Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Circle Justice Scenarios

During the Circle Justice presentation, your class had an opportunity to conduct Circle Justice using a role-playing scenario. Write your own Circle Justice scenario.
  • Be sure to include all characters defining who each character is.
  • Set up the situation explaining in detail what occurred for the offending incident and where things now stand leading up to this Circle Justice.
Be sure to write in detail and share enough information so others will fully understand the scenario.


Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

Frank stole from three different stores and was trying to leave to another state. But his friends and family want to heal him and the community he hurt.
Frank- 18 years old been troubled since his dad died.
Penelope- Franks mom has been sick but will do anything to heal her son.
Patty- Franks sister feels he is a hopeless cause.

Anonymous said...

Three people: Bob, Sally and Tim were walking around late at night in a neighborhood. Each had a gun. They were on a mission to kill a person they have hated all their lives. Bob, Sally and Tim were best friends since preschool, and they were always the teachers pet. When they got to the house, Sally rang the bell. When Jim, the person Bob, Sally and Tim hated, opened the door Tim and Bob yelled "SURPRISE" Tim and Bob shot their guns but only Tim's went off. Jim screamed at the shot but didn't die. The police caught Sally, Tim and Bob since Jim's mom called the police.

Now Bob, Sally and Tim are in resoritive Justice and Jim is working with them to try to tell them the meaning of life. Now Bob, Sally, Tim and Jim have forgave each other.

And they all lived happily ever after in peace.

Dan M said...

James and Max vandalized a bank with a group of seniors (the 65+ kind) seeing the whole thing. They are both sophomores at EHS. Now Mr. Forstley gives them two options; they can be arrested or they can go and try to live up north by themselves for a month.

Alex S said...

Oliver and Roger are friends. They decided to rob a bank. They got caught and now they have two opptions, go to jail or do circle justice.

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

Pedro stole 3,000 dollars from the ice cream truck, in the process he assaulted the owner physically and mentally.

The owner was actually pedro's neighbor, so she knew where he lived. She called the cops on him and he was very sad they arrested him. The police beat him in anger of his actions. He chose to do circle justice.

After his experience with circle justice, he changed his life and gave back the 3,000 dollars he stole.

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

Bob- a gangster
Phil- A person on the street
Sally- Phils wife

Bob raondomly went up to Phil. Hes like give me all your money or imma shoot u!! Phil did. But he got Bob's license plate. So he reported him. Now they need to go to a circly justice thing. and they are all happy and feel good inside!

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

Mr. A and Mr. B decided to break into someones house. they got caught and the community decided that they could help repair the damage they made or they could do community service for the people that lived in that house.

the end

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

Szchaves Yikvanwaldenburge from Sweden broke into a candy store and destroyed all the swedish fish in the store. He also assaulted the cashier. He told the police that he was insulted by the fish and that he thought the court was unfair. He is now finished with circle justice and is living a new life.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

John didn't like school. One day, he decided to go vandilize his school. He got caught. Now John has to choose between going to jail or circle justice.

JohnB said...

Alex and Jack vandalize southdale while a group of parents look on. They are seniors at Ehs and they have two options, they can fix the damage with people from southdael, or they can go to juvy for a month.

Kelli said...

Bob and Fred decide to vandalize a house in the middle of the night. Bob and Fred are both in high school. Their community is upset by this and decide to send Bob and Fred to Circle Justice instead of jail. The neighborhood wants Fred and Bob to heal so the community will be a safer place.

mackenzie kelley said...

Oliver and Roger are friends. They decided to rob a bank. They got caught and now they have two opptions, go to jail or do circle justice.

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

Matt decided he was bored with life so one day he and his friend decided to go and spray paint the school. Matt and his friend were artists and considered their painting on the side of the school a work of art, not defacement of public property. While Matt's friend decided to go through the courts, Matt took the path of Circle Justice.
Matt-Doesn't think that his painting is doing anything wrong
Principle Vernon- Wants Matt and his friend to clean everylast spec of paint from the wall.
Mrs Matt's Mom-is Matt's mom and is disgraced by his disrespectful behavior.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

Billy spray-painted graffiti on his school. He doesn't care if he gets kicked out or not.
Bob, the school's principal is mad at Billy and thinks he did a stupid thing. He wants Billy to clean off the paint.
Joe, Billy's dad wants to keep Billy and school and doesn't understand why his son did it.

