Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dead Poets' Society-What Would You Do?

Now that you've seen the movie, respond to the following questions:
  1. Imagine that you were one of Mr. Keating's students. What would be the most meaningful lesson you learned from Mr. Keating? Explain.
  2. What would be your fear? Would Mr. Keating help you overcome that fear? Why or why not
  3. In the final scene, would you choose to stand on your desk? Why or why not?
Please number your answers.


Emma C said...

1.The most important lesson would be that to be who you want to be you must think for yourself because that is what Mr. Keating tought his class to do.
2.My fear would proabably be loneliness and Mr. Keating would definetly help me over come my fear.
3. In the final scene I would stand on my desk to show that I respect Mr. Keating and that I have learned to think for my self.

Lindsey S said...

1) I think that the most important lesson would be to think for yourself.
2)My fear would be speaking in fornt of the class and Mr.Keating helped Todd over come this so he could help me.
3)In the final scene I would stand on my desk cause I would feel bad that Mr.Keating is leaving and he didn't do anything to make him leave. Also I would want to show respect to him and tell him that I did learn what he wanted us to learn.

cotywc7-8b said...

1. the most meaningful lesson i would have learned from mr.k's theachings would be to face your fear rather than running away from it.
2. my fear would be having to speak spanish and not knowing what im saying infront of a bunch of people.
3. yes he would.
4. because he helped me over come my fear, nd he is respected for his teachings

Ashley S said...

1) I think the most important lesson would be to look at things with a different perspective.
2) Mine would probably be the same as Todd's but I would still do the work even if I was afraid.
3) Yes he would because he is a very nice person who wants to be with kids and help people.
3) I would choose to stand on my desk in the finale scene because Mr. Keating did all those things to help the kids accomplish their fears and to think for themselves.

DavidF 5/6B said...

1) that you have to think for yourself

2)my fear is of things i dont know

3)not really, because he probably donest know it either

4)i would, becuase hes a good teacher and also becuase thats like the right thing to do then

Alexis L. said...

1) The most meaningful I would learn from Mr. Keating would be to look at everything from a different point of view, I think many of our society today forgets that.
2) My fear would be fear of rejection of approval from my parents because I would want to do good in school.
3) To get over that fear I think that I would have to just not think about what my parents approval but still concentrate on school.
4) I would choose to stand on top of the desk because Mr. Keating's teachings are much more fun than regular teachings from a textbook.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1. I would have learned that it doesn't always matter what other people think but what you think of yourself because that is what i think they were learning in mr. keatings class.
2. My fear would be sharks. Mr. Keating couldn't help me with that because i didn't see any sharks or an ocean in the movie.
3. Yes, because i believe in most of the things he was teaching and even if i didn't he wasn't the reason Neil killed himself so he shouldn't be fired.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1) The most meaningful lesson to be would be the first class the students had.
2) My fear would probaly be the same as todd's an Mr Keating would help me like he did to todd.
3) I would stand on the desk because i would want to show Mr. Keating respect.

Brooke D (7/8B) said...

1- the most inportant lesson i think is that you must think for your self.
2-My worst fear is that no one would exept me or the way i act. he would definetly help me overcome my fear.
3-In the final scene i would definetaly stand on my dest for the right reason.

Anonymous said...

1) the most meaningful lesson is that think for yourself instead of having people tell you what to think.
2)My fear would be getting good grades. I think Mr. Keating would help that. He would say do your best or something like that.
3)I would stand on the desk to show Mr. Keating what we learned and to show that I can think for myself.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

1.The most meaningful lesson I think is to be yourself and dont walk with the current. I think that is important because that is what makes us individuals.
2. My fear would probably be like todd's, speaking in front of people. Mr. Keating would help me overcome my fear by telling me to relax i guess.
3. I would choose to stand on the desk because it meant I learned a lot of valuable things from his and i would miss his as a teacher.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

1) The most meaningful lesson I would learn fromm Mr.Keating would probably to follow your heart and do what you really love to do, regardless of what others might think of you.
2) My fear would probably be worrying about what others think of me. Mr. Keating would help me overcome that fear because he is a very outgoing person, and doesn't care about what people think about him. That attitude that he has would probably rub off on me.
3) In the final scene, I would choose to stand on my desk because I think that Keating didn't deserve to leave. By standing up, you're making a statement about how loyal you are to Mr. Keating...

