Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dead Poets' Society-Knox and Kris

Knox is deeply infatuated with Kris (some might consider him an unhealthy stalker). Here are a few questions about Knox and Kris:
  1. Do you think Kris likes Knox? Why or why not?
  2. What physical fear reactions do you think Knox experience when he called Kris?
  3. What physical fear reactions do you think Knox had when he kissed Kris?
  4. What physical fear reactions do you think Knox experienced when he read the poem to Kris?
  5. Do you think Knox's actions were crazy, dumb, stupid, nice, romantic, etc? Why?
  6. What do you think will happen with Knox and Kris?
This extra credit assignment is worth 5 bonus points.



1. Yes I think that Kris has some feelings for Knox.I think this because when he brought her flowers, she wanted him to go for his protecion.
2. Shaking, his heart beated faster
3. I think he was nervous but not as nervous as when he called her. When her boyfriend was coming at him he probably reacted by trying to get away.
4. He wasn't nervous and he was speaking loud and clear with no hesitations or shaking.
5.I think they were nice and stupid. I think the flowers were nice, but he could get in a lot of trouble for sneaking out of class.
6. I think they will become a couple.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

1) I think that Kris sort of likes knox because she defended him when chet was beating him up. But yet she isn't too happy to see him when he comes to her school.
2)Some physical reactions was hanging up first and he was shaking and in his voice was shaky too.
3)Knox just realized that he kissed her was started to sweat.
4) When he read the poem to Kris he was shaking.
5) I think Knox's actions was kind of stupid because he knows she has a botyfreind who could definetly kill him but yet romantic because he didn't stop to tell kris how he feels even though chet could kill him.
6) I think that Kris will except the invitation to the play.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

1) I think that Kris does like Konx in a way, but she's not really sure about it.
2)He gets really quiet and starts blushing.
3)I think he thought that she would laugh at him for callingher or something. Bur she was actually happy to hear from him.
4) He didn't seem nervous at all, it was like he had no fear.
5)I thought that it was all really cute!!!
6)I think that they will end up getting together at the end.

Unknown said...

1-well, i think kris has miwwed feelings for knox and she is trying to fight them.When knox deliverd her flowers and a poem, she was afraid for his safetey.
2-well, he showed the his nurvs by shaking and sweating.
3- I belive this is the most nervous when he recived the phone call from Kris.Also she was just trying to save Knox from her boy friend.

NoviceLD said...

1. She has some feeling for him, but she doesn't want to face them yet, or figure Knox out.
2. Wanting to run away, thinking he was going to embarrass himself, butterflies, quick pulse.
3. The same as above.
4. Crazy and romantic.But those two go together.
5. I think they might be put together to counter some of the negative aspects of the story plot.

Alyssa K said...

1: i think that she isnt crazy about him but yes.

2: I think that he was quiet shaky and really nervous.

3:blushing nervousness

4: blushing

5:cute, akward, nice, weird! it was kinda weird idk why.

6: it think that they will be friends i dont think that they will become more than that.


Fletcher B said...

I think Kris likes Knox but doesn't want to show it because she doesn't want him to get hurt.
I think Knox experienced anxiety about calling Kris because he feared that she would hang up on him, or not like him. He was drunk when he kissed Kris, so I think he didn't feel fear until Jet jumped him. And he wasn't feeling much fear when he read her his poem, because he knew he wanted her to hear it, and he had already made up his mind about it. I think that Knox and Kris will get together later in the movie, and I think that Knox's actions were expected, seeing as he was in love, or at least infatuated.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. Yes, I think Kris kind of likes Knoz because she defended him when Chet was beating him up.

2. When Knox called Kris, Knox expierienced shakiness and butterflies.

3. He began to blush a little bit after he kissed her.

4. He looked slightly confident but yet he did blush a little.

5. I think his actions were crazy-yet slightly romantic. It was crazy how he was basically stalking her, but it was romantic when he brought the flowers and read the poem.

6. I think Kris might break up with Chet and maybe be with Knox.

Emma C said...

1.Yes but she doesn't want to admit it because she is afraid that Chet will hurt Knox.
2.He was very shaken while he was talking to her.
3.He was kind of nervous because he had probably never kissed a girl before.
5. His were crazy,dumb and really stupid because yopu just don't go to someone's school and give them flowers. It's just weird.
6. I think that Kris will start to secretly date Knox behind Chet's back.

