Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thoughts About Blogging

Now that you've created your Blogger account and have the ability to respond to comments, please answer these questions:
  1. How much blogging have you done prior to this class? (A Lot; Some; None)
  2. What do you think would be a good thing about blogging?
  3. What could be problematic about blogging?
Please number your answers. If you are having trouble logging in or do not yet have your account set up, don't worry. We'll get things figured out next week and then you can respond to this entry.


Anonymous said...


1) I have done a little bit of blogging to my friends

2)You can talk to people outside school with out using texting. You also get to sell or make an ad for something.

3)you cant alyways talk private stuff, and say things that other people can see. Also, gossip spreads esaliy.

Thats blogging!

Emma C said...

Thoughts about blogging comments

1.I have done blogging once before,but that is it.
2. A good thing about blogging is that it helps everyone to see important notices. Also, it can be a fun way of communicating with others.
3. A problem that could occur is that some one could misuse there blog privileges and get in big trouble.

I also agree with everything annie said.

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

1) I use a blog page to talk to my soccer team because we all live in different cities and go to different schools but that is all the blogging that I have done.

2) Blogging can be good for communication and carrying conversations on for long periods of time without need for immediate response.

3) Other things could be alot more convienent.

monica o (1/2 B) said...


1- None

2- You can ask your teachers/friends questions and you can write your opinion on anything that's on your mind.

3- Nothings private- if you put super personal things on your blog then anyone can see it.

Lindsey S said...

1) None

2) A good thing about blogging is you can see what homework you have been assigned if you were gone. Also, it is a fun way of talking to people and asking questions.

3) If you write something mean about someone that person will see it. Also, if you can't talk to just one person cause everyone sees what you write.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

1) I havn't really done any blogging before.
2)a good thing about blogging is that you can post information and respond to it easy.

3) a problem that you could ahve with blogging is that somone could use it the wrong way and it's on the internet so everyone can see it.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1) I have done very little blogging.
2) It is good because you can communicate with people outside of class.
3) A problem about blogging is that nothing is private on the internet.

Erica said...

1) I have done some blogging in other classes. In french, we put poems we wrote on a blog and commented all the other poems.

2) Blogging is a good way of communicating with others. It's also a great way for teachers to write something that they forgot to say in class. This way, if teachers forget to give the students an assignment, they could post it on the blog. (Or they could just not give the students the homework) :)

3) There is always a possibility that someone can find out your private information. Another thing that could happen is that someone could make a fake blog and pretend to be someone else.

-Allie D

Anonymous said...

1) the only blogging i have ever done was in Mr.Forsters class...but that's pretty much it.

2) A good thing about blogging, is you can see information you might have needed to know prior to your next lrt class. Also, if Mr.Buckley forgot to mention something in class, he would probably post it on his blog.

3) A problem with blogging, is that you have to be careful about what you say because alot of people will see it, so you might not want to post anything private. But otherwise, i think blogging is a great idea!

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

1) I have done a little blogging. Only in Mr. Forster's class.

2) I think some good things about blogging are, sharing news, and talking to friends. Basically you it's just good for communicating with other people.

3) Some bad things about blogging are, almost everybody can see what you wrote (I think), so you can't always say what you want to if you don't want somebody else to see it. But if it's just friendly conversation I think blogging is fine.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. I have never blogged before.
2. A good thing about blogging is knowing what you missed if you were absent from class.
3. A problem would be having limited access to the internet when you have to do homework assignments, like this.

That One Guy said...

1) I havn't done any blogging outside of French

2) A good thing about blogging might be sharing information with random people around the world.

3) Other things might be easier and more convenient, like doing this kind of stuff in class.

XOXO said...

1) I have my own blogger account that actually has a blog and stuff, so I do quite a bit of blogging.
2) I think the good thing about blogging is that you can talk about your day on it. You can kinda think of your blog as a single person. So you can obsess about your day or something with out your 'blog' getting annoyed.
3) The problem about blogging, is tha teverybody can see what you write. So say you type up a big secret or something and then somebody from school ends up finding your blog and reads about it. [This is an example] Then your secret isn't really a secret anymore. You might also accidently spill so me info on your posts. But then again you can always edit that out...

David K (1/2 B) said...