Erica said...

1. I would have learned a lot from standing on my desk . I would've learned to look at things from a different perspective.
2. My fear would be rejection of what I want to do in the future. Mr. Keating would help me by talking to me about it.
3. I would for sure stand on my desk. Mr. Keating is a great guy and I would want to show my respect towards him.

Erica said...

1. I would have learned a lot from standing on my desk . I would've learned to look at things from a different perspective.
2. My fear would be rejection of what I want to do in the future. Mr. Keating would help me by talking to me about it.
3. I would for sure stand on my desk. Mr. Keating is a great guy and I would want to show my respect towards him.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. Mr. Keating would have taught me to look at things in different ways.
2. My fear would probably be speaking in front of people, like Todd. I guess Mr. Keating would have done something like what he did to Todd to help me.
3. I would have stood on my desk because he seemed like a good teacher and to show my respect toward what he was teaching us.

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. The lesson would be to see the world from a different point of view.
2. Loneliness, but Mr keating would help me with that.
3. I would choose to stand on my desk because Mr Keating would have helped me in many ways.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. The most meaningful lesson for me would be that I have the right to think and make decisions for myself, because I value induviduality.
2. My fear would be not being able to do what I want to do in life, and Mr. Keating would help me because it is similar to Neil's fear.
3. I would stand on my desk because Mr. Keating was a good teacher and I didn't agree with the school's decision to fire him.

Nora said...

The most important lesson I learned from Mr. Keating would be to think for myself and not to let others control me. My fear would be not being good enough, and Mr. Keating would help me overcome that. I would stand on my desk in the final scene because Mr. Keating wasn't responsible for Neil's death, and he deserves to be shown that he influenced and was respected by the students.

That One Guy said...

1. The most important lesson is to think for yourself.

2. My fear would probably be of lonelyness. Mr Keating would help me with that.

3. I would stand on my desk. Or tackle the headmaster.

james m said...

1.The most meaningful lesson, to me, would be ripping out the Introduction of the poetry book. Telling us we need to think for ourselves.
2.My fear would be not doubting myself so much.
3.I think Mr. Keating would find some way to help me overcome that fear.
4. I would stand on my desk, to show that i supported Mr. Keating, even though he was getting fired and blamed for something he had no control over.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) the most meaningful leason that I would have learned from Mr. Keating is to look at things at a new prospectiv to get the full effect.

2) My fear would probably be letting my parents down.

3) I think that Mr. Keating would try to help but in the end it is how I come over the fear by myself.

4) In the final scene I would have choosen to stand on my desk because Mr.Keating had tought us so much and was willing to help us with any of our fear.

-Nick L

Yannick A said...

1.The most important lesson would be: to learn to think for your self and not just read something understand it

2.My fear: would be nothing because I have no fear

3. In the final scene : I would stand on my desk and tell mr. keating that we are all sorry he got blamed for neil's parent problems because its their fault for neils death not his

clara k!! said...

1) The most important thing for me that is to be and individual
2)In a poetry class i would be scared that my poem would seem stupid.
3)I would stand on my desk to show respect.

clara k!! said...

1) The most important thing for me that is to be and individual
2)In a poetry class i would be scared that my poem would seem stupid.
3)I would stand on my desk to show respect.

Dan M said...

1) The most meaningful lesson I would have learned from Mr. Keating would be to look at things from your own perspective.
2) My fear would be speaking in front of the class. Mr. Keating would definitely help me overcome my fear.
3) I would stand on my desk because it would be the noble thing to do.

Shannon Awes said...

1. The most meaningful lesson would be to think for yourself because that influences everything you choose or don't choose to do.
2.My fear would be low self-confidence, and yes he would help me overcome it.
3. I'd totally stand on my desk, to show my thanks and gratitude towards Mr. Keating before he left.

