Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dead Poets' Society-YAWP and Fear

Mr. Keating asked all students to write and recite a poem for class. Todd's fear compelled him to throw away the poem he wrote and lie to Mr. Keating, saying that he did not write a poem.
  1. Todd experienced fear during this activity. Do you think he tried to stay and deal with his fear (fight) or run from it (flight)? Explain.
  2. What physical fear reactions do you think Todd may have experienced during this activity?
  3. Do you think this experience has helped Todd totally conquer his fear of speaking in front of others? Why or why not?



I think at first he tried to run away by telling Mr.Keating that he didn't do a poem, but after he YAWPed I think he found courage and then decided to stay and fight.

I think he experienced shakiness, he was sweating a lot, his face was really red, and he probably didn't feel very good.

I think that this experience did help Todd because he had to make up a poemon the spot so he couldn't run away.

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

1. Todd was tring to run away from his fear because he did not want to face his own fear.
2. He was sweating and he was nervious to stand up in frount of the class.
3. Yes I do think it helped Todd some what get over his fear.

Lindsey S said...

1) Todd tried to run away from his fear, cause he lied and said that he did not do his poem.
2)He was blushing and got sweaty.
3)Yes, cause he reiezed he was good at poems.

NoviceLD said...

1. He tried to run by saying he didn't have a poem.
2. He got butterflies, felt uncomfortable, quick pulse, quick breathing.
2. No, fear can't be totally conquered in an instant.

rachaelc said...

1) Todd was running away from his fear by not reading his poem to the class and by lying and saying he didn't write one.
2)Todd was blushing, sweating, and was a little shaky.
3) Yes, I think that Todd will get over his fear eventually, and the experience to make up a poem on the spot helped some.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

No, I don't think Todd tried to stay and deal with his fear because he just assumed he couldn't read it in front of the class, and ended up not doing it. During that activity, Todd was turning red and he was sweaty, and those are signs that he expirienced fear. This probably helped him because the adrenaline rush that he got could've made him ready for anything that Mr.Keating asked him to do.

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

I think he ran because he said he didn't have his poem.
Some physical reactions were probably he was sweating, and shaking.
I think his fear helped him with the one class but his fear hadn't been totally conquered.

Fletcher B said...

Todd ran away from his fear when he threw away the poem he had written, instead of reading it.
He experienced trembling, blushing, stuttering, others.
I think that it has helped him come closer to facing his fears, but is not quit there yet.

Unknown said...

1-At first he atempted to wiggle out of his poem reading but in the end he burted out a poem about o sweaty toothed man.
2- His reactions where that he was nervious and reacted with shaking and sweating.
3-Then after Mr.Keaton chalenged him to a YARP!!!! contest he took it like a man.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. Todd ran away from his fear by telling the teacher that he didn't do the poem. But when he YAWPED, he brought himself together and delt with his fear.

2. Todd expierienced perspiration, shakiness and you could tell he looked nervous.

3. No, I don't think Todd totally conwuered his fear because fear doesn't dissapear in an instant.

Anonymous said...

Todd wanted to run away from the situation. He told the teacher that he didn't have a poem.
He blushed, got sweaty, started to shake.
No I don't think he is completely over it. He was really nervous even after the speech.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

I think that Todd was thinking about running away from his fear, but then he stayed and conquered it.
I think that he was sweating and blushing, and kind of looked like he was going to go crazy.
I think it did help him because after that he seemed to be happier and participate in more activities. He wasn't the quiet and shy one anymore. I think it helped to boost his confidence.

Emma C said...

1.He definetly ran away from it because he didn't do the home work assignment because he was scared.
2.He had butterflies, felt uncomfortable, quick pulse, quick breathing, and looked like he wanted to cry.
3.Sort of, but he is still scared to death about public speaking.

Erica said...

1. At first he was trying to run away. After some encourgement from Mr. Keating, he faced his fear.
2. He was sweating, he was trembling, and he was red.
3. It helped because he got used to the feeling of being in front of the class. It also helped that they clapped afterwords.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

I think Todd tried to run away from his fear(flight). First, he said he did not have a poem and then he was shy about getting up in front of the class.