Emma C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erica said...

1. I think that Kris likes Knox in some ways but not too much.
2. He was probably shaking and had extreme butterflies in his stomach.
3. He was probably just feeling nervous inside.
4. He seemed pretty confident.
5. They were nice. He really cares about Kris.
6. I think they will become a couple but then break up later.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

Yes, because he is redicoulously attractive.

He experienced fear because when he called her he hung up the phone the first time.Know was shaking.

He was blushing a little but other than that he was cool.

Romantic for sure. They showed his true feelings for Kris.

I think Kris will dump Chet and she will go out with Knox.

That One Guy said...

1. Kris likes Knox because she looks out for him and doesn't want Chet to kill him.
2. He was shaking, his heart was beating faster and he was getting red.
3. He was pretty nervous, I think.
4. He was pretty calm.
5. He was pretty stupid, since Kris probably didn't want to see him.
6. They're gonna go out, then Chet will kill Knox.

Uzi M. said...

1. Yes, I think Kris kind of likes Knoz because she defended him when Chet was beating him up.
2)Some physical reactions was hanging up first and he was shaking and in his voice was shaky too.
3)Knox just realized that he kissed her was started to sweat.
4. Crazy and romantic.But those two go together.

Emily A said...

1.i think she likes him because he brought her flowers and she blushed.
2.i think his heat was beating fast and he felt like a stomach pit
3.he was most nevous when he got the phone call from kris

paul7/8 said...

i think she does not ike him at all and she just feels sorry for him.and i think that shes thinks that she stalks him.

nicole h said...

I think Kris might like Knox a little, but she already has a boyfriend so she has to not like him like a boyfriend.
I think Knox was scared to kiss Kris.
I think he was preety nervous when he read the poem, but he just didn't show it.
I think they were stupid I mean he kissed her when she already has a boyfriend that could kill him if he found out about how Knox feels about his girlfriend.
I think Kris will get engaged to her boyfriend and Knox will be heartbroken aout it.

Kriften G!! said...

I think kris does like knox becouse she came back to see him.
his heart was pounding when he called her.he was probably scared when he kissed her but exited.he was probably scared when he read the poem.I think his actions were normal.

wheremypancakes said...

1. I think she might like him.
2. Shaking, butterflies, heart beating faster.
3. I think he was pretty nervous. When Chet came at him he reacted by trying to get away from him.
4. I don't think he was very nervous because he seemed to be speaking pretty clearly.
5. Kind of stupid because he could get in a lot of trouble with Welton for sneaking out not to mention how much trouble he would get in with Chet.
6. I think eventually they will go out.

Ashley S said...

1) Yes, I think Kris kind of likes Knoz because she kind of defended him when Chet was beating him up.

2) When Knox called Kris, Knox experienced shakiness and he just hung up the phone.

3) He began to blush a little.

4) He looked slightly confident but yet he did blush a little and was a bit shaky.

5) I think his actions were crazy although kind of romantic. It was crazy how he was basically stalking her and went to her school but it was romantic when he brought the flowers and read the poem.

6) I think Kris might become Knox's girlfriend.

Nora said...

I think Kris likes Knox because she invited him to the party. I think Knox experienced his heart beating faster when he called, kissed, and read Kris the poem. His actions were kind of crazy, but I guess they were romantic in a way. I think Knox and Kris will end up going out.

Angela said...

1) I think Kriss does not like him. Mabey a little but not in the way that he likes her. I think this because if she does she would have broken up with Chet.
2) palms were swetty and shaking. BUTTERFLYS!!!
3)Butterflys! and swetty palms. also a rush.
4)same as 2&3
5)I think it was sweet/romantic. I mean, if a guy took the time to think of me and wright a pome to express his feelings for me that would take m breath away!!! So I think the might get together but maby not.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

1) I think Kris has some feelings for Knox because she tried to defend him when her boyfriend beat him up.
2) Heart beating faster, shaking, sweating.
3) I think he was more nervous about this and had similar reactions just more intense because there were other people there and she was sleeping so she didn't know.
4) I think he was a little nervous about this because he had to read the poem to her in front of everybody, but he put his feelings aside because he loves her.
5) I think they were romantic, but stupid because he kissed her and gave her flowers, but he got beat up and he could have gotten caught when he came to her school.
6) I think they will become boyfriend and girlfriend.