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

1.TO think for yourself because we rarely do that in school
2.My fear would be loneliness because I would go crazy
3.Not really because at school no one is lonely
4.No I would not want to get kicked out of school

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1) The most important lesson would be think for yourself. This is what he taught all his students.
2)My fear would probably be speaking in front of the class like Todd. Mr. Keating would've helped me like he helped Todd.
3) I would probably stand on my desk to show that I respected Mr. Keating even if the school didn't.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1) The most important lesson would be think for yourself. This is what he taught all his students.
2)My fear would probably be speaking in front of the class like Todd. Mr. Keating would've helped me like he helped Todd.
3) I would probably stand on my desk to show that I respected Mr. Keating even if the school didn't.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. The most meaningful lesson that I would learn would be thinking for myself because that was the main point he was trying to get across when he made the class rip out the introduction and stand on the desk.

2. My fear would be rejection of my plans that I want to do in my future.

3. Yes, I think Mr.Keating would help me by talking to me about it.

4. I would choosen to stand on my desk because I would respect him.

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

1 When he asked them to rip the pages out of the book and to think for yourself
2 my fear would be speaking in front of the class like todds fear
3 yes
4 yes because it would be very rebellious

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

1. The most meaningful lesson that I learned from Mr. Keating would be to look at life from a different point of view, to be unique.

2. My fear would probably be Welton if I were in this situation.

3. Mr. Keating probably wouldn't help me overcome that fear. Since he is encouraging me to be different in the first place, I don't think he would care what Welton thinks.

4. I would have chose to stand on my desk because had I been one of those students, I would've known that it was not Mr. Keating's fault and I would want to show respect for my favorite teacher at that strict, strict school.

Fresa S. said...

1)The most meaningful lesson that I would learn from Mr. Keating would be to always look at things in a different perspective because it's something that people constantly forget to do.
2)My fear would probably be reading my poem in front of the class. Mr. Keating would definitely help me overcome my fear, like he did with Todd.
3)I would stand on my desk to show Mr. Keating that I learned a lot from him and that I respect him.

Allie B said...

1. The most meaningful lesson I learned form Mr. Keating was thinking for yourself and ripping the fromula on how to grade poetry out of the book.

2. My fear would be presenting my poem to the class, and being expelling for being part of the dead poets society after Neils death.

3. Yes, Mr. Keating would help me overcome my fear by supporting me while I was presenting my poem, but he couldn't help me on the second issue because he was fired.

4. I would have stood on my desk because I think he was a good teacher and I would have like to show that to him.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

1. The most important lesson would be to look at things in a diffrent way.
2. My fear would probably be speaking infront of a group and he would help me just like he helped Todd.
3. I would stand on my desk to show reespect to Mr. Keating.

Anonymous said...

1)The most meaningful lesson is that you should think for your self.

2)My fear would be speaking in front of the class and Mr. Keating helped Todd so he could help me.

3)I would stand on my desk because I know that he wasn't responsible for Neils death, so he shouldn't get fired.

sarsteffen said...

1) The most important lesson i would learn would be that you should face your fears instead of running from them. He was good at teaching his students this lesson
2) My worst fear would be not getting to be what I wanted when I grew up. I think he could teach me that I can do anything if I work at it hard enough
3) I would totally stand on my desk because it was fair, and I respect Mr. Keating

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

1) The most important lesson to me would be when he made the boys walk around outside, and told them that they should all find their own style of walking, and their own pace.
2) My fear would definitely be speaking in front of the other students, because I always get really nervous and then turm all red.
3) In the final scene I would stand on my desk, because I would know that it was not Mr. Keating's fault. I would probably be really sad that he had to leave, because he would've probably been my favorite teacher.

brittany said...

1. The most important lesson would be to be who you are and to think for yourself.
2.My fear would be to have to read a big speech in front of my class.
3. In the final scene i would stand on my desk to show Mr.Keating that i respected him and that i didnt want him to leave.

NoviceLD said...

1. The most important lesson would be to be an individual.
2. I don't think I would have too much of a problem, or not anything that Mr. Keating could help with.
3. I would stand on my desk. Mr. Keating's values are ones I respect, and he would deserve my respect for standing up against Welton.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

I think the most important lesson would've been, to think for yourself.

My fear is probably heights... So I'm not so sure Mr. Keating could've helped with that.

I would've stood on my desk, basically to show Mr. Keating that I respected him and he did teach me something if I were them.

Nick S. 5/6B said...

