Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's Not What You Say Video Reaction

Although very cheesy, this video served as a good wrap up to the first module of the Communication Unit. Whether or not you liked it, please share one thing that you already knew and one thing that you learned from this video.


Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...

The video was cool. One thing that i already knew was what vocal communication was, but one thing that i learned was that most people believe in things they see not here, well... i maybe knew that before, but the video made me understand it better.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

One thing I already knew from the video is that actions speak louder than words. One thing I learned was that if you want to be a good communicator, you have to make sure your verbal and nonverbal message match.

Sophie N LRT 5/6b said...

I liked the video but It was a little hard to fallow. One thing I learned was the difference between verbal and nonverbal. I knew that before but now I'm positive I know the differences.

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

One thing I already knew was that it's important to have good eye contact and speak clearly. I learned that you must be able to use all three kinds of communication to send a good message.

Tom G said...

I liked the video but the host was a liitle on the weird side. One thing i already knew was that public speaking was the number one fear in america. One thing i learned from the video was that acting confident will make you more confident when speaking in public.

Ellen!! said...

hey mr. buckley!
The video really pointed out that peoples actions are way louder then peoples actual speaking words. In order to be a good communicator you have to be a good listener. You have to always have your eyes on the speaker to be a good listener. I also think that Bill Cakmis or whatever his name is, is a MAJOR joke!

Nico A LRT 5-6B said...

Everybody log on to - it's all set up with a poll (how early do you get up in the morning?) and a few posts but nobody's responded yet.

I realized just how many times every day we use one of the three types of communication, and that we almost never notice them being used. I also learned how to signal in cars... I haven't tried it yet though. Overall, I learned how not to live my life out (with your parents living across the street).

Sam W-LRT 7/8B said...

I think that the video was super awesome!!!! I knew alot of the things that were shown but it was a very nice refresher

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

i thought the video was.. pretty funny.. :]

one thing i already knew was that eye contact can really help your speech because ppl will know you are talking to them.

two things i learned were that there are tons of ways to say different things, and that you need to make your messages match so that you don't send mixed signals and mess up your point.


bretts-lrt 7/8b said...

The guy who was the host was pretty weird and the kids at the party need to get a life. But i learned that most people believe what they see before what they here a person say to them. narly.

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

One thing i already knew from the video was that eye contact is important when you are communicating. One thing i learned is that most people believe what they see before they believe what they hear.

Steve P-LRT 7/8B said...

I thought the video provided a lot of good information. However it seemed to go in an odd order that didnt make sense to me. It was pretty corny and dumb though too.

Aria S 7/8b said...

one thing i learned from the video was that emphasis on a word can scare people or comfort people



Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

I thought this movie was fine. Its not my favorite but was very educational. I already knew that body language is very strong but i learned that facial expressions should support your opinion.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

One thing that i already knew from this video was that your apperence shows what qualities you belive in. One thing that i didn't know was that high schoolers still went over to eachothers houses to play BOARD GAMES! But whatever maybe i'll try it this weekend ;)

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

I thought the main character was really boring,but the rest of the video was awesome! It was a very god short little revoew for test and the one thing i remembered the mostpeople believe in what the see no here.

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

I really enjoyed the video. However I already knew that actions speak louder than words, but I'm glad the video included that because its very true. One thing I learned was that if your verbal message and nonverbal message don't match, you could cause a lot of trouble and confusion for your receiver or listener.

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

One thing that I learned from this video was how important visualizing is. Something that I already knew was what non-verbal messages were.

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

One thing that I already knew from the video, was that your body language (or your nonverbal message) projects your attitude or fellings. A new fact that I learned, was that vision is the most important element of communication.

T Moor said...

i thought the video was horrible but it taught some good things. i didn't know that legs closed meant you were hostile. And nobody can do you, better than you.

David F.lrt7/8A said...

one thing i already knew was that actions are more powrful than words. I also learned that most of the world believs more of what they see asoppose to what they hear.

Camille P 5/6B said...

The video was really funny. I already knew that listening is very important. I didn't know that there are so many ways to change the attitude or mood of your voice.


Kalyna R-1/2A said...

The one thing that I already knew was that communication comes in many forms. The new thing that I learned is that 55% of communication is visual, and that only 2% is actual words.

Jacksonc said...

I thought that the video was okay. One thing that I already knew was that we use communication all the time. One thing I didn't know was that about 38 percent of talking to someone is tone.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

One thing I already knew was vocal and nonverbal messages to send a good message. One thing i learned was that public speaking is the number one fear of americans.

ashley e said...

I already knew that there are three types of communication, but I thought that the video helped me understand even more. I didn't know, and thought that it was very interesting, that the number one fear is speaking in public!

Ariel L said...

That was a really stupid video. However, I did retain a few things from it. I learned that the most important element in communication is the visual. Another: A good listener tunes out all other distractions and focuses on the speaker. I've already used this at swimming when more than one coach is talking and I had to listen to only one of them. I already knew about "It's not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it."

Chris B.-1/2A said...

One thing that I already knew was that you need to feel good and confident when speaking. However I learned that 38% of communication is vocal and 55% of communication is verbal.

Go Colts!!!

They play tommorow at the Texans!

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

One thing I aready knew was that communication is used EVERYWHERE. One thing I leanred from the video is that people communicat visualy first.

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

One thing I already knew from the movie was that our actions peak louder than new thing I learned was that you must be able to use all three kinds of communication to send a good message.

Jon Buckley said...

You are all doing a great job of sharing something you already knew as well as something new that you picked up from this video. Keep up the great work!

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

I thought it was really bad acting, but I learned that seeing is beleiving!

