Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fear Case Studies Concepts

Since I will be out of class on Thursday and Friday, I'd like to list some of the concepts regarding the Fear Case Studies. In addition, I'd like you to help each other out by providing some insights that you have from the three stories you read.
  1. Case Study #1
    • Fear helped the deer sense danger and protect itself. Sometimes running away when facing fear is the right thing to do. Fear helped the deer get ready to do a job. In this case, fear helped the deer escape safely.
  2. Case Study #2
    • Bill faces fear and wonders what is wrong with himself. He runs away from his responsibility because he does not understand that the physiological reactions he is having as a result of fear is his body getting ready to do a job.
  3. Case Study #3
    • Clay, like Bill, faces fear and has similar physiological reactions. But since Clay understands that his body is getting ready to do a job, he uses his fear positively to give a great speech.
Please respond to the following questions:
  1. Share one thing you learned from Case Study #1.
  2. Share one thing you learned from Case Study #2.
  3. Share one thing you learned from Case Study #3.
  4. What was one thing from the Case Studies that reminded you of a situation you have been in regarding fear? Explain in detail.


Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

#1 I learned that Fear can save you life and its an instinct
#2 I also learned that fear can restrict you from doing the best you can do
#3 I always get a little fear when there is somting important to me on the line.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

1)I learned from the fear case studies that their are good and bad ways to handle fear.
2)This reminds me when I had to do solofest for band and pay a song in front of a judge i was very nervouse but i did pretty well in the end.

Erica said...

1. I learned that fear can save your life. It can give you energy to survive.
2. Fear can hold you back and cause bad things.
3. You should always try to use your fear wisely and make the best of it.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

1) One thing I learned from case study #1 is that all animals (including humans) have fear when faced with a job that really matters.

2) One thing I learned from case study #2 is a lot of our fear is imaginary.

3) One thing I learned from case study #3 is you can use your fear in a positive way.

4) One experience the case studies reminded me of is when I had to do a book talk in front of my second grade class and the night before I was still working hard and I was nervous about not finishing and I was nervous about the next day.

NoviceLD said...
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Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

#1 fear ca nbe a good thing which drives you away from danger

#2 fear can be a problem if you don't know how to face it

#3 there are things you can do to use fear for your benifit

Julia said...

1) I learned that sometiimes fear is a good thig. it saved the deers life.
2) I learned that fear is also bad because it makes you scared to do stuff
3) you should always use your fear wisely and it may turn out to help you

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

1)I learned that fear can be a really good thing.
2)I learned that fear can get you in trouble and ruin your reputation.
3)I learned that fear can pump you up.
4)The deer situation reminded me of one time when i was in a hail storm. My fear told me to take cover.

Emma C said...

1. I learned that fear can save your life. It can give you energy to survive.
2.Another thing I learned was that fear is normal.
3.It kind of reminded me of all my recitals because I always get butterflies in my stomach.

NoviceLD said...

1. Fear is like adrenaline or the like.
2.People are often bothered by onstage speaking.
3. You can manipulate the energy your fear gives you to work for you.
4. I don't get scared of public speaking, though sometimes I get the butterflies.

Alexis L 7-8B said...

1. I learned that fear comes in different forms not just being scared of something.
2. I also learned thatmany of us share a fear of speaking out in front of a group.
3. I think case 3 relates to when in 4th grade I had to read something at an assembly in front of the school. I was scared of forgetting my lines. I tried to ignore my fear and I soon did when I saw people who also had lines remembering what they said.

Unknown said...

1- in the first case the fear was not in the mind but in the instinct of the dear.
2- in the second case the fear was determind by the suroundings of the student.
3-the student experenced a true scary situation.

Lindsey S said...

1)I learned that some of your fear can be maginary
2) I learned that fear can save your life.
3) When I have to present my solofest music in front of the class.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

1. I learned that fear can be a good thing.
2. Fear can stop you from completing some tasks.
3. Fear helps you do your best. For example, at a sport events people watch you, and that is fearful. However, it helps me do my best.

DavidF 5/6B said...