1. I think the most important lesson that I would learn would be that you should learn to think for yourself. Because if we all just conform, we'd all be the exact same.

2. My fear would probably be sharing my opinions. And Mr. Keating would probably at least try to help

3. I would stand on my desk, because it was not his fault that neil commited suicide, and he was a great teacher.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

1. The most important lesson would be that there are risks to doing what is right.
2. My fear would be the fear of not fitting in. I think that Mr. Keating would help me get over that.
3. I would stand on my desk, I would love to show my respect for the teacher that showed me a new path in life.


1. I think the most meaningful lesson is to be yourself.
2. My fear would be of sharks and spiders etc. but I don't think that Mr.Keating could help me overcome those fears.
3. I would choose to because Mr.Keating was such a great teacher and he didn't deserve to get fired, so I would stand to show him respect.

Kelli said...

1. The most meaningful lesson I would have learned from Mr. Keating is to be yourself.

2. My fear would most likely be the same as Todd's.

3. Mr. Keating would probably help me overcome that fear.

4. I would stand on my desk to show Mr. Keating that I learned alot from him and to show him some respect because he is a good teacher.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

1. If i was mr. keatings students i would learn to think for yourself.

2. my fear would be if i was new to a school i would deffinatly hate talking or making a speach in front of the whole class.

3. i would've stand on my desk because i learned to think for myself.

ellie w. 7/8A said...

1) The most meaningful lesson for me would be the ripping out the pages in the book, saying learning from a book is not always good.

2) I would fear getting caught as a member of the D.P.S.

3) Probably not.

4) I would definitely stand on my desk because I would feel responsible for getting an innocent man fired.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. I would have learned a lot from standing on my desk . I would've learned to look at things from a different perspective.
2. My fear would be rejection of what I want to do in the future. Mr. Keating would help me by talking to me about it.
3. I would for sure stand on my desk. Mr. Keating is a great guy and I would want to show my respect towards what he was teaching us.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. to think for yourself and not to listen to others
2.my fear would probably be speaking in front of a big group of people and not being listened to
3.i would becausei would have felt bad for blaming Neils death on him and that he should get some respect.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. The most important lesson would be to think for yourself

2. My fear would be the same as Todds and Mr.K would help me out.

3. I would because that would show that i learned how to think for myself.

Anna B said...

1. I think the most important lesson he would have taught me would have been to look at things in a different perspective.

2. My fear is heights and I don't think Mr. Keating would help me overcome my fear because heights doesn't have to do with anything we learn in school.

3.In the final scene I would have stood on my desk because I would want Mr. Keating to know that I respected him and that I felt very sorry.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

1) Probably to think for myself.
2) My fear would probably be like failure or somethin like that. Probably.
3) Yeah, because Mr. Keating is awesome.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

1) Probably to think for myself.
2) My fear would probably be like failure or somethin like that. Probably.
3) Yeah, because Mr. Keating is awesome.

Kate O 7/8b said...

1. the most important lesson i think is that you must think for your self.

2. My fear would be rejection of what I want to do in the future. Mr. Keating would help me by giving me confidantes.

3.3. I would for sure stand on my desk. Mr. Keating is a great guy and I would want to show my respect towards him.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

1) The most important lesson would be to be want you want to be. Because thats what mr. keating taught the class.
2) My fear would be speaking in front of people
3) Yes i think mr keating would help me because he helped todd become more confident.
4) at the end i would choose to stand on my desk because i think it's the right thing to do.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

1) The most important lesson I would have learned from Mr. Keating was to think in different ways and not always the way people tell me to.
2) My fear would probably be speaking in front of class about myself and Mr. Keating would help me start to get over that fear.
3) I would stand on my desk in the last scene because Mr. Keating was such a great teacher.

wheremypancakes said...

1.The most important lesson would be that to be who you want to be you must think for yourself because that is what Mr. Keating taught his class to do.
2. My fear would probably be like todd's, speaking in front of people. Mr. Keating would help me overcome my fear by telling me to relax.
3. I would for sure stand on my desk. Mr. Keating is a great guy and I would want to show my respect towards him.

Morgan W said...

1 to be an individual and not conforme.