1) I have done a little bit for some other classes, but other than that none.

2) You can communicate with your friends and teachers without using your cellphone.

3) Other people can see what you are writing so you can never talk privately.

-David K!!

Emily D said...

1)I have done almost no blogging
2)I think blogging would be a good thing because you can talk to people quickly and reach a large amount of people if you need to.
3)Blogging could also be problematic if you only want one person to know something and gossip spreads easily.

sarsteffen said...

1) I have never done blogging in the past

2)blogging can be a fast and easy way to get in touch with anyone at any time

3)everyone on the blog can see everything you write

Fletcher B said...
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Fletcher B said...

1) i have almost no blogging exp at all. ;(

2) the ups are that you can talk to anyone and your friends without using the money it would take to do it with a cell phone.

3) You can talk to anyone but anyone can also talk to you, so if you accidently say something personal about you or some one else, it could easily reach the wrong ears, or eyes.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

1)This is the first time I have used a blog.

2) A good thing about blogging is sharing your ideas about a topic.

3) A bad thing about blogging is everyone can see what you are saying.

clara k!! said...

1)I have done no blogging prior to this class.
2)I think it is a good way to show creative ideas._ I think it is bad because everyone has excess.
3)If your internet doesnt work blogging could be problematic.

Allie B said...

1. I have only blogged in Mr. Forstor's LRT class.

2. I think blogging would be a good way to share ideas, stay connected, and save paper!

3. A problem with blogging could be if your internet wasn't working, also you can't share personal information on the internet.

shelby h said...
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shelby h said...

1) I havent really ever done any blogging. I have never had one.

2) I think it is good because if you have a question to ask about school you can put it up and get alot of feed back.

3) I think it also is kind of dangerous because you might put something up and it will come back and hurt you later.

Dan M said...

Thoughts about blogging

1) I have never used a blog before.

2) An advantage of blogs is that you can communicate with other people using a free service.

3) A negative to blogs is that personal info could stumble onto the internet and that could lead to a bad ending.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...


1. I have never used blogging before.
2. Blogging is useful because it is a way to communicate with people that live far away. Also, you can check homework and post information.
3. A problem is that once you say something everyone can see it. So, you have to be careful on what you post.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) I have done very little blogging in the past.

2) One thing that's good about being able to blog is that we are able to show our prospective on a subject to kids who aren't in our block.

3) a problem that could happen is if someone bullys another person through the blog. That would be bad.

-Nick L

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...


1) I have never done any blogging before.

2) A good thing about blogging is that you can communicate with others.

3) A bad thing about blogging is everyone can see what you wrote.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1) I have not done very much blogging.

2)It is a good way to communicate with other people.

3)Anyone can see what you are writing.

Alex S said...


1) I have never blogged before.

2) You can share your thoughts to other people around the world.

3)People could track you done and you could lose your identity.

Kelli said...

1. I haven't done any blogging before.

2. You can post your opinion on something and lots people can respond back. Its an easy way to spread news.

3. Anyone can see what you post because it isn't private.

Julia said...
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Julia said...
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Julia said...

1) none
2) blogging is good for fast and easy communication
3) private informaton could be found through blogging

Unknown said...

1) Ive never blogged before except for History Day

2) Kinda like IM, share info and gossip

3)No giving out personal info and people can make fun about what you say.

Fresa S. said...

1)I haven't done any blogging.

2)A good thing about blogging is that you can see what you did in class when you are gone. You can also communicate with classmates withought having to see them.

3) A bad thing about blogging is that nothing is private. Anybody could see what you wrote.

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

1.I do not do to much blogging because I don't really like it that much.

2. A good thing about blogging is that you tell everyone what's on your mind at the same time.

3. A problem with blogging is that everyone can read the information that you might not want them to see.


Brian B (1/2 B) said...

1) This is the first school year that I've been invloved with blogging.

2) One good thing about blogging is that you can communicate pretty easily with friends and teachers out of school for homework or if you were sick or something like that.

3) One bad thing about blogging is that once you post something, it's open to the entire world.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...
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Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1) The only blogging I have done has been for Mr. Forster and that was not very much.
2)You can get help if you need it and if you miss a class you can see exactly what you missed
3)A problem is that nothing is a secret and everyone knows everything about everyone else.

