Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cingular Commercial--Technology Gap?

Today, we watched a couple 30 second Cingular commercials. Check them out:

Please answer the following questions:
  1. Do you text? If so, what acronyms (text shorthand) do you use?
  2. Do parents have trouble understanding why you text? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think there is a "technology gap" between what adults know and understand and what kids know and understand? Explain.


Morganf said...

1. yes i do text and I use u, ur, idk, c and k

2. My Parents understand why I text because they know that its my main way of communication with my freinds.

3.I think there is somesort of technology gap because it is hard for my parents to learn how to use something new when it only takes me like 10 minutes to figure out how to use something

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

1. yes i do text. i use:
and lots lots more!!

2. no they do not have trouble understanding becsue they also text! like when i'm in school and they dropped off my luch and they will text me to tell me that my lunch is in the office

3. yes i do think that there is a technology gap, but i think that as the years go on, the gap gets smaller and smaller.

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

1. Yes I do text I use:
idk, gtg, hbu, omg, y, u, ur, r, k,kk, jk, lol
2. My parents understand me texting. They think it isn't as good as calling though.
3. I for sure think there is a teck gap. My parents are like "whats a text?" they are so clueless some times its kinda obvious.

steven D LRT 5/6b said...

1) i do,u,ur,idk,idc,bff,k,g2g,brb,tp&pp(used for a online game),nvm,nfs,wtf(can be weres the fire!)omg,inbd....thats a very short list.....
2)they know because its fast and easyer then calling and you can do it when evr were ever
3)i think there is a gap because there has been times when my parents can't do it in a week and i can in 5min

Joe J7/8B said...

1. No,I don't text anyone because it coasts money.

2. My parents doesn't allow me to text but when I needed they probly will allow me to do it.

3. I think there is a gap. The time we spent most is on comp but not our parents. I think that made the tech gap, between the ages.

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

1. yes i text and use, gtg, idk, ttyl, ur, nm, lol
2. My parents don't really care
3. yeah I do think that there is a technology gap, cause its harder for my parents to do things when it doesn't take me any time at all.

Svea!!! said...

1.Yes, I do text. My most used phrases would probably be.. idk, k, u, nvm, and other ones like those.
2. My mom kinda doesn't understand why I text, but she does it too (to my brother and I) so it would be kind of hypicritical for her to say its stupid.
3.I kind of do think there is a "technology gap" between adults and kids, because it seems like it went from like not much technology at all, to a TON.

ashley e said...

Yes, I do text. I use idk, cya, ttyl, gtg, lol, nm, nvm, k, and more.

My mom doesn't have trouble understanding why I text, because she texts also. Sometimes she doesn't get why I don't just call my friends when we are trying to make plans though.

I think that there is a "technology gap", because when our parents were our age, they didn't really use computers or the stuff we have today, so we sort of grow up with it and they have to learn how to use those things.

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

1. Yes, I do text. I don't really use that many abreviations, mostly just cya, ttyl, gtg, nm, lol and idk. That's pretty much it though, some other one's bug me.

2. My parents understand why I text because they text too!

3. I think that it depends. Kids know more about a new thing, but everyone teaches their parents so then they will all know stuff eventualy.

Camille P 5/6B said...

1. Yes i text, i use:
2. My parents understand i guess because i have unlimited texting because that's how usually communicate.
3. It depend because my dad gets everything, but my mom doesn't.


Jenny W said...

1. Yes i text (alot)
I use: idk, c, u, hbu, nm, k and more!
2. They did at first but now they both text quite a bit!
3.Yes because we learn alot of basic things as kids and teens and they didn't have the technology then so they are just learning about new things now.

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

1. yes I text.
2. I use "u, ur, idk, k, hbu, g2g, omg, lol, jk" and some more.
3. my parents don't have trouble understanding why i text because i have explained it to them
4. I do think there is a techonology gap between parents and kids because we grew up with it and using some things became a habit, not something we had to newly learn

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

1. Yes, I do text. I usually use mainly u, ur, idk, gg, cya, hbu and a couple others.

2. My mom understands why I text- its easy and discrete. My dad is completely clueless though- he finds it totally useless.

3. I think that there is a technology gap between kids and adults, mainly because adults didn't grow up with all the resources and technology we have available to use today.

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

1. Yes I do text. I use: lol, gtg, hbu, nm, jc, ttyl, idk, k w/e, and lots more.
2. My parents understand that I text a lot to communicate with my friends, but they prefer calling and they don't know how to text.
3. I think there is a technology gap because I can catch on to new technology much quicker than my parents can.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

1. Texting is my life and my 3rd languege.

2. I use:
u, and ur

3. My parents understand that i like to talk to my friends a lot so they get why i text. The only thing they don't know about text is how to do it.

4. My parents know how to work email, excel, and word. and that is it. My dad is the worst of anyone i know. I bought him an ipod and he doesn't how to use it. There is huge technology gap in the world today. I bet that when i am older new technology will come out and then i will be the confussed parent.