John R (1/2A) said...

britany spears had no control over her anger. One day she walked to the candy store so she could get some candy. when she tried to buy a gum ball (25 cents) she only had 24 cents and the guy wouldn't let her have it, so she broke everything. then she pulled her car up and stole 150 pounds of candy. The clerk felt extremely nice that day so he decided not to call the cops, instead he called her to circle justice.... WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

Nateglewwe said...

Isaac wanted to go to Greece with his orchestra, but his mom said that he couldn't. So, Isaac stole a plane ticket and went to greece anyways. When his mom found out what he had done, he was shipped home. Now he is helping others to be honest, and he is working to be a psycologist.

XOXO said...

Svetlana, Penny, and Miley were walking the streets late at night and came across a house that had looked abandoned. They decided to check it out, but the door was locked. Penny and Miley [together] broke open the window, and the three slid through the shattered window. There were a lot of old things in the house, including an old man that was sleeping upstairs, heavily. [But they didn't know this.] They trashed the whole house and ran off when they heard creaking upstairs.

They are now in the circle, rehabilitating.

shanti said...

John has broken into many houses in his community while intoxicated. His family doesnt know what to do with him, and the community wants him gone. As you can see he has a drinking problem and has been troubled since his first car crash out of the many.

John- 17 and is making harder for himself as each day goes on

Dani-johns mom cries herself to sleep because she cant see a good future for her son

Arther-johns dad isnt apart of johns life anymore after he divorced dani (mom) wants his son to grow up and get a life and stop fooling around.

Erica said...

Mildred was walking along the street with her 4 year old grandson, Johnny. They were going to the store to pick up some potatoes when a man in a black suit knocked poor Mildred out with a golf club. Mildred was lying on the street and Johnny started to scream. The police finally caught the man. His name was Pedrico and he stole Mildred's purse.There were many witnesses on the street.

Mildred- She is so upset at Pedrico for being so cruel and mean. She hopes that this event doesn't scar little Johnny for the rest of his life.

Johnny- He thought that this crime was somewhat like an action movie he saw. He thought it was cool but very scary.

Pedrico- He claims that it's not his fault. He just immigrated to America from Mexico and he claims he has no money.

Community- They all blame Pedrico. They think that he should apologize to Mildred and Johnny and that he should pay for Mildred's broken ribs.

Zach G said...

Pablo and Richie vandalised and grafittied the local school. They decided to go to a circle of justice to decide what they should have to do.

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Sofia are friends. They decided to rob a bank. They got caught and now they have two opptions, go to jail or do circle justice.

Emily A said...

bob stole some candy from a local candy store, bob is a 17 year old man that lives in a small town they do not have many police in this town. bob was going to party and he needed candy, the candy store was closed so he stole it. the shop owner next door saw him and clled the police. when the court date came bob was sentanced to circle justice.

Anonymous said...

ok so it starts with mootra and he gets in some troble with the law. now he has to do a justic circal. he ends up haveing to do 20000000000000 years of community service. the end

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Dan was a 17 year old Finnish immigrant, who came to america when he was 16. Dan broke into the hous of one of his neighbors at night and stole their TV and computer.

The family found out that it was him, and they called the police.

The court judge gave Dan the option of going to jail, or doing a circle justice program. Dan's sister felt that he shouldn't be blamed-this stuff was done all the time in Finland.
The family thinks that he should hve to buy them a new TV and computer, and give the old ones back.

Emily D said...

Jane got drunk at a party, but had to drive herself home. She crashed her car into a nearby hardware store and went on to completely tear the place up. This store was belonged to Mr. Frank.

Jane got arrested in a nearby park after police found who owned the car. She is now in the Circle Justice and in a rehab program to get over her drinking.

Mr. Frank and Jane have come to an agreement where she will help rebuild the store and then work there for 1 year to pay him back for all the damage.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

During an Edina U14A game, Craig Morgato snuck into the lockeroom and stole all the valubles. He won't say were he put them, and the team, the coach, and the manager want him to either give back or pay everything he stole.

♥ Coach: Mr. Lundeen
♥ Manager: Rita Peluso
♥ Team captain: Emily Nealson

danbach said...

Frank was at a barber shop and was getting his hair cut. The suddenly a baby trew some candy at him. later the baby was sent to circle justice. the baby was sentenced to clean up and sweep the floor of the barber shop.

The baby: was 2 and he got the candy from willy wonka candy store (it was a lollypop). The baby's formnal name is bortoko and grew up to be a philpsopher and put the incedent behined him.

