Monday, February 4, 2008

Communication Text Thoughts

After reading the Communication Chapter, post a comment that lists three things you learned from the reading. For example:
  1. Communication is not a one-way process.
  2. When communicating a sender can send any combination of verbal, vocal or nonverbal messages.
  3. Intrapersonal communication can be out loud or in your mind.
After you post your comment, be sure to print out your post and bring it to our next class. That's worth 5 points.


tomdelanaey7/8 B said...

1. i learned that singing is like giving a speach.

2. depending on were you work you talk diffrently

3.comunication can be verbal or non verbal

Fletcher B said...

1) communications can be sent or received by multiple people at once
2) a sender's communication can be emphasized by gestures and expressions along with rises of pitch and/or volume.
3) not all communicating is to an audience, some times it is just voicing an opinion out load or in or head to yourself.

Fletcher B said...
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Anonymous said...


Three things that I learned about communication are:

1)I learned that there are 3 dif. types of messages: verbal message, vocal message and nonverbal message.

2)I didn't know that my fav. singer communicates in the same way as a public speaker.

3)A third thing that I didn't know is that the audiance determines what type of communication is taking place.


kami h 7/8 b said...

1. i learned that there are several different types of communication.
2. singing is giving a speech.
3. people can recieve a different message if you say something in a different tone.

Lindsey S said...

1) I learned that there are many different types and types of communication.

2. That the four parts of communication are sender, message, receiver, and feedback.

3. people can get a different message or understand the message differently buy the way your tone is. They also might be able to understand the message better if you use movements.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

1) That when you sing, it's like giving a speech.

2) There are 4 parts of communication: sender, message, reciver and feedback.

3) You can communicate with vocal, nonverbal and verbal messages.

Ashley S said...

1)I learned that there are four parts to communication there is the sender, the message, the receiver, and lastly the feedback.

2)I also learned that there are 3 different types of messages one of them is the verbal message, another is the vocal message and lastly the nonverbal message.

3)The last thing i learned is there are five kinds of communication Oral communication, Intrapersonal communication, Interpersonal communication, Group communication, and lastly Public communication.

Jon Buckley said...

So far, so good. You've all provided some solid reflection on what the text has shared. Keep up the good work!

That One Guy said...

1. There are five kinds of communication.
2. Speaking is more convienient than writing a lot of times.
3. Thinking is a form of communication.

sam r said...

1. I learned that there are 5 kinds of communication you can use.

2. I also learned that there are many ways to communicate without talking.

3. I learned that singing and giving speeches are part of communication.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. I learned there are 5 types of communication

2. I learned about nonverbal communication.

3. That intrapersonal communication in to yourself

Unknown said...

1) there are many kinds of commumications involing 1 or many people.

2)There are many kinds of messages and that they are used at differnt times.

3) letters can't inclued the nonverbal like speechs.

Nora said...

1. Vocal messages are voice sounds

2. Interpersonal communication is on a one-to-one basis

3. Words, actions, and sounds are the basis of oral communication

Elliew said...
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laura s (5/6a) said...

1) There are four elements of communication, sender, message, receiver, and feedback.

2) Radio and television are two examples of mass production.

3) There are three types of messages, verbal, vocal, and nonverbal.

ellie w. 7/8A said...

1)One thing I learned is that a singer performing in a concert is like somone giving a speech.

2) Another thing I learned is the three different types of messages are verbal, nonverbal, and vocal.

3) And that there are four parts to communication, sender,reciever, message,and feedback.

NoviceLD said...

1. giving a speech is like singing.
2. Communication varies everywhere, even moment to moment.
3. You can communicate with yourself.

shelby h said...

1. i learned that there are way more ways to communicate than i thought.

2. you can communicate by singing a song.

3. communicating is super important and plays a big role in our lives.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1) There are three types of messages, verbal, vocal, and nonverbal.

2) I learned that a singer communicates in the same way as a
public speaker.