Todd was obviously sweating profusely during this activity. His face was also red and his body was trembling.

No, this experience has helped him totaly conquere his fear of speaking in front of other but i do think it helped be a liitle more comfortable with it.

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

1 I don't think he stayed and nd dealt with it at all, he tried to avoid it as much as possible.
2He got sweaty and red
3 He realized he can speak in front of other people they don't all think he's a loser

Uzi M. said...

Todd wanted to run away from the situation. He told the teacher that he didn't have a poem.
He blushed, got sweaty, started to shake.
No I don't think he is completely over it. He was really nervous even after the speech.

paul7/8 said...

i think he was scared, and he experienced fear from the class laughing

nicole h said...

I think he was so scared he didn't wanna read the poem so he ran away from his fear.
He got really nervous and got all sweaty.
I think this experience helped Todd a little, but you can't conquer fear right away so he has to get over it by public speaking more often.

wheremypancakes said...

1. He tried to run by telling Mr. Keating that he didn't write a poem.
2. He was probably shaking, sweating, his face got red, and he probably had a lot of butterflies in his stomach.
3. I think it helped him because he had to make a poem on the spot and when he did it everybody started clapping and that probably gave him a lot of courage.

That One Guy said...

1. He tried to run away, but Keating wouldn't let him.
2. His heart was probably beating faster and his face was getting quite red.
3. He did not totally conquer it, but he took one step in that direction.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

1) Tod was shaking and speaking quetly from his reaction to fear.
2) No i don't think Tood will get over his fear completly yet because thats just one time but it did help him a lot.

Ashley S said...

1) i think he tried to run away from it because he said he did not have one when he worked on it so hard but was afraid of presenting it.
2)Todd was turning red and he was sweaty, blushing, shaking, and stuttering.
3)no i think it helped him but he probably is still afraid but not as much as he was before.

Nora said...

Todd tried to run away from his fear, because Mr. Keating had to force him to come up in front of the class. Todd may have experienced a racing heart, and a panicky feeling, thinking he wouldn't have anything to say. This experience has probably helped Todd's fear of public speaking, but probably not conquer it.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

1. He definitely tried to run from his fear.

2. Todd probably got sweaty and tense. You could tell he was very nervous. Maybe his stomach had butterflies.

3. This helped, but not completely, Todd with his fear of speaking in front of others. It's hard to completely overcome a large fear in a matter of minutes.

Angela said...

I think he ran away beccause he lied and there is no excuse for that. Only if you are so scared that you lie is why he did that.
He had blushed, swetty palms, butterflys and dizzyness. I think this didnt help him because he is still not talking at the dead poets sussiety meetings.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

1) I think he tried to run away at first because he said he didn't write a poem but then he did what Mr. Keating said to do so he stayed and fought it for a little bit.
2) I think he experienced shaking, sweating, getting hot, blushing, and butterflies.
3) I don't think this made Todd totally conquer his fear because he has to speak in front of people a lot in order to get over it.

Julia said...

Todd tried to run from his fears. he didnt bring his poem to class so he didnt have to read it. he was most likly sweating and very nervous. i dont think this helped very much. he is still afaid of speaking in front of people.

sarsteffen said...

1) I think todd tried to run away from his fear. He decidecd he would rather get a bad grade than confront his fear.
2)He may have sweated, had butterfieys in stomach, or problems breathing
3) I think it helped diminish his fear, but not get rid of it. HE still dose not feel comfortable in front of others.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1. He was trying to run away from his fear by not bringing a poem into class.
2. He got very nervous and started blushing.
3. I think it helped but not totally get rid of his fear.

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

todd chose flight because he didnt want to read the poem he was sweating and shaking i think it helped but didnt totally cure his fear

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. At first he wanted to leave, but later he decided to stay.
2. I think he might have felt sick and shaky.
3. I think it has helped him, and with more practice he will be able to completely get over his fear.

Lindsey S said...