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

i do text. i use idk,omg,ur,brb,gtg,ttyl,u,hbu, and lots of other ones

my parents dont know why i text they always say "just call the person if u want to talk with them"

yes theirs a gap. my parents never get the new technology like video games

Ariel L said...

1. yes, i text
2. brb, lol, wtf, u, r, idk, ur, rotfl, g2g, jk etc.
3. yes, because my dad refuses to text. he's so stupid. but maybe that's a good thing.

Grant M-1/2 A said...

1. Sometimes I text, but not ever often. I use: u,idk, hbu, lol, and others too.
2. My parents understand why I text because it's a easy way to communicate with people.
3. Yeah, there is a very big gap between what adults know and understand and what kids know and understand. I think that most kids are way more advanced in technology than most adults because we grew up with technology and they did not.

Samantha K- 1/2A said...

1. Yes I do text. I use idk, gtg, k and hbu.

2. My parents dont understand why I text because they thing that it costs extra money and it would be easier just to talk on the phone.

3.I think that there is a technology gap because I am trying to teach my mom how to use e-mail and word and it took me like ten minutes to learn and it is taking her months.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

1.I dont text, cause my parents dont see the point in it.

2. My parents dont get it, they just say I should call them and talk to them that way. They just dont really get it.

3. I dont think so, because my parents are pretty in depth with technology, and my dad always messes around with iphones, and other technology.

Jacksonc said...

1. Yes I do text. I use u, ur, wu,idk, c, and a couple more.
2. My parents do understand why I text because its a useful way to talk to people without actually calling them
3. I think there is a technology gap because sometimes, my parents don't understand why I don't just call the person, instead of texting.

Kathleen O said...

1. Yes I do text.
2. lol, g2g, jk, ntm, nm, u, ur, k, idk, cya, bc or cuz, omg, brb, nvm, ttyl, etc...
3. My parents have a really hard time understanding why i text so much. They just tell me to call the person that I'm talking to so much (but I don't). But then it's easier for my parents and I to communicate to each other.
4. I do think there is some sort of a gap, but like Natalie D said, that gap is getting smaller. People are slowly getting used to things like texting for example.

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

1. I used to text. I used the acronyms u, ur, btw, cya, nm, etc.
2. I think my parents had a hard time understanding why I texted. They think it's better to call someone and have a meaningful conversation instead of texting a short message.
3. I think there is a kind of technology gap between what adults and kids understand of technology. My parents always have to ask me to help them with problems on their cellphones because I know way more than they do about them.

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

i dont text
Yes there is a technology gap.
Some adults arn't very skilled at electronic games, like the time my grandpa tried to play my wii.

Emily said...

1. Yes I do text. I use, u, ur, k, jk, lol, r, c and gtg.
2. My parents understand why I text because I'm busy and don't have time to have a long phone conversation. They understand that texting is faster and doesn't require both people to have the same schedule.
3. I think that there is a technology gap because I'm definitely faster at figuring out technology. Especially when you compare me to my grandparents!

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

I text and the acronyms that I use the most often are idk, nm, hbu, lol, gtg.

I think that my parents now understand that texting is just kind of what we do to talk. They do ask me alot why I don't just call people though.

I do think that there is some sort of a technology gap. I always think that it is so frusturating trying to explain how to do things on the computer to my parents.

Joey said...

I don't really text at all. I think that parents have a hard time understanding a lot of what kinds do, not just texting. Technology has improoved so much that adults often aren't used to things.

Austin W- 1/2A said...

1. Yes, itexted several times even in your class today, so yes.
2.i don't you many acronyims because of itap.
4.they are old and have trouble adapting.

Bridget! said...

1. I text all the time but i usually dont use very many acronyms. The only ones i use are omg and sometimes idk.
2. My parents understand, they text alot too.
3. I think there might be a slight gap because we grew up in different times, but its nothing we cant change.

Bridget! said...

1. Yeah i do text alot, i use omg and idk.
2. My parents understand why i text, they do it too.
3. I think there might be a slight gap between us because we grew up in different time periods, but its nothing we cant change.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

1. Yes, I do text. I use idk, nm, c,k, omg, u, ur, cya, ttyl and some others.
2. My parents understand, but they prefer that I just call people.
3. Yes, I think that there is a gap. It will sometimes take my parents like an hour to figure something, and it will only take me a couple of minutes.

mike m-lrt 1/2 B said...

1.I do text (not too often) I use lol, ttyl, omg, idk and several more
2. My parents understand why I text because they understand I use it to communicate with my friends
3. I think there is a technology gap because it takes my parents a long time to figure anything out that has to do with computers

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

1. I rarely text. the acronyms I use are, OMG, u, ur, wat,nm, idk,lol and probably way more!!!!
2. I don't like to text very often. But I think my mom understands why people text.
3. In some ways there is a technology gap. My parents don't really know how to use their cell phones. So I don't think they will be texting anytime soon!!

Anonymous said...

1.No phone

2.No phone

3.Yes I think that there is a huge technology gap because of how fast our technology is advancing. I think kids are just more open to the new stuff and prepared to adapted to it then adults are.

James L. LRT 5/6 said...