1.Fear can save your life

2.Fear can make you cowardly, also this can help save your life

3.Fear can also make u braver

One situation was when i had to make a speech in front of my whole team and i forgot to prepare the speech until the date it was due and i barley made it

tomdelanaey7/8 B said...

1)a deers first defence is to run
2)some peaple are REALLY scared of talking in front of peaple
3)others are use to talking in front of peaple

4)well one time in fifth grade i had to say a speach and when i got up there i forgot everything and said "my name is tom and i like food"

john h 7/8B said...

i learned that feare is important because it alerts you to problems or danger.

i learned that if you try to hide from fear it will not get better it may just get worse

i also learned that if you confront fear head on you can win and not have to worry

the case studies reminded me of when i was in 7th grade and i had to do a band solo in front of a bunch of judges and i was really afraid that i was going to mess up but i sucked it up and did really well

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

1. I learned that if you stay calm and use your senses then your fear will not seem as scary.
2. I learned that even if you are afraid of something you should still try to overcome your fear and think before you act on that decision.
3. I learned that any fear you have can be overcome if you think positively about it and try not to worry to much about it.
Whenever I have to present something in front of the class I always get really afraid and then when I present I do really badly because and I so scared and I turn all red. It is really embarassing. I hate presenting things and making speeches.

alex c 7/8b said...

1)fear can actually help you
2)fear can hold you back from being the best you can be
3) i was affraid at a music concert and i choked and failed

Preston B said...

1) I learned that fear can sometimes be a good thing.
2) I also learned that fear can save us from danger because our fear warns us when danger is near.
3) It reminded me of when i was scared cause i got separated from my family skiing. My fear helped me find them.

Ashley S said...

1) I learned that sometimes it is good to run away when you have fear
2) I also learned that you can use fear positively
3) It reminded me of a time I had a problem and I ran away from my responsibility but, later I decided to go back and fix the problem.

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

1)when youre up against death, a burst of adrenaline will save you
2)some fear is imaginary
3)fear can make you do better in life

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

1. Fear case study #1 showed that having fear can help you stay safe.

2. I learned in fear case study #2 that sometimes we are afraid of responsibilities.

3. The fear case study reminded me of The deers at my friend's cabin, and how most ran away except for one.

Kate O 7/8b said...

1.i learned that fear can save your life! it can give you engery to help you survive.

2.I learned that some fear is imaginary!

3. It remindes me of when I would need to try to do a new skill in gymnastics but i would be scared. The people around me would incurage me to do it and after i did i would be happy i tried.

Fresa S. said...

1)One thing that I learned from case study number one is that fear can save your life. Running away isn't cowardly its an instict.
2)One thing that I learned from case study two is that fear can hold you back.
3)The case studies reminded me of when I had to teach six and seven year olds how to do judo. I was scared that I would teach them the wrong thing.

kami h 7/8 b said...

1) I learned that fear can help you in some sittuations.
2) Fear can also limit things for you.
3) Always try and use fear in a good way.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

1. I learned that fear is sometimes a good thing.

2. Fear can also save your life.

3. if your making a speech in front of the whole class and you are scared and shaking you might do good because of the fear. (i don't think i'm right on number 3

4.i myself get scared a lot of times but not that much i get scared when everybody in the class room is looking at me, listening to my speech. or other kind of stuff. :)

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. Fear can sve your life, and if yor not scared you could die.
2. If you don't treat fear in the right way it can stop you from doing things.
3. If you treat fear in the right way it can help you do things.
4. When I was in sixth grade I had to right a report on Wilbor Wright, and I had to dress up like him and get taped while I was presenting.

Anonymous said...

I learned that fear can alerate you and then you are able ot have an extra boost of energy and escape.

Fear can prevent you from doing something that you might want to do.

I learned that you can have fear and use it in a positive way.

One time I had fear when I had to give a speech in 4th grade. I used my fear in a good way(like #3) and my speech turned out ok.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. I learned that there are good and bad ways to handle fear.
2. Fear can hold you back and cause bad things.
3. You should always try to use your fear wisely and make the best of it.

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

1) I learned that deers have stored energy incase they have to run away from a pretedor.

2) I learned that fear can make you do things that you regret later.

3) I learned that when things really matter, it makes you want to do it right, which can put pressure on you and make you nervous.