2 fear of speaking, he would have me speak alot in front of class

3 i would

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

1. The most important lesson that he tought was to think for your self.
2. My fear would have been stage fright but Mr. Keating would of helped me over come that fear.
3. In the final scene I would of stand on by desk to show that I respected Mr. Keating.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

1. To be different and unique. I think that's one of the most important things in life.
2. My fear would be Welton.
3. He would help me overcome that fear.
4. I would stand on my desk in the final scene to show my respect for Mr. Keating and that I couldn't care less about any punishment that Welton has for me.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

1. To think for myself.
2. my fear would be the same as Neil and not getting my parents aproval.
3. yes he would by teaching me that it doesnt matter what they think as long as i enjoy something.
4. He stood on his desk to show that he can see the world from a different point of view.

Julia said...

1) the most meaningful lesson is that think for yourself instead of having people tell you what to think.
2)My fear would be getting good grades. I think Mr. Keating would help that. He would say do your best or something like that.
3)I would stand on the desk to show Mr. Keating what we learned and to show that I can think for myself.

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

1. The most important lesson would be that you need to think for yourself.
2. My fear would be speaking in front of the class and he would help me fix that.
3. I would stand on my desk to show respect to Mr. Keating.

kami h 7/8 b said...

1. the most meaningful lesson i would have learned was to be yourself.
2. i would fear getting in trouble since i was his student.
3. i would because almost everyone else would and it would be meaningful.

wes F. said...

1. The lesson is to tihnk for your self
2. MY fear would be speaking in front of the class
3. i would stand on my desk to show respect for Mr. Keating

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

1) I think the best lesson would be to think for yourself

2) MY fear would be speaking in front of a group, he would most likely do the same things he did for Todd's fear.

3)By standing on my desk i would be showing him that i did understand his teachings

sam r said...

1. To think on my own.
2. I would be scared to read my poem aloud.
3.Yes he would.
4. I would have jumped on my desk and been proud of it.

Alex S said...

1. The most meaningful lesson I learned form Mr. Keating was thinking for yourself and ripping the fromula on how to grade poetry out of the book.

2. My fear would be presenting my poem to the class, and being expelling for being part of the dead poets society after Neils death.

3. Yes, Mr. Keating would help me overcome my fear by supporting me while I was presenting my poem, but he couldn't help me on the second issue because he was fired.

4. I would have stood on my desk because I think he was a good teacher and I would have like to show that to him.

mackenzie kelley said...

1. I would have learned that it doesn't always matter what other people think but what you think of yourself because that is what i think they were learning in mr. keatings class.
2. My fear would be sharks. Mr. Keating couldn't help me with that because i didn't see any sharks or an ocean in the movie.
3. Yes, because i believe in most of the things he was teaching and even if i didn't he wasn't the reason Neil killed himself so he shouldn't be fired.

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

1) The most important lesson would be to think for yourself.
2) My fear would be speaking in front of people and Mr Keating would help me overcome that fear.
3) In the final scene i would stand on my desk to show respect to Mr. Keating.

Anonymous said...

1.The most meaningful lesson, to me, would be ripping out the Introduction of the poetry book. Telling us we need to think for ourselves.
2.My fear would be not doubting myself so much.
3.I think Mr. Keating would find some way to help me overcome that fear.
4. I would stand on my desk, to show that i supported Mr. Keating, even though he was getting fired and blamed for something he had no control over.

danbach said...

1. The most imprtant lesson is to always think for yourself not for others.

2.Mine would be to speak infrom of people in another language english isnt so bad.

3.In the end I would stand on my desk for mr.keating to show that he wasn't alne with his ideas.

Emily A said...

1) The most meaningful lesson I would learn fromm Mr.Keating would probably to follow your heart and do what you really love to do, regardless of what others might think of you.
2) My fear would probably be worrying about what others think of me. Mr. Keating would help me overcome that fear because he is a very outgoing person, and doesn't care about what people think about him. That attitude that he has would probably rub off on me.
3) In the final scene, I would choose to stand on my desk because I think that Keating didn't deserve to leave. By standing up, you're making a statement about how loyal you are to Mr. Keating.

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

1.I think the thinking for yourself would be important
2.My fear would be public speaking
3.I think he would just like he helped the rest of his class
4.If he helped me overcome my fear to do things i don't see why not.