Julia said...

1)She has some feeling for him, but she doesn't want to face them yet.
2)He was probably shaking and had butterflies in his stomach.
3) He was probably feeling nervous
4). They were nice. He cares about Kris.
6. I think they will become a couple at the end.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1) I think that Kris does like Konx in a way, but she's not really sure about it.
2)He gets very nervous and he wants to draw attention to himself.
3)I think he thought that he had done something very wrong.
4) He didn't seem nervous at all, it was like he had no fear.
5)I thought that it was very brave
6)I think that they will end up getting together at the end.

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

1.Yes but she doesn't want to admit it because she is afraid that Chet will hurt Knox.
2.He was speachless while he was talking to her.
3.He was kind of nervous because he had probably never kissed a girl before.
4.sweating shaking.
5. He was crazy to do that if chet would of caught him he would of died.
6. I think that Kris wont date Knox.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. I think she likes him, but I'm not sure if it is in a friendly or romantic way yet.
2. I think he might have felt buterflies and felt jumpy.
3. I think he felt shaky, but I also don't know if he actually regcognised the physical reactions because he was drunk.
4. I think he felt really insecure and his heart started beating faster.
5. I think some of his actions were stupid, but some of them were nice, like the flowers and poem.
6. I think that they will get together.

Lindsey S said...

1. Yes, I think Kris kind of likes Knoz because she defended him when Chet was beating him up.
2) When Knox called Kris, Knox experienced shakiness and butterflies.
3) He began to blush a little bit after he kissed her.
4) He looked slightly confident but yet he did blush a little.
5) I think his actions were crazy-yet slightly romantic. It was crazy how he was basically stalking her, but it was romantic when he brought the flowers and read the poem.
6) I think Kris might break up with Chet and maybe be with Knox.

holle g (5/6b) said...

i think kris likes knox. she seems to care about him and what happens to him. knox (im guessing) would've gotten butterflies in his stomach and his heart started beating faster. i think that when knox kissed kris, he could've felt relieved, but still nervous. knox seemed jumpy and a little sweaty whenn he read the poem to kris. i think what knox did was sweet and romantis. he brought her flowers and risked getting in trouble and "killed" just to see the girl he liked.

Fresa S. said...

1)I think Kriss sort of likes Knoxs but pushes him away for his safety.
2)shaking,blushing,sweating,heart beating faster,he hung up on her when he called the first time.
3)blushing. I don't think Knox was afraid of kissing Kriss, I think he was more afraid of Jet seeing him kiss her.
4)blushing, his heart was beating faster
5)I think Knox's reactions were stupid but romantic. Knox declared his love to Kriss in front of her class which was romantic but he risked getting caught by Jet which was stupid.

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

1)Yes, in a way i think Kris likes Knox because she invited him to her party and she stood up for him when her boyfriedn started beating him up.
2)When Knox called Kiss he started turning red and he was sweating, he couldnt even do it the first time.
3)kiWhen he kissed Kris, I dont thing it had that big of an effect on him because he was drunk.
4)When he read the notes he had the same reactions as he did when he called her, but it was more nurve wraking because he was reading it to her in person and in front of many other people.
5)No, everyone is fearfull because of something.
6)I think Know and Kris will get together.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1. Yes because i think she didnt want him to get hurt.
2. butterflies, sweating, and shaking.
3. All of the above plus blushing.
4. I think they were crazy, romantic, and dumb. Because he was crazy and dumb to do it incase she rejected him in front of everyone but romantic because he did it in front of everyone.
5. I think they will get together because that's how most movies end.

Chris M 5/6B said...

yes because he cares for her.
HE was shaking.
He was very nervous but not as much as when he called kris.
He had none.
It was stupid because he could have gotten beaten up again and get in trouble leaving class.
they will go out.

Kate O 7/8b said...

1.I think Kris likes him a little bit but she knows she cant because she has a boyfriend so she tries to stay away from him most times.
2.. Knox experienced shaking and stuttering.
3. He probably was very nervous but I don't think he thought or realized what he was doing at the moment.
4.Knox was very good when he read the poem he was much better when he read it with her unlike when he read it to the class.
5.Knox actions were crazy! but it was something he had to do to get over his fears.
5.I think they will end up together!

mackenzie kelley said...