XOXO said...

1) If you run away from something it doesn't necessarily mean that your a coward.
2) You don't always know if your reactions are based off of fear or not.
3) This case study doesn't remind me of a situation that I was in regarding fear.

Alex S said...

1. I learned that fear can help you get through tough situations.

2. I learned that fear can make you act strange and not like your normal self.

3. I learned that if you know how to control your fear it won't affect you.

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. I learned that fear is good. and can be helpful for you
2. Fear can be a problem is you dont know how to handle it.
3. One situation this remended me of is when I was stranded in the airport in 5th grade it was scary. but fear told me to stay calm!

Nateglewwe said...

1) Fear can motivate you a lot
2) Fear can make you screw up
3) It's possible to master your fear

4) The third senario reminded me of a big project I had to present in school in sixth grade. I got really nervous.

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. I learned that all mamals can experience fear.

2. I learned that alot of our fear is imaginary.
3. You can use fear in a positive way.

4. I got really scared in 4th grade when I had to present something at the talent show.

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

1)I learned that fear is an instinct
2)I also learned that fear can restrict you from doing your best
3)I always get fearful when something important to me

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. I learned that fear an give you energy.
2. I learned that some fear is imaginary.
3. I learned that fear can be used positively, especially under pressure.

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

#1 I learned that fear is an instinct.

#2. I learned that fear can make you not want to do something.

#3. I also learned that fear can propell you to do what you need to do.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. I learned that there are manys to handle fear.

2. I learned that you cant always run away from your fears

3. To try and use fear in a good way

sam r said...

1. I learned fear can be good and help you.

2. I learned fear can be bad and not help you.

3. Fear is good for clay.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. I didn't know that fear had so much control over your body, like the deer running away without thinking about it.
2. I learned that fear and the physical reaction is just preparing yourself for a job.
3. When I am afraid, I usually don't think about what I am doing, like when you are swimming and you really need air, so you try to swim to the top as fast as possible.

Nora said...

1) I learned that fear gives you energy that can save your life.
2) Fear can be a bad thing if you don't know how to deal with it.
3) If you know what fear feels like, it can help you
4) In elementary school, we had to write a book report and read it out loud, and the third case study reminded me of it.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. I learned that fear helped the deer escape.

2. I learned that not facing your fears makes you feel bad.

3. I learned that your fear can help you face a situation.

4. Case study #2 reminded me of a time when I was 7 years old and I didn't go on Space Mountain at Disneyland. After we left the ride, I felt bad that I chose not to go.

Anonymous said...

1) I learned that fear can sometimes be a good thing.
2) I also learned that fear can save us from danger because our fear warns us when danger is near.
3) It reminded me of when i was scared cause i got separated from my family skiing. My fear helped me find them.

james m said...

1. Fear can sometimes propel you to do things that save your life.
2.Sometimes fear is too much and forces us to not do things.
3.Understanding fear helps you handle it better.
4. This time where my dad was in a skiing accident is a time I remember of having fear, but using it to help me save my dad's life.

Emily D said...

1. Fear is a part of everyone's lives and you can use fear to get out of situations.
2. If you let your fear overwhelm you, you may not do something you would normally do.
3. If you like something, you can learn to use your fear for you advantage instead of it using you.
4. The Case Studies reminded me of my first trip to Vally Fair. I saw the tower and immediately stopped dead. It was so tall! My cousin told me she would go with me and i decided to try it. I really liked it and now I'm not scared to go on it anymore.

Anonymous said...

1) I learned that fear can sometimes be a good thing.
2) I also learned that fear can save us from danger because our fear warns us when danger is near.
3) It reminded me of one time i was with sofia and she scared me.

KelseyE said...

1. I learned that fear can protect you.

2. I learned then fear can get in your way.

3. I learne you can overcome fear.

4. In the third one the guy knew how to deal with his fear when public speaking and I did too.

~Kelsey E. lrt 5/6A

mitchy p (5/6 A) said...

1.Fear can save your life GO PACK
2.Fear can make you cowardly, also this can help save your life GO PACK
3.Fear can also make u braver

Uzi M. said...

