Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thank You Mrs. Elliott

Today, we visited the Media Center and went on a Library Tour with the VVMS Librarian, Mrs. Elliott. Please take a moment to thank Mrs. Elliott by commenting to this entry with a message expressing your appreciation. You can say the words THANK YOU, but you should also add a litte more than that. (I've provided the first comment as an example of what is appropriate and acceptable.) Please remember to be polite and appreciative.


Jon Buckley said...

Thank you for taking the time to share lots of different books with us. I'm really interested in "Vanishing Act" and "The Best American Sports Writing 2005." Thanks again for your help.

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

thank you for showing us around and thank you for taking the time to do that for our class adn i really enjoyed it!

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

Thanks for reccomending good books to us!

Unknown said...

thanks for showing us all the books. I thought the adromida strain was good.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

Thank you Mrs. Elliot for giving us a tour of the library and I think i found a book that i would like to read, even though i don't read very much. Thanks angain it was very helpful.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

Thank you Mrs. Elliott!!!!
Thank you for talking about alot of different books. it was veryhelpful!!!!

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

Thanks Mrs. Elliot for taking time out of your day to show us all the books. It really helped me pick out some good books to read and I still have some in mind! As you can tell I enjoyed the presentaion.


Thank you for helping us find new and exciting books to read!

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

Thank you for showing all of those books to us I found them Interesting

Alyssa K said...

Thank you Mrs. Elliott for your time of expaining and showing me a whole new variaty of books and authors some looked really good but were from the hclb ill have to go there and check out some of the books. Thanks again!

Erica said...

Thank you so much for helping us choose some interesting books to read! I have some great ideas for books that I want to read.

Peter W (1/2B) said...

I appriciate the advice.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

Thank you for taking your time to give us information on books. I enjoyed it.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

Thanks so much for your time! I really appreciate all of the feedback you've given us. I've become interested by some new authors, and now I know what books to check out!

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

Thanks for taking the time to show us some cool books to read! I got a few ideas from the presentation.

David K (1/2 B) said...

THANK YOU!!! Thanks a lot for taking your time to share with our class about interesting books we could read,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing us some good books.

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

Thank you for taking your time to show us around the library. And the books you picked out were great books.


David K (1/2 B) said...

thank you for the presentation.

wheremypancakes said...

Thanks for showing us around the library and telling us where different kinds of books are. I really enjoyed it!

Morgan W said...

thank you Mrs Elliott!!! that was a fun and informative class! i found a book that i liked and learned where everything was. you wer very helpfull!

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

Thank you for showing us new books!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the help i found a book that was cool!

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

Thakn you Mrs. Elliot for showing us all of the books. Now if I go to the library I will have an idea of what to read.

Julia said...

Thank you for talking to us today about the media center. I got some good book ideas!

Emma C said...

Thank You very much for showing us new interesting books

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

Thanks a lot Mrs. Elliot! I found lots of good books that I am really interested in reading. I am also glad to know that I can download audiobooks from the Hennepin Country Library Teen website. Thanks again!

brittany said...

thank you for taking your time to show us all the different books i really enjoyed it and i am looking forward to reading all the new books!

rachaelc said...

Mrs. Elliott~

Thanks so much for introducing more of a variety of good books to us. That was realy nice. Also, thanks for giving us a tour of the library, I learned a few new things! =D

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

thanks for showing us some good books. You gave me some ideas for future books to read.

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

All those books you showed us looked spectacular! thankyou now im really itiching to read!

brittany said...

thank you for showing all the different books i will be looking forward to reading them..!!

Nick S. 5/6B said...

Thanks so much for recommending those books, I just started Blood Red Horse and I thinks its really good so far.

Angela said...

Thank you for taking the time to share lots of interesting books with us. I really liked the books you shaowed us. I cant wait to cheek out one now! Thanks AGAIN!

Chris M 5/6B said...

Thank you for showing us around the library. I really liked the pop-up books.

NoviceLD said...

Thank you for taking yuor time to put together a presentation of books for us. The "pretties, uglies specials" series interests me.

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

Thanks for showing us all the books. I really appreciate the advice and now I know exactly what books i want to read.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

Thank you for showing us different books. I have a few new books I want to read now. Thanks again!!!

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

Thank you very much I know it must off been hard to deal with alex talking so loud

john h 7/8B said...

Thank you for showing us all sorts of good new books. i look forward to checking out the different genres you reccomended

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

Thank you Mrs. Elliott, you were very helpful in describing the books so we knew if we might like them. I am interested in "Kiplings Choice" and "The Secret Of Peaches."

