Thursday, May 29, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth Initial Thoughts

Today we watched Part 1 of An Inconvenient Truth, a movie about global warming:
  1. List two things that you agreed with or believed were true while watching this movie.
  2. List two things that you disagreed with or questioned were true while watching this movie.
Be sure to explain in detail so others reading will understand what you are saying. Remember that you will be watching a counterpoint video to this movie with the goal of personally deciding what you believe is occurring with our planet.



1. I agree with Al Gore that global warming is happening.
2. I agree with Al Gore that something needs to be done or changed to fix global warming.

I don't disagree or question anything.

wheremypancakes said...

1. I agree that global warming is a serious issue. I also agree that if something isn't done soon about global warming it could get very bad.

2. I don't believe that the CO2 concentration will get that bad so soon.I also don't believe that the glaciers could recede so fast.

Erica said...

1. I agree that people need to act quickly to prevent global warming.
2. I also agree that if the arctic ice cap melts, there will be severe problems. The polar bears will die. :(
3. I thought he over exaggerated the causes and effects of global warming. He links every single weather detail with global warming. I have a hard time believing some of it.
4. I don't get how global warming causes tons of pecipitation and drought at the same time.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

1. -I believed in the carbon dioxide graphs
-I agree that if we don't do something to stop carbon dioxide emissions we will melt the Arctic.

2. -I strongly disagreed with the glacier pictures because I don't think they can possibly be true
-I disagreed with the carbon dioxide projection because I don't think it can get that high that fast.

David K (1/2 B) said...

I agreed with what he said. I disagree with the not stuff he said.

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

1. - The first thing that I agree with is that there is in fact is glogal warming going on.
- I also believe that the CO2 charts are real.
2. - The things that I do not agree with was the chart with the red and blue line when he got on the thing is not true.

sarsteffen said...

1) I believe all of what the movie was saying. I agree with the CO2 charts and predictions for the future. I also agree with the polar bears drowning although I don't like it.
2) I agree with the whole movie. I hope the predictions will not come true because we will find solutions to global warming.

Anonymous said...

Two things I agree with are:
1. the temps. are rising
2. there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Two things I have questions/disagree with are:
1. I disagree we can't forget about it.
2.I disagree it's a natural fase, not global warming.

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

1.I agree that there is global warming and that it is dangerous.
2.I disagree that GLobal warming is going to kill us all in the next 50-70 years and That it can be easy to fix if everyone puts thier mind to it.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

1) I agreed that global warming is happening.
2) I also agree that that we need to stop the global warming.
I disagree with
1) It is a political issue.
2) I also disagree that it's a natural cause.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1- I believed with Al about his Carbon dioxide graphs.
2- I agreed with Al that global warming is a serious problem.

1- I don't agree with all of his graphs.
2- I don't believe that global warming is happening this fast.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

I agree that global warming in general is happenning! We also need to take action...right away! We ARE in the period of consequences, Winston Churchill was right. I disagree with the fact that it's a political issue. It's a GLOBAL issue...a problem that we created and has taken over the world we call home.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

I agree with the fact that global warming is a serious problem.
I agree that we must change something in order to reduce CO2 emissions.
I disagree with the glacier pictures because they have changed a lot.
That is all i disagree.

suixcity said...

1.I believe that global warming brings droughts and floods.
2.i also believe that polar bears are dying.

1.I am not sure if i agree with the pictures because i heard they were fake.
2.also that the picture of the earth is the most published picture.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1. I agreed that we need to do something to fix what we have done.
2. I also agree that people who disagree aren't looking at all the facts.
3. I question that water is just dissapearing because that doesn't make sense.
4. I also question that he doesn't give any ways to stop it. but we didn't finish the video so...?

Lindsey S said...

I agree that there is a lot of Carbon Dioxid the in the world and it is increasing. I also agree that the temperature is increasing.
I am not sure that the amount of carbon dioxide will get as high as he showed it in the next 50 years. I also am not sure that the ice caps will melt in the next 50 to 70 years.

prestonb said...

i dont think that we need to wory about global warming right now because it doesn't effect our lifetime.

2) but i do think that we need to learn about if for the people that will probibly have to deal with it.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

1. I believe global warming is true. Also, I think it'll keep getting worse if we don't do something about it.
2. I didn't disagree or question anything he said.

kami h 7/8 b said...