GO PACK!! 1. I learned that fear is good. and can be helpful for you
2. Fear can be a problem is you dont know how to handle it.
3. One situation this remended me of is when I was stranded in the airport in 5th grade it was scary. but fear told me to stay calm! GO PACK!!

mitchy p (5/6 A) said...

lets go packers da nah nahnahnah
lets go packers da nah nahnahnah lets go packers da nah nahnahnah lets go packers da nah nahnahnah lets go packers da nah nahnahnah lets go packers da nah nahnahnah lets go packers da nah nahnahnah lets go packers da nah nahnahnah lets go packers da nah nahnahnah lets go packers da nah nahnahnah

Uzi M. said...


Emily A said...

1. there are ggod ways to handle fears.
2.i learned that fears can stop you from doing good things thing that reminded me is when i was in a flood and my fear said i should get a bucket.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

1. One thing I learned from Fear case dtudy #1 is that fear can sometimes be a good thing, it can save you.

2.I learnded that fear can sometimes be a bad thing and it's imaginary sometimes.

3.I learned that fear can get you excited.

4.The third case study reminded me of when I had to give a presentation in 7th grade.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

1. One thing I learned from Fear case dtudy #1 is that fear can sometimes be a good thing, it can save you.

2.I learnded that fear can sometimes be a bad thing and it's imaginary sometimes.

3.I learned that fear canget you excited.

4.The third case st

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

1.I learned that fear can give you an adrenaline rush to do physical things you normally couldn't or would have difficulty doing.
2.I learnd that Fear can stop you from doing certain things.
3.Lastly, I learned that fear can be used to one's advantage.
4.One thing the fear case studies reminded me of in my life is when my dad crashed his car into a light post. My fear gave me a shot of adrenaline that I didn't need, but still felt.

shelby h said...

1) 2 things i learned from the reading is that 1 people can be scared of talking in front of people and 2 people are willing to but can get scared.

2) i was asked to talk in front of a group at my old church and i was really nervouse.

Kenneth said...

1 thing i learned is that fear can also help you in life.
A 2nd thing i learned is that it can make you choose good decisions.

Also it can save your life.!!!!!.!!!!.????////!!!!...,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................../////??????..... lol

Sam.c said...

1. i leaned that running away may not always be a move of cowardest
2. fear can make you say things you don't mean
3. I leaned that if you know you are afraid and how to deal with it it is alot easier to stop it

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

#1-From Case srutdy 1, I learned that fear can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. Fear can be used to like an instinct to tell or warn you if something should be feared.
#2-I learned from Case Study 2 that you shouldn't be afraid to tell the truth, and should be honest, or your lie will turn into fear.
#3-I learned from Case Study 3 that sometimes fear can be a positive kind of fear that can push you to do something good.

nicole h said...

1. I learned that fear is important because it can make you do something better or save your life.
2. I learned that sometimes people don't always face your fears and some people just avoid them, but sometimes you let other people down.
3. One thing from the case studies that reminded me of a situation I have been in is when Bill in case #3 faces his fear and does it anyways even though he is really scared because when I tried out for the musical I was really nervous, but even though I was really nervous I faced my fear and sang in front of other people.

cailyn c said...

Case Study #1: fear can sometimes save you life.
Case Study #2: fear can cause you to do bad things.
Case Study #3: you should always stand up to your fear.

cailyn c said...

Case Study #1: fear can sometimes save you life.
Case Study #2: fear can cause you to do bad things.
Case Study #3: you should always stand up to your fear.

Mitlentz said...

#1: I learned that fear is a natural instinct and that it can help keep you safe.
#2: Case #2 showed me that you should stand up to your fears and not lie about them.
#3: I always get butterflys when I go to a big swim race, and this reminds me to accept them.

clara k!! said...

1)fear is natuaral, and it can save your life.
2)Dont run away from fears.
3)Conquer your fears!! I have to sing in church choir, a solo, when I dont want to.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

i learned that being scared doesn' always mean your a coward sometimes it means that your just exited

jordieee s! said...

1)I learned that fear is a good thing.
2)I also learned that different people deal with fear in different ways.
3)I have fear when i have to speak in some public place, but always come out and do it.