3) Lastly, There are 4 parts of communication which are a sender, message, reciver and feedback.


Dan M said...

1) I learned that there are five types of communication.

2) There are many different ways to send messages.

3) You can communicate with yourself using intrapersonal communication.

Fresa S. said...

1)I learned that nonverbal messages tell the receiver what you really mean. Like a wink can tell the receiver that you don't really mean what you said.

2)I also learned that there are 4 parts of communication: feedback,sender, message and receiver.

3)I learned that communication is in the form of a circle.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

What I learned about communication:

1. That singers use the same techniques as people who give speeches.

2. The four steps of communication are sender, message, receiver, and feedback.

3. People can communicate through verbal, vocal, and nonverbal messages.

-Sofia 7/8 B

clara k!! said...

1)I leanred that intrapersonal communication is talking to yourself.
2)I also learned that verbal and vocal communication is different.
3) Finally, I leaned that public speaking is a lot like preforming in a concert.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

1.communication can be shown in a lot of different way.

2 comuuniacation can be visual

3. there are verbal messages,vocal messages and non verbal messages

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

1) I learned that singing is just like giving a speech.

2)I also learned there are three types of messages.

3)Lastly, I learned that talking to yourself is called intrapersonal communication.

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

1. I learned that singing is like giving a speech.

2. I learned that there are three differnt kinds of messages.

3. Lastly I leanned that intrapersonal communication is by yourself.

Mitlentz said...

1:I learned that there are many ways of communcation without words
2: I learned that singers and public speakers use the same communication skills
3: I learned that your tone of voice can change your message

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

1. communicating with yourself is intra personal communication.

2. there are four parts of communication

3. you can communicate without sound

aaronp.(5/6B) said...
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Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

1) I learned how the 4 elements of communication work by looking at the map. (The sender sends a message, the reciever recieves the message and then gives a feedback back to the sender).

2) I learned that when I listen to the radio or watch television, this is mass communication.

3) I learned the differencee between interpersonal and intrapersonal communication. Intrapersonal is talking with myself and interpersonal is talking to another person.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

1) I learned that talking to yourself is intrapersonal communication.

2) I learned that there are three types of messages: verbal, nonverbal, and vocal.

3) I learned that singers and public speakers have a lot in common.


I learned that:
1. A good speaker uses the voice in the same way that a concert performer does.

2. You can use the volume of your voice to change the mood or intensity of the massage.

3. The 3 kinds of messages are verbal messages, vocal messages, and nonverbal messages.

Erica said...

1. I learned that watching the television and reading the newspaper is mass communication.

2. I also learned that nonverbal communication is making gestures.

3. The last thing that I learned is that even if you aren't talking, you can be communicating. Sometimes gestures are even more powerful than words.

-Allie Davis

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1. I learned that the four parts of communication are Sender, Message, Receiver, and Feedback and it follows a pattern.

2. I learned that giving a speech is a lot like singing.

3. I learned that when you are thinking you are still communicating but silently.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

Intrapersonal communication is communication with yourself.

In mass communication, the senders and receivers are not together. One of more people communicate with a large audience.

Oral communication can be better than written communication because it is faster and more convenient.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

1- Studying speech is important because it's helpful for you in the future.

2- Intrapersonal communication is communicating with yourself and interpersonal communication is when you're talking to someone.

3- Drama is a form of public communication.

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...
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Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

1.communications can be sent from one person to another (sent & received)

2.There are 5 parts to communication sender, message, receiver, feedback and noise.

3.Talking to yourself is a form of communication.

Shahara Britten

Shannon Awes said...

1. I learned that public speaking and preforming are similar.

2. You can emphasise important words by rises of pitch and volume.

3. Non Verbal communication can be more powerful than verbal communication.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1) I learned that singing is like giving a speech.

2)I learned 4 different parts of communication: the sender, the message, the feedback, and the receiver.

3) I learned that you need different ways of communication for different jobs.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1) I learned that singing is like giving a speech.