Frank: was 67 and Frank was currently occupied as a radio personality. now a days he is retiered and won't eat lollypops.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Billy and Nick are 14. And veryyy day they were at the park and decided they wanted to steal. They saw an old granny and saw that her purse was hanging loose so they decided to grab it and run off! Sadly they got caught..too bad for them..and now they have a choice of doing 1234567 years if community service, going to that homeschool place OR do circle of justice. So they chose cirlce of justice...luckiley it helped them and they are not messed up anymore!

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

tiffany stole pineapples from the grocery store. the grocery store guy saw her drive away and knew her liscence plate number. so he reported her to the police. tiffanys parents didnt want her to go to jail. so they sent her to a circle of justice. tiffany was healed

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

There once was a man named Harry and Frank.
Harry- 19 years old, has good relationship with parents.
Frank- Also 19, has a bad relationship with his mom (dad was killed when Frank was 4)

One day two great freinds named Harry and Frank were walking in the park when they came upon a stroller with a baby in it but no mom. The baby had a sucker and a bag of Twizzlers in his hands. Frank and Harry looked around and only saw a dog in sight. they took the candy from the baby and ran off. The next day a policeman showed up at Harry's front door. The policeman said that he was turned in by a talking dog for stealing candy from a baby. The policeman said that he and Frank would have to do circle justice. Harry and Frank went through Circle Justice and never stole candy from a baby ever again.

-Nick L

laura s (5/6a) said...

Albert- man who smashed windows has anger management issues

Joan- girl who broke up with Albert

Joan broke up with Albert who got so mad that he went to some nearby stores and smashed the windows. The other people in town then said they would help fix the store window if he would take anger management classes and clean up after hours at the stores he smashed the windows in.

Ashley S said...

Anna and bill and Fred went to the mall. They are all friends. They went into a store and each stole things. They get caught and have to either return the things ad do something to help the store owner or go to jail. They decided to help the store owner around the store

Ashley S said...

George and Bob and Alli are all friends. They go to the mall one day and decide to steal something. They get caught and either can go to jail or help the store owner around the store. They decide to help the store owner around the store.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

Scenario- Tom was the leader of large group of friends. At school, a kid had the nerve and made up stuff about him. Tom got so mad that they took the kid and beat him up severly.
Tom- An angry and jelous guy. He is the leader of a group.
Steve- He was jelous of Tom. And extremely hurt mentally and physically.

james m said...

Tom and his friend Jerry are hanging out one night. Tom wants to go rob someones house. Jerry doesnt think its a good idea. TOm eventually gets Jerry to come along. But the cops are called by a neighbor when they are robbing. Tom runs away and doesnt get caught, Jerry gets thrown in jail. The circle of justice helps heal the two mens' relationship and they repay all the damage they did to the house.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

Ellie broke into her neighbors house and shot Andy's cat. She was troubled, and the community wanted to heel her.
Ellie: was having bouts of depression ever since her best friend was killed in a gang shooting, and wanted to take it out on her friend.
Andy: Understood what Ellie was going through and wanted to save her before her depression got her into BIGGER trouble.
Kathleen: Andy's mom who wanted Ellie to go to Rehab.

Fresa S. said...

Paula and Chris were vandalizing a daycare building that was in their neighborhood. Julia was inside the building with three children when Paula and Chris vandalized the building so she called the police. The police sent them to a Circle of Justice. The circle of Justice decided that Paula and Chris should clean up the daycare building and work in it for one month. Paula and Chris ended up loving the daycare center and started their own.
Paula- 18 years old, vandalized daycare building
Chris- 19 years old, vandalized daycare building, always out to get his little brother
Julia- 25 years old, daycare leader

Emma C said...

Lily and Kurt were bored one day and decided to set some lawns on fire.It wasn't bad until they came to this house where the family all had some kind of mental disability.They decided to burn up the whole yard. Then the house caught on fire though no one was hurt the whole yard and house were destroyed. Then the police arrested them and they went through Circle Justice with the family who's property had been destroyed.

Lily and Kurt-People who destroyed the property.
Wahgenstein family-Family who's property was destroyed.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

Anne and Jack went to the clothing store, and stole 4 shirts and 4 pants worth around $600. The next day, the police came to their door. Anne and Jack were under arrest. They had a choice to go to 3 weeks of jail, or participate in Circle Justice. They decided to participate in Circle Justice. The Circle Justice decided to make Anne and Jack return all of the items they stole, and have to work for the store for 24 hours each without getting paid.

