't have homework
we got to listen to fun stories
2 We should be able to give a shorter speech
We should not draw cards.

Jacksonc said...

1a We got to learn about other people in our class.
1b We didn't a lot of homework.
1c I liked thinking of a speech
2a The time limit was a bit restricted
2b Give us something to hold on to, like a podium with the little sidebars out of it.

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

3: It was a fun unit. Everyone got to know each other more. There was not a lot of homework

2: Give us more time to practice in class. Tell us more stories about yourself.


Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

1. We didn't have a lot of homework during the speech days
2. We got to hear fun storys
3. we got practice at doing speeches

We should have time to practice during class.

No more suggestions or questions

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

3 putups:
I really liked learning how to present a speech even though it was a hard fear to conquer.
I really think that leaning about speeches will help me later on in life.
I thought this was a worhtwhile use of my time.

2 suggestions:
I think that we should've presented the speeches in groups so that people wouldn't be so nervous.
I think that we should have had more time to write the speech.

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

1. i thought it was fun because we could hear what has happened to other people and it was cool to tell people my story and what it was like with more than 300 snakes. was fun because it is a challenge to think of a whole speech and have it be at least two and a half minutes long. was also good because we a lot of time to prpare for our speech and that there was not a whole lot of pressure while you were giving your speech to the class.
1. i think that it shoulnd be 100 points because you want it to be perfect if it is such a high percentege of you grade and if you bomb it you have a verry little chance of getting an A for a grade.
2.i also think that it sholdnt have to be so long because it took me a long time tho get the time right to get a whole two and a half minutes for my speech. question is why did we have to do a speech about becase i think that it would be more fun if we made a story and shared it with the class because i belive that it would be less pressure and a lot more fun for the class to listen to.

David F.lrt7/8A said...

3.we got alot of time to prepare
2.we got to hear some funny speaches. was also very interesting

1.I don't think that we should be graded on if our speach was interesting or not.
2.having a litlle more direction

1. I was wondering why do we need to do speechs infront of the class? Could'nt we just give our speech to our parents like we did last time.

michael j said...

3.i loved hearing the stories,got to talk in front of class, telling a story
2.should of paid more attention to the speaker,and nothing
1. why didn't you do this earlilier?

Kate b said...

3. we got to let the class know a little more about us.
2. we got to have a chance to be brave and try to be a public speacker for a second.
1. we kind of didn't do any thing else, which was cool.

2. next time we should have the speaker sit in the confutible chairs instead of standing while speaking
1. no other suggestions

1. Why did u say who was in the hole? FYI-(it just makes them more nervus to know there going up soon)

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

3 putups:
1. We got to listen to other people's stories/speeches.
2. Other than the speech, we didn't have much homework
3. There wasn't a lot of pressure when you had to give your speech to the class.
2 suggestions:
1. Let us work with other people besides our pair and share partner.
2. Give us maybe just a little more time to work on our speeches.
1 Question:
1. Why do we have to do the speech module?

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

a. I thought it was cool how the fear segmant tied into the speach
b. I thought it was great that we could experince this first hand.
c. I enjoyed hearing everyones storys!

a. I think we should have had more time to prepare, and really give stong boundrys on what to talk about.
b. I think we should be able to move while we present.

Ivan L-LRT 5/6B said...

1.we got to hear about other people's expierences. was fun to speak to the class
3the stories we shared brought back some good memories.

1.Don't dock of points for moving around other suggestoin

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

3. share our stories
2. not alot of homework
1.good expeirence for future

2. shorten the packet
1. the time limet was a crule thing to grade us on. u should tell us that u want it at those designated times

1. no questions

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

3. We talked in front of the class.
We shared fun stories.
We didn't get a lot of homework.

2. We should have gave our speeches in front of the whole grade.
Make the packet shorter

1. don't got one

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

1. I don't think that we should have been graded on note cards

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

3 putups:
- I liked hearing everyone's stories
- We didn't have a lot of homework
- It was fun to speak in front of the class

2 suggestions:
- Take volunteers for the order of the speeches
- More specific speech topic

1 question:
- Are we going to do another speech?

Patrick S-LRT-5/6B said...

3 put ups:I liked listening to everyones speaches.
peoples storys are interesting.
I liked the time we got in the hall to practice

2 suggestions: I suggest to give people more time in class to practice.
lower the 2:30 min to 2:00 or sumthing.