Todd tried to run away from his fear.But, Mr. Keating forced him to come up in front of the class. Todd may have experienced a racing heart, and a panicky feeling, thinking he wouldn't have anything to say. This experience has probably helped Todd's fear of public speaking, but probably not conquer it.

Fresa S. said...

1)I think that Todd ran away from his fear at first by saying that he didn't write a poem but was pushed to stay and fight his fear by Mr. Keating. Mr. Keating made Todd face his fear by making him make up a poem on the spot in front of the class with his eyes closed.
2)Todd turned red, started to sweat and had trouble breathing during the activity.
3)I think this activity helped him overcome a part of his fear but not all of it. Now he's not afraid of sounding stupid but I still think Todd is afraid of public speaking.

holle g (5/6b) said...

i think todd tried to run away from his fear of public speaking. he lied about writing a poem so he didn't have to read his out loud. he was probly nervous and maybe his stomach felt wierd. i dont think that todd got over his fear of public speaking because he was still having a hard time talking to people.

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

1)I think he tryed to run away from it like he does with all the other things he's afraid of.
2)He was embaressed and he didn't really know what to do.
3)I don't think it has caused him to totaly concor all of his fears, but it defenatly helped him.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1. I think he was going to run but mr. keating wouldn't let him so he "fought."
2. Blushing, shaking, and sweating. And butterflies.
3. No because he was being forced to do it not by his own free will.

Alyssa K said...

I think that he ran from his fear because he said he didnt do it when really he did but once he "YAWPed" he got more in to it.he might have experienced sweatyness heart beating fast his fase was really red and he was probably shaky. i think that it did conquer his fear because he wasnt really quiet and he kept with it and at the end he looked kinda happy about what he came up with.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

1) I think Todd was running away from his fears instead of dealing with them. He lied and said that he did not have a poem so that he wouldn't have to read his poem in front of the class.
2) Todd was sweating and blushing. He was also shaking a lot.
3) Yes, I think the experience helped Todd conquer his fear of speaking in front of others, but not totally. He realized that he was actually good and saw that no one made fun of him.

Chris M 5/6B said...

i think that he tried to run away from his fears by lying to mr. keating that he forgot to do his poem.
Blushing, shaking, butterflys in his stomach, ect.
I think that this experience helped get over his fear of talking out loud in public/ a group.

Kate O 7/8b said...

1. I think Todd tried to run from his fear. He pretended not to have a poem so he didn't have to present and at the begging of the activity he was very shy and nervous.
2.Todd was experiencing shaking and stuttering. He was also sweating allot.
3.No, I don't think it completely conquer his fear, but i do think it helped him. I think it will take him longer before he will completely get over it.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

1. Todd tried to run away from his fear.

2. His face was sweating, he was shaking and his fcae was flushed.

3. Yes, I think that this helpd him get over his fear.

mackenzie kelley said...

1-At first he atempted to get out of his poem reading but in the end he said a poem about o sweaty toothed man.
2- His reactions where that he was nevous and reacted with shaking and getting red
3-Then after Mr.Keaton chalenged him to a YARP!!!! contest he took it like a man.

Josie W said...

1. I think at first he tried to run away, by saying he didnt write a poem. But then he conquered his fear and really got into Mr. Keatings idea.

2. He was sweating, Getting read, Heart beating faster.

3. Not totaly, but alot. I think that he is more open now but infront of people he doesnt know, or much more people he will be more shy.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

I think he was trying to flee from his fear by telling Mr. Keating that he hadn't done the poem. After he YAWPED I don't think that was the end of his fear. He was still scared. I could tell because his face got all red and he began to shake. He didn't look very good! Mr. Keating definetly helped Todd, but he didn't cure it.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

I think he just ran away from his fear because he didn't even bring his poem to class.

I bet he experienced sweaty palms, trembling, and a fast heart rate.

Yes, he realized he could actually do it.

jake r 5/6b said...