NoviceLD said...

Kit is nineteen years old, and has had problems all her life. She gets into robbing banks and faking IDs so she can go to bars. She gets money and a place to stay the night any way she can. She was recently found trying to rip off a guy who once helped her.
Her parents want nothing to do with her, as they have needed help recovering from living with her.
A talent agent who once heard her sing at a club thinks she can do better.
Her neighbors and some people who believed in her through school are the community.
The guy is there, and really thinks she can be a more normal girl if she improves on her lifestyle choices and nasty habits.

Kate O 7/8b said...

Calvin and Waldo were BFFs. But one day Calvin started doing bad stuff he became bad. Waldo one day stole from and old lady's pure and took her dead husbands watch it was the only thing she had left of his. Waldo's parents think it was Calvin's fault that he influenced their son to do bad things just that him. Calvin and his parents, Waldo and his parents and the old lady Waldo had stolen from all went to Circle Justice to figure things out.

Waldo- Ended up helping out at a watch shop to help repair many watches and the one he stole/broke

Calvin- Had no punishment but now changed his own life and became good again

Old Lady- Happy now and comes in every once in a while to the watch shop to see how Waldo was doing.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

Robbie: Has autism and had a rough childhood.
Mr and Mrs Chet: Robbie's parents- they're both alcoholics.
Sara: Robbie's counselor and therapist, very supportive.

Robbie went out with his friends at a restaurant by his house. His friends had too much to drink and accidentaly made him mad. Robbie attacked both of them and they ended up in the hospital. Robbie was arrested the night of the incident. The judge gives him a choice of either having 9 months of house arrest/therapy or the circle of justice. He chooses the circle of justice...

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

Jack took five different diamonds from five different houses. His friend told him not to but he did it anyway. His friend tried to help him with his problems.
Jack was 15 years old and had had problems since his dog had run away.
Jack's brother really cared about him so he tried to give him counseling.
Jack's girlfriend just broke up with him because she was sick of him stealing things.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

Bobby stole a jacket from his neighbor Jan. All of his neighbors think he should return the jacket and help with something to fix what he has done.
Bobby is 45 and troubled.
Jan is Bobbys neighbor and is 88, mostly blind and has bad hearing.
All the other neighbors range in ages and want peace in their community.

Nora said...

Mohamed has anger issues and one day after he got out of detention, he beat up some random kid he saw on the street. He's doing circle justice to get over his anger problems and so that the guy he hurt can forgive him.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

Two guys, Kyle and Paul, trashed an ice rink. The security cameras caught them and now they have the choice to go the Circle Justice.

Chris M 5/6B said...

jose and maria get caught destroying and stealing things in a supermarket in new mexico. the police give them two choices: go to jail or go to a circle justice group in the middle of nebraka.

David K (1/2 B) said...

Billy and his gang of gangstas were beating a lot of people up and after stole all of there money... they also robbed a lot of stores, but they were caught. The gang and billy are very young so they are going through circle justice.

Anna B said...

Philip: bad influence; is on drugs; very unfortunate looking; has bad breath; influenced Louise to damage Jane's house with him.

Louise: used to be Jane's best friend; is being influenced to do bad things such as drugs; was influenced by Philip to damage Jane's house, even though they used to be best friends.

Jane: Had vandalism done to her house

Mary: Louise's mother

Tom: Louise's father

Elvis + Oprah: Jane's parents

George + Nina: Philips parents

Philip had the biggest crush on Jane. He asked her out but Jane wanted nothing to do with him because he was a jerk, did drugs and drank, so she said no. Philip was extremely mad and wanted revenge.

Meanwhile, Jane was also having problems with her best friend Louise. Louise's parents had just gotten a divorce, and Louise handled her pain by drinking and doing drugs. Jane still cared about Louise, but she didn't want to be her friend until she changed her actions.

One night after Philip and Louise had both been drinking, Philip convinced Louise to go vandalize Jane's house. They spray painted her parents cars, threw eggs at her house, and did just everything you could to destroy the house. After they had finished they were soon caught. Jane was so angry with Philip, but even more with Louise because she had expected better of her.

