Friday, November 9, 2007

Information R/evolution Video

Watch the video titled Information R/evolution.

Now respond to the following questions:
  1. What are three things you learned from the video?
  2. What was one cool thing about the video?
  3. What do you think was the main message that Michael Wesch (the creator of this video) was trying to get across?


James L. LRT 5/6 said...

1. Information is a thing.
2. It is everywhere.
3. the web allows us a much wider range of info.

Information can be stored anywhere!

Same as above

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

1. Info is everywhere

2. It's a growing thing

3. the web lets us do alot more than we used to do

we should be careful about what we do on the web becasue it can go anywhere

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

1. Information is all around us.
2. It is finding us as much as we are finding it.
3. the computers know more than the experts.

People used to have to do everything with books- we are much more advanced now.

Computers tell us everything!

Sam W-LRT 7/8B said...

1. I learned that you can find info. everywhere. I learned that it can be stored anywhere. And I learned that it is always growing.

2. That everything kept on being changed and it was very fast.

3. That Technology gives us much greater definitions and everything.

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

1. Information surrounds us
2. Its spreading
3. The internet learns, and when it learns enough... who knows?!

ashley e said...

1. Information can be found everywhere.
2. It is a thing.
3. It is still hard to find!

It tells how people thought the internet would never be big...but now look!

I think the main message that was trying to get across was that information is everywhere and that computers are a big part of today's society, so we should learn all of the little details about it.

Anonymous said...

1. Information isn't always in one place
2. Information goes way further with technology
3. We can share info easily\

That technology is everywhere and we make more information than real facts.

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

Information is everywhere.
The internet has a lot of information on it.
Information is important.

The internet is huge.

Information is great and useful.

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

1. Information is everywhere.
2. Conputers can do way more than people, and keeps getting better.
3. We are able to do a lot more with computers.

I liked how fast everything went, especially when he changed the typing.

I think that he was trying to tell us how advanced and smart computers can be.

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Information was very hard to find without computers.
2. everything has a category.
3. Information is everywhere

Everything looks so easy and fast and sometimes that's not the case.

Thanks goodness we went digital!

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

1. I learned that information was hard to find before the revolution of computers.
Information isn't only in one place.
Computers know more than we do.
2. One cool thing is that information is still growing and spreading!
3. I think he wanted to portray the idea that now technology is so advanced that information is everywhere!

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

1. Information is everywhere
2. We've added more to the web than experts
3. There are more than a trillion words on google

I thought it was cool when they showed the difference between the typewriter and the computer.

That the web is huge and there's a lot of info out there, it's just not always easy to access.

Morganf said...

1. Information is now, finding us

2. That info is growing very rapidly

3. That the internet has such a wide variety of info and we should explore what it has to offer us

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

1. I learned that information is a thing, info is everywhere and that info is growing.
2. Information is a thing that is growing.
3. There is so much information on the web and that we should explore it.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

1. I learned that we have to make information find us.
2. Information is everywhere.
3. We, together, can create more information than the experts

I like when it showed all the places that you can find information.

That Information is growing, and we must find it.

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

-Information is everywhere
-It's growing rapidly
-We can create/share info easily

-Information is a lot easier to keep track of in a comp. than in books, etc.

-He was trying to get across that the internet/info is important to our everyday lives

Grant M-1/2 A said...

1. Information is everywhere.
2. It keeps growing.
3. The web stores a lot of information.

Information can be stored anywhere.

The internet tells us everything.

Jeff s said...

1. storing stuff in file cabnits is complicated.
it's harder to find
using a computer is easier
2 the internet is growing
3. that you can find almost antthing on the internet

Ariel L said...

1. a. I learned that the internet is the largest place to find info. b.Information is everywhere. c.You can make info find YOU. scary!

2. It showed an old Newsweek saying that the internet is NOT the future, but today the internet is everything.

3. The entire world population is creating more and more information on the internet and we're learning more and more and more and more.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

1.New Information is everywhere.
2.Info keeps growing and growing.
3.The internet give us a wider range of deffinition.

The cool thing is that we have sooo much information on the web today but it keeps growing and growing and it's never going to stop.
I think that was the message that Michael Wesch was trying to get acrost. He was also trying to get the audience to understand that Information is everywhere.

Michael N-1/2A said...

1. many people are useing the internet for information
2. it's growing
3. the web can store a lot more info than a book on a shelf.

Samantha K- 1/2A said...

1. information is everywhere

2. it's a growing thing

3. the web lets us do more than we used to.

We should becareful on the web because it can go anywhere we tell it to go. Most of the time.