1) I think that Kris does like Konx in a way, but she's not really sure about it.
2) Wanting to run away, thinking he was going to embarrass himself, butterflies, quick pulse.
3)blushing nervousness
4) ebarassed but relieved to get it over with
5)I think they were nice and stupid. I think the flowers were nice, but he could get in a lot of trouble for sneaking out of class.
6)I think Kris will dump Chet and she will go out with Knox.

Josie W said...

1. I think that Kris does not like knox. In a way maybe, but whenever he shows up unexpectedly she gets all mad and stuff.
2. His voice, and his body were very shaky.
3. He started to get a little sweaty and red.
4. He started to read faster and his heart was beating faster.
5. I think they were stupid... He's risking alot for one person whos already taken.
6. Nothing. I don't think they'll get together.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

1) I think Kris likes Knox, but she is unsure of herself. She stood up for him when Chet beat him up. I think Kris is just scared of what her boyfriend will think.
2) I think his heart started beating faster and he got sweaty. He was shaky also.
3) Knox blushed a little bit after he kissed her.
4) Knox wasn't a nervous when he read the poem to Kris. He still blushed a little bit.
5) I think Knox was trying to be nice, but his actions were kind of stupid because he could of gotten in huge trouble with Kris' boyfriend.

rachaelc said...

1) Ya, I think Kris has feelings for him but is scared of Chet.
2)Hanging up the phone first and shaking are some signs of fear that he had.
3)When he called Kris
4)When he read the poem to Kris
5)It was kinda cute!
6)I think they will date, but later.

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

I think Kris is interested in Knox but she is kind of freaked out because he is coming on to strong. When knox called Kris he was sweaty, shaking,and his voice was shakey. He experienced the same reactions when he read the poem to Kris. I think he was trying to be romantic but it ended up kind of stupid. I think it was a bad idea to show up at her school. I think they will eventually start dating.

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

1) yeah because she protected knocks when Chet was going to beat him up.
2) shaking, nervousness
3)he was excited, nervous and afraid of Chet.
4) ummmmmm...i think that they were kind of stalkerish because Knocks followed Kris just about everywhere.
5) well, i already know whats going to happen...they end up togetha

kami h 7/8 b said...

1. I think that Kris likes Knox.
2. He shakes, and his face turns red.
3. I think he was a little nervous.
4. He wasnt really nervous.
5. I think ir was kindove nice.
6. Yes, I think they will.

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

Kris does have some feelings for Knox. She only told him to get out for his own protection. Her boyfriend might beat Todd to death.
Shaking, butterflies, dizzyness
He didnt seem nervous he was lovestricken
What todd did was considerate but stupid.
They'll become a couple

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1) I think Kris kind of likes Knox.
2) Knox was probably shaking and sweating.
3) He was probably pretty nervous, with butterflies in his stomach.
4) Knox seemed confident when he read her the poem
5) I think that what Knox did was nice and maybe stupid. He could have gotten in trouble with Welton and with Chet, but he really cares about Kris.
6) I think they will become a couple.

james m said...

1. Kris kind of likes Knox, she defended him.
2.He was sweating and nervous cause he was worried if he'd screw up or what she'd think of him.
3.He was nervous, but probably more calm than the call, cause here he knew she liked him back.
4. He was loud, maybe some nervousness, but i think he was alright most of the time.
5.They are stupidly romantic. When you really like someone, you always end up looking stupid around them trying to be romantic.
6. I think they'll be a couple.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

I think Kris likes Knox a little bit.
Knox's actions were nice

Anonymous said...

1.yes i think kris secretly has feelings for knox or else she wouldnt have gone to the play with him
2.he got nervous quiet and shaky
3.he started to blush
4.ya he was nervous but he said it clearly was cute but kinda weird
6.they will start dating after she dumps her boyfriend

Libby said...

1. Yes. Because she acts like she sorta likes him at times.
2. He blushes and he shakes.
3. He was shaking, his heart pounding and his mind was spinning.
4. He was blushing.
5. His actions were nice and stupid because he could get into alot of trouble.
6. I think they will keep dating and she'll dump the other guy.