Todd first tried avoiding the situation by just saying he didnt do the assignment. then he YAWPed and found some sense of courage

cotywc7-8b said...

he probably experianced butterflies in his stomach
he started sweating
he faces his fear when the teacher makes him say it

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

I think to tried to run away from his fear but mr.keating would not let him. He was trembling and sweating a lot during this activity. I think this helped Todd conquer his fear, but its probably not completely cured. It takes lots of practice to become good at something or to get over a fear.

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

Todd tried to run away but Mr.keating wouldnt let him.
I think he was shaky,sweating, dizzy and had butterflies
This experience definatly helped todd

Alex S said...

1)He tries to run away but Mr.Keating won't let him.

2)He experienced shaking and sweating and turning bright red.

3)Somewhat but not completley because he has to get used to speaking in front of people.

Kelli said...

1. I think Todd was trying to get away from his fear because he lied. Then he realized he wasn't going to be able to get away from it.

2. I think Todd's heart was beating really fast. His face also looked sort of red and he was sweating.

3. I think this helped Todd get over his fear a little bit, but I don't think he has totally conquered his fear.

james m said...

Todd was doing "flight", he was running away and lying to get away from his fear.
2. He was probably sweating and light headed.
3.I think this would help Todd, its facing his fears, almost.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. At first, he tried to run away, but after some encouragement from Mr. Keating he came up with a poem.
2. Todd was red, he was probably shaking and sweating too.
3. I think it helped because he was praised for his poem.

Nateglewwe said...

Tried to run away by saying that he didn't do it.

Shaking, sweating, red face.

It helped him become more used to speaking to a group.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

I think he ran from it [flight] because he didn't face it and chose to lie to Mr. Keating. He probly faced most of the physical fear reactions. This probly helped Todd because he learned more about his fears.

Anonymous said...

1.i think he ran away from his fear cause he lied about not writing it.
2.he face turned red and he was sweating
3.ya it helped him overcome his fear

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

1.Todd tried to run away from his fear by throwing away the poem and trying to evade having to read to the class
2.He probably began to perspire, tremble, and blush.
3.It probably didn't completely alleviate his fear, but it certainly helped him.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) He first tried to avoid his fear(flight) by saying that he didn't write a poem but after the yawp he felt more comfortable infront of the class.(fight)

2) Todd may have faced getting red in the face and also sweaty palms.

3) I think this particular activity did halp his confidence with public speaking but he hasn't conqured the fear.

-Nick L

Nick S. 5/6B said...

Todd tried to run from his fear of speaking in public, but he started to fight his fear after the first YAWP.

He was red, he was sweating, and I can only assume he wasnt feeling to good

While it did not entirtely conquer his fear, doing this let him gain strength in the future, so he could overcome that fear.

Libby said...

He ran away from his fear because he didn't read his poem in front of the class, he just told Mr.Keating that he didn't do it so he didn't have to speak in front of the class.
Todd was probably shaking and his palms were probably sweating.
It didn't help because he just kept running away from his fear.

Reece W (5-6 b) said...

1. he tries to stay and fight because he's sort of forced to.

2.he was sweating and his face was really red also he was shaking.

3. it helped todd because it showed him that public speaking isnt that bad

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

1. Todd did his homework in mr. keeting's class but he tolled mr.keeting that he forgot to do it, he said that because he didn't want to speak in front of the whole class.

2. Todd had butterflies in his stomach, and his heart was beating when he stood in front of the class.

3. Yes i think it helped todd learn to not be afraid to satnd in front of the class.

alex c 7/8b said...

he defintly ran because he told keating he didnt have a poem in hopes of mr keating not letting him read in front of the class

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

1) I think he tried to run from it at first when he told Mr. Keating he did not do the poem.

2) He was probably sweating, shaking, his face was also really red.

3) I think this helped Todd get over his fear.

Dan M said...

1) He tried to run from his fear because if he hadn't he would have brought his poem to class.

2) I think Todd experienced butterflies in his stomach, sweating, and heavy breathing.

3) No, because one experience is not enough to desensitize someone from a fear.

shelby h said...

1) i think he tried to run form it because he said he didnt have one but he really did.

2)He was excited but also nervouse and sweety.