The three kids, and their parents all went through Circle Justice to try to find a solution. In the end Louise and Philip payed all the damages that were done, and went through rehab. Louise and Jane became best friends again and Philip would never get a date in his teenage years because he was still a jerk and unfortunate looking, but at least he was sober...... THHHHEEE EEEEEENNNND!

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

Bob and Frank were out late at night and vandalized a playground where little kids play. The police caught them and now they are working with restoritive justice to help the dammage they did.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

Suzi broke into multiple houses looking for money. She got caught a couple times and sent to the juvenile delinquent center. Her parents came to visit her and so did her lawyer. Her lawyer decided to sign her up for the Circle Justice meetings. They accept her and she goes to try to get healed. They have her do tremendous amounts of community service, but through that she cleans her soul. She never breaks into anything ever again and they all live happily ever after. The End!!

wheremypancakes said...

This guy named Pedro was an alchoholic and he got in a fight and he broke this guys nose. Instead of going to jail he was healed through circle justice!!!

David K (1/2 B) said...

Zutroy hopped the border and got caught later. he had to go to circle justice and everything got worked out.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

There once was a man named Fred and Darby.
Fred- 19 years old, has good relationship with parents.
Darby- Also 19, has a bad relationship with his mom (dad was killed when Darby was 4)

One day two great freinds named Fred and Darby were walking in the park when they came upon a stroller with a baby in it but no mom. The baby had a sucker and a bag of Twizzlers in his hands. Fred and Darby looked around and only saw a dog in sight. they took the candy from the baby and ran off. The next day a policeman showed up at Darby's front door. The policeman said that he was turned in by a talking dog for stealing candy from a baby. The policeman said that he and Fred would have to do circle justice. Fred and Darby went through Circle Justice and never stole candy from a baby ever again.

Morgan W said...

characters: carly-victim, vince-offendor, amy-witness.
vince stole carly's car and drove it into a tree after carly stole from his feind addam. amy saww the incident but cant decide if it was justifyed or not. carly and vince are bowth very angry but addam amd vinve dont want anyone to go to prison.

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

there is three people and they are Tom, Tim, and Ed.
- Ed is troubled because all of his fanily has died and he is all alone an he feel that he need to do something to realse his anger in him self.
-Tim has just lost his bust frien in the hole world and wants to kill hieself.
-Tom wants to heal his friends Ed, and Tim in their trouble in their life.

Alyssa K said...

Jack stole from a store and is all ways hurting people mentally and physically. His family members want to help this 15 year old boy but others dont want anything to do with him.


Phil robbed a store and then stole the cashiers car because he was angry at his wife for cheating on him. The court decided to send him to Circle justice to resolve his anger issues, now he works for Circle Justice.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

One morning Marty, was shopping in a convienece store. He needed some baking soda for the cookies he was baking for his Grandma. When he went up to the cashier to pay he noticed he was short 50 cents! And he really need the baking soda and did not have enough time to run home to get his money out of his light-up piggy-bank. So he told the cashier he was not done shopping and went back into the store. He looked around a little and then nonchalantly walked out of the store with the baking soda under his shirt.
THe next day his parents got a call from the police inquiring that their son, Marty had stolen form the convience store and they had proof on a hidden camera. THe police came to the house and took Marty away to The local Detention center. He spent a week in the detention center before his parents signed him up for Circle Justice. When his mother first took him to a circle justice meeting his mother would not even look at him and kept calling him a rebel child and blammed him for all of her "over time" at her pshycologist. Then at the meeting Marty explaned everything and they forgave him. THEEEEE EEEEENNNNNNDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

Rufus recently got arrested for littering. He just came to the U.S. and was unaware of this law. People want to help him with the U.S. law system using circle justice.

Rufus- 27 year old Spaniard unaware of U.S. laws.

Margaret- Rufus's wife who has always lived here and wants to help.

Barthalomeu- Rufus's co-worker and friend.

Libby said...

Fred and Tim are walking around at night and they see a really cool thing they want. they steal it but get caught by the neighbor. Then they go to circle justice and then they live happily ever after!

Julia said...

Two girls, Kyrie and Paula, trashed a gym. The security cameras caught them on tape and now they have the choice to go the Circle Justice meetsing or face criminal charges.

Tara M (5/6LRT) said...

someone stole an old womens stamp collection and trashed them.

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

A boy stays up late doesn't listen to his parents, vandalizes and gets into fights.

He burned down someones house and he burned a valuble collection of antient scrolls.

Boy- Danny he is 15 and mischievious and participates in illegal activities.