DavidF 5/6B said...

Thank you for spending your time with us today to talk about the books.

Fletcher B said...

Thanks a lot for showing us around the library and recomending good books to us!

cotywc7-8b said...

Thank you mrs.elliott.
thanks for spending your time to introduce new books into our lives.
you made it so i can explore various styles of writing.
all the way from mistery to drama.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

Thank you so much for the tour of the library. I really enjoyed it. I this one book out of a series that looks really good, and I am really excited to read it. It is called "Uglies". So yah thanks again!!!

Kate O 7/8b said...

Thank you so much i have many books in mind to read next thanks to you! i found it interesting on how many genres there were. You were very helpful!

Preston B said...

Thank you for showing us more about the library. I think that now i am going to check more books out. i think that everest book looks good and might check it out and read it soon!

tomdelanaey7/8 B said...

thank you for showing us thoose books i thout some of those looked really good.

Ashley S said...

Thanks you for talking about all of the books I found two of them that I like and will eventually check out. I also think that those audio books are really cool and I will read them when I find one I really like. Once again thank you for helping us by showing us all the books and website.

Fresa S. said...

Thank you so much for showing us the book presentation and taking your time to do that. Looking at all the books you showed us was very interesting. Thank you!

Lindsey S said...

Thsnk you so much for taking you to share everything you knew about the library and new books!

Unknown said...

Dear miss Elliot thank you for the time you spent with us it realy helped us understand the library.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

Thank you for taking time to inform us on new books we might enjoy reading! It was a great presentation :)

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

Thank you for helping us pick out books in the library! It helped me want to read.

wes F. said...

Thank you for telling us more about books it was really interesting thanks again

Alexis L 7-8B said...

Thank you Mrs. Elliot for showing us a variety of books that we will soon enjoy reading.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

Thank you miss Elliot i really enjoyed the new books you introduced us today. I was really interested most of the books you introduced us. Thanks again we hope to go to the media again and we hope you could share another books with us too.

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

Thanks Mrs. Elliot. I really learned what kind of books you have in the school library. Thanks again.

alex c 7/8b said...

thank you for showing us those great books you make me want to be a librarian

kami h 7/8 b said...

thank you for showing us the new books that are in, and showing us around the library.

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

Thanks for hlping me find two great books!

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

Thank you for showing us so many books. Taking time out of your day to help us learn more about new books that we all will enjoy.

Nateglewwe said...

Hi! I'm the guy who always has his card. Anyways, thanks for being helpful to all of us, like recomending books baised on our fav genres.

Nora said...

Thank you for taking the time to show us all the books in the library. You were very helpful, and I really appreciate it!

shanti said...

thank you mrs. Elliot for taking us on this tour it was very informative also thank you for taking time out of the day (school day) to share some information with us. THANK YOU

mackenzie kelley said...

thank you for your help i got alot of sugestions for books

mackenzie kelley said...

thanks for your help i got a lot out of it

Kriften G!! said...

thank you it was quite enjoyable. i had a grand o'l time

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

Thank you so much for giving us a tour of the library! I really enjoyed it and I learned a lot. Thanks again!

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

Thanks for showing us around the library! It was very interesting! Thanks for reccomending books to us.

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

Thank you very much Ms. Elliot for taking the time to show us your library! I really really really enjoyed it!!

XOXO said...

Thank you so much Mrs. Elliott. I really appreciate the time you spent to show us around and recommend books. It was extremely nice of you and I'm really thankful.

Alex S said...

Thank you for showing us around the library and reccomending books to us.

That One Guy said...

Thanks for showing us the library! You had an awesome presentation!

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

Thanks for reccomending all the awesome books!
they are super cool!

Kelli said...

Thank you for showing us around the library. I enjoyed seeing all the different kinds of books and hope to read some of them.

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

Thank you Mrs Elliot for showing us around the library, it was great of you to take the time to look at all those books and make a powerpoint! Thankyou!

Kelli said...

Thank you for showing us around the library. I enjoyed seeing all the different kinds of books and hope to read some of them.

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

Thank you Mrs Elliot for showing us around the library, it was great of you to take the time to look at all those books and make a powerpoint! Thankyou!

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

thank you for the tour of the media center. it was fun!

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

Thank you Mrs Elliot for showing us around the library, it was great of you to take the time to look at all those books and make a powerpoint! Thankyou!

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

Thank you for showing us the books. It was grand!

Ishanghai said...

THANKS ALOT YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sam r said...

