Friday, May 9, 2008

3 Jr. High Kids Suspended for Sitting During the Pledge

Please read the following article from today's Star-Tribune:

3 jr. high kids suspended for sitting during the pledge

Answer the following question:
  • Do you think these students should be punished for not standing? Why or why not?
Please explain your thoughts in detail.


That One Guy said...

They should not have been suspended, especially considering the state law that allows you to opt out of the pledge. I believe that it is your choice whether or not to stand up for, or even say, the pledge. I also don't think that you need to have a reason to stay seated.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

I don't think that the students should be punished because the law says that they can choose not to participate. I think that it should be their choice to respectfully stay seated.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Yes, I do think that these students should be punished for not standing but not have to be suspended for a day. I think that since it was a district wide rule to stand during the pledge that they should be punished but not that severe. I think that they should have had to write an apology letter to the superintendent of the district and sign a contract to say that in school they will stand during the pledge.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

I don't think they should have because it's your choice whether or not you want to do the pledge. Like in the morning announcments on monday they say "if you would like please stand for the pledge" they wouldn't say that if it was required. I think it was wrong to take away the kids rights.

Jessie Godfrey said...

I think that these students should not have been punished for their freedom of speech. They are not showing disrespect for their country, and they were never asked about it, so even if they were their is no evidence that they did anything wrong.

Jessie Godfrey said...

I think that these students should not have been punished for their freedom of speech. They are not showing disrespect for their country, and they were never asked about it, so even if they were their is no evidence that they did anything wrong.

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

Although I think standing and saluting our country is the right thing I do think it should be your choice. And you shouldn't get punished for you believe.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

I don't think they should have been punished. I belive it's you're choice weather to stand for the pledge or not. The law allows you to not participate in the pledge so it's not necassary to suspend them.

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

I don't think that the kids should be punished for not standing during the pledge because it should be your choice if you decide to recognize your country or not. Plus, America is all about freedom to do what you want and believe. (By Monica O.)

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

The kids shouldn't have been suspended. It is America, and people have freedom to do what they want. I think their choice to stay seated was theirs, and the kids shouldn't be punished for it.

By Annie T. (1/2 B)

sarsteffen said...

I don't think the kids should be punished for not standing because in America you have freedom of speech and actions. The law allows you to sit out of the pledge so you should not have to do it.

Morgan W said...

i think that they should not have been punished for not standing up during the pledge because it is simply common sense not to punish in the name of your country when in your contitution it clearly states undiniable freedome of almost every act is their right. this just proves that americans are far too proud in their country because they belive it the greatest in the world. it is NOT the greatest and anyone who says it is needs to re-evaluate their opinion (not that you have to). if you belive it is the greatest than ask yourself these questions:
1. have i ever left the country?
2. do i ever watch international news?
3. do i know anything about my own government system? i know anything about the government of other counties?
5. did this comment make you very amgry?

David K (1/2 B) said...

I do not think the students should have been suspended. I think this because it should be your choice if you stand or not for the pledge. It is very unfair for the three students.

David K (1/2 B) said...

I do not think the students should have been suspended. I think this because it should be your choice if you stand or not for the pledge. It is very unfair for the three students.

Emma C said...

I think these kids should not have been suspended because i think it is the students choice and if i were in another country I wouldn't say their national antyhem. Also in America we have the freedom of speech and feedom of what we want to do.

brittany said...

i dont think these kids shouldve been punished for not standing up for the pledge. kids have a choice to participate in the pledge or not. The school didnt ask for a paper to why they didnt participate and just suspended them so i think these kids shoul not have punished.

Allanzo T 5/6B said...

i don't think that the students should be suspended just beacause the did not stand for the pledge. some reasons are because some people don't believe in some of the stuff that they say. another thing is that thier parents may not want them to stand and one of the kids even told his mom that he would not stand for the pledge for the whole yea. it also isn't fair for people to make others say things that they don't want to. and for not doing so to suspend them. so in the end i don't think that the kids should have gotten suspended.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

I do not think that the kids should have been suspended. If the state law allows you to opt out of the pledge, then the kids shouldn't be in trouble. However, I think the kids did something very rude. They weren't showing the slightest appreciation of what the United States has done for them. So I think that the largest punishment (if any) would be a letter explaining why they chose not to stand.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

I don't think they should be suspended because the law says that you have a choice to participate or not. I think what the school did was wrong, but I guess it really depends on how the student were behaving while they were sitting.

Fletcher B said...