Shannon Awes said...

#1 I learned that fear can save your life!

#2 I also learned that fear can take you away from something you should be able to do.

#3 Fear has held me back from speaking up about things I care about.

Dan M said...

1) I learned that fear can help you sense danger in your surroundings.
2) I learned that people run away from their fear because they are afraid of the responsibility.
3) I learned that fear can be used positively to reach a goal.

I used fear positively to get pumped up for the district championship in hockey.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. In Case study #1, I learned that sometimes fear is a good thing because it can work like a natural instinct that may save your life.

2.In Case study #2, I learned that fear can also prevent you from doing things.

3. One thing that the Case Studies reminds me of was in Solofest last year. I had to play a music peice in front of a judge. All though I practiced and that I had confidence, I still had a little bit of fear.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1. I learned that fear can be a good thing which drives you away from danger, for example when the deer sensed fear.
2. Also, I learned was that fear is normal and it happens to everyone.
3. It reminds me of one time I had fear when i was in a hail storm and i sensed not to run to the car but to stay in the house.

sarsteffen said...

1) I learned that running away from fear is not always a bad thing
2) I learned that if you do not understand your fear, it will hurt, not help you.
3) I learned that if correctly understood, fear can help people.
4) It reminded me of when I had to meet the scary lady called theacher in kindergarden. I wanted to run away but instead told her my name andd she was really nice!

wheremypancakes said...

1. Fear gives you a boost of energy.
2. You get really nervous when you are afraid.
3. Even if you are nervous about doing something you can still do it.
4. When I had to give a report in front of my class. I got really nervous and stuttered a little bit but then I did it and I felt good after it.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

1. I learned that we have fear when faced with a job that is really important.
2. Fear can be a bad thing if you don't know how to handle it.
3. That if you can understand fear, you can deal with it better.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1) I learned that fear gives you energy when you need it.
2)I also learned that fear is an instinct
3)I always get a little fearful before big games and thing that I really care about.

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

#1) fear it is normal and it can even save your life sometimes.
#2) fear can restrict and sometimes you can even learn from your own fear or even someone you know too.
#3) one thing i learned is that you always can find a way to use your fear in a more positive way in your life.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

1. I learned that fear can give you energy.
2. I learned that fear can make you tell a foolish lie.
3. I learned that if you face fear you will probably do better than when you hide from it.
4. The fear case studies remind me of sometimes during A.T. when my group has nothing prepared for our skit and we just go up there and completely improvise.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

1) I learned fear is an instinct
2) I learned fear can be a bad if you let it control your emotions
3) One thing in the third case study that reminded me of when i was scared was when he talked about getting butterflies because I get those sometimes too when im nervous.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

1) I learned that having fear can actually help you in some situations. If the deer didn't have fear, he wouldn't have had enough energy to run away and save himself.
2) I learned that fear can hold you back from things. It can cause you not to do things that you should have done. A lot of our fear is imaginary.
3) Fear can be used positively to help you for things. If you are a little scared, then it will make you perform better. When I was scared for solofest last year, it make me practice more and perform better.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

1) I learned that common sense helps you accomplish important decision making tasks.
2) I learned that if you calm down a bit when something is asked of you, you'll do it better than if you're tense and nervous.
3) Like Clay, I had to give a speech in front of my team at a dinner banquet. I practiced the speech before hand to reduce mistakes. When I actually gave it, the practice payed off and my speech was sucessful.

Zach G said...

1. I learned that fear can be helpful to animals.

2. if you dont know how to deal with it fear is bad.

3. I learned fer can turn out to be good if you handle it right.

When i had to do a big speech last year for L.A.

Allie B said...

1. I learned that fear can give you intincts that will help save your life.

2. I learned that fear can have negative affects on people.

3. I learned that fear can also help you in positive ways by inspiring you to do your best.

I once had fear when I had to play in solofest, you are alone in a room playing in front of a judge. I had butterflies in my stomach but tried not to let it affect my playing ability.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) I learned that fear can help save your life.
2) I learned that fear is something normal that everyone has to face.
3) I learned that fear can make you more brave.
4) This reminds me of when i had to sing a solo in front of my whole congregation at church.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) I learned that fear can help you in important situations.
2) I learned that fear can hold you back from what you want to do
3)I learned that you can really use fear in a positive way.
4) This weekend in regional hockey playoffs we were playing Faribault to go to the state tournament. I was nervous before my fisst game but I used that fear to get a big hit on my first shift. After I got a hit in I was confident and I wasn't nervous. I played great and were ging to state!

