Friday, November 9, 2007

Life logged off? No way, Carleton students say.

Please read the following Star Tribune article titled Life logged off? No way, Carleton students say. You can access the link here:

Please answer the following questions:
  1. If you gave up the "digital life" for 24 hours, what would you miss the most? Why?
  2. If you gave up the "digital life" for 24 hours, what would you miss the least? Why?
  3. How long do you think you could "survive" without using any technology?
  4. Do you think we are better off with or without technology? Justify your answer.


James L. LRT 5/6 said...

If I gave up digital life for 24 hours, I would miss tv the most because I watch tv a lot.

If I gave up digital life for 24 hours,I would miss the internet and phones the least because I dont use them much.

I think I could go 5 days without technology.

We are better off with technology because there are so many things technology has done.

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

1. If I gave up "didgital life" for 24 hours I would definetely miss my iPOD the most.

2. Because I use it the most and I love listening to music.

3. I could probably "survive" about 2 hours max.

4. I think we are better off without technoledgy for entertainment, but not in advances in medical technology.

5. I think this because every year americans get fatter and with less entertainment tech, and more medical tech americans wouldn't be so fat.

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

1. movie theaters
2. typeing
3. whole life
4. its ok as long as you dont dedicate ur life to it

Svea!!! said...

If i gave up the "digital life" I would probably miss my computer the most because I am on it a TON. I would probably miss my tv the least because I dont watch Tv much anymore accept for Grey's Anatomy and Law and Order. I think I could survive maybe around like 3-5 days without going my "digital life." I think that we are better off with technology. Yes, many people get obsessed and overwhelmed with this, but technology helps us with medical issues, stuff with the law and much more.

Camille P 5/6B said...

1. The least thing i would miss would probably checking edline evryday for mays grades.
2. The biggest thing i would miss is myspace and youtube, i love it so much!
3. Maybe a week i could go without technology in the summer, not the school year.
4. Sometimes it would be nice to not have technology to live nice basic lives. But besides that, YES WE NEED IT!!!


Jenny W said...

1. I would miss my phone. I text non-stop and so i would go crazy without it. It is a way to talk with my friends and i have games on it so i can play when i get bored.

2. Wow this is hard. I probably wouldn't miss like our gaming systems that much, because i don't play everyday.

3.I would probably only be able to go one day, if that. It depends on the circumstances. I could definetly live with out electronics i just wouldn't like it.

4. Technology helps spread information, entertain and so much more so i think we are better off with it!

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

If I gave up digital life for 24 hours, I would probably miss my cell phone the most, because I go on the internet and text.

If I gave up digital life for 24 hours, I would probably miss TV the least, because I don't watch hardly any.

I think I could survive a couple of days without technology, but it would be hard since a lot stuff is done via computer.

I think that we are better off with some technology, but not all. Cell phones are really convenient.
Using the internet is helpful because there is so much information, but there is also a lot of scary and bad stuff out there, which is one not so good use of technology. People abuse the technology we have.

T Moor said...

1) i would probobly miss the tv because i do that alot more than ipod or computer.
2) i would miss my ipod the least because i only really listen to that on the bus and on long car trips which i nevere take.
3)i hink i could survive about three days without technology because my house is filles with technological stuff so i'm not used to being technology deprived.
4) i think that we are better off with technology because it can keep out simple human error and helps continue with our daily lives. because now, if you have a bad heart, we can just put in a new one or give you a mechanical heart, i don't think you could do that 100yrs ago.

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

1. If I gave up my digital life for 24 hours, I think I would miss my computer the most becasue I use it a lot.

2. I don't think that I would miss tv because I really dont watch that much anyway. Plus I can get every show that I watch online!

3. I could probably 'survive' forever, i would just get annoyed, sad and bored.

4. I think that we're better off with technology. We would have no way of communicating with anybody else besides where we could walk to. I guess this could be dangerous like if another country was going to bomb us, or it would just be sad if we couldn't talk to a relative or friend who lived far away.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

1. i would miss my cell phone
becasue i use it soooo much to comunicate with all my friends
2. i would miss tv because i don't watch it as much
3. i think that i could last maybe 5 days or less
4. i think that we are better off with technolagy because we can communicate much faster that way

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

If i had to give up digital life I would miss T.V the most because I like to watch T.V alot.