1 I don't text.

4. There is a slight tech. gap, but it doesn't effect my daily life.

ivanl said...

I sometimes text, I use ur, lol, brb, azn

They have trouble understanding what I'm texting.

I think there is a bigger gap in America than in Hong Kong, because in Hong Kong, many people have to use cell phones. Seriously, I saw a six year old with a cell phone.

Jeff s said...

1. yes, u, idk
2. no, i think they just do not get why i text instead of calling
3.yes, my parents would nevr text

Jeff s said...

1. yes, u, idk
2. no, i think they just do not get why i text instead of calling
3.yes, my parents would nevr text

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Yes I do text and I use omg and idk.
2. They understand why I text because they know I like to do that more than just talking.
3. I think there is a technology gap because it takes them longer to figure things out on their phones and other things and kids play around with it and then they can figure things out easier.

Ellen!! said...

Hey Mr. Buckley!

1.When I text, I use acronyms such as: gg, nm, nmu, hbu, u, ur, k.

2.My Parents understand why I text because they know that kids like to communicate without having to personally talk to someone.

3.I think there is a "technology gap" between adults and children. Way back when there weren't new electronics coming out every single day, so my parents dont know how to adapt to new things as easily as we kids do.

grace Q78lrt said...

1. I don't text, I'm not sure why but I like talking to people on the phone better than texting. And it costs money.

2. My parents don't understand, they think that I should just talk to my friends online or on the phone.

3.I do think that there is like a gap, because our parents didn't grow up with texting?

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

1. yes, g2g, ur
2. ya kinda
3.a little bit because my parents text to

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

1. yes i do text...i don't really use acronyms
2. no, that is my main way of talking to my friends.
3. I think that our genertaion is much more technologically advanced because we have been exposed to it earlier on. the technology gap I would say is quite sufficient.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

(1) yes i text a lot, idk,omg,brb,u/ur,k...and more!

(2) sometimes they get anoyed with it but i dont think they really care that much just as long as i dont go over my limit.

(3) yes, i think ther is a gap because older people like the way that they do things and dont relly want to take the time to lear differently.

Tom G said...

yes i use u, ur , k ,idk,nm

My parents understand my texting but they havve to think about it for a minute.

Yes i think there is a technology gap because our parents grew up before their were computers now they really don't know haw to use them but we are growing up in a time when all the computers and ipods are mainstream and everyone uses them.

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

no i do not text.if i would text i don't think they would have any trouble because i pay form my onw self.there might be because they might have done the same thing.

Anonymous said...

1. u ur nm gtg gg sn w/ jk lol kk
2. no, they don't read my texting or messeging
3.They aren't used to it, it's harder for grown ups to learn many things because they haven't grown up with it.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

1.I used to text until my dad blocked texting. I used idk,gtg,u,ur,nm,idc,w-e,jk,lol,bff,omg,and lots more.
2.My parents understood why but they thought it costs too much money to text and it's stupid when you can just talk to the person using the phone. my parents made that pretty clear.
3. At firts I thought there was a technology gap but now I've come to realize that parents just use common sense and usually they're right. My dad is a 'computer expert' you could say, he works with computers so he's normally the one showing me how to work new technology.

Kate b said...

1.yes i do, i say...jk, lol, idk, ttyl, nm, gtg, and more! parents think its werid like they cant get out of the oldies or somthing, because people are so involved with technoledgie and such, but yeah they kinda get it.
3.oh yeah, all the time i think that my dad when he trys to talk to me on my phone threw a text he will try so hard to do what i listed for #1. like he's being "cool" says he, and it just shows how different our generation is than theirs.(lol) but its ok, because i get most of it...kinda.

Renee J said...

1. Yes I text. I use hbu, ur, lol, k, u, 2, ik, idk, w/e, g2g, nm, brb, and many more.

2. Yeah my parents sometimes wonder why I text and I don't just call the person I want to talk to. I think it's because texting is kind of a new thing and my parents never had a lot of expierience with it.

3.I think there is a technology gap because this stuff wasn't around when my parents were a kid. I also think that the gap is getting smaller because parents are starting to figure it out.

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Yes I do text. I use u, ur, idk, @, k, u, and nvm.

2. My parents understand me when I text because I don't use acronyms so that they will be able to understand me.

3. I think that there is a technology gap, but that it is becoming smaller and smaller everyday. they still don't know how to use things, but we show them how to do it.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

Yes I do text. I say u cya nmu ur idk k ttyl hbu lol

They sometimes wonder why I text instead of call, but they also understand why I text. Sometimes it's just more convenient.

I think there is a technology gap between adults and kids because they are so used to their technology that it takes them a longer time to adapt to out technology.

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

1. Not really- they bug me.
2. My parents understand that it is an easier way to communicate with people.
3. It depends on the adult- some are really into things like ipods and cell phones and computers and and completely understand them and others don't.

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

Yes I text and i use gg, brb, and k.
My parents know that texting is easier than texting and they like that i text because we have unlimited texting but not minutes.
Yes, i think that there is a technology gap because my mom has trouble with her phone, with our tv and with our computer