Reece W (5-6 b) said...

1. yes i think that kris has feelings for knox because she cares about his saftey and doesnt want him to get beat up
2. sweating,stuttering

alex c 7/8b said...

1. yes chris does have feelings for him because he doesnt want him to get beat up
2. sweatyness gets really red to

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

1) I think Kris does have some feeling for Knox because she protected him.
2)Alot of shaking and heart beat.
4)I dont think that he was nervous at all when he read the poem.
5)I think his actions were romantic yet REALLY stupid. They were romantic because he read her a poem and gave her flowers. Yet his actions were really stupid because Kris had a boyfriend that could totally kill Knox.
6)I think that they will become a couple.

Dan M said...

1) I think Kris likes Knox because she wouldn't have invited him to the party if she hadn't.
2) Heavy breathing, sweating, red face.
3) He probably had more courage, but a lot of the same reactions he had when he called her.
4) I think his reactions were dumb, crazy, and noble.
5) I think they will hook up.

shelby h said...

1) yes i think she does because she comes and warns knox and goes to the play with him.
2) nervousness.
3)that she would wake up or get caught and beat up.
4)he would get caught by that 1 dude or have kris hate him.
5)romantic cuz if a guy is willing to get beat up for a girl i think its romantic.
6)i think they will go out.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1) Yes I do think Kris likes Knox.
I think she has feelings for him because she was trying to keep him safe when he came to her high school with flowers.
2) I think Knox was shaking and blushing
3) I think Knox was nervous and his heart was probably beating really fast.
4)He probably had some ort of nervousness but he didn't really show it.
5) I think they were crazy and nice. He knew Kris' boyfrind would be mad if he saw him there, but it was sweet and nice at the same time.
6) I think they will become good friends.

Anonymous said...

1) yes i think she does. i think this because knox even asked her if she didnt ahev any interest in him at all, why would she come see him at his school.
2)i think knoz experienced persperation and redness in the face and probably nervousness or something.
3) im guessing he was nervous when he kissed kris and read the poem.
4) i do not think his actions were any of these. i think they were normal because thats what people do.
6) i think they will become serious daters and lovers.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

yes kris likes knox, because she has some feelings for him.

2. he was shaking and he hung up the first time he called her because he had butterflies in his stomach.

3. he was sweating and he was shaking and his heart was was beating so hard.

4. he had butterflies in his stomach and he was out of breath when he was reading the poem to kris in front of the class.

5. i think knox's action was crazy and romantic because if someone loved someone they wouldn't went up to where they were headed and read the poem to the person in front of everyone.

6. i think they would live happly ever after.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

1. I think Kris kinda likes Knox, shes warming up to him.

2. He was sweating, heart was racing, and shaking.

3. He was red, heart was racing, a little dizzy.

4. I think they are romantic, he's really trying to make a good impression. Any guy who puts that much of an effort in, is truly in love. <3

cailyn c said...

1. Yes because she cared enough about him to warn him about Chet.
2. Fear of rejection.
3. I think he was pretty scared when Chet started to beat him up.
4. He wasn't scared or nervous at all.
5. Crazy and stupid be cause he sneaked off campus to go to her school to read Kris a poem and give her flowers with the risk of being beat up by Chet.
6. I think that Kris will dump Chet and go out with Knox.

XOXO said...

1)Yes, I think that Kris may have some feelings for Knox because she tries to make him go so that her boyfriend won't hurt him or anything.
2)I think that he was probably a little sweaty on the palms and was shaking a little as well.
3)Some of the physical fear reactions that Knox experienced when he read that poem to Kris were probably the same as Todd's when he had to do that YAWP think in front of the class. Shaky, sweaty, funny feeling stomach.
4)Neh, I don't really know how to explain how I think about Knox's actions about Kris. For sure not stupid or dumb, I don't know if I would consider it romantic either. I'll just say 'no comment.'
5)I think they'll end up getting together and start dating.

sam r said...