Hello thank you. I enjoyed the library tour and it was fun. I am interested in some books. Thanks

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

Thank you for showing us all those new books! The book by Eoin Colfer looked really good, and so did Code Orange.

Emily D said...

Thank you for showing us all the books. It was really informative and I liked it! Thanks!

Zach G said...

thank you for showing us lots of good books to read!!!

james m said...

Thank you for your time to recomend books.

laura s (5/6a) said...

Thank you for taking the time to see us. I learned new things and saw a couple I think I might like to read.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

thanksss that was mucho funnnnn.

Emily A said...

Thanks mrs.Elliot for helping us pick out books i thought those pop ups were COOL!!!!!!!!!

mitchy p (5/6 A) said...

mrs elliot you looked so pretty today! Thanks for showing us all those awesome books. GO PACK! GET SOME!

Anonymous said...
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Uzi M. said...

Thanks for the good info. your amazing. GO PACK!

Anonymous said...

that was SO fun!!!!!!!! i wish i could look at books everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

danbach said...

thank you so much for the library tour.

I really liked the pop up book : )

Allie B said...

Thank You for preparing that power point for us and showing us around the library!

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Thank you Mrs. Elliot for finding "The Fighter" for me and telling me that the school had a copy of "Airman."

Anonymous said...

go pack

Sam.c said...

thanks for showing us some pretty good books

shelby h said...

thank you mrs. elliott for all you do for us. you are a great help!!!

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

Thank you so much for helping us out with finding a good book! I really appreciate it and I learned a lot about different genres of books! Thanks again!

Yannick A said...

thank you for bieng such an awesome libarian you make the library rock

aoneill said...

thanks for showing us arround i really enjoyed :)

cailyn c said...

THANK YOU Mrs. Elliott for sharing your super cool knowledge about all those books!!!

jordieee s! said...

Thank you for showing us some fantastic books!!

nicole h said...

Thank you for showing us good books to read. I enjoyed it and I even checked out 2 books! :)

Dan M said...

Thanks for showing us all those good books!

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

Thanks a lot for giving us a better idea of what is in the media center and where we can find things. We appreciate your help and enjoyed learning about different genres of books and checking out books and audiobooks. THANKS!!:D

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

Thanks for taking the time to show us all the recommened books and everything.

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

Thanks for taking the time to show us all the recommened books and everything.

Shannon Awes said...

Thanks for showing us where the new books are!

sarsteffen said...

Thank you for your time, I really enjoyed the presentation.

Kenneth said...

Thank You very much for helping us in class. You showed us around and you are very nice

Mitlentz said...

thanks for shownig us good books in the mdia center.

clara k!! said...

Thank you Mrs. Elliot for showing us the books at the library! I choose to read the book rash becasue that looked very interesting. Thanks for talking to my class.

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

thanks for showing us around. and thanks for reccomending the books some of them sounded really interesting

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

Thanks for sharing your knowledge on books with us.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Thanks Mrs. Elliot!!!
I will be in the library soon and say hello!

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

Thank you so much Mrs.Elliot for dedicating your time to show us some books. I enjoyed it, it was fun.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...
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Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

Thanks for your presentation! I got some pretty good recommendations!

Josie W said...

Thank you for taking your own time to share with us.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

Thanks Mrs. Elliott I appreciate you taking your time to show us arownd the library and reccomending some interesting books!!

Alison P (5/6 A) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

I wasn't there that day

Libby said...

-Thanks soooo much for taking time out of your busy day to teach us about amazing books.

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

Thank you for giving us a tour of the media center and taking time out of your day to do so! I learned about a lot of new books. Thanks a ton!

Anonymous said...

thank you mrs. elliott for your time for putting together the books you suggested.

John R (1/2A) said...

Thank you that was a jolly good time.

Jacob L. said...

I checked out one of the books I find it to be a very good book. THANK YOU!!!!!:-)

Mikey L 5/6B said...

thank you for taking the time to talk to us. it was very nice of you.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

thanks miss elliot for taking your time to show us those books !!

Unknown said...


Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Thanks for showing our class around the media center!

Greg M (7-8A) said...

Thank you for taking the time to show us the project and the multiple numbers of books.

KelseyE said...

Thank you so much for showing us the books!
I had almost never used the school library before then!

jessica G said...

Thank you, I did not know before you came what great books there are in our library.

JohnB said...

Thank you for showing us new books!!

braschill said...

thank you soomuch i found a book that i read and it turned out to be really good and then me and my mom saw the movie together so thank you for substituting

Anna B said...

thanks for helping us find books. it was very very nice of you!