2)I learned 4 different parts of communication: the sender, the message, the feedback, and the receiver.

3) I learned that you need different ways of communication for different jobs.

Sam.c said...

1. i learned that talking to someone is a much better way of communicating than writing a letter

2.communication can be verbal or non verbal

3. communication can be to a large audience

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

1 I learned drama is a form of communication
2 there are 3 different types of speech
3 I never new that there wasd a term for someone talking to yourself, but it sounds like a good way to cleer your head!

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

1. I learned that there are many different ways to comunicate, whether verbaly or nonverbaly.

2. I didn't know that the Jonas Brothers, my favorite band, communicate the same way the presidential candidates do.

3. You can comunicate with yourself!

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1.there are five forms of communication

2.i learned about nonverbal communication

3.talking to yourself is intrapersonal communication.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) I learned that the three types of speaking are verbally, vocally and nonverbally.

2) I learned that giving a speech is like singing.

3) I learned that the five types of communication are interpersonal, intrapersonal, group, public and oral.

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

Hi! I learned that--

1.When communiating you dnt have to day words
2. That talking to yourself has a name. haha!
3. And you can change you tone to make a diffrent lke feeling

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...
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Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...
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Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

3 things i learned about communication are:

(1)you should even take a speech course even to be something like a construction worker.

(2)speakers and performers at a concert have lots in common.

(3)talking to yourself (Intrapersonal communication) actually has a name! :)

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...
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Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...
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braschill said...

Three things that i learned about communication are:
1) I learned that there are more ways of communicating than i thought.
2) I learned that there are four parts to comuniction which are sender, receiver, message, feedback.
3) i alsolearned that singing is almost exactly the same as giving a speech.

james m said...

1. there are alot of ways for multiple people to communicate.
2. communication is a pretty simple process: sender-message-reciever-feedback
3.the three ways to communicate: verbal, nonverbal and body language.

james m said...

1. there are alot of ways for multiple people to communicate.
2. communication is a pretty simple process: sender-message-reciever-feedback
3.the three ways to communicate: verbal, nonverbal and body language.

sarsteffen said...

1 intrapersonal comunication is when you are the sender and the reciver
2 I learned comunication is circular, not just one person talking
3 Singing has alot in commmon with giving a speech

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

What I learned about communication wass:

1. That singing is like the same as giving speeches..

2. The four steps of communication are sender, message, receiver, and feedback..

3. People can communicate through verbal, vocal, and nonverbal messages!

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

1) I learned that most all occupations involve communication even if there's no talking during the job.

2) I also learned that both the sender and the reciever can give feedback on the message.

3) I also learned, speaking of feedback, that feedback doesn't have to be words it could be facial expressions, body language, or emotion.

wheremypancakes said...

1) talking to yourself is a form of communication

2) there are 3 types of communication

3) there are five parts of communication sender, message, receiver, feedback, and noise

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

1. i learned that any interference is noise
2. I learned that Communication I s really never one way

3. I learned that their are three ways to communicate.

Brooke D (7/8B) said...

1- communication is not a one way prosses because u must get back feed back and reaspond

Zach G said...

I learned that famous people need to be good at communication.

I learned there are many types of communication.

I learned about non-verbal communication.

Jacob L. said...

I learned that there are more types of communication than just verbal, non-verbal,and written.

Emily A said...

1)One thing I learned is that a singer performing in a concert is like somone giving a speech.
2) Another thing I learned is the three different types of messages are verbal, nonverbal, and vocal.
3) And that there are four parts to communication, sender,reciever, message,and feedback.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

1. I learned that laughing or other sounds is a way of communication

2. I learned that there are different types of communication

3. I learned that "noise" doesn't have to be a sound. it can be nonverbal

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

1)There are five types of communication.

2) There are many different ways to send messages.

3) You can communicate with yourself using intrapersonal communication.

cailyn c said...