1. Yes I think Kris has gotten to like Knox.
2. He got nervous and stuttered a lot the second time.
3. He was probaly shaking and he was all red.
4. He probably was sweating and getting very toasty.
5. I think it was nice and romantic.
6. I think they will go out and get married.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. i think that she does have some feelings about knox later in the movie. one example is when she invited him to the party.
2.shaking, sweating, heart beating faster. when he read the poem i think he felt that no one would care.
3. i think they will get together

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. Yes, because she came to see him at his school.
2. I think that he began to feel toasty and shaky. I think that he began to prespire.
3. I think that he was extremely nervous
4. He wasn't nervous he was speaking loud and clear.
5. I think that it was a very nice thing.
6. I think that they will get married.

John R (1/2A) said...

1. yes I think she does because she ended up going to the play with him.
2.Knox probably was sweating, his heart beated fast, and he probably breathed alot heavier.
3. I think Knox was a little nervouse when he kissed Kris but not much.
4. when Knox read the poem to Kris he probably was really creeped!!!! (Yikes!!!!)!!!!!!!
5.I thought Knox's actions were romantic and dumb because he stauked her but he wasn't caught.

danbach said...

1. yes because he shows actions of fear when he talkes to her. face, heart pouding,and staggaring talk. face, heart pounding, and butterflys.
4.he was jittery,butterflys,and staggerd talk (somewhat)
4.I think that he was happy beacuse he beat his fear of rejection by reading the poem to her.

Anonymous said...

1. Yes, I think Kris kind of likes Knoz because she defended him when Chet was beating him up.
2)Some physical reactions was hanging up first and he was shaking and in his voice was shaky too.
3)Knox just realized that he kissed her was started to sweat.
4. Crazy and romantic.But those two go together.

laura s (5/6a) said...

1. I think she likes him a little but is afraid Chet will hurt him and get mad at her.
2. I think he was shaking and probaly didn't he so good.
3. I think he was nervous and a little scared about what might happen.
4. I think his heart was beating faster and he was shaking.
5. I think they're are nice but a little to much like when he went to her school and read her that poem he made.
6. I think they might go out.

Shannon Awes said...

1. Kris does like Knox because she showed she cared about his well being.
2. Knox instinctively hung up on her.
3. When Knox was about to kiss Kris he hesitated at first.
4. Knox was shaky and red in the face when he read the poem to her.
5. His actions were romantic, but a little bit relentless.
6. Knox and Kris will totally become a couple. :)

clara k!! said...

1) yes i think kris kinda likes him.
2)if she didnt like him she wouldnt have invited him.
3) knox loved kissing kris.

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. Yes, because she went to the play with him, and let him hold her hand.
2. his voice sounded nervous, and he was probably sweaty, clammy.
3. Began to panic when he realized what he did to Kris.
4. He was most likely sweaty, and nervous, but his voice didn't change.
5. His feelings for Kris are stronger than the fear that he has from Chet.
6. They will most likely start to go out.

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

I think kris likes knox because she would have completely ignored knox otherwise

Shaking and increased heart rate

He seemed alot calmer on the outside but he probably still had butterflies.

Same as above

Knox was kind of dumb, he really should have let it go

I don't know, maybe kris will file a restraining order.

Morgan W said...

yes, he is shy, allways a one hit K.O. with girls

shaking and butterflyes

alot of nevousness

Preston B said...

1) yes i think kris does have feelings for knox.
2) shaking and his heart was beating faster
3) he was nervous but he realized that he shouldn't have because her boyfriend came after him.
4) he was a little shakey but he knew he should do it for her.
5) i think his reactions were a little dumb but it was good that he did do it
6) i think that kris will dump chet and they will get together

Allie B said...

1. Yes, but she likes her boyfriend more

2. He experienced fear when he hung up and was kind of trembling when he spoke to her

3. Knox had fear of Kris's boyfriend and what Kris would think of him

4. Knox wasn't very fearful, he was confident in himself

5. Knox's actions were very bold, but kind of stupid because he could have been beaten up by Kris's boyfriend again

6. Knox and Kris will end up good friends and liking each other, but nothing will happen because Kris will still have her boyfriend

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

1. Yes, I think Kris likes Knoz because she defended him when Chet was beating him up.

2. When Knox called Kris, he expierienced shakiness and butterflies.

3. He began to blush a little bit after he kissed her.

4. He looked slightly confident but yet he did blush a little.

5. I think his actions were a little weird. It was crazy how he was basically stalking her, but he showed that he faced his fear when he went to her school.