Michaela G said...

1. Information is everywhere.
2. It can be stored anywhere.
3. Information is a growing thing.

One cool thing i learned was that information can be stored anywhere.

I think the main message was information is everything and it is now finding us.

Jackson K1/2A said...

1.I learned that information is everywhere.
2. It's growing very fast
3. The web has made it easier to find information.

I thought it was cool that they were typing all the things on different websites.

I think the main message is that information is everywhere

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

Three things that I learned from this video are...
1. That information can be stored in places. One of them is categories.
2. The internet is a place where a lot of information is stored.
3. The internet is growing very fast.
I also thought the clues, or the little "sayings" in the filing cabinets were pretty cool.
I think the main message Michael Wesch was trying to say is that the internet is a powerful thing. It is increasing rapidly and is very big.

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

1. information is everywhere

2. information is growing

3. the web allows us to see a lot more information

I thought it was cool how it started with a typewriter and ended with a computer.

Joe N-1/2 A said...

1.Information is everywhere
2.Information knows more than the experts
3.The web is very good for storing info

Information is stored everywhere

The web is huge and it is smarter than any person.

Tom G said...

1 I learned that the web has a lot of info.
2 information id everywhere.
3 Sometimes computers know more than people
One thing that was cool was when they searched stuff on the internet.
That we are becoming more advanced.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

1. Information is spreading.
2. We can create more information than the experts are able to create.
3. The internet is taking over the shelves.

I liked when the words were slightly changed to convey several different ideas.

Information is rapidly spreading.

Austin W- 1/2A said...

that there's so much imformation on the web and it's so much easier to getr to the info

Lift (britta) said...

1. I learned that:
There's so much more info on the internet than in libraries and files. Its so much easier to find on the internet. We create and contribute to that info!
2. I thought the thing he did in the library was really cool.
3. I think he was trying to cummunicate just how much is really out there and just how much of the stuff online is created by us.


Anonymous said...

1. I learned that the old way of doing things is just that and that it is much faster to do things the way we do them today.
2. I think that one cool thing about the video is that it kind of shows on way of using technology in and of it self
3. I think that it was about how the web really expands our range of ways to learn and update learning.

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

Things I learned:
1- Information finds us
2- Information isn't always in just one place
3- Regular people add more to the web than experts

I thought it was really cool how they showed the transition from the begining to the end of the video.

He wants us to know that Informatin is everywhere.

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

1. Information is everywhere
2. It is growing
3. We have to make it find us

I thought that the way he kept posting things to blogger and stuff was cool

I think that Michael Wesch was trying to get across that information will never stop growing.

Jimmy said...
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Jimmy said...

1. information is everywhere.
2.its growing\
3.the web allows us to do a lot much more than we used to

we have to be careful on the web

Edie O. said...

1. information can be found in many places.
2. there are different forms of information.
3. the web is a great and easy way to access information very easily.
One cool thing was that the internet is giant.
I think that he was trying to say that the internet is a huge place for information, and there are many ways that you can go looking for it.

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

1. Information is everywhere.
2.I learned that info is stored.
3.It is spreading.

I think he was trying to say that computers are smarter than we think so we have to make sure we know what we are saying

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

1. Information is everywhere.
2.I learned that info is stored.
3.It is spreading.

I think he was trying to say that computers are smarter than we think so we have to make sure we know what we are saying

Griffin C-lrt5-6a said...

1) information is everywere!
2) you can always find it.
3) informtion grows.

one cool thing was how much people use information daily.

i think that the main message of this video was to show us that we should learn hwo to use reserching tools and get to know them well!

Jacksonc said...

1. Information is everywhere
2. Information is stored
3. The web is changing info to be made by everyone.

Material things used to be stored, now it's digital without the constaint of materials.

Digital stoarage is good.

Camille P 5/6B said...

1. You can find information anywhere.
2. While we find it, it's finding us.
3. The web is getting smarter and smarter.

We should be careful where we go on the internet.


Kathleen O said...

I learned that...
1. Information is everywhere.
2. There's more and more information everyday.
3. The internet has a lot of information compared to libraries and such, but it's mostly the people that are contributing all that info.

I thought it was really neat the way they show how much easier it is to use the internet.

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

3 things I learned:
1. You can get soooo much more information on the internet then you can get in the next encyclopidia made in 50 years.
2. We, the people, can create more information than the experts.
3. All information is put into catagories.

I thought it was really cool how the video showed how much easier it is to find information in computers than in a filing room.

I think that Michael Wesch is tring to get across the fact that technology, computers specifically, are TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!