I don't think that they should have been suspended. if they did not want to stand up and voice empty, meaningless words,they shouldn't have to. We say that America is the land of the free, but why are we over-punished for not praising our country's flag. sounds like a dictatorship to me.

Erica said...

I do not think that they should have been punished at all. In the Pledge, we say, "Under God." What if not everybody believes in God? I do but I know of people that don't. I find it very ironic that they were being punished for this. The Pledge says,"With liberty and justice for all." Well punishing someone for not wanting to say it isn't giving that person much liberty. I find it very stupid that those kids were punished. It's kind of hypocritical.

Fresa S. said...

I don't think that these kids should be punished. They were just expressing their rights. Standing for the pledge is an individual and personal choice. The kid's punishment was way too severe, as long as they weren’t being disruptive.

Angela said...

I agree with a TON of people about this subject. None of the students should not have been punished for not standing for the pledge. I think this because YES IT IS AMERICA, we are supposed to be able to say no to things. Also I agree with Erik saying they shouldn't need a reason. Yes its good to support your country, but sometimes its OKAY to say no to somethings. Also the school is almost going against their countries declaration. So really, the school is going against their countries beliefs and rights! Which is messed up. They need to get a REALLY good reason why they got suspended. They are really going after themselves! Thats just flat out STUID!

sam r said...

I don't think they should be suspended because this is a FREE country. We should be able to do whatever we want, and it should be our choices.

Alex S said...

I don't think they should have because it's your choice whether or not you want to do the pledge. Like in the morning announcments on monday they say "if you would like please stand for the pledge" they wouldn't say that if it was required. I think it was wrong to take away the kids rights.

mackenzie kelley said...

Although I think standing and saluting our country is the right thing I do think it should be your choice. And you shouldn't get punished for you believe.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

i don't think that the children should have been suspended. especially considering the state law that allows you to opt out of it. you can choose not to participate. you shouldn't be punished for what you belive.

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

I don't think they should be punished for making a choice thats their choice to make.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

I don't think the students should have been suspended because of the law that allows them to stay seated. It's their choice, and they shouldn't be punished for making that choice.

Emily D said...

I don't think the kids should have been punished for not standing for the pledge especially because there is a law stating that they don't have to. I also think the shouldn't have been punished because it is the individual's choice to stand or not to stand.

laura s (5/6a) said...

I don't think they should have been suspended since the law says you don't have to participate. Also depending on one's religion and background some one might feel uncomfortable saying the pledge.

mitchy p (5/6 A) said...

i dont think they should've been punished. i think this because they were good kids and mabey they were too tired to stand or somethin like hat

james m said...

The punishment of suspension is abusrd. There are kids in both my first hour classes that I have seen sit during the pledge, and no punishment is given. Sitting during the pledge is just another example of exercising free speach, and they should not of been punished.

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

In America's current society, the children should not be punished for not standing, because doing so would be in direct violation to state law, though I believe that if they are going to live in this country, they should pledge their allegiance to it.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

They should not have been suspended i think that's just an abuse of power. You should have the right to do whatever you want it's a free country. I'm not gonna stand if i don't want to

Shannon Awes said...

I don't think the students should be punished because there are supreme court rulings on that subject saying that you can't punish them for that. And supreme court overrides any district policy.

Dan M said...

I don't think these students should have been suspended for not standing for the pledge. At VVMS we don't have to stand for the pledge and it is a choice for everyone. It violates the 1st amendment of the constitution, free speech. If a student doesn't want to stand for the pledge then they don't have to.

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

The students should not have been suspended, but they should have been given a choice. We should never be forced to recite the pledge, because sometimes we have a reason not to. Maybe we don't agree with it, or just don't want to.

Mitlentz said...

i dont think its okay for the students to be suspended because this is a violation of the bill of rights. If the students didnt want to stand they dont have to

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

I don't think they should have been suspended, maybe just a warning telling them they have to stand but they don't have to say the pledge. I think they should have been able to say their side of the argument at least. I also think the adults overreacted just a little.

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

I don't think those three students should have been suspended because even tho the law of the district says your suppose to everybody has their own rights that they choose to follow. Freedom of speech is a big thing in the U.S. and these kids were suspended for it.

Angela said...

I agree with a TON of people about this subject. None of the students should not have been punished for not standing for the pledge. I think this because YES IT IS AMERICA, we are supposed to be able to say no to things. Also I agree with Erik saying they shouldn't need a reason. Yes its good to support your country, but sometimes its OKAY to say no to somethings. Also the school is almost going against their countries declaration. So really, the school is going against their countries beliefs and rights! Which is messed up. They need to get a REALLY good reason why they got suspended. They are really going after themselves! Thats just flat out STUPID!

kami h 7/8 b said...