6. I think Kris might break up with Chet and maybe be with Knox.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

1) Yes, because she cares about him and he's nice
2) Shaking, turning red
3) I think he was more nervous when he called her because he was drunk when he kissed Kris.
4) Crazy, romantic
5) Knox + Kris = LOVE!

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. I think that she might have some feelings for him.

2. I think that his heart sped up, he was sweaty , and he got a dry mouth.

3. I think that his heart rate sped up.

4. I dont think he had any fears about reading the poem

5. I think it was a thoughtful gesture

6. I think they will go out on a date.

Emily D said...

1. i think Kris does like Knox because she blushed when she spoke to him and she defended him from Chet.
2. I think Knox experienced sweating, shaking, blushing and loss of train of thought.
3. I think Knox experienced butterflies, nausea and sweating when he kissed Kris.
4. I think Knox experienced sweating, blushing and heat when he read the poem.
5. I think Knox's actions were sometimes a little stupid and crazy, but they were nice and slightly romantic. sometimes overly so because he almost went after her to much.
6. I think Knox and Kris will end up dating and Knox will either get over Kris or he will propose to her.

Sam.c said...

1. Yes because she walked over to Welton in the snow to warn him that Chet wants to hurt him.
2. he was shaking and slurring his words.
3. he was nevous that she would regect him but she was actually glad he called.
4. I think he was confident but a little nervous because her boyfriend might kill him.
5. I think that he has huge Cahones for sneaking out just to talk to her
6. I think that she will break up with Chet to be with him

ellie w. 7/8A said...

1) I think Kris likes Knox a little in the beginning but she starts to like him more. This is because she invites him to the party, then kinda ignores him, then defends him.
2) I think his throat probably swelled up and he had trouble breathing.
3) Probably a lot of sweat.
4) I think his actions were romantic but dumb and thoughtless. Knox did it because he cares about Kris, but he didn't think about the effect that it would have on her after he left the school.
5)I think they will end up as a couple.

jordieee s! said...

1)Yes i think Kris likes Knox because Kris went all the way to Knoxes school to see him.
2)I think Knox experiences shaking.
3)When he kisses Kris i think he feels his heart beating faster.
4)When he reads the peom to Kris i think he feels his body getting hotter and sweating.
5)I think Knox's ations were romantic because we took the time and went all the to her school knowing that he could get beat up at any time. Also he brought her flowers.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) yes i think she does. i think this because knox even asked her if she didnt have any interest in him at all, why would she come see him at his school.
2)i think knox experienced persperation and redness in the face and probably nervousness or something.
3) im guessing he was nervous when he kissed kris and read the poem.
4) i do not think his actions were any of these. i think they were normal because thats what people do.
6) i think they will become close friends..

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

1) I think she does but she not sure yet because she sort of teases him but is nice to him

2) He breathes hard and sweats

3) He was read and shakey

4) He was red

5) I think that they were reasonable because I think anyone would have the same reactions.

6) I think they will get together! :)

Unknown said...

1 yes otherwise she wouldn't keep warning him
2 heavy breathing quickened pulse butterflies
3 butterflies
4 romantic, weird
5 they'll fall in love!

Tara M (5/6LRT) said...

1)yea I think kris likes knox because she went to the play with him.
3)he hesitated, btu not as nervous as last time.
4)he wasnt nervous cause he was speaking with more confidence
5)i think it was a waste of time cause kris didnt care that much
6)they'll become a couple

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

1- Yes, I think Kris has some feelings for Knox. She did invite him to the party and even went to the play with him.

2-Hanging up the phone without talking, shaking, and his heart beat faster

3-He was not TOO nervous but then became scared when he realized her boyfriend knew that he had kissed Kris

4- He didnt have a lot of fear, but was still shaky and his heart was beating fast

5- I think Knox was brave to do that, even thought it was really dumb

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

1. yeah i think kris likes knox
3. he was afraid of speaking
4. he was nervous
5. he was afraid but didn't show it when he read th poem was pretty cool cuz he went through all of that just for her he must of really liked her
7. they probably will end up tpgether at the end

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

1) Yes, beacause he's a studmuffin.
2) heart pumpin
3) none, he was drunk
4) tingling sensation
5) they were nice. he showed he cares about kris.
6) chet is gonna kill knox

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

1) Yes, i think Kris likes Knox but tells him to go away for his own protection.
2) Nervousness, shaking
3) I think he was nervous but confident for some weird reason
4) He was confident because he knew that it had to be done
5) Nice, but stupid because Chet could have caught him and Kris was really embarrassed!
6) i thin they will be a couple for a little bit.