3)i think it has helped him but he hasn't totally conquered his fear because he was still nervouse to speek in front of people.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

First Todd tried to run away from his fear by telling Mr. Keating he didn't have his poem but then when he had to YAWP in front of the class he got the courage to stay and confront his fear.

I think he was shaking, sweating and he probably had butterflies.

I think it helped Todd get over his fear in the end

Anonymous said...

1) Todd was running away from his fear by not reading his poem to the class and by lying and saying he didn't write one.
2)Todd was blushing, sweating, and was a little shaky.
3) Yes, I think that Todd will get over his fear eventually, and the experience to make up a poem on the spot helped some.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

1. He ran from it by avoiding the fact that he made a poem.

2. Todd was sweaty, red, breathing hard, and shaking.

3. No, Todd needs to face his fear on his own will not his teachers. Although, this will help lead him there.

XOXO said...

At the start, Todd for sure tried to run away from his problem by lying and saying that he didn't have a poem. Towards the end though, I'm not all that sure about whither he stayed to fight or not. Because through out the whole thing Mr.Keating was making him stay, fight, and listen to him.

I think the fear symptons that he experienced were red face, shakiness, persperation, and butterflies in his stomach or something like that.

I think this experience /did/ help Todd because he was forced to confront his fear, and I think that maybe he realized that speaking in public isn't tha tbad, or at least as bad as he thought.

sam r said...

1. I think he ran from his fear of speaking in front of a group. He decided not to read his poem and because of that he was forced to face his fear.
2. His face got red and he was probaly sweating.
3. No he still didn't speak up much afterwards.

Kriften G!! said...

I think he tried to run from his fear but mr. keating made him face it.Todd was sweating and shaking and his face turned red.I dont think it completely helped him but it helped just enough.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

i think that he tried to run at first but then he was forced to stay up in the front and deliver a poem.

he started shaking and sweating and his face turned red.

i think it helped him a little through out the rest of the movie but he still had some signs of fear.

John R (1/2A) said...

I think he tried to run from his fear, but mr. keating helped him confront it.
Todd probably was sweating, nervouse, butterfly stomach, heart beating fast, and breathing heavily.
NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!! No because he still didn't speak up until the final scene.

danbach said...

1.I think he tried to run because he didn't read his poem to the class so why would he want to do the YAWP.
2.I think he had staggerd speach,heart beating fast,red face, and butterflys. because he didn't like to talk to poeple much evean after the yawp.

Anonymous said...

todd chose flight because he didnt want to read the poem he was sweating and shaking i think it helped but didnt totally cure his fear

laura s (5/6a) said...

I think he first tried to run from his fear by not doing the assignment but then tried to deal with it by making one up in front of the class with Mr. Keeting's help.

He was sweating a lot and he was shaking a little. He also was red.

I think that it helped him a little but he hasn't totally conquered his fear.

Zach G said...

He ran away because he threw it away so he wouldnt have to read it.

shaking, dizzy, and butterflies in his stomach is what todd might have expirienced.

No not totally because later in the movie he does it again.

Shannon Awes said...

Todd first chose to run away from his fears by throwing away his poem, but after he stood up and YAWPed to find courage to stay.

Shannon Awes said...

Todd first chose to run away from his fears by throwing away his poem, but after he stood up and YAWPed to find courage to stay.

He experienced shakiness, redness, and sweating.

This experience did help Todd because it showed him that others appreciate what he has to say.

cailyn c said...

I think that Todd ran from his fear until the very last scene in the movie when he stood on his desk. During this activity, Todd was nervous and scared. I think that this experience hasn't conquered his fear totally because fear is something you can't just get rid of.

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. At first Todd tried to run away from his fear but then finally overcame his fear.
2. He probably experienced perspiration, clammy hands, increase of heart rate, and shaky voice.
3. Yes, because if he didn't then he wouldn't have some what gotten over his fear.

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

Todd was trying to get out of speaking by saying that he never wrote a poem.

He was shaking and stuttering

Not completely but it helped

Morgan W said...

he tryed to run from it

shaking butterflyes etc...

no, he still has a long way to go

Preston B said...

