Monday, April 14, 2008

3-2-1 Discussion of the Personal Experience Speech Module

Now that the Personal Experience Speech Module is over, please take a few moments to complete a 3-2-1 discussion.
  • Give 3 putups--let me know what you found interesting, enjoyable, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Make 2 suggestions--let me know what I could do differently to make the module more interesting, fun, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Provide 1 rating--Rate the Personal Experience Speech Module on a scale of 1-4 (1=Loved It, 2=Liked It, 3=Didn't Like It, 4=Hated It). Explain your ranking.
Your comments help me understand what is good about the Personal Experience Speech Module and what I can do to make it better in the future. Thanks for your time and input.


Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

1.I found them fun to listen to,it was educational, and it was interesting.
2. Not learn so much about it and maybe more wonder years.
3. I give it a three because we got to watch wonder years.

Anonymous said...

1)-they were great stories to listen to -very well told -enjoyable

2)-watch a little more wonder years -not fill out so much of a packet

3)I would give it a 2 because the speeches were fun and I liked watching the wonder years.

Emma C said...

3.Ithought this was fun, interesting, and educational.
2.Maybe do a more intense study of fear.I don't have anyother suggestions.
1.3 because I thought that it was god but has room for improvement.(no offense or anything)

Emma C said...

3.Ithought this was fun, interesting, and educational.
2.Maybe do a more intense study of fear.I don't have anyother suggestions.
1.3 because I thought that it was god but has room for improvement.(no offense or anything)

Ashley S said...

!. I liked listening to all the stories people told.
2. i don't really have any suggestions.
3.i would give it a four i thought it was fun.

Fletcher B said...

a. I liked sharing the stories
b. I also found sharing the stories educational
c. I liked the Wonder Years
a. i think there should be more wonder years
b. I think that all students should have to share stories, whether they like it or not
a. I rate it a 2 because we got to watch Wonder Years

Anonymous said... was fun to watch and easy to follow
2.the wonder years was a good was to learn about it cause it makes sense we should watch more
3. i give it a 3

Erica said...

1. I liked it because it was fun to listen to everybody speak.
I also liked to say my speech.
It was fun to hear about all the different experiences.

2. Maybe another episode of Wonder Years.
I think we could've done some more during the unit like another fun activity.

3. 1.5 because I thought it was very fun and Wonder Years was really enjoyable.

That One Guy said...

1. It was fun
2. I liked it.
3. It was worthwhile

1. Do it all in school; no homework
2. Make it more fun

It was ok, but not that great.

Nora said...

The speeches were fun, interesting, and enjoyable.
We could watch the Wonder Years more and read less.
I would give it a 2, the unit was mostly really fun.

Tara M (5/6LRT) said...

they were fun, educational, and cool

2)not alot to learn, more interesting

3)2, it was ok

Fresa S. said...

1)it was fun listening to people's speeches, it helped getting me over my fear of giving a speech, watching the Wonder Years was fun too.
2)we could have watched more episodes of the Wonder Years, we could have had more time to practice out speech
3)i would rate it a 2 because the unit was kind of fun but it was also stressful.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

1) The stories were interesting to listen to, the unit was educational, and the wonder years were fun to watch.
2) More wonder years and more time to prepare for the speech.
3) 2 because i liked the unit but it wasn't my favorite.

laura s (5/6a) said...

1) I thought the stories were fun, interesting, and worthwhile.

2) Maybe do another Wonder Years episode and have a fun activity like in the communication unit.

3) 2, I liked to watch the Wonder Years.

Shannon Awes said...

3 putups: It was worthwhile becuse we learned alot about eachother. It was educational because we learned about public speaking. It was also interesting to see who was a natural at public speeches and who wasn't very comfortable up there.

2 suggestions: Make the speech about a favorite hobby or something. I think kids are more comfortable about showing others something that they're good at.
Also, you could do a little more in-class speech practice.

1 rating: 2.5 because it was interesting to hear others but totally nerveracking to go up there yourself.

Alyssa K said...

1: I thought that hearing the other speechs was cool and interesting. I like practicing speeches in front of my class so in my future when there is a speech i have to present i no how to do it. I thought it was overall enjoyable.

2: You could maybe have us do something inbetween that would be fun and no so much writing in packets NOT FUN!!

Alyssa K said...

i rate this as a 2 it was good

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

1. fun to hear about other peoples experiences, to tell about my experience, to get over fear of speaking infront of people.
2. Not such a large packet, and more WONDER YEARS!
3. I would give it a 2.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

3 puttups: I found it fun, interesting and a creative assignment.

2 suggestions: Make it less complicated on edline when we write the drafts, and have the writing and preparing for the speech be over a longer period of time.

Rating: I would rate the personal expirience speech a 2 because I didn't love it, but I thought it was an ok thing.

Dan M said...

1) What causes fear; the cheesy videos; watching you do your speech
2) More interactive stuff; more wonder years
3) 3; interesting module

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

1). I really liked listening to the personal experiences of others. They were very interesting and enjoyable.
2). I think we should watch more episodes that show fear and personal experiences.
3). I would give it a 3 because it was really interesting listening to all the speeches people gave.

shelby h said...

1. the speeches were pretty fun, i kinda liked the cheezy movies they were funny, and also the dead poets society.

2. try and put some games in and not as big of a packet.

3. i would rate it as a 2 because i got a little boring at times but overall it was fun.