If I had to give up digital life I would miss computer the least because I don't like to use the computer alot.

I could survive a week with out

we would be better off with technology because it makes life easier.

JustinN-LRT 7/8B said...

1. If I could live without digital things for 24 hours, I would miss tv the most because the tv is the way to access news with just the click of a button.
2. The thing that I would miss the least would be a computer becuase it's a way to access info, but I would just use the tv and I barely use the computer That I have.
3. I think that you just have to find some other way to do all the stuff you can do now. Just live like people 200 years ago.
4. I think that we are better off with technology becuase we can do so much more with computers and cell phones than we ever could. Like now you can just call someone in the car instead of going to yourb house.

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

1. I would miss the computer and iTunes the most.

2. I would probably not miss TV because I don't watch TV a lot.

3. I think I could last a couple of days, maybe a week at the most.

4. I think we are better off with technology because it helps us do a lot of things much easier and faster.

Sam W-LRT 7/8B said...

1. If I gave up technology for 24 hours the thing I would miss the most is T.V. because I like T.V

2. I would miss my cell phone the least because over all I don't use it that much.

3. I think I could survive for a very long time without technology becasue when I set my mind to things I usually complete them.

4. I think we are better with technology because when we are warm and we have something to relax us, we are nicer and we can participate more.

Jacksonc said...

If I gave up "digital life" for 24 hours, I would miss my iPod the most because I listen to music liteally everywhere I am

I would miss my phone the least because I only use it occasionally.

I could survive for maybe 12 hours.

I think we are better off with technology because so many advance have been made in science and medicine that humans have expanded the average lifespan by 30 years and news can travel much faster with technology.

ashley e said...

If I gave up the "digital life" for 24 hours, I would probably miss my computer the most, because I am on it a lot.

I would probably miss TV the least, because I don't really watch TV.

I would probably be able to "survive" without using any technology for about 4-5 days.

In a way I think that we shouldn't have technology, because it kind of makes people lazy, but I do think that we are better off with technology. It is faster and so many people use it that if we didn't have it, people wouldn't really know what to do. We pretty much get all of our information from the internet and technology.

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I would miss the Computor, iPods, Cell phones, and DDR!!
2. I would miss TV the least, because I dont really watch it anymore...
3. Um... depends on what happening
4. I think we would be better with it, because we need to comunicate, and share things. It was hard enough without it, but now so dependent on it, I dont know what the would would do...

Anonymous said...

I would miss the computer, that has everything- TV, Communication, homework, music, etc.

I would miss my phone the least, I never use it.

I think we are better off WITHOUT technology, it is making us less *human*, worse human interactment, easier to have academic dishonesty, people abuse technology, and the electricity wasted destroys the ozone layer.

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

I would miss my computer the most because I would fail LRT for not blogging.

I would miss my digital clock the least because I can tell time easily on the normal kind.

I would not beable to survive very long witout technolory.

I'm better off with technology because I might die without my microwave.

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

1. I would miss the computer the most because it has everything on it-tv, music, homework.
2. I would miss clocks the least because I can tell what time it is by what my family is doing.
3. I think I could last about a month.
4. I think that the world is fine how it is. Without technology, we wouldn't be able to get news very fast and it would be really hard to send out a tornado warning or something. Some kids use technology too much, but I don't so I think that the world is fine how it is.

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

If I gave that up i would miss my Ipod because I listen to it like all the time!

I would miss the TV the lest because I don't watch TV at all during the week or anytime else.

I don't think I could go that long. I love being in touch with my friends at all time.

I think we are better off with tech because it has really broadened our horizon on what we might do in the future.

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

1. I think that I would miss the tv the most cause when I'm really tired thats what I do to relax.
2. I think that I would miss my ipod the least because I don't use it as much any more.
3. I think that I could only go 1 day.
4. I think that were better off with technology becuase it helps us complete day to day tasks a lot faster, like the computer.

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

1. my ipod/ itunes
2. t.v
3. at least one day
4. we are better off with technology- if it were to suddenly shut off most everything would be in chaos. Also: what about all of the people in hospitals?