Mr. Van Daan- professor who had the collection and a house

Boys Parents- they are worried that their son will get in trouble.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

Jiminey was a boy who didn't have very many friends. He got into alot of fights, most of them about something small and insignificant. One day, he got into a fight at school because his teacher had taken his paperclip. Gladyss, the teacher, tried to react in a calm way but Jiminey could not be calmed. He punched the teacher and Gladyss was angry. Sandra and Lopio held down Jiminey while Gladyss called the police.
His family decided to put him in circle justice instead of going straight to jail. In the end, he had to serve community service and work for Gladyss for a semester.

kami h 7/8 b said...

3 kids- mark, pierre and dale though they would be cool by robing a store. now they can pay a fine and go to jail or go to circle justice.

Lindsey S said...

Susie was walking home when a driver hit her sending her into the bushes, luckily she wasn't killed. However, she had broken an arm and now had brain damage and couldn't say one sentece without stoping. She also had short term memorie loss. The driver was tested and had drank before he hit her. So he decided to help her everyday for 5 years trying to help her learn new things and remeber things. After two long years susie forgave the driver and became best friends for life!!

prestonb said...

There was two friends, Tom and John. one day tom got really mad at john and decided to beat him up. tom had to go to circle justice or jail.

dylan v said...

Eric semmerson assisted in a bank robbery and managed to break the cashiers arm. He was 16 and could of been in jail. His parents frank and Vanessa semmerson both smokers decided a healing process would be better for Eric.

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

Bret is 17 years old and has had anger issues since he was first beaten by his dad. He doesn't know how to deal with his anger so he takes it out on other kids.

He has stoled many things and has hurt a lot of people, but his family has now decided to try circle justice to solve everything. His father left the family many years ago. His mother has been very worried about her son.

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

Joey, and Bret did not like each other they had gotten into a fight and Joey left with a broken leg. Bret's parents thought he needed help. So they signed him up for circle justice. By the time his meetings were over he was a whole new person.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

There are two characters: Rafael and Jorge. One day Rafael stole Jorge's brand new Sesame Street toothbrush. Jorge is now angry. Meanwhile, Rafael is angry too and also facing a life sentence in prison.

sam r said...

Sam is 12 and in trouble, he stole a fork from Mcdonalds. The Manager, Frankie wants to sue him. They must participate in circle justice meetings and solve it out. Frankie and Sam become est of friends and eat at Mcdonalds every day.

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

Bob stole a computer from Best Buy.
Best Buy is really madd!!!!!!!!!

Bob- 19 year old. reb.


Bob and representives from best buy work it out in circle justice meetings!

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Sofia Brown assaulted Nick Leer. He had nightmares about her for weeks. They need to go to circle justice so that Nick can rejuvinate himself and Sofia can get rid of her bad habits.

sarsteffen said...

Jane got drunk at a party, but had to drive herself home. She crashed her car into a nearby hardware store and went on to completely tear the place up. This store was belonged to Mr. Frank.

Jane got arrested in a nearby park after police found who owned the car. She is now in the Circle Justice and in a rehab program to get over her drinking.

Mr. Frank and Jane have come to an agreement where she will help rebuild the store and then work there for 1 year to pay him back for all the damage.

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

Tim vandalized Creek Valley Elementary School as a Senior prank. He got caught. He can either go to Juvie for 2 months or do circle or justice.

Fletcher B said...

Bob: victim
Frank: cause of problem
Anne: Frank's mom
mildrid: bob's mom
Frank is 19 and doing drugs. one day in the park he convinced bob to do them with him. bob got so high he killed himself and now frank feels really bad. frank, anne and mildrid are all in circle justice to help heal and forgive each other.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

Robbie went out with his friends at a restaurant by his house. His friends had too much to drink and accidentaly made him mad. Robbie attacked both of them and they ended up in the hospital. Robbie was arrested the night of the incident. The judge gives him a choice of either having 9 months of house arrest/therapy or the circle of justice. He chooses the circle of justice...

danbach said...

Two people where in the park late one night drinking and they vandalized some of the proprety.

Anonymous said...

neil got caught stealing glasses from blind people and had to go to jail or do circle justice

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

Paul robs a store and vandalizes the front with spray paint. He goes to circle justice and is told that he must spend the next year doing community service and helping restore the storefront.