Personally, I don't think that these students should have to stand for the pledge if they don't wish to paricipate. It's thier decision wether or not they wish they want to do it and I don't think that they should be punnished for making that decision.

Allie B said...

I think they should have been punished for going against the school rules, but this rule isunreasonable. It is against state law. I think the paper would have been a good punishment instead. But i also think the kids should have followed the school rules and stood, but not said the pledge. You have to take responsibility for your actions.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

I don't think that these students should've been punished at all. It's not just state law, it's in the Constitution. THE CONSTITION.
It's free speech-you can say or express your thoughts in any way, or choose not to say things.

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

I dont think the 3 kids should have been suspened. In America you have freedom of speech and that means you dont need to participate in stuff. So yeah!

patty w (5/6 A) said...

I do not think the kids should've been suspended. Since the law says you have an option to do it or not to. It was their choice to not say the pledge and I dont think they should've been punished.

wheremypancakes said...

I don't think that those students should have been suspended for not standing for the pledge. It is a choice to stand or to sit during the pledge and that choice should not be taken away.

Alyssa K said...

No they should have not been suspened from school. there is a law that sayes its okay to not stand for the pledge. Someone cant make you what you dont want to do. I dont think they should be suspended for freedom of speach.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

I agree with Erik, the state law DOES NOT FORCE YOU TO STAND. Sometimes I sit during the pledge because I'm too tired to anything else. We don't HAVE to show pride in our nation. It's not the law. And, who said sitting was WRONG?


I do not think that these students should be punished for not saying the pledge. If they don't believe what the pledge says then whats the point of saying it?

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

No they should not be punished becase of the state law that says that you don't have to stand for the pledge if you don't want to. Like in our school you don't have to stand if you don't want to.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

I do not thing they should have been punished because legally they do not have to participate so they shouldn't have been suspended for an illegal reason.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

I think this is just plain madness. Like others have said, it is your choice to stand for the pledge. And, even if they wanted to punish these kids, suspension?!? That's a little harsh.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

I agree with Erik. They should not have been suspended, or even punished!! There is nothing in the law that says we HAVE to stand, or even PARTICIPATE in the pledge. We have our own minds and we can do what ever we think is right for us. Besides, who said we had to show pride in our nation?

David K (1/2 B) said...

I think that's wrong.

Peter W (1/2B) said...

I think that these kids being suspended for not standing for the pledge is notnescacerry at all. I mean in our school they give you the chance not to stand if you would not like to and I feel any other school should not be diffrent.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

They should not have been suspended, especially considering the state law that allows you to not stand for the pledge. I think that it is your choice whether or not to stand up for, or even say, the pledge. I also don't think that you need to have a reason to stay seated.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they should be suspended because they have an option of standing or not.

Josie W said...

I don't think that the students should be punished because the law says that they can choose not to participate. I think that it should be their choice to respectfully stay seated.

Libby said...

I dont think the students should've been suspended because you should have the choice if you want to stand up or not. especially because the state says you dont have to if you dont want to.

Julia said...

I do not think the kids should have been suspened. They have their own rights to stand or not. They should be able to explain their reasons

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

They shouldn't be punished because they don't have to if they don't want to and no one can force them to. However I also think that they should show more respect for their country. No matter how bad they think it is they still live here.

aaronp.(5/6B) said...


Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

I do not think that they shuold have gotten in truble for not standing because America is a free country, and it wasn't any violation of any law there is. They still should have stood during the pledge becuse it is American to do so.

Tara M (5/6LRT) said...

they should not be suspended because it may just be they're religious belives

Chris M 5/6B said...

They should not have been suspended, especially considering the state law that allows you to opt out of the pledge. i believe that its your chice to stand up during the pledge and i think that that they have a choice to sit down.

Mikey L 5/6B said...

I think they shouldn't have been suspended for not stnding. We have liberties and freedoms in this country. We can say what we want to and we don't have to say stuff others want us to say.

Mikey L 5/6B said...

I think they should't have been suspended. We don't have to say anything we don't want to say and that could be the the pledge.

Anonymous said...

no the kids should not have been punished. if they dont want to stand up they dont have to thats thier choice if they want to or not.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

No, they should be able to do what they believe.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

I don't really think that they should be suspended for that because it is a free country and everyone has the right to do as they please as long as it is not breaking the laws. I think that the respectful thing to do is to stand but if someone really has a good reason not to then I guess they don't have to.