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

I really liked the video, it was hilarious! One thing that I already knew was that eye contact, speaking so that everyone can hear and speaking clearly. I learned that there are a lot of ways that you can say something, not only verbally.

Renee J said...

Something I already knew from the video was that words are the most common form of communication. Something I learned was that sometimes it's not what you say but how you say it. You can change the whole meaning to what you are saying by just changing the way you say the words.

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

I liked the video, but it was kind of cheesy. One thing I learned was that public speaking was the number-one fear in America. I can understand that, public speaking can be a bit scary!

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

Yes, I would admit the video was very cheesy, but I still learned a few things from it. I learned that public speaking was the number 1 fear in America, before dealth even!!! I had already known everything about how volume, body language, emphasis, speed and eye contact can affect the way your message gets across.

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

I thought this video was a good review for the communication test. I learned that most Americans are more afraid of public speaking then they are of death! I already knew that body language and tone is a big part of communication.

Jacob K-LRT 1/2 A said...

I learned that people can sent more powerfull messages through thier body instead of with words. For example that one kid was bored, so he layed back with his arms crossed, when the girl next to him was smiling and playing the game.

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

I learned that most people think that public speaking is their #1 fear over death. One thing that I already knew is that eye contact is important.

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

I didn't really like the video. I already knew was you need to talk loud enough for people to hear you. I didn't really learn any thing from video.

Jeff s said...

i thought it was very chessy and i already knew you can send messegas without using words, but i learned how strong those nonverbal messages can be.

Emily said...

One thing I knew from the video is that you have to support your words with your behavior so that you don't convey a mixed message. One thing that I didn't know was that only like 7% of communication is actually the words you say. I found that amazing.

Anonymous said...

I thought that the video had some very good information and that the person who was speaking in the video really showed that what he said worked by useing it in the film.

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

one thing i knew was that seeing is believing and that people would believe it more if they saw it and one thing i learned was that people would rather die then publicly speak.

Haley N- LRT 5/6B said...

One thing that I already knew was that people believe what they see before they believe what they hear. One thing that I learned from this video is that in order to be a good communicator you need to be a good listener.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

One thing from the video that I already knew was that acting confidently projects confidence. One thing that I learned from the video was that the most powerful element of communication is visual.

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

One thing that I already knew before the video is that you have to make good eye contact and speak very clearly. One thing that I learned from the video is that there are very many different ways to say something, not just verbally.

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

I thought the movie was good but a little fast like I couldn't write down some of my notes fast enough.
One thing I already knew was that public speaking is the #1 fear.
One thing that I learned was people believe what they see before they hear.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

I thought the video said alot of things. One of the things I already knew was you can communicate in all sorts of ways. One thing I didn't really know was people tend to visualize first.

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

The video had some really lame acting. I still learned sevral kinds of communication, and that things like how you say something, and how you look can tell people other things then the words.

Joe N-1/2 A said...

One thing I already knew from the video was it is important to use eye contact when you are talking to someone. I didn't know that people believe what they see before what they hear.

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

I think the video was very informative, but the guy for sure WAS crazy.

Jackson K1/2A said...

One thing i already knew was that nonverbal messages can speak louder then berbal ones. One thing i learned was that people will belive what they see before what they hear.

Svea!!! said...

The video that we watched was very...interesting. I already knew that you can change your meaning of something by the way you say it. Also, I learned that most people believe what they see more than they believe what they hear, which is always true but is pretty interesting!

Jenny W said...

One thing i already knew from the show was that eye contact is very important when speaking. One thing i learned was that using multiple ways to get your message across (eye contact, pitch and body language) is most effective.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

This video was funny, but informational! Who knew that some recievers believe what they see, rather than what they hear. I already knew what people acted like when they are nervous, but I didn't know that most recievers believe what they see, before they hear it.

Maddie D said...

One thing that kinda made sense was that body language screams it never whispers that made sense that it can't be controlled like how loud or soft it just is one volume.

Jimmy said...

This was a pretty sweet video. I learned that actions speak louder than words.

Joey said...

I knew that body language was a way to communicate, and I learned that even how you sit down is communication.

Kathleen O said...

One thing I learned from this video was that public speaking is the number one fear over death. Something I already knew was that actions speak louder than words.

Anonymous said...

The video was really cheesy, but it made me laugh. One thing I already knew was that non-verbal communication is facial expressions or hand gestures. One thing I learned is that public speaking is peoples number one fear.

Ivan L-LRT 5/6B said...

I thought the video was a little hard to understand in some parts. I liked that it was very thorough in explaining the stuff.

Sami's bloggerrrr! said...

I learned that eye contact is a great way to show someone you are listening to what they say.
I already knew that body language is one of the most powerful ways of communication.

-Sami Huerta!!!

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

I thought it was cool but it got kind of boring. I already knew that to communicate well, you have to make eye contact. One thing I learned was that people beleive what they see more than beleive what they hear.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

Well i guess i knew that a lot of people were afraid of talking infrount of people, but i didn't know that it was the #1 fear! Also it was kind of cool to now that we r always comunicating.

EmmaC-LRT 7/8 B said...

One thing i learned from the video was that actions actually have more meaning than words. I also learned that when you act confident, you will be more confident in your speaking.

mike m-lrt 1/2 B said...

I already knew most of the stuff that was talked about in the video. I guess one thing that I learned that speaking clearly and eye contact is important.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

One thing I already knew from the video is that actions speak louder than words. One thing that I learned is that vision is the most important element of communication.

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

i kind of liked this video . one thing i all ready know was the tone your using and one thing i learned was that eye contect is important. peace

September 25, 2007 1:53 PM

Anonymous said...

I would never think that public speaking was the number one fear of the US.