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I would miss my cellphone because I' m concstantly talking to my friends and I would hate not to be connected.

2. Probably TV because I don't really watch hat much TV.

3. I could probably survive about a week without technology.

4. Yes technology is super important! If there's like a huge emergency, people need to be able to get in touch right away and technology does that!

Kathleen O said...

1. If I gave up digital life for 24 hours, I think I would miss my cell phone the most. I'm huge on texting, so it would be really frustrating for me.
2. Something that I would probably miss the least would be my TV. I'm not allowed to watch TV during school nights, so it wouldn't be a huge change for me.
3. I think I would be able to last a long time without a computer or TV, but it would be really hard without a cell phone.
4. I think we're better off with technology because we use it a lot in our everyday lives. It makes things easier to communicate and it's also something that's really entertaining.

Morganf said...

1. I would miss the internet. Because it has so many uses that would be hard to live without
2. The thing i would miss the least would be tv because i really don't watch tv all that much
3. I think I could last 2-3, MAX
4. I think we are better of WITH technology because it helps in so many ways such asa spreadingnews, medical research and communication.

grace Q78lrt said...

1.I would miss the internet.
2.I wouldn't miss t.v. because I only watch it like a half an hour a week.
3.I could survive like two or three days with out it.
4. I think we are better off with technology.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

1. If I gave up technologie for 24 hours, I would miss my phone the most. My phone is really conveniant for me everyday.

2. I would probably miss tv the least because I don't watch it very much.

3. I could survive forever without using technologie, but I wouldn't like it very much.

4. I think that we are better off with technologie because it makes life easier.

Anonymous said...

1. I would miss iTunes the most it kind of helps me relax.
2. I would miss my e-mail the least because all I ever am sent on my e-mail is messages telling me I have more work to do.
3. I would probably read a book go see a show at EPAC there are allot of things I could do.
4. I think that technology really helps us out with news and communicating and I can use video conferencing to see and talk to my dad while he is out of town. Overall I think that technology is great is you don't over use it.

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

1) I would probably miss my computer because I use it for alot of different things
2) I would miss TV the least because I hardly have time to watch TV anyway
3) I don't think that I would be able to survive very long, because I use my computer alot for homework
4) I think that we are better off with tecnology, because it allows us to spread our ideas quickly

Edie O. said...

I would miss the computer the most because I do a lot of homework and email and stuff on it.
I wouldn't miss my ps2 because i dont use it very much.
I couldn't last long without any technology without not doing some of my homework.
I think that if we didn't have technology, there would be a lot more reading, normal conversations, and other good things like that, but technology is very convenient, and makes a lot of things much easier to do. So I think we are better off with technology.

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

1. If I gave up digital life I would probably miss my computer. My computer is basically the way I can talk to my fiends without actually having to dial a phone.
2. If I gave up digital life for hours i probably wouldn't miss the TV. I watch a lot of TV but I will not die if I can't use it.
3. I think I would only survive a week. It would be really hard.
4. I think we need the technology because it now is basically a lot of what we do.

Griffin C-lrt5-6a said...

If i gave up digital life for 24 hours i think that i would miss the computer the most because you can do so many differnet thing on it( including homework that is due the next day.)

I think that i could go mybe a wek without using techno.

I think that we a re better off with technoligy beacuase we are smarter, we have a much easier way of communicating and it can save lives sometimes( the machines in the hospitals.)

Joey said...

1 I would miss the computer the most because I use it for school and for fun.
2 I wouldn't miss TV vrey much because I don't watch very much TV.
3 I think i could survive without technology for about five days.
4 I think that we are better off using technology because it helps us communicate and work.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

If I were to give up digital life for 24 hours, I would miss my cell phone the most because I love to text!

I would miss email the least because I rarely ever use my email.

I think that I could survive for three days without technology because anything longer than that I couldn't handle.

I believe that we are better off with technology because it has simplified so many things such as research, and we are able to communicate much faster and farther via the internet, cell phone, television, etc. Everything in moderation is all right with me.