1. communication is everywhere
2. communication can be verbal or nonverbal
3. there are 5 parts to communication

XOXO said...

Things I learned about communication:

1)There are three different types of it.

2)Singing is just like giving a normal speech.

3)The way you say things really makes a difference.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1) I learned that that intrapersonal communication is talking to yourself.
2) I learned that you can put emphasis on words by raising or lowering your voice.
3)I learned that performing and speaking to an audience are very alike.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

1) I learned the communication process.

2) I learned that there are 5 types of communication.

3) I learned the 3 types of messages.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. I learned that talking to myself is Interpersonal communication.
2. I learned about the different kinds of messages that you can send.
3. I learned that singers and public speakers have a lot in common.

Nateglewwe said...

1) I learned that all kinds of presentations a very similar.

2) There are different kinds of messages

3) Conversation works in a kind of system

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

1. I learned is that things that you think is not communicating it really is.
2. It depends on were you work and were you live.
3. It can be verbal or even non verbal.

mackenzie kelley said...

i learned that communication has several form, can be taken place anywhere, and can involve anyone

jake r 5/6b said...

A verbal message is a message that is spoken in words. A vocal message is a grunt or a mone. and a non verbal message is sighn language or a written message.

Libby said...

Communication can be used with out sound!

The sound of your voice.

communication is everywhere.

john h 7/8B said...

communication doesnt need sound

radio and tv are types of communication

there are different types of communication

Alyssa K said...

i learned that you can give a message by not doing anything.

i also learned that when you are in diff places you talk diff

and finaly i learned that i learned that there are several different types of communication.

Kelli said...

1. I learned the different types of communication.

2. I learned that singing is like giving a speech.

3. I learned that communication can be in your head.

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

I learned the process of communication, What mass communication is, and that talking to yourself is a form of communication.

Uzi M. said...

1.communication can be shown in a lot of different way.

2 comuuniacation can be visual

3. there are verbal messages,vocal messages and non verbal messages

Julia said...

1)I learned that nonverbal messages tell the receiver what you really mean.

2)I also learned that there are 4 parts of communication: feedback,sender, message and receiver.

3)I learned that communication is in the form of a circle.

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. I learned that when someone sings in a concert it is like them giving a speech

2. That there are many ways to communicate besides using language

3. I also learned about the communication process

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

1) There are many kinds of communication.

2) There are four parts of communication: sender, message, receiver, and feedback.

3) That singing is the same as giving a speech.

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

Communication is the most impotortant thing in our society
it is something you dont really think about.
it is a may we are all alike.

Preston B said...

1) Depending on where you are and work you talk differently

2) Singing is a form of speach

3) there are different types of communication like verbal and non verbal

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

1. i learned that communication is a lot of things.

2. it depends on what you're sending to the person.

3. i think it could be verbal and non verbal.

Kate O 7/8b said...

Kate larnd thatt givening a speach is likey given a song to som boday.

communicatetion cane be verbal or non verbale

depends on were you workke you take differents.

thy endd.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) I learned that communication can be verbal and nonverbal.

2) I learned that giving a speech is like singing.

3) vocal messages are the actual sounds.

-Nick L

Anonymous said...

What I learned about communication:

1. That singers use the same techniques as people who give speeches.

2. The four steps of communication are sender, message, receiver, and feedback.

3. People can communicate through verbal, vocal, and nonverbal messages.

Alex S said...

1.Intrpersonal communiaction is with two people.
2.The verbal message is the words you use.
3.The vocal message is the tone or way you said the words.

JohnB said...

1) Thereare a lot of different ways of communication.
2)noise is just interference
3)communication does not have to be verbal

Morgan W said...

cominication is almost always a two way proces

new vocab words for the future

that there are mant different kinds of comunication

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. communication can be sent between any number of people.

2. singing a song is communication, and public speaking is too.

3. Just by changing the sound of your voice can change everything your saying, even if its the same words.

Chris M 5/6B said...