One thing that i agree with is that the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is increasing. I also think that the tempurature of the oceans are rising.
i don't think that the carbon dioxide will increase that much in the next 50 years. I also don't think that the ice cap will melt in the next 50-70 years.

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

I agreed with the fact that Al Gore thinks the government is down playing the significance of global warming. I also agreed that we need to fix it now or the earth won't be here for long.

I would disagree with the statement saying that there is any thing to dissagre with

dylan v said...

I think global warming is a world crisis and that something must be done. I do question the rate in witch glaciers are deterirating and the amount of polar bears that are drowning

Kate O 7/8b said...

Two things i ageed with is that
i belive in globle warming. I also agreed with while watching the movie was the deasters in this world are getting wores.

I didnt disagree with any thing the points in the movie all seem to be reasonaible explantions even if they are not ture,

wes F. said...

I belive that it is true, that clobal warming is happening and also that the arctic ice caps will melt soon. i dont really dissagree with the video it all seemed real to me.

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

1) ~I do belive that we are contributing to global worming.
~I also belive that we can stop global worming

2)~I dissagree that we are the only ones causing global worming.
~I also dissagree that the ice caps are going to be gone in 50-70 years.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

1) I agree with him that one person in the world can make a difference. I think that one person can do their part in stopping global warming.
2) I also agree with him that it is happening and getting really bad because epople don't think that they can do anything about it when they can.

3) I disagree that global warmings is mainly caused by CO2, I think that it is caused mainly caused by other things.

4) I disagree that it causes more precipitation because in some states there are droughts that kill people, because they go without water for so long.

Fresa S. said...

1)I agree that global warming is true and is going on right now.
2)I also agree that carbon dioxide levels and the temperature are rising.
3) one thing that's confusing is how global warming is causing droughts and floods at the same time.
4)I don't really disagree with anything else.

Alex S said...

1. I agree with Al Gore that global warming is happening.
2. I agree with Al Gore that something needs to be done or changed to fix global warming.

I don't disagree or question anything.

sam r said...

1. I agreed that global warming is very serious and dangerous. I also agree that Al Gore should have been president.
2. I disagree with the fact that the co2 and temperature will rise so soon.

John R (1/2A) said...

1. I agree that global is a serious issue because of the melting of ice.

2.AL GORE SHOULD'VE BEEN PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't disagree with anything.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

1:i agree that global warming is true and it is a problem.
2:i Agree that we need to help prevent global warming.

1:i don't disagree with anything he said.

shanti said...

I agreed that global warming is a serious problem that we need to handle right now!!! and i also agree that there is a lot of co2...more than needed.
I dont disagree with anything

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

I agtree that the earth is warming. and I agree that if people dont help make it better it will be baaad!

I have questions on if the ice caps will actually all melt in 50 years. and that only humans contribute to global warming.

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

I believe most things that were said on this video. I think Al Gore should have been president! All the data that he was showing made sense and made me worried and sad. I don't question anything from this video!

Nora said...

1. I agree that global warming is not just a phase, and humans are the cause of it.
2. I agree global warming has a lot of negative effects, like more serious hurricanes and droughts.

1. I disagree with Congress for electing Bush.
2. I disagree with Congress' way of dealing with global warming.

XOXO said...

I. I absolutely agree with Al Gore on the fact that Global Warming IS taking place on our planet, I have never doubted or questioned that.
II. I also agree that it is a very serious issue if the ice cap. As I type this, polar bears are probably drowning due to our mistake to polute this earth and increase the thickness of our atmosphere.

I noticed how some people said that they don't believe that the glacier pictures are true. That it's too 'stonishing' or something. Well I believe those pictures, and that just proves how much of an impact global warming is having on us. People just aren't paying close enough attention.
To tell the truth, I don't really disagree with anything he said.

Kelli said...

1. I agree with the fact that global warming is a very serious issue and it effects all of us.
2. I also agree that the polar bears are dying because all the ice is melting.

1. I disagree with the chart that he showed that went "off the charts". I think he may have been exagerating that a bit.
2. I also disagree with him saying that all the ice will melt in 50 to 70 years.