1)I think that todd just ran away from it and didn't even try to deal with it. But when mr. keating got him up infront of the class and made him make up a poem he found some courage.
2)I think that he expierenced shakiness and he was also sweating a lot, his face got bright red.
3)yes it has helped him. he isn't quite conquered it yet but it helped him

kami h 7/8 b said...

I think that he tried running away because he said he didnt right a poem when he really did. I also think he dealt with it by saying a poem while he was in class.
He turned red, and he was shaking. I think it has somewhat conquered his fear of speaking in front of others.

Allie B said...

1. At first he tried fo run from his fear by saying he didn't write a poem, but then delt with his fear when Mr. Keating forced him to.

2. Todd experienced shaking, sweating, and he probably had an upset stomach and was worried about how his classmates would judge him.

3. Yes, even though Todd didn't totally conquere his fear because he still is shy about speaking in front of others, it lead him one step closer to conquering his fear.

brittany said...

1. at first todd was really scared because he never tried to get rid of his fear.
2. he experienced sweating, shakiness, and he was studdering with his words.
3.i think this experience did help todd because it helped him learn how it felt to speak in front of the class.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

- He lied

- Sweating and nervous

- He realized he could speak up

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

He first tried to run away from it by saying he didnt do poem.
I think he experienced shakiness, he was sweating a lot, his face was really red, and he probably didn't feel very good.
I think it did help but it didnt completely cure him.

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

Todd tried to avoid his fear by being quiet but mr keating knew he was so he tested him.
Todd was really nervous and he was shaking and sweating.
I think todd somewhat got over his fear.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. I think that he ran from his fear because he avoided it

2. I think he was sweating, his heart rate went up, he had butterflies, ect.

3. I think it helped, but he will have to keep doing it to conquer his fear.

Emily D said...

1. I think he tried to run from his fear because Mr. Keating had to keep telling him to stay up at the front and had to restrain him.
2. I think Todd experienced: butterflies, sweating, shaking, blushing, warmness etc.
3. I think it helped him in the longrun.

Sam.c said...

1. Todd did try to run away but he couldn't since Mr.Keating forced him.

2. He was sweatinf and it looked like his stomach hurt alot.

3. I think it helped Todd get over his fear of talking infront of people.

ellie w. 7/8A said...
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ellie w. 7/8A said...

Todd tried to run away, but after he yawped he tried to conquer his fear by staying to fight.

He sweated a lot. I think it has helped him take a step in the right direction because he said the poem and everybody clapped.

Jacob L. said...

After lieing Todd was coaxed into yelling a poem on the spot.

jordieee s! said...

1)I think he tried to run form his fear by lieing and saying that he didnt write a poem but he actually did. But faced it when he got up infront of the class and kinda made a fool of himself.
2)Some physical fear reactions that Todd experienced were shakiness and his face turning red.
3)I think this experience helped Todd because he got to see that he could get up in front of a class and talk and then audience would clap and cheer for him at the end.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. I think Todd tried to run. He kept trying to pull away from Mr. Keating.
2. He probably had butterflies and his face was red.

3. I think that it did help him eventually, but not right away.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) Todd was running away from his fear by not reading his poem to the class and by lying and saying he didn't write one.
2)Todd was blushing, sweating, and was a little shaky.
3) Yes, I think that Todd will get over his fear eventually, and the experience to make up a poem on the spot helped some.

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

1) Flight because he was willing to just take a zero instead of facing his fears.

2) He breathes hard and turns red.

3) I think this helps him start to gain confidence and experience because everyone liked his poem.

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

not here

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

not here

Unknown said...

1 he tried to run away
2 his face turned red and he started to sweat
3 i think it was like the first lap in the 500 free there's still a long ways to go!

adriana o (5/6 a) said...
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adriana o (5/6 a) said...

1. he wnated to run away from his fear when he lied about not having it.

2.he was turning red and shaking.

3.I think it helped a little, because it helped take some of his fear away.

Tara M (5/6LRT) said...