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

1 I learned that sometimes it is good to run away when you have fear.
2 I learned that fear can save your life.
3. I learned that if you can control your fear it won't affect you.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1. fear is good.
2. fear is important.
3. fear can be controled.

danbach said...

1. That it is ok to run away at times

2.Don't let fear make your disissions for you

3. When I was giving a speach.

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

1) In some places fear can save your live by making you leave.
2) It can keep you from doing your best.
3)It can keep you from doing what your supposed to.

Fletcher B said...

fear can be a thing that makes us do good things or bad ones. Fear is inevitable, and is an instinctual feeling.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1. I learned that fear can save your life.
2. I learned that fear can also cause bad things
3. I learned that you can use fear so it doesn't cause bad things.
4. When we were canoing in a thunderstorm and were scared so we paddled faster so we could get out of the danger.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1. I learned that fear can save your life.
2. I learned that fear can also cause bad things
3. I learned that you can use fear so it doesn't cause bad things.
4. When we were canoing in a thunderstorm and were scared so we paddled faster so we could get out of the danger.

mackenzie kelley said...

#1 i learned that even animals have fear when things matter
#2 i learned that alot of our fear is imaginary
#3 i learned you can use fear in a positive way

Peter W (1/2B) said...

1)Fear isnt nescacerilly a bad thing.

2)Fear can sometimes hold you back.

3)Fear brings ut a side of you that isnt allways the best but theres nothing you can do about it.

Alyssa K said...

1. I learned that fear can give you intincts that will help save your life.

2. I learned that fear can have negative affects on people.

3. I learned that fear can also help you in positive ways by inspiring you to do your best.

I once had fear when I had to play in solofest, you are alone in a room playing in front of a judge. I had butterflies in my stomach but tried not to let it affect my playing ability.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

#1: I learned that Fear can save your life.

#2: I learned that if you don't face your fears sometimes it might hurt others.

#3: I learned that fear is your body getting ready for a big job.

#4: This reminded me of the first time i went water skiing, I was terrified at first but I still tried. I ended up doing great!

Kelli said...

1. I learned that fear can help you.

2. I learned that fear can make you not want to do something.

3. I learned that fear can be a good thing and makes you work harder. This reminds me of when I have to do speeches and I get pretty nervous because of fear.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

1) in case study #1, I learned that fear is an instinct and can save your life

2) in case study #2, I learned that fear can stop you from doing a responsibility that you need to do

3) in case study #3, I learned that fear might make you nervous

laura s (5/6a) said...

1. I learned that fear is sometimes very helpful.

2. You shouldn't let fear get in the way of things you want to do.

3.You can use fear in a good way.

When I was in a church play and was really nervous to say my line but I did it and everything was okay.

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

In case one the deer used fear as knowledge to run away.
In case 2 he uses his fear as motivation to get the job done.
in case 3 he uses fear as an excuse to get out of something.

That One Guy said...

1. Fear is an instinct.

2. Fear is natural.

3. I am never afriad!

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

i leqarned that fear can save your life. also, fear comes when something really matters. one time i had a huge report that couted for most of my grade and i had to do it infront of alot of people. i couldn't do it the first day but then i did really well the next chance i had.

Chris M 5/6B said...

#1 fear can be a good thing which drives you away from danger

#2 fear can be a problem if you don't know how to face it

#3 there are things you can do to use fear for your benifit

Chris M 5/6B said...
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Morgan W said...

fear is a valuble instinct

fear can be a hastle

fear can motivate you

i prefer not to share the story

Libby said...

1. The case showed us diffrent ways the charecter handles fear.
2. This reminds me of when i was in 4th grade and for a dance recital I had to do cartwheels across the stage.

Anonymous said...

