Friday, February 8, 2008

Symbolism Activity Questions

Want to try this activity on someone else? Here are the questions:

You are on a journey . . .

    1. You are walking through the woods. What season is it? (What time of year?)
    2. What time of day is it?
    3. Are you walking on a path or walking in the brush. Describe it.
    4. You see a bear. What does the bear look like and what do you do?
    5. You find a key. What does the key look like and what do you do with it?
    6. You come to an immovable object (something that cannot be moved). What does the immovable object look like and what do you do?
    7. You come to a body of water. What does the body of water look like and what do you do?
    8. You come to a field. What does the field look like and what do you do?


allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

1. summer
2. morning
3. walking in the brush. its cozy
4. the bear is fuzzy. he gives me a cookie. i eat the cookie.
5. the key is shiny. i give it to the fuzzy bear.
6. the immovable object is a rock. i ask the fuzzy bear to move it.
7. the body of water is a puddle. i hop over the puddle.
8. the field is big and sunny. me and the fuzzy bear frolick in the feild and eat cookies

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

3.Path.It's really narrow and long.
4.The bear has brown fur, anbd is big. I run.
5.The key is gold and shiny.I put it in my pocket.
6.The immovable object is a big rock.I leave it alone and go around it.
7.The body of water is a pond.I swim across it.
8.The feild is big,green and full of flowers. I take a walk through it.

That One Guy said...

1. Early fall.
2. Mid-morning
3. A narrow, well worn path.
4. I see i huge black bear that I walk up to say hi.
5. Its an old heavy key. I put in in my pocket.
6. I see a big, old tree stump that I climb over.
7. The water is a pond, I walk around the pond.
8. The field has lots of grass, I walk into the field.

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. Fall
2. afternoon
3. Brush. Its very big
4. The bear is big. and I run away
5. the key is shingy and bog
6. The immovable object is a huuge rock. its grey and hard
7. The body of water is a big lake I go take a swim.
8. The Field is big and grassy

Ashley S said...

3.on a path it is really clear is a cute little cub i pick it up.
5.its a shiny key nice and gold i put it in a door.
6. i use the key to open the door i walk through the door
7.i swim to the other side its a clear and beautiful lake
8.its a big sunny field with grass. i sit down.

Nateglewwe said...

1) Fall

2) Dusk

3) I'm making a path through the brush.

4) Look at it for awhile

5) a house key

6) a rock; I sit on it

7) a lake. I skip stones across it

8) a golden sea

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

1.spring the morning
3.walking on a path
4. the bear looks like he has a lot of food in his stomach and i slowly go to the other direction and then run as fast as i can.
5.the key looks like its been at the ground for as long as i don't know.
6. its a big rock i just stare it and move on.
7. its a pond i swim on it
8. the field is huge and i sit at it and take a rest

Anonymous said...

1) summer
2) arternoon
3) in the brush there are lots of trees and they are all green...
4) the bear is big and it looks happy.
5) the key is big and gold. i look for what it goes to.
6) there is a big rock. i climb over it.
7) there is a lake. the water is clear and blue i go swimming
8) its a wheat field. i look at it.

wes F. said...

1. Winter
2. night
3. I am walking in the brush witch is covered in snow
4. it is a big brown baer and i charge it head on.
5. the key is made of pure silver and i tie a string around it and put it on my neck for later use.
6. It is a huge spicked wall and I go over it any ways.
7. It is a huge lake and i swim across.
8. It is a big corn field and I cassualy walk threw it