Lindsey S said...

I don't think that these kids should be punished. They were just expressing their rights. Standing for the pledge is a choice. The kid's punishment was way too severe, as long as they weren’t being disruptive, kids should not be punished.

Ashley S said...

I don't think they should be punished although they should already know by that age that it is very rude to not stand when they say please stand for the pledge.

DavidF 5/6B said...

No, I do not hink they should be suspended beacuse in the american constitustion it is said that you have you own free will to the standing of the pledge or not

wes F. said...

I think they should have been suspended Because not standing for the pledge is like saying you dont support our troops.

dylan v said...

In my opinion I do not believe you should'nt be punished for not standing for the pledge. For many reasons such as the pledge of allegiance may state certain things religious groups do not follow.Or further more it's the right of an american not to do as he or she pleases.

suixcity said...

I think that they should not have benn suspended for siting, but i do think that they should have been sent into the hall or somthing along thoose lines.

Alexis L 7-8B said...

No, I don't think that they should be punished because if they truly don't believe in the pldege then they shouldn't have to, but if they do but are just goofing off then I think they should just get warning or something minor.

suixcity said...

I think that they should not have benn suspended for siting, but i do think that they should have been sent into the hall or somthing along thoose lines.

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

I think it is stupid they get suspended they are totally taking away there freedom of speech.

Kate O 7/8b said...

I think these students have the right not to stand if thats what they belive. But i also think it is disrespectful not to stand I do not think they should be punished though. but i think if they dont have a reson not to stand then they should and not just be cause they are lazy.

prestonb said...

I dont think that they should have to get suspended. i think that they should be able to choose weather or not to do it.

Unknown said...

1- i think they where very wrong to do this and they where disrespectful to there contry and to there school and familys.

Unknown said...

1- I think this was wrong for there school.
2- wrong for there contry.
3-I think they diserve to be suspendid.

dylan v said...

I don't think they should have been suspendid. I personally don't stand for the pledge soaly on the reason that I don't have to.

Unknown said...

1- i think this was very wrong because of the shame to there country and to there family and to there school.

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

I think they should be punished but not suspended. Lots of people and the vetran were offended by their actions, however like one mom said they should have an oppertunity to voice their oppinion. I think suspension is too harsh.

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

I don't think the boys should have been suspended because they did have the right to sit. From my prospective, as long as they didn't do anything disrespectful, they should have the right to stay seated.

John R (1/2A) said...

I don't think that they should be suspended because it is a free country and if they don't want to do the pledge so be it. I think the principle should be suspended.

Nora said...

I don't think the students should be punished, and I think it's especially ironic that the flag represents freedom, yet the students were suspended for exercising their freedom of choice. If they had actual reasons not to stand, there's no reason to punish them.

Nateglewwe said...

I don't think that the students should have been punished. It's their choice if they don't want to pledge themselves to the flag of the United States. This wouldn't really be a free country if they were forced to pledge themselves. They should be able to decline somethings like this.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

I think that the students should be punished for not standing. I think this because if you are a citizen of this country you should respect the flag and the pledge.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

I don't really care weather or not they got suspended but i do think that it is like your choice to stand up...i stand up for the pledge but if i didnt feel like it i wouldnt, but i just think its unfair to the kids to get punished just for not standiing...unless they were being rude about it but yeah whatever!

Anonymous said...

No i do not think this was a reasonable punishment for the 3 students. Doesnt a person have a right or something to stand or sit? They shouldn't have been punished because it was something as simple as not i think that was really stupid.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that they should have been suspended. if they did not want to stand up and voice empty, meaningless words,they shouldn't have to. We say that America is the land of the free, but why are we over-punished for not praising our country's flag. sounds like a dictatorship to me.

Zach G said...

yes, becuase it's their duty as an american to stand. So they should stand

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Since it was a rule at the school to stand for the pledge i think that yes the students should be punished. But, i dont think that these students should be suspended. If the students had a logical reason not to be doing the pledge then it is fine, but if it was just because they were lazy then its a problem.

Uzi M. said...

i don't think that the children should have been suspended. especially considering the state law that allows you to opt out of it. you can choose not to participate. you shouldn't be punished for what you belive.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

I beleive that these students shouldn't have been punished, because it should be your choice if you want to stand up for the pledge or not, and after all this is a free country. Also the law says that it's your choice if you want to stand up for the pledge or not.

Emily A said...