NoviceLD said...

1. None, except for the one post we did with Mr. Forster.
2. Being able to see what we did in class, being able to share thoughts in a efficient way.
3. You can't speak privately, and computers always tend to break.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

My thoughts about blogging comments

1. I have done blogging a few times.

2. I think the good thing about blogging is how you can communicate with people that you know or even communicate with people that you dont know but share your interests.

3. The thing that is problamatic about blogging is how you cannot talk about private things because absolutely anyone can read it.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

Thoughts about blogging:

1) I haven't done any blogging prior to this class.
2) Blogging is good because you can discuss topics with instant responses and read what other people think. It is also an easy way to communicate.
3) The things you say are open for the public to see, so you need to be careful of what you say.

rachaelc said...

1) I have only done a little bit of blogging with my friends, not much though.

2)It's kind of fun to leave comments on blogs, and a good thing is that everyone can post info and respond easily.

3)Its not very private and some people could get into trouble.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1)I haven't really done that much blogging...just a couple times in Mr. Forster's class.

2) A good thing about blogging, is you can see information you might need to homework...or if you missed a day, you can easily see what you missed.

3) A problem with blogging, is that everyone can see what you say so you might not want to post anything private.

byee, SOFIA!

Ashley S said...

1) No bloging experience

2) A good thing about blogging is you can see what homework you have been assigned if you were gone. Also, it is a fun way of talking to people and asking questions.

3) If you write something mean about someone that person will see it. Also, if you can't talk to just one person cause everyone sees what you write.

james m said...

1. Before this, I haven't done much blogging.
2. A good thing about blogging is that it kind of expands the classroom and helps us learn @ home.
3. But, blogging could cause problems in terms of identity and rumors and just all that bad stuff.

laura s (5/6a) said...

1) I have never blogged.

2) You are able to talk to people who live far away.

3) Nothing is private and you need a computer to do it.

sam r said...

1. I have never used a blog.

2. Its good because you can communicate with anyone, anywhere.

3. Random people can look at your blog and that could cause problems.

Shannon Awes said...

Thoughts about blogging:

1) I have done a little bit online, but I don't have much experience.

2) I think blogging is a good thing because you can discuss your intrests with other people who have the same intrests.

3) A problem that could occur when blogging is your identity could be stolen or untrue things about you could spread across the internet.

Now that's blogging!

kami h 7/8 b said...

1. I havent really done any blogging.
2. A good thing about blogging is that its an easy way to communicate with people.
3. You cant write anything privite because other people will see it.

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. I have done no blogging before this class.
2.A good thing about blogging is that you can share information with millions of people over the internet.
3. A disadvantage about blogging is that whenever somehting is posted on the web, it is on the web forever.

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

1) i havent done any blogging before this

2) you can contact and inform people on important information without having to say it face to face

3) people could learning things about you like where you live which could lead to bad things happening

danbach said...

1. I have done a little blogging in Mr.Foresters blog but none other than that.
2.That it is a good way to share information outside of class.
3.That anyone with a blogger account could possibly get to this page.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. none

2. some good things about blogging are that it is free and it is also an easy way to communicate with people.

3. when talking online you have to be careful about what you say or put up because it can all be accessed through an internet search.

jordieee s! said...

1) I have only done blogging one other time and that was in the other lrt class.

2) A good thing about blogging would be that you can share information with other students or people out in the world. For example, teachers use it a lot to keep students updated in their teachings.

3) Blogging could be a problem. One way it could be a problem is if someone gives out private information and another person gets it and they could blackmail that person.


braschill said...

1 before this class ive done no bloggoing.
2 i think blogging will help communicate with other people all around the world.
3 one problem that could happen about blogging is people saying mean and threatening things. another problem is if you computer stops working then you cant get on.

Zach G said...

1.I have done no blogging

2. A good thing is that you can communicate with a lot of people and share your opinions

3.people could make fun of people

Emily A said...

1 i have done it a little before lrt\

2 it helps people see what they missed

3people could put bad thing son

wheremypancakes said...

1. I have never blogged.
2. You can carry on conversations with people without actually talking.
3. If you don't check it regularly then you can miss stuff.