1. I liked listening to the speeches.
2. I didn't doing the packets on fear.
3. I found it interesting how a lot of people were scared of dogs.

1. Watch more Wonder Years.
2. Do more hands-on activities.

1.I give this module a 2.

Zach G said...

It was fun to listen to other people's speeches. It was educational, and some of the stories were very interesting.

No suggestions

25, it was fun but sometimes got boring.

Sam.c said...

there were some cool stories, it was better than just sitting in class, it was also fun to talk about something that happened to you

watch more TV shows that give lessons and just more things that are fun

3 because the wonder years were good but there just wasn't much more like

ellie w. 7/8A said...

Put Ups: Listening to our classmates' speeches was enjoyable, finding out the top fears was fun, and the Wonder Years were worthwhile.

Suggestions: We should have watched more Wonder Years, and had smaller packets.

Rating: I would rate the Fear Module a 2.

Kelli said...

1. I thought it was interesting to listen to all the stories.
2. Watch more movies.
3. I rate it a 2 because it was somewhat fun and interesting.

Kelli said...

1. I thought it was interesting to listen to all the stories.
2. More movies.
3. I give it a 2 because it was somewhat fun and interesting.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

1. i learned more about my classmates. i thought it was a good public speaking oppourtunity. it was interesting.

2.let people bring in pictures or small movies to help tell the story.

3.2 because the speeches were fun to listen to.

Allie B said...

1) It was interesting learning about our classmates by hearing about their experiences, I liked giving my speech, and it was educational learning about poblic speeking

2) You could do differently is give us more than one night to write he speech- that is my only suggestion

3) I rate this unit a 1! I loved sharing my experience with the class! The wonder years was fun to

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) I found the planing of the speech was fun also, the actual presentation of the speech and listening to other peoples speeches.

2) To watch a Wonder Years video at the start of the module to be an introduction.

3) I would give it a 2 because I enjoyed giving the speech

cailyn c said...

3. Educational, creative, fun.
2. I don't think we should have had to learn all about it and expand the creativity in the speech.
1. 3 1/2 because I didn't really like it but I didn't didn't like it.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. I liked it because it was fun to listen to everybody speak.

2. Maybe to watch more episodes of Wonder Years, we should've done more activities.

3. i givee it a 2

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

3. I thought that it was fun, interesting, and there were some great stories told.
2. You could have more Wonder Years and less writing in the packet.
1. 2, because I thought it was a really fun unit, but I didn't love it.

james m said...

1. interesting, fun, educational.
2. more videos and not as big a packet.
3. 3, it was fun and educational, jsut not quite a 4.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1)I thought the speeches were fun to listen to, they were interesting, and they were educational.
2)I think we should've done more fun activities.
3)I would give it a 3 because at times I didn't like it but at others it was fun.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. It was interesting to hear what other people had done, educational, and kind of fun to do.

2. You could maybe not take points off for the speech being to short or too long, also should watch more wonder years.

3. 2-the unit was interesting overall

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

♥ I loved all the storys they were fun to listen to!
♥ I went up to do my speech and I didn't even have butterflies!
♥ I know now that getting nervous is just your body getting ready for a big job!

♥ Not so much paquet stuff.
♥ More fun activities!

♥ Ill give it a 2, I learned alot but some parts were kina boring.

Anna B said...

1. I liked listening to other peoples experiences, I liked writing my personal experience speech, and I thought it was all very educational.

2. give us more time to write our speeches; more wonder years!

3. I give it a two because I thought it was very fun to listen to everyones interesting experiences.

NoviceLD said...

1. I thought it was a good way to gain experience and tie up the unit, as well as very educational.
2. Mmm... one more class period to prepare the speeches. And less emphasis on the "underline this and that" in the outline/grading.
3. 3

brittany said...

1. i thought the rsonal ezperience module was fun and interesting

2. i think we should watch more movies like wonder years and i think you should make the packets a little bit shorter.

3.i give this module a 3 because i liked listening to the speeches and watching wonder years

sam r said...

1. I liked listening to others, learning, and giving mine.

2. Give us breaks and make them shorter.

3. 3

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. They were fun to listen to and it was enjoyable. It was also fun.
2. The packet was a little overwelming. And doing everything at school would have been good too.
3. I rate it a 2. It was not bad but it was definitly not great. Watching the wonder years was awesome.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

1) I thought that for the most part it was nice to listen to the other speeches.
2) I don't hink that there should be a whole unit on it because people know how to communicate and what it is already. We should just do the speech and it should be done with.
3) I would give it a 1 because I didn't like giving the speech at all and I thought that the unit wasn't that interesting. The only good thing was the wonder years.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

1. -there were fun to listen to
-it gave us a chance to present a speech again
-they were interesting
2. -maybe give us more time to prepare our speeches
-maybe give us a better explanation of how to conquer fear
3. I give this module a 2. I liked it, but it could have been more fun.

sarsteffen said... was fun to watch and easy to follow
2.the wonder years was a good was to learn about it cause it makes sense we should watch more
3. i give it a 3

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

1. They were good stories
2. Watch more Wonder Years and not so many packets.
3. I would give it a 2 because the speeches were okay and I liked the Wonder Years

Alexis L 7-8B said...

1. I thought it was enjoyable because we listented to other peoples stories and it was also interesting and worthwhile.

2. I think to make it less stressful the person speaking can break up into smaller groups so we dont have to be so nervous.
ona a scale of 1-4 i give it a 2 because I didnt love it but it was o.k.