1)he was scared and ran away from his fears, but after he YAWPed he found courage.
2)he was studdering, and scared.
3)it helped him cause it made him confront his fear

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

At first Todd tried to run away, but then he slowly gained some courage to stay and face his fear

He felt scared, uncomfortable, shivered a little, turned red, and his heart was pumping really hard

The experience helped Todd to face his fears and be creative

Mikey L 5/6B said...

1.I think he tried to run from his fear by saying he didn't write a poem.
2.He turned red, probably had butterflies, and was sweating.
3.I don't think he got over his fear beacause he still didn't like to speak in front of others.

Mikey L 5/6B said...

1.I think he tried to run because he said he didn't write a poem.
2.He was blushing sweating and probably had butterflies.
3.I don't think he got over his fear because he still didn't like to talk in front of others.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

1.i think he kind of did both because at the begening he was just trying to get it over with and leave but then he couldn't
2.he was scared and was sweating
3. NO beacause he wasn't doing it on his own

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

1) todd was trying to run from his fear because he was scared to face it.
2) He was sweating, blushing, and shaking becasue he didnt want to share his poem
3) i think it helped him get over his fear for a little bit at least.

Unknown said...

1. overcame his fear

2. embarresed sweating

3. forced him to face his fear

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

1.i think he wanted run. he kept on trying walk back to his seat.
2.shy, butterflie,scared.
3.yes i think it did because at the end he showed that he wasn't scared and that he could take stand in the front of the class.

Emily A said...

1) I think todd tried to run away from his fear. He decidecd he would rather get a bad grade than confront his fear.
2)He may have sweated, had butterfieys in stomach, or problems breathing
3) I think it helped diminish his fear, but not get rid of it. HE still dose not feel comfortable in front of others.

aoneill said...

1.todd stayed and delt with his fear by saying a well poem.todds physical reactions to this acitivitie were he was looking like he was going to cry i think this expireence helped with speaking in front otyhers because they alkl liked his poem

Greg M (7-8A) said...

I think Todd was scared and nervous when he first went to class so he lied about not having one. After he yawped he saw how fun it was and that he had courage all along.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. Todd was tring to run away from his fear because he did not want to face his own fear.
2. He was sweating and he was nervious to stand up in frount of the class.
3. Yes I do think it helped Todd some what get over his fear.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. Todd was tring to run away from his fear because he did not want to face his own fear.
2. He was sweating and he was nervious to stand up in frount of the class.
3. Yes I do think it helped Todd some what get over his fear.

jessica G said...

1.Flight because he did not want to do it and he was very reluctant.
2. He was talking very quietly at first.
3. No, because he is still scared later on, and people were laughing at him.

KelseyE said...

1. He tried to run by lying but Mr. Keating forced him to try and fight.

2. Sweating, breathing hard, really red and was shaking.

3. It led him to fight his fear but it didn't totally solve the problem.

JohnB said...

1) Todd was running away from fear by not reading his poem to the class and by lying and saying he didn't write one.
2)Todd was blushing, sweating, and was a little shaky.
3) Yes, I think that Todd will get over his fear eventually, and the experience to make up a poem on the spot helped a lLOT.

braschill said...

1. i think todd tried to run from his fear because he throws his pem away and lied about not having one.
2. todd got sweaty and his face got red he got angry he probably got shaky and had butterflies in his stomach. this experience didnt totally end his fear but it did open a window of oportunity.

Anna B said...

1. I think at first when Todd tried to deal with the assignment by writing his poem but right before class he got nervous so he ran away from his fear.

2. He was sweating, shaking, and probally felt like he needed to throw up. He might have also felt faint, and his face was red the whole time.

3.I don't think it completely did because after the class was over he still didn't speak up or make any speeches.

wes F. said...

1. I think he tried to run away form them because he did his poem but told Mr.K that he did not do it.

2. He was probally sweating and jumpy.

3. I think it helped todd because it taught him that it was ok to speak up

Mitlentz said...

run away because he did not want to speak in front of the class
physical fears would be sweating
not totally, but i think it helped him gain some confidence