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

1.I have never blogged before
2. For everything to be up by the class it is assigned
3.I is not private

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

2.People can get news from other people.
3.People can get some personal info.

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

1)I have done some blogging

2)You can talk to people at your school outside of school without using the phone.

3)Everyone can read what you wrote

Jacob L. said...

1. I have done no blogging befor this class.

2. You can share your ideas with the world!

3.Can't talk about private stuff.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

1) i have never blogged before this class

2) blogging would be a good way to stay in touch with friends and family. and a good way to read the news and current events

3) blogging might be bad because people might not know how to be safe online and people might cyber-bully or talk about other people in bad ways

Mitlentz said...

1)I have not done much blogging prior to this class
2)A good thing about blogging would be that it lets you share your ideas
3)a problem about blogging could be that people like predators could find your personal information

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

I had a blog during the summer of 2005, as well as the summer of 2006.

Blogs can be useful when submitting news about a string of current events.

A bad thing about blogs is that people can find information about you.

cailyn c said...

1. none
2. being up to date with what is going on in class
3. people could find out your personel information

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

1) I have done very little blogging before class.

2) You can learn new things and it's a lot quicker than news on TV or in the newspaper.

3) Something bad is that anyone can read it so you have to be careful what you write.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

1) i haven't done any realyy

2. its helpfull

3. anybody can comment

jessica G said...

1 I have never blogged before except for comments on videos and in chat rooms.

2 Blogging is good because the blog is everywhere at once, so it can be easily sent and received.

3 People might not check the blog and it is hard to tell when other people will respond to your comment.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1) I have never blogged before this.
2) Blogging could be useful for communicating with people far away and it blogging is free, so everyone can use blogs.
3) Blogging could be problematic because nothing is private on the internet so, somebody could find your personal information.

Nora said...

1)Prior to this class, I did one blog entry in Mr. Forster's class.
2)A good thing about blogging is that it's online, so you can do it anywhere.
3)Something problematic could be that online predators could see it.

Nateglewwe said...

1) I have never blogged before. Well, I've posted comments online, but I don't know if that's "blogging".

2) You can see what other's think of something outside of class.

3) It's a fast way to get info out; perhaps in a way we don't want.

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

1. I did a little bit of blooging in Mr. Forsters class.
2. You can talk to your friends and maybe even you parent ao siblings.
3. You can talk to people private if nobody else knows your bloog acount.

mackenzie kelley said...

i have done no blogging befor this i think it is a good way to chatch up on things in class and leave feedback

jake r 5/6b said...

1 Prior to this class i have done basiclly no blogging. 2 One thing that i think that would be good about blogging is you can talk to people you do not know and u can talk to a lot of people.3 one thing problumatick is that you do not know who you are talking to.

Libby said...

I have blogged before, but not much.
It can be used to communicate.

john h 7/8B said...

Before this class i have never blogged or posted on a blog

i think that a good thing about blogging is that you can talk to people and voice your opinion

a problem with blogging is once you post anyone could read

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

1.I've never blogged before this class.

2.The problem with blogging is its hard to keep organized what I have and have not done.

Uzi M. said...

Thoughts about blogging

1) I have never used a blog before.

2) An advantage of blogs is that you can communicate with other people using a free service.

3) A negative to blogs is that personal info could stumble onto the internet and that could lead to a bad ending

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

1) I haven't blogged before this class.
2)If you missed schoolyou can just look on the blog to find what you missed.
3) If you forgot your password.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

1) None

2) You wouldn't have to worry about writting down the homework.

3) Other people can see your posts.

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

I have not done any prior blogging
a good thing about blogging is that you can stay current with people. A bad thing is that a bunch of people see what you put up.

Preston B said...

I think that blogging could be good because it is like an email. It is good because one person that has the blog can ask questions while a bunch of other people can comment on the questions that they ask.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

1. the first time i checked my blog was when i was making a blog for l.r.t.

2. I think you can add someone in your blog, i think thats a good thing about blogging.

3. you can comment your friends blog!

Kate O 7/8b said...

1.I have never bloged before accuallly

2.Its a new way of communicateing its the futer!!

3. It could get confussing

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) I have only done some blogging.