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

Agreed with- I agree that global warming is a large and immediate problem. I also agree that we need to cut down on CO2 emissions.
I questioned how fast global warming was actully happening, and it was hard for me to believe that lake Chad is almost totally dried.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. I believe that global warming has serious effects.
2. I agree that something needs to change very soon in order to fix this problem.

1. I disagree with Congress's choices on how to deal with this situation.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...


1. Global warming is happening

2. That it is a problem

I disagree with: nothing

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...


1. Global warming is happening

2. That it is a problem

I disagree with: nothing

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

1 I agree with Al Gore
2. Al gore is extrememly smart/

1 I disagree that the glaciers are melting

Nateglewwe said...

I agree that Global Warming is a big problem.

I agree that GW will have a startling effect on our lives unless stopped.

I disagree with the "skepticts"

I disagree with the idea that the ice caps will melt so fast.

Emily D said...

1. the world is getting warmer
2. there are more hurricanes than ever before.

1. not doing anything about global warming is unethical. IT IS IRRESPONSIBLE NOT UNETHICAL!
2. hurrican katrina was caused by global warming.

james m said...

1. I agree that global warming isn't just a political issue.
2. Also, certain areas are being drasticaly effected by global warming.

1/2 I didn't disagree with anything.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Two things that i agreed with were that global warming is a big problem, and if we dont do anything about it, it will keep getting worse.
I didn't really disagree with anything.

Emily A said...

♥ This is a moral issue, more than a politcal issue!
♥ Global Warming is Happining Fast!!!!!

I agrred with almost everyhthing but
♥Letting Global warming happen is unehical!
♥Hurican Katrina was caused by Global Warming!!!

Anonymous said...

i didnt like him and his graphs. i liked the polar bear it was cool then that al gore punk and the pics those were good to.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. I agree that global warming is a serious issue. I also agree that if something isn't done soon about global warming it could get very bad.

2. I don't believe that the CO2 concentration will get that bad so soon.I also don't believe that the glaciers could recede so fast.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1) I agree with Al Gore that global warming is a problem. Another thing I agree with is that we need to do something about it.

2)I question how fast the ice caps are melting. I don't disagree with anything.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

♥ Global warming exists
♥ We can't let it get as bad as

♥ The artic ice cap won't melt
as fast as predicted
♥ It isn't changing that

Anonymous said...

1) i agree that we need to do something to stop Global Warming. i also agree that if we dont do something about it, its going to get worse. I did not disagree with anything.

laura s (5/6a) said...

1. I agree that global warming is happening.
2. I agree that we are helping cause it.

The only thing I question is how dramatically it is changing.

danbach said...

1. I agree that humans are causeing the melting of the ice caps.
2. I also believe with the co2 emmishion charts.

1. I don't believe that not acting is unethical just that it is not being carfull.
2. I believe that katrina was not caused completely by global warming.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. Global Warming is a problem

2. It is our responsibility to try to stop global warming.

1. Katrina wasn't caused by global warming.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

1. I agree with the idea that Global warming is happening right now.

2. I believe that the polar bears are drowning since the ice is melting.

1. I don't disagree with anything.

Zach G said...

1. The earth is getting warmer.
2. I believe the carbon dioxide is going up.
1. I don't think the whole north pole will melt in 50 years.
2. I don't agree with all of the graphs.

Mitlentz said...

i disagree that all global warming is because of us and that carbon dioxide levels mandate global warming.
i agreed with gore that the ice is melting and on how the ozone layer contributes to global warming

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...


1.I a gree with al gore that global warming is real
2.i agree that global warming will effeect the earth if we don't do anything to prevent it
3. i think it's our fault that global warming is happening

i disagree that global warming will increase because we will do something to prevent it

Unknown said...


disagree: with us beings the only problem.

Yah, i dont a gree with a lot of the stuuff.

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

I agree that...
The temperature of the Earth is rising
The ice caps are melting

I found no reason to disagree with anything stated in this segment of the video.

jordieee s! said...

1)I agree that when its fall and winter the CO2 in the earth increases.
2)I also agree that when the ocean gets warmer, the storms get bigger.

1)I disagree that Al Gore thinks its all humans faults.
2)I dont disagree with anything else.

ellie w. 7/8A said...

1. I agree with the fact that Global Warming is a big issue.
2. I agree that we need to act now to stop Global Warming before it is too late.