Mikey L 5/6B said...

john was out drinking one night and had too many beers and got drunk. as he was driving home, he drove into a light pole, wich fell onto a car stopped at a red light. the driver of the car was hospitalized and so was frank. after 2 weeks in the hospital, john and frank(he was the driver of the car the street light fell on) went to circle justice to heal mentally.

jordieee s! said...

Lola was stealing a bunch of money from the bank. Fran finally found out that it was Lola so Lola had to go to jail or do circle justice for one year so she can form a new community.

Lola-Has some problems with money.
Fran-Band owner.

Sam.c said...

the story we had was about two friends who destroyed a park and they have to reap what thy have sewn. I thought in the end it taught us about not judging people

ellie w. 7/8A said...

Cailyn and Recardo decided to egg the Statue of Liberty. But they were caught. Now they have two choices, go to prison for 25 years, of Circle of Justice.

clara k!! said...

two guys got drunk and vandalised a park. then we had to decide a punishmennt. it was intereesting.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

Clara stole jordie's neclkace and they got in a huge fight and they went to circle of justice to heal and at the end they became best friends and talked a lot in lrt 7/8A--- not a real story pplez

Mitlentz said...

jeffy broke joeys bike. he said he didnt but there are witnesses. he wouldnt buy joey a new bike even though he broke it. Joey turned to violence, and now they arew ion the circle of justice

shelby h said...

there were these to kids mike and bob, they were throwing snowballs at each other. 1 threw a block of ice and broke a car window. they now have to go to circle justice for there anger ishues and to help pay for the broken window.

nicole h said...

Danny went to a store and stole 5 boxes of Lucky Charms. His best friends Harry,Dougie,and Tom helped and healed him through circle justice by making him return the cereal and write a letter to the store to apologize for what he did.

Yannick A said...

george stole a pack of bear from a store and got drunk and littered all over town but his dad still thanks there is some good left in him so they sent him to circle justice

bob - dad

robert - circle justice leader

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

Ted and Red were buds. They shot the last specle haired furry whale in the world. Then the animal became extint. They get an option of circle justice or jail.

rachaelc said...

Jake was into drugs, but didn't have money. He stole alchol, and got caught. If the community doesnt help, who will?

Jake- Troubled teen
Mom- Passed away
Dad- Always at work

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

Kyrie and Paula trashed a gym. The security cameras saw them and now they have the choice to go the Circle Justice meetings or face charges.

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

Sally and Allie hate Kalli. so one day they caught Kalli walking home from school and they beat her. A neighbor video taped it on their phone then called the police. Sally has terrible family issues and Allie has been a rebel her whole life. Now these two girls face the option jail or circle justice?

brittany said...

shanti stole brendas car and she refused to give it back. so now brenda is really mad. and she thinks that if we dont stop shantrell she will do this to a lot of other people so shanrell has to spend a year in jail or go to circle justice.

Anonymous said...

Szchaves Yikvanwaldenburge from Sweden broke into a candy store and destroyed all the swedish fish in the store. He also assaulted the cashier. He told the police that he was insulted by the fish and that he thought the court was unfair. He is now finished with circle justice and is living a new life.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

Two high school kids beat up a kid really bad and is now in the hospital. There are some bad things going on at the two kids homes that aren't the best and they need healing. They go to circle justice and are better.

jessica G said...

Fartun was a bank robber. She robbed a bank of $30,000. Before going to jail, she had a chance to attend a circle justice meeting. When asked why she stole, she replied that she was poor and didn't have anywhere to live. The circle justice meeting suggested that she should live in a home for the homeless and get food from the food shelf. She would return the bank's money and not be sentenced.

holle g (5/6 b) said...

George broke into a store. the owner reported George. So George had to either go to jail or circle justice. so he chose circle justice. he had to clean up what he did, fix it, pay the owner for the damage and work there for a year.

Jack H 5/6b said...

a kid was playing with fireworks with his friend they went boom and blew up someones front door and now its goon and now there serving time in the wildorness today.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

one time, this guy, bobo robbed a bank. the bank people got angry and called the police. bobo got in trouble. so, bobo went through circle of justice. and then he was a good guy.

the end

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

George was caught drinking at a party and he is underaged. This isn't the first time that he's been caught and his family think that he is rebeling against them and they want to come to peace with George and help him.

George is 19 years old and has been a good kid up until this year for some reason.

Lilly is George's mother who has always sheltered him his whole life.

Ben is George's dad and has been a bit tough on George his whole life and they don't have a very good relationship.