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

If I gave up "digital life" for 24 hours, I would miss my laptop the most, since I love it and I'm on it alot doing various "digital" things.
If I gave up "digital life" for 24 hours, what I would miss the least is probably the t.v., since I think we should always be doing better and more productive things than sitting and watching television.
I could probably last a few days without technology, unless I had something to do.
I think that we're better off without technology because you can always go over TO your friends house and talk to them and have a much better time than texting or Also, GO OUTSIDE! We should enjoy the good outdoors before all of our technology destroys it!

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

If I gave up digital for 24 hours, I would probably miss the computer the most because that's where I do most of my homework. I also like to go onto iTunes and YouTube.
I would probably miss the TV the most because I am not allowed to watch TV during the school days. Plus we don't have TVo or DirecTV, so everytime I do turn on the TV, something boring is on.
I could probably survive a week without technology. Not much more than that.
I think we are better off with technology because the internet is expanding, and a lot of teachers are now assigning homework online. Without technology, I think we would fail academicly and socialy.

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

I can not stand life without my laptop, phone, texting, internet, edline, ipod, sterio, and a lot of other things.
I would probably survive 1 hour!
i wouldn't really miss the tv because i don't watchit a lot.
We are so better off with technology

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

1. If I gave up electronics for 24 hours I would miss the most is nothing in paticular.

2.I would miss the least is TV because it bad for us.

3.I could go a life time excluding school months because they intertwine to much.

4.I think it's a win loss thing because it helps a lot of poeple and it destactes a lot of poeple.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

1. I would miss the computer the most because its really fun and I go on it almost everyday. I dont know what I would miss the least because its hard to think about that.
2. I could survive my whole life without technology. People without it can, so I think I can too.
3. I dont know. It really depends on opinions because some people use technology alot and some dont use technology alot. It really depends on opinions.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

(1) i would miss the computer the most, because i use it so much for homework.
(2) i would least miss the tv, because i already dont watch it much.
(3) I think that i could go a week if not more.
(4)i think that technologe is really important to us, so we are better off with it, because it would be really hard to get used to it being totaly gone.

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

I would miss watching T.V. because it is my way to relax.

I would miss blogging the least because IO think that it is boring.

Not very long because most of my activities revolve around technology

With it because it keeps people and communities connected.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

If I gave up digital life for 24 hours I would probably miss my computer because without it, how am I supposed to keep up with my grades and homework?

If I gave up digital life for 24 hours I would mis my cell-phone the least because there's not much to do on it except to talk and that I can do in person.

I think I could survive maybe a week without using any technology.

I think that we're better off without technology because it's bad for our health: TV and it creats more and more stress. People in the past have coped without technology so it can't be too hard today.

Emily said...

1 I would miss my phone the most because I use it a lot to communicate and be able to talk to people even though I'm busy.

2 I wouldn't miss the tv very much because I really don't watch that much tv. I don't have the time.

3 I don't think I could survive very long without technology. Maybe about 7-10 hours. School envolves a lot of technology too.

4 I think we are better off with technology because it makes things faster, more convenient, and easier. There are some negative things about it but I think overall technology is a good thing.

Joe J7/8B said...

1. playing computer
2. I playes games alot
3. probly I could survive without it
4. with out technology its gonna be hard to live for ous now this days.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

1. I would probably miss the accessibility to info, and my PS3.
I would miss them the most, because I like to follow sports information, and because I'm kind of hooked to madden 08 right now.
2. I would probably miss my TV the least, because I usually can find other things to do in my spare time
3. I think I couldn't survive to long without it, because I'm just so used to having it, it would be hard to give up.
4. I think we are better off with technology to a certain point. Technology helps us, but it causes sicknesses and other things. For example when you look at a screen for too long, you usually get sick.

Grant M-1/2 A said...

If I gave up digital life for 24 hours I would miss my ipod the most because it's the electronic I am on the most.

If I gave up digital life for 24 hours, I would miss tv the least because I don't watch it that much.

I could probably survive a week without technology.

I think we're better off with technology, if you think about it, technology has helped us solve various health problems and other stuff.

michael j said...

1.i would miss t.v. because it's something to do
2.i would miss my car the least because i can't drive
3.whole life
4.with because it makes everything a lot easier.

David F.lrt7/8A said...