Libby said...

1. the most important lesson would be to think for yourself.
2. my fear would be public speaking and mr. keating would help me over come that, just like todd.
3. i would stand on my desk to show that even though the principal person was there, mr.keating taught me to think for myself.

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

1.The most meaningful lesson I think is to be yourself and dont walk with the current. I think that is important because that is what makes us individuals.
2. My fear would probably be like todd's, speaking in front of people. Mr. Keating would help me overcome my fear by telling me to relax i guess.
3. I would choose to stand on the desk because it meant I learned a lot of valuable things from his and i would miss his as a teacher.

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

1.The most meaningful lesson I think is to be yourself and dont walk with the current. I think that is important because that is what makes us individuals.
2. My fear would probably be like todd's, speaking in front of people. Mr. Keating would help me overcome my fear by telling me to relax i guess.
3. I would choose to stand on the desk because it meant I learned a lot of valuable things from his and i would miss his as a teacher.

prestonb said...

1. you need to think for yourself
2. fear would be loneliness
3. i would have stood on my desk

laura s (5/6a) said...

1. The most important lesson would be that you need to think for yourself.
2. My fear would probably be deep water and I don't know if he could help me get over that.
3. I would stand on my desk to show respect to him and tell him I knew it wasn't his fault Neil died.

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

1- You need to think for yourself and face your fears
2- My fear is losing people close to me, Mr Keating might be able to help me get over my fear
3- I would stand on my desk to show that I respect MR Keating

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

1.The most important lesson would be to look at the world from different perspectives
2.My fear is eternity, which Mr. Keating, wise as he is, could probably help me through in some way
3.I would stand on my desk to show respect and appreciation for Mr. Keating's lessons and services

Mikey L 5/6B said...

1. think for yourself
2. fear of heights and no, he probably wouldn't help me overcome it
3. yes because it would be fun to make the principle mad like that

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. Carpe Diem

2. I would fear reading a poem-my poetry sucks.

3. Probably not.

4. I would-It's fun to stand on desks.

Zach G said...

1. I would have learned to make desicions on your own and just because "you are one and they are many doesn't mean they are right".

I would have stood on the desks because i would have respected him even though he got fired.

jordieee s! said...

1)The most meaningful lesson that i would learn is that everyone is different and people dont think the same because thats a good lesson to learn.
2)Fallowing other poeple. Yes he would help me overcome this fear.
3)Yes i would stand on my desk because i think he did nothing wrong.

Nateglewwe said...

1) To be who you are and think for yourself.

2) Being unable to get my desired job. Yes, because he's a nice guy.

3) Yes, I'd stand on my desk, because I want to salute the man who helped us all.

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

1 the most important lesson would be seeing the world from a different point of view.
2. My fear would be fear of spiders! I don't know if Mr. K could help me overcome my fear or not.
3. Yes I would, it wasn't Mr. Keating's fault.

XOXO said...

..:1:.. The most important lesson would be that in order to be who you want to be, you must think for yoursef.
..:2:.. My fear would most likely be not doing good enough in school and disappointing my parents by not becoming what they expect of me.
..:3:.. In the final sceene, I would stand on my desk to show that I completely and absolutely respect Mr. Keating and that I have learned to think for myself and not let others completely control my life.

shanti said...

the lesson that i got from mr.keating is that think for yourself be a leader not a follower.

my fear would probably be heights and he helped me with that.

in the final scene i would tell mr keating that i epriciated him.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) the most meaningful leason that I would have learned from Mr. Keating is to look at things at a new prospectiv to get the full effect.

2) My fear would probably be letting my parents down.

3) I think that Mr. Keating would try to help but in the end it is how I come over the fear by myself.

4) In the final scene I would have choosen to stand on my desk because Mr.Keating had tought us so much and was willing to help us with any of our fear.

Mitlentz said...

1:the most meaningful things i would have learned would be not to conform.
2:my fear would be to be to different.
3:im not sure
4:i would because id like to stick it to the headmaster

Anonymous said...

1. The most important lesson Mr. Keating tought his class was to think for yourself.
2. My fear would be not being able to do what I want with my life. Mr. Keating would help with this fear.
3. I would stand on my desk because Mr. Keating was a good teacher.