Joey said...

I learned that there are more words in Wikipedia than in the biggest encyclopedia. I learned that information can find us. I learned that it takes a long time to look things up in files that are physically real.
One cool thing about the video was how fast they typed.
I thinkd the main point he was trying to get across was that technology is important.

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

1.Information is everywhere.
2.Computers are continuing to advance.
3.There are more than a trillion words on google!

One cool thing was that information and technology is far from being at its peak.

I think that the message implied was that there is so much information in the world, and that we can discover it.

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

1.Information is all around us

2.It's still growing

3.The web lets us us it's tecnology

You have to be carful of what goes on the internet because it can cast you greatly.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

1. That the computer nation had techniques that are used alot more on computers.
There are many ways to describe the computer.
Blogging is used alot.
2. One cool thing about the video is that he was typing really fast.
3. I think the message he was trying to tell is that blogging is a good source of communication and informations of the computer.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

(1) How many oppertunities and "places" you can go on the internet.
(2) It's amazing how much technologe has evolved over such a short time!
(3) All of the time/space that the internet saves

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

1.The web is never ending
2. the computors know more than the experts.
3. Info is everywhere

1. It started in the past with a typewriter and then went to the computor

1. He was saying that we have access to any info we want just from our computor.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

3 things I learned are:
1. Information is everywhere, all around us
2. It's a thing
3. It requires experts

one cool thing about the video it shows that our systems are becoming more advanced and they're all around us, everywhere.

Emily said...

1 I learned that because of technology there is a lot more information. I learned that with technology everyone can add information. I also learned how much easier storing information is with computers.

2 One cool thing about the video was how they deleted and added words so fast.

3 I think that Michael Wesch was trying to get across that with all the information that is out there and how easy it is to change/add to it, that we need to be careful.

Joe J7/8B said...
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Joe J7/8B said...

1. Information is everywhere.
2. Conputers can do way more than people, and keeps getting better.
3. We are able to do a lot more with computers.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

1. Information is everywhere.
2. The web has given us access to many things we haven't had access to before
3. There is no limit to the information that can be found.

One cool thing is that they relay all the different pieces together and they zoom in to the words.

I think the main message was that information extends beyond the range of our imagination. There is so much info on the web it's unbelievable.

David F.lrt7/8A said...

1information is found everywhere
2the web takes less time to find things
3the web is growing
the way we have developed
I think that Michale Wesch was trying to tell us to be carful anything that is put on the web is there for a long time(forerever)!

michael j said...

that yahoo has no physical files

info is growing

times change

Z E V R A said...

1. information is everywhere.
2. how fast it went.
3. that the way we work with and find information is changing, and that the internet gives us more options.

Renee J said...

1. You can find information everywhere.
2. Information can be found way more places and faster with technology.
3. Information is growing every day.

I think it was cool how they compared the typewriter and computer.

I think the message was that the computer is way bigger than we all expected it to be.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Information is all around us.
2. It is always growing.
3. We are able to do a lot more things than we used to be able to do.

One cool thing was the speed of the video.

I think the message was computers are smart and they have a lot of info.

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

Three things I learned from this video were:
1.Information is everywhere
2.Computers help us store information.
3.Information keeps changing.
One cool thing about the video is that um... um... um... it told us about information.
I think he was trying to tell us that information is important.

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

1)three things i learned from this video are 1. in the old day things are harder to find. 2. technology have improved. 3. things are easier to find on computer.2) how do they type so from the old days and now have improved.

Anonymous said...

1. Information is everywhere around us.
2. Inforrmation is a never ending process.
3. I think he is trying to tell us how technology is more advanced these days and knows a lot more than one person does.

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

1. Three things I learned were that the web makes it so you no longer need material objects to store information, that it gives us our info faster, and we can have more of it.
2. One cool thing is it's not a real thing. Which doesn't make that much sense?
3. One main thing was how important new technology can be.

Jacob K-LRT 1/2 A said...

1. internet is WAYYY easier to store things than anything else we have these days.
2. everyone can put things on the internet easily
3. information isent always in one place

One cool thing i learned is that the internet is wayy better than file cabinets.

Internet is way easer to store things than file cabinets.

Aria S 7/8b said...

1.the internet is our new filing cabinet
2.were not realying on the old filing cabinets anymore because they are "too much work"
3.internet can be a lots more scary than i thought

-How there were so many matches just for "A"


Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...

*I learned that the web is really helpful.
*Infermation is everywhere.
*The computer is really smart.

The computer stores so much.

Computers are smart.