2) BLogging will give us a chande to communicate about school topics.

3) One bad thing about blogging might be online predators.

-Nick L

JohnB said...

1) none
2)You can communicate faster
3)It takes a lot of time, and all you do is sit at your computer instead of going out into the real world......

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. Ive done no blogging ever
2. IBlogging is good because you can get across to the students clear.
3. People could like go on your account and ddelete everything. that would be bad.

shanti said...

i really didnt do much blogging before i got into this class

well it helps to see what i am doing during the week it also helps me seee other opinions on things(what other people post)

sometimes i could forget to check the blog so i wont know what some of my assignments are.

Morgan W said...

1. some

2. it helps us share ideas and opinions

3. it is a hard habit to start

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. just a little blogging in my life don't have to repeat information.

3. you cant ever criticize someone if you don't want them to see it.

Chris M 5/6B said...

1)This is the first time I have used a blog.

2) A good thing about blogging is sharing your ideas about a topic.

3) A bad thing about blogging is everyone can see what you are saying.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

1. none
2. you can communicate with people easily.
3. whatever you put on a blog, will be there forever

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

1) I havent' really done any blogging.
2) You can talk to people without having to see them. You can make comments on what others say.
3) Some bad people could read what you say and maybe track you down, or start talking to you.

alex c 7/8b said...

1. i have done no blogging
2. the advertisments boost economy
4. its complicated

Anonymous said...

no i havent done any bloging

its good to find out others peoples thoughts on the subject

no its not private, nothings private on the internet

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

I have never done blogging before.
Blogging is good because it keeps you updated.
Blogging can lead to problems like saying something and someone misunderstands it and takes it offensive

brittany said...

i have never blogged

a good thing about blogging is that it helps people find there asignments for school and you can talk to your friends

a problem that could accur would be if people missused there blog and were gossiping and stuff like that.

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

2. you can express what you want freely
3.whats on there is on forever.

Nick S. 5/6B said...

1. I have done 0 blogging before this

2. We can share our opinions world wide

3. EVERYONE, can see what you're doing

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

1) I have never blogged before
2) You can share your opinions with everyone
3) You have no privacy

ellie w. 7/8A said...

1) I have never blogged.
2) You could keep in touch with people you don't see very often.
3) Most blogging is public, so anyone could read what you wrote.

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

1. I have never blogged before this year.
2. Its good because you can comunicate with people, especially your teachers.
3. A problem could be that people could accidentaly give out too much information about themselves.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...


2.i can find out what my homework is and know what will be going on the next class

it is seen world wide

Unknown said...

1 I've done none
2 forgeting to check the blog

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

1.I've done a little blogging, not serious, i didnt like it.
2.Good things..Maybe that you can post your ideas to whoever actully looks at your blog.
3.Problematic things, its a hassle and it doesnt seem that many people keep up with their blogs and pay attention to any other blogs.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

1) I havent done any blogging.

2) You can talk to people and it helps you.

3. Nothing is private.


1. I have not done a lot of blogging.

2. A good thing would be that you can still blog even if we're at our house.

3. It could be problematic if you forgot your password.

David K (1/2 B) said...

I have not blogged
I have done only what's required in this class
I think its a bad idea

cotywc7-8b said...

1 i never really blogged before this.
2 i dont know what could be "problematic" about blogging.

KelseyE said...

1. One

2. Easier to give info.


Kelsey E. 5/6A

Sam.c said...

1. i have done a tiny bit of blogging.

2. i think it is good when everyone adds a little bit to the conversation

3. i think that there might get some emotions tangled in the blog.

Kriften G!! said...


no writing


wes F. said...

1. None

2. You can talk to people about a subject very easyly

3. Every one can see the blogs

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

2)its a fast easy way of communicating
3)everyone can see what you post so you cant talk about private stuff.

nicole h said...

1.none is easy to communicate and its kinda like im
3.if u create a blog maybe no one would post on it

Allanzo T 5/6B said...

1.i haven't really done much blogging are able to ask your other friends suff. have2 scroll to see what othr people have 2 say.

Anonymous said...

1) I haven't done much blogging before.
2) You can find things a lot faster.
3) Anyone on could potentially read what you write on a blog so you have to be careful.