1.i learned that some times its your instinct to runaway
2.fear can stop u from doing well
3.whenever something is important your gonna get scared but u have to get over it

it reminds me of when u have to stand up in front of the class and give a speech. ur scared but u have to do it.

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

1. i learned that fear is an instint.
2. fear can stop you from being your very best.
3. there are things you can do to use fer to your benefit.

rachaelc said...

1) Good and bad ways to handle fear.
2) Fear is imaginary.
3)Use fear wisely, and in a positive way

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

I learned that fear is a good thing. Fear is also a bad thing because it causes you to panic and you dont do the right thing.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

1) I learned that Fear is also Instinct
2) I learned that fear is something to overcome, and is natural
3) I always get a bit scared when something important comes up

Anonymous said...

1) i learned that avoiding fear can be a good thing sometimes

2) i learned that if you don't understand that physical things that happen when you're scared can make you even more nervous.

3) during a basketball game we were in overtime and i had the ball and had to make a shot to win. my palms were sweaty and i had butterflies in my stomach. but i confronted this 'fear'

John R (1/2A) said...

1. i learned that fear can save your life
2.i also learned that fear can prevent you from doing your best.
3.i always am nervous when talking' in front of people.

Sam.c said...

1. That running away isn't always bad

2. Fear can make it so that things don't come out right

3. When you know how to react you won't be as afraid

ellie w. 7/8A said...
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ellie w. 7/8A said...

1) I learned that running away from the thing your afraid of can be could sometimes, but not always.

2) I learned that fear can cause a lot of problems if you don't face it.

3) I learned that you should try to use your fear to an advantage.

4) I remember the time I jumped of a cliff into the water even though I didn't want to. My friends said it was fun, and it was, but the pressure hurt my ears a lot.

Jacob L. said...

#1. I learned that other people hate speaking publicly too.

#2. I also learned that many people have different reactions to fear.

#3. I was afrade of the immagration progect in LRT-Bussnes.

cailyn c said...

1. I learned that fear can save your life.
2. I learned that fear can hold you back.
3. I learned that you should make the best of your fear.

Unknown said...

1 being fearful actually gives you more energy to act correctly!
2 sometimes fear can be confusing
3 Fear can be a good thing!
4 I was about to play a solo and i realized i should just take a few deep breaths, and i sounded the best i ever had.

JohnB said...

1) I learned that sometimes fear is a good thing. it saved the deers life.
2) I learned that fear is also bad because it makes you scared to do stuff
3) you should always use your fear wisely and it may turn out to help you

Mikey L 5/6B said...

1.I learned that fear can help wheather you choose to you fight or flight.
2.Ilearned that the reactions o fear are natural.
3.I learned that even if you choose to fight, you are still scared.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

1) Fear is instinct.
2) from case study #2 i learned that most of our fearr is imaginary and we build it up too much
3) YOur fear will help you if you use it wisely


1. That there are 2 different ways to react to fear, either fight or flight.

2. That everybody reacts to fear.

3. That you have to use fear in a positive way.

4. When I had to do a presentation in class, I knew that it was important so I fought instead of running away.

Unknown said...

1. fear can help u.

2. fear can limit and emabbass u

3. going in to superspeed

Greg M (7-8A) said...

1. Fear can teach you lessons.

2. Fear can limit you from acting like yourself and doing the best you can.

3.I get fearful when there is a game or something that really matters to me.

Kriften G!! said...

1- in the first case the fear was in the instinct of the dear.
2- in the second case the fear was determind by the suroundings of the student.
3-the student experenced a true scary situation.

braschill said...

1. fear can helpu make important decisions which could save your life.
2. fear can be what you imagine is going to happen like when he didnt know wht the principe wanted or what the speech thing was going to be like.
3.fear can be very hepful in times of need and if you know what is is you can use it to your advantage.
4. the one that reminded me most of my fear situations is number two because i get scarred alot especially when i am imagining what i think something will be like.

wes F. said...

1. I learned that some people can conrtol there fears

2. I learned that fear is an obsticle that will slow some people down

3. I learned that you can use dear to your advantage

4. When ever I feel fear i have taught my self to conrtol it and not let it get in my way.