1) I disagree that Global Warming is getting so bad so quickly.

2) I agree with everything else in the video.

nicole h said...

2 Things I agreed with were:

1. That globel warming is a serious problem.
2. The artic ice caps will melt in 50-70 years

2 Things I questioned or Disagreed with:

1. When the ocean gets warmer a storm begins. Wouldn't the ocean start to melt?

2. Can the carbon Dioxide really rise that fast thats a bit unbelieveable.

jessica G said...

Two things that I agree with are that 1)Global Warming affects the entire world. 2) Studies show that CO2 makes the earth warmer.

Two things that I disagree with or question are 1)CO2 will continue to go up at the rate expected when the documentary was made. 2) Leaves give off CO2 as the fall in Autumn.

As people continue to take steps to go greener and help to stop global warming, I believe that CO2 levels will go down.

Gretchen said...

1. Yes, I do in fact believe that global warming is happening.

2. Yes, I do in fact believe that there needs to be something done, seriousley. Like right now.

I thought that the polar bear video was a bit unbelievable. There has to be more ice than that, because if there was only that much ice, polar bears would be extinct.

Yannick A said...


1. I agree that global wrming is happening

2. agree that its an issue


I don't disagree or question anything.

aoneill said...

i agree that with al gore that global warming is happening
i also think there should be somthing done
i do not disagre with his thoughts.

Sam.c said...

1. I agree with Gore that Global Warming is real.

2. i agree that we need to do something

Disagree: I don't dissagree with anything

Sam.c said...

1. I agree with Gore that Global Warming is real.

2. i agree that we need to do something

Disagree: I don't dissagree with anything

Shannon Awes said...

1. I agree that global warming is happening.
2. I agree that something needs to be done to stop global warming.

I really don't disagree with anything.

Kenneth said...

1. I agree with Al Gore that global warming is happening.
2. I agree with Al Gore that something needs to be done or changed to fix global warming.

I don't disagree or question anything.

Dan M said...

1) I agree with Al Gore that global warming is a real threat to our planet.
2) I also agree that Polar Bears are dying because of melting arctic ice.

I don't disagree with anything because global warming is real.

cailyn c said...

1. There is such thing as global warming.
2. The ice caps are melting.

1. I don't disagree with anything.

Emma C said...

1.I agree with Al Gore that global warming is happening and that is why we had snow in April!!!!!!

2.I also agree with all the charts. Even though I don't like the idea I know that it is happening.

There is nothing I disagree with because global warming is happening(unfortunately)

Ashley S said...

1)I agree that global warming is true and is going on right now.

2)I believe that global warming is happening that fast.

3) one thing that's confusing is how global warming is causing droughts and floods at the same time.

4)I agree with everything else

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

1. I believe that global warming is happening right now. I also agree with the fact that we need to take action so global warming does not get worse.

2. I do not believe that global warming is happening as fast as it they are saying. I also disagree that the ice cap won't melt in the next 50-70 years.

Greg M (7-8A) said...

1. I agree that global warming is happening

2. The ice caps are melting

Jack H 5/6b said...

1. i agree that global warming is happening
2.i think that the united states should envest in fuel efishiont cars.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

1) Global Warming is true.
2) I agree that Al Gore is a good persuaser.

1) I disagree with the fact that humans are the main cause for Global Warming.

2) I disagree with the "50 years later" chart. I'm curious to listen the other side of the argument.

DavidF 5/6B said...

I agree With Al gore that global warming is happening right now and we ned to do something

2.I also agree with the glaier pictures

3. I dont agree with the fact that people arnt doing anything about this problem

4.I dont beleive in co3 emisions that high

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...


1)I agreed that global warming is real and is happening NOW.

2)I agree that we need to act so global warming doesn't destroy the earth.


1) I don't understand how global warming can cause such differant weather.

2) I disagrre that globalwarming will dry up our world off water.

Nick L

shelby h said...

1. I do agree with the o-zone and the ice melting
2. I disagree that we are the main cause of global warming and it is going to destroy our world completely.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

1) That there are greater amounts of CO2 in the air than ever before in history.

2) That many parts of the world would be underwater if Greenland or Anarctica were to melt.

1) That global warming causes bigger or more storms.

2) That 100% of sientists' arcticles agreed that global warmning is happening.