They should not be suspended. they have the right to not want say the pledge. They are followig the law.

shelby h said...

it depends, if they have a different religion the follow than no but if not than yes because they live in this country and it is a way to honor it.

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

I dont think they should of been punished for not standing during the pledge.
the first reason is because there is a state law that makes it so you dont have to stand during the pledge if you dont want to. Also another reason is because we have freedom of speech and not standing during the pledge is another way of exercising freedom of speech.

Anna B said...

The three kids should not have been suspended. If you really think about it the kids don't HAVE to stand for the pledge. It may seem disrespectful to some people, like it was to the principle, but he should of told them they should stand for the pledge rather then suspend them. Did they know that it was a district wide rule that they had to stand for the pledge? Probably not, and now these three kids reputations are going to be ruined; I would have handled the situation much differently.

danbach said...

I think they should not be punished because when it sayes "one nation under god" some religions might not bealive in god and do not stand for that.

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

If they didn't wanna stand thats their choice. I don't like to say the pledge in front of everyone at school so sometimes i don't stand. So if they don't want to they shouldn't have to.

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

If they didn't wanna stand thats their choice. I don't like to say the pledge in front of everyone at school so sometimes i don't stand. So if they don't want to they shouldn't have to.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

I do not think the kids should have been suspended. First of all, it is their choice to stand up for the pledge. They may show other ways of showing respect for our country. I think it is respectful to stand up for the pledge, but they shouldn't have been suspended.

rachaelc said...

yahI don't think that the three students should have been suspended for not saying the pledge because the law says that you have a choice, thats why every Monday morning hear at our school they say "If you would like to, please stand for the pledge.."

Zach G said...

I think they shouldn't be punished because its thier chose to use their rights.

jordieee s! said...

I think that they shouldnt have gotten suspended. I think this because before our whole school says the pledge, they say if you choose to stand...some people could choose not to. Also in the pledge it says under god and some people may not believe in god. That is why i think they shouldnt have gotten suspended.

XOXO said...

I think that they should not have been suspended. The pledge of alligence is something that should be completely optional for students. What if they dont' believe in god? Forcing them to recite the pledge could very well be offensive.

Kelli said...

The kids should not have been suspended because they have the choice to stand up. I don't know why they were suspended because the state law says they have that choice.

Sam.c said...

I think that they shouldn't have been suspended since they should have the right to express their selfs

aoneill said...

they should not have been suspended but they should be asked why they did not honor there country

Yannick A said...

i think this kids should not have been suspended because every monday
i too do not stand up for the pledge


I just did not feel like it and i do not get in trouble for it

nicole h said...

I don't think they should be punished because they don't have to stand for the pledge they have an option not to

cailyn c said...

I do not think that those kids should have gotton suspended because it should be your choice to stand or not.

clara k!! said...

No!! absolutely nott! i think this is outrageous! This is such a stupid thinnggg!!! SO YEAHH!

ellie w. 7/8A said...

I do not think these kids should have been punished, even though I think they should have to respect the country. But since the law states that you are allowed not to stand during the pledge, it was wrong for them to be punished.

NoviceLD said...

I think they should not have been suspended, however, they really should have stood up. If they really have a reason they believe strongly in, if they're anarchist or whatever - please, do sit. But they shouldn't have been suspended, whatever their reason.

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

The students should not have been suspended. It is a choice to stand for the pledge, and if they choose not to they are not doing anything wrong. It is okay for them to stay seated as long as they are respectful about it.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

I don't think they should be suspended for not standidng, thats their choice.

JohnB said...

I think that these students should not have been punished for their freedom of speech. They are not showing disrespect for their country, and they were never asked about it, so even if they were their is no evidence that they did anything wrong.

john h 7/8B said...

i think that everyone should stand during the pledge but it is their decision and they should not be punished for their upinion

holle g (5/6 b) said...

I don't think that they should've been suspended for not standing. I think that it should be people's choice weather they want to stand for the pledge or not.( as long as they aren't showing disrespect for other's beliefs)

Greg M (7-8A) said...

I think the three kids should not have been suspended because they dont have to stand during the pledge or even say it. the kdis shouldnt have been suspended and it is not fair

Jack H 5/6b said...

these kids should not have been suspended i think that they should not evan get punished because it is your choice to salute or not

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

no they shouldnt be punished, they have the choice to stand or not. the USA is all about "freedom of speech" so the students have the freedom to stand or sit during the pledge.

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

I don't think that the students should have been suspended for sitting during the pledge because there is no law that says you have to stand during the pledge, but we do have laws of free rights.