1) I learned that singing is just like giving a speech.

2)I also learned there are three types of messages.

3)Lastly, I learned that talking to yourself is called intrapersonal communication.

Chris M 5/6B said...

1) I learned that singing is just like giving a speech.

2)I also learned there are three types of messages.

3)Lastly, I learned that talking to yourself is called intrapersonal communication.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

1) I learned that you can have conversations with yourself.
2) I learned that you can have verbal and non verbal communication.
3) I learned that you can use eye contact to make things more meaningful or to give the person a different message.

Allie B said...

I learned:
-there are three different types of messages
-the different types of communication
-how important communication is

kami h 7/8 b said...

1. i learned that communication can be with yourself.
2. the way you say things can change the meaning.
3. communication can be verbal or non verbal.

alex c 7/8b said...

1. you dont have to talk to communicate
2. things can be enhanced with nonverball communication can do verbal and nonverbal at the same time

Anonymous said...

everybody uses comunication

the tone of your voice is important because the reciver is going to react differently to different tones

nonverbal verbal are both examples of comunication

rachaelc said...

1) singing is like giving a speech
2) 4 parts of communication
3) not all communication is said in front of an audience

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

Communication can be sent and recieved by multiple people at once.
A sender can use body language so the receiver ca understand better.
Communicating isnt always to other people it can be to yourself.

Nick S. 5/6B said...

1. I learned that you are Always comunicating

2. You send more of a message from how you send it than the words themselves

3. That thinking, is communicating

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

1. thinking is communicating
2. gestures can tell you what the persons thinking
3. different messages can be recieved by using a different tone, or body language.

Emily D said...

1. i learned that there is vocal, verbal and nonverbal communication.
2. i learned that feedback is what a reciever sends back to the sender.
3. i learned that singing is like speaking.

Anonymous said...

1) i learned that communication could be verbal or nonverbal or both.

2) a message can be recieved by more than one person from one sender.

3) where you are and who you're talking to changes the way you talk

jordieee s! said...

1)I learned that theres 4 parts of communication.
2)Communication forms a circle.
3)Giving a speech is like singing.

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

Singing is like giving a speech
A senders message can be emphasized with hand gestures and body language
We communicate in three different ways

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

1) That there are three different types of communication.

2)That singing is like giving a speech.

3)Speaking is much more preffered than writing.

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

1- There are many different types of communication
2- The four steps to communicating are: sender, massage, receiver, and feedback
3-People communicate through verbal, vocal, and nonverbal messages

Nick S. 5/6B said...

1) You can send dozen of messages with the same words

2) There are 5 types of communication

3) People can interperate a completely different message than you intend to send

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

1) Saying one thing can be different to someone else
2) There are 5 different kinds of communication
3) Tone of voice can change what your saying

Greg M (7-8A) said...

1. i learned a speech can be given in many ways.

2. you talk different to different people.

3. Communication can be oral non verbal or verbal

shanti said...

there is more than one way to communicate

David K (1/2 B) said...

singing is like talking
different kinds of communication
people can interpret the message different than the intention

cotywc7-8b said...

i learned that communication is a bunch of steps
i learned all the different ways of communication
and you can communicate by just using expressions

KelseyE said...

1. That there are 5 types of communication.

2. I learned about nonverbal communication.

3. That intra personal communication in yourself.

jessica G said...

1. Communication is mostly nonverbal.

2. Noise doesnt always mean sounds.

3. Feedback is the formal word for the receiver response.

wes F. said...

1. I learned there are 3 types of comunication, there are many different ways to comunicate and singing is a type of speech

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

I learned...
1)theirs more to communicating than just talking
2)it is one of the best skills you could have
3)it is the first step to everything

nicole h said...

there are different kinds of communication
interpersonal communication is when people talk to themselves
communication can be sent to more then one person

Anonymous said...

1) I learned that there are different kinds of communication.
2) Singing is communcation.
3) Talking to yourself considered communication.