Nico A 5/6B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

put ups
3.a. I thought it was good that we had to speak in front of the class. b. I thought the packet was good easy homework. c. I liked learning alittle more about the people in the class.
2 suggestions
a. I thought that 2 min and thrity seconds was going to be easy but it wasn't so i think you should cut back the time at least by 10 seconds.
b. You should give us a little more prep time.
1 queston
sorry don't have one

Nico A 5/6B said...

Ok, HERE I go

3: I think the speech a)helped us use what we know during the fear unit, b)gave us an experience with speaking, and c)helped us conquer our fears.

2: I think a)the assignment shouldn't be graded so strictly! and b)I think you should leave most other things as they are.

1: Why did we do this exactly?? If it's because of the fear unit, why did we do THAT?

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

3 putups:
1. I found that hearing all the different stories was interesting
2. I liked how when we were on deck we got a little bit of time for ourselves in the hallway to prepare
3. I enjoyed not having so much class work and homework

2 suggestions:
1. Give us more time to practice
2. tell us more about how we are being graded instead of just giving us the packet and having us figure it out

I do not have a question.

thomas m-lrt 5/6b said...

3 I liked the opportunity to talk in front of my class mates. i also liked sharing my trip with other people. and i also liked getting to know my class mates better.
2 some suggestions that i have are that you could lengthen the time we got to type the outline. another suggestion is that you could let us do self and peer evaluations as well as yours.

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

1.) it was kind of fun being up there talking to all those people.2)nothing really because you get to tell a personal story to other people and people could get to know you.3)optiolan no comment.

Renee J said...

1. We expierienced public speaking first-hand.
2. We got to listen to other people's personal expierience speaches that were very interesting.
3. We learned how to create a speech, what to put on notecards, and how to present a speech.

1. We should have a certain speaking order, and not just a card we draw.
2. We should have practiced the speech to our table buddy before the class.

1. Does everybody (impotant) make an outline before they present a speech?

Danielle S-1/2A said...

3. We got to practice talking infrount of a large groupe.
2. We got to lissen to fun stories, and we got to learn stuff about our peers we didn't know.
1. It wasn't a whole buch of work!

2. I think that you should take volentires to persent first, and then draw names randomly.
1. I don't really have another suggestion because I think everything went really well.

Emily said...

3. -we got to hear good stories
-we didn't get much homework
-it let us somewhat overcome fear by speaking in front of everyone.

2. -more time to practice the speech in front of some class mates
-you should just be able to write about an experience. Not one where you had to learn something.

1. No Question

Grant M-1/2 A said...

3. It was fun talking in front of everyone
2. It was nice to be able to go in the hall before we started our speech.
1. It was nice not having much homework.

2. I dont think it should be graded on how much time your speech lasted.
1. the time grading shouldn't be all or nothing.
1.How many years have you done the speeches?

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

1.We got to work on our speaking skills.
2. We got to listen to some great stories.
3.I learned more about other people.

1.The time limit could have been shorter.
2.the Visual should have been madatory, it gave those speeches something extra.

Anonymous said...

3. I thought that just the chance to do this was worthwhile. It was very interesting finding out what I can improve on while giving a speech. I thought the overall assignment was very educational.
2. Let another student give us a practice grade with the real grade sheet. Give us maybe 2 more class periods to work on it.
1. How does this relate to the overall goal of the class?

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

3. I found that listening to other people's speeches was fun.
2. This was a good practice for public speaking.
1. It was not a hard assignment/project, yet it was effective.

2. I think we should have had time to present to a very small group before having to present to the entire class.


grace Q78lrt said...

1. I liked getting to watch other people do their speeches.
2. I liked the fact that we could do our speech on anything we wanted.
3. it was sorta fun presenting our speeches.

1. You should look up more because almost every time you were looking down I was looking up, and I didn't do that on purpose.

2. I don't have any other suggestions,

Kathleen O said...

3. I enjoyed listening to all the different experiences, I liked that we could ask questions after they gave their speech, and lastly, I liked how it was a relaxed presentation.
2. I think something we could have done differently is to let us have more time in class to practice, and a better idea of how we are supposed to present it.
1. I don't have any...

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

1. I liked that we got to share some stories.
2. I liked to hear everyone's story because they were all so different.
3. I liked that we didn't have a lot of homework.

1. One suggestion is that we dont have a time limit and if we do it could be 2 minutes.

2. Another suggestion is that we could move around while giving a speech.