Unknown said...

1. donst want knox to get beat uo

2. red faced and sweating

3. nervous alot

4. hes not nevous talking

5. stupid and dumb

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

1.yes I think she does
2.because she showed some effection by holding his hand and not letting go when he reached.
3.sweat and turning red.
4.when he kissed her i think he had bufferflies
5.i think he was shy but he knew it would make her happy
7.because that's sweet to read a girl a poem.
8.i think she would leave chev and go with knox.

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

1.yes I think she does
2.because she showed some effection by holding his hand and not letting go when he reached.
3.sweat and turning red.
4.when he kissed her i think he had bufferflies
5.i think he was shy but he knew it would make her happy
7.because that's sweet to read a girl a poem.
8.i think she would leave chev and go with knox.

Emily A said...

1. Yes, I think Kris kind of likes Knoz because she defended him when Chet was beating him up.
2. When Knox called Kris, Knox expierienced shakiness and butterflies.
3. He began to blush a little bit after he kissed her.
4. He looked slightly confident but yet he did blush a little.
5. I think his actions were crazy-yet slightly romantic. It was crazy how he was basically stalking her, but it was romantic when he brought the flowers and read the poem.
6. I think Kris might break up with Chet and maybe be with Knox.

Greg M (7-8A) said...

1. Yes i think Kris had feelings for Know towards the end when he gains courage and talked in front her class and gave her flowers.

2. Nervous, His heart raced.

3. I think he was nervous But not as nervous as when he called her to ask if she wanted to do something and she said yes for him to go to a party.

4. He was speaking clearly wasnt stuttering and no hesitations

5. I think it was dumb but at the same time nice he could have gotten in trouble for sneaking out and drinking and going to her school.

6. They will dat..

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1.Yes but she doesn't want to admit it because she is afraid that Chet will hurt Knox.
2.He was very shaken while he was talking to her.
3.He was kind of nervous because he had probably never kissed a girl before.
5. His were crazy,dumb and really stupid because yopu just don't go to someone's school and give them flowers. It's just weird.
6. I think that Kris will start to secretly date Knox behind Chet's back.

jessica G said...

1. Yes
2. He always looks at her.
3.He gets nervous and hangs up.
4.He was stuttering????
5.Romantic, yet stupid
6. he did sweet things for her t show him that he cared about her, but he embarrassed her.

KelseyE said...

1. Yes, she never said she didn't, only that Chet would kill him.

2. Hanging up, he was shaking and in his voice was shaky too.

3. Knox just realized that he kissed her was started to sweat and his heart was thumping probably.

4. Well it was stupid to kiss her in front of Chet but romantic to take her to the play.

5. Dump Chet and get with him.

JohnB said...

She has some feeling for him, but she doesn't want to face them yet, or figure Knox out.
2 Wanting to run away, thinking he was going to embarrass himself, butterflies, quick pulse.
3 The same as above.
4 Crazy and romantic.But those two go together.
5 I think they might be put together to counter some of the negative aspects of the story plot

braschill said...

1. yes i think kris likes knox because if she didnt she wouldnt care if chet beat him up and she wouldnt go with knox to the play.
2. he got nervous and got a little sweaty also he got scarred and hung up the first time ha probably got buttterflies in his stomsck
3. same as before
4.he got butterflies but he had less and less symptoms each time because he is overcoming the fear and getting more experienced.
5.i think knox and kris will end up going out with eachother and chet will geet really mad.

wes F. said...

1. I think that Kris does like Knox because she let him take her to the play.

2. He was shakey.

3. He was sweating and a little shakey but not much.

4. He was nervours and smilling at the same time.

5. Romanic and crazy because he loves Kris and really cares for her but at the same time he was not sure if she would even like him.

6. They will start dateing.

Mitlentz said...

im not sure, she sends mixed reactions
horror, heart beating fast
knox's actions were very stupid
i think in the end they will get together