If i gave up digital life for 24 hours I would miss tv the most. I would probably miss the coputer the most because I don't use it that much.I think that i could "survive" a lifetime without technology. I still think that we are better off with tech. because then the entire world is able to communicate.

Z E V R A said...

1. i would miss iTunes and Pandora the most, because then i wouldn't be able to choose the songs i listen to.
2. i wouldn't really miss checking edline and other school related sites, or my brother's game's sound effects.
3. maybe like 5-6 days.
4. well, it's become really important in our everyday lives so we're better off WITH it. it'd just be better if we didnt spend WAY TOO MUCH time on technology.

Renee J said...

I would miss the TV the most because it is the perfect thing to do when you are eating.

I wouldn't really miss my ipod that much because I've lost it before and survived.

I could probably survive like three days.

I think we are better off with technology because it makes everything go faster and it refreshes information A LOT.

Jeff s said...

1. ipod, movies
2. lrt homework
3. i don't know but for a while
4. we are better off with technology because it enhances our lives so much.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

1. I would miss TV the most.

2. I would miss phones because I don't use those very much.

3. I could go two weeks without technology.

4. I think we are better off with it because we lern things, entertain ourselves and communicate with technology.

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

1/2. I wouldn't miss anything 24 hours isn't that long.
3. I think I could survive as long as I wanted to without technology as long as we got rid of all computer related assignments.
I think technology is good.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

1. The thing I'd miss the most would definetly be AIM or TV. These are things I do while I'm doing other things. Sadly they take up quite a bit of my time.

2. The thing I'd miss the least would be my ipod, I listen to it a lot but I have other sources of music like a cd player, the car. haha.

3. I think I could survive a long time with out technology. The question is how long would I be willing to go with out technology. Probably 2 weeks, I've done it before on vacation. It's a good feeling.

4. I think we're better off with technology. But I also think we'd be better off if we didn't use technology as much as we do right now. Technology has grown to be what seems to consume our whole lives. That's not good.

My sister goes to Carleton, I wonder if she knows these people.

Danielle S-1/2A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom G said...

If i gave up digital life for 24 hours I would miss my computer because i use it alot

If i gaveup digital life for 24 housi would miss the T.V. the leastbecause i don't watch that much T.V.

I think i could go forever

With because it makes life alot easier.

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

1)if i gave up digital life i would miss my ps2 because i love playing midnight club 3 dub edition remix.2)the computer i would miss the least because i don't really use cumputers that much.3)i could as long as i want to if i want to get away from technology;like one time i when to this place in eagle bluff in richfield on a field trip and we had no technology for four days but it was fun.4)we are good with technology because it help us out even though it is complicated.

Danielle S-1/2A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danielle S-1/2A said...

If I gave up technology for 24 hours I would:
1. Miss my cell phone A LOT because I'm constenlty intouch in my friends.

2. Not miss the TV. I never really get to watch TV any way because I'm too busy to watch any. So it doesn't really matter.

3. At my Cabin we have no electircity so therefor, no techonoly. I'm used to going days with out TV, IM, computer use, ect. So I have "Survived" about a week and a half befor but I think I can survive about 2 weeks.

4. I think it would be pertty hard to not use anysort of technology for a lot of people, but expecially students. Like right now I need a computer to do my LRT homework. For others it could be easy though. So I think it depends on the person, and I also don't think it really matters if or if we didn't have technology.

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

I would probably miss either TV or my ipod because I love music... Maybe the computer, but not if I had homework to do on it cause I'd have an excuse. Without technology I doubt I'd "survive" very long, since you need it for things like air conditioning, the fridge so on. Sometimes technology can be bad though, if say you write a comment and for some reason it doesn't work and you have to post it again, like on my last one.

Jacob K-LRT 1/2 A said...

1. If i gave up the digital life, i would problaby miss AIM the most. i always like to stay posted with my friends.
2.I would problaby miss television the most...theres just nothing really special to me thas ever on tv.
3.I could problably last a week without technology, if i have other things to do in my spare time.
4. Yes. we can communicate a lot easier with technology than lest say letters. it can take sevral days just to go a state away. with technoloby, you can get your message sent in the blink of an eye.