Sam.c said...

1. I think the lesson is that one mater how bad it gets there is still reason to live.

2. My fear is not talking in front of people but hights. and i don't know how he would help me with that

3. i would for sure stand up on my desk because none of it was mr. Keating's fault

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

1. improtant lesson would be be yourself
2. bordness and keiting's class would help me
3.i would stand on my desk

jessica G said...

1. That poetry has no limits and to be yourself. These are important lessons in life.
2. My fear would also be of speaking in front of people.
3.Mr.K would help me overcome my fear like he helped Todd.
4.I would because everyone else was doing it and Mr.K should be respected.

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

1.The most important lesson would be that to be who you want to be you must think for yourself because that is what Mr. Keating tought his class to do.
2. My fear would be having to speak spanish and not knowing what im saying infront of a bunch of people
3. I would stand on the desk because i would want to show Mr. Keating respect.

rachaelc said...

1) Think for yourself

2) Speaking in front of class

3) Stand on desk to show respect for Mr. K!

Chris M 5/6B said...

1.The most meaningful lesson, to me, would be ripping out the Introduction of the poetry book. Telling us we need to think for ourselves.
2.My fear would be not doubting myself so much.
3.I think Mr. Keating would find some way to help me overcome that fear.
4. I would stand on my desk, to show that i supported Mr. Keating, even though he was getting fired and blamed for something he had no control over.

Chris M 5/6B said...

1.The most meaningful lesson, to me, would be ripping out the Introduction of the poetry book. Telling us we need to think for ourselves.
2.My fear would be not doubting myself so much.
3.I think Mr. Keating would find some way to help me overcome that fear.
4. I would stand on my desk, to show that i supported Mr. Keating, even though he was getting fired and blamed for something he had no control over.

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

1. He teached too think for yourself

2. Having to write a poem then read it out loud. Mr. Keating would definetly help.

3. I would stand on my desk, because I think he was a good teacher.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

1. The most ,eaningful lesson I learned was to look at things from a different perspective.
2. My fear would be speaking in public to people, and Mr.Keating would be able to help me.
3. I would, because he was a great man and I would want to show respect to him and what he did for everyone in the class.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

1. The most important lesson I would have learned is to think for yourself.
2. My fear would be public speaking.
3. Yes. Mr. Keating helped characters in the story overcome public speaking, so he could help me.
4. I would stand on my desk because it would show that I can think for myself.

Anonymous said...

1) I think that the most important lesson would be to think for yourself.
2)My fear would be speaking in fornt of the class and Mr.Keating helped Todd over come this so he could help me.
3)In the final scene I would stand on my desk cause I would feel bad that Mr.Keating is leaving and he didn't do anything to make him leave. Also I would want to show respect to him and tell him that I did learn what he wanted us to learn.

shelby h said...

1. be what ever you want to be
because it says alot to me.
3.i would because he did many things for us so i would do the thing for him.

john h 7/8B said...

i think that the lesson about being yourself is the most important lesson

i would be afraid of answering questions in front of class because i wouldnt want to get them wrong but keading could help me overcome it

holle g (5/6 b) said...

I think the most important thing that i would've learned from Mr. Keating is that everyone has their own way of doing things and making their own choices. My fear would be losing what is important to me. i think that Mr. Keating would help me overcome that. I would've stood on my desk. I would've appreciated the type of teacher that Mr. Keating was.

Jack H 5/6b said...

1) I think that the most important lesson would be to think for yourself.
2. My fear would be sharks. Mr. Keating couldn't help me with that because i didn't see any sharks or an ocean in the movie.
3. yes he would.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

ripping out the pages from the books.

i would stand on my desk in the final scene to support the teacher

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

1) To be yourself and to just block out what you THINK other people might be thinking about you and not even care about it because people who are confident and don't let other people to make you into something they're not always live a happier and better life.
2) My fear would be taking risks and I think Mr. Keatings would like give me a pep-talk and help me overcome this fear.
3) I would because I liked Mr. Keatings character and I think he meant a lot to his students.

nicole h said...

1. think for yourself
2. the public speaking he might help me overcome this
3.i would because he was the teacher and he taught them stuff.