Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's Not What You Say Video Reaction

Although very cheesy, this video served as a good wrap up to the first module of the Communication Unit. Whether or not you liked it, please share one thing that you already knew and one thing that you learned from this video.


Danie N (1/2 B) said...

I did not like it that much but it helped with learning things about communcation.

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

I thought it presented a lot of known information. I dont think that it was so cheezy to make it interesting but kind of wasn't But overall it was an O.K. Movie.


This video was very infomative. I thought the acting was horrible,but the information that was given was a nice review for the upcoming test.

Emma C said...

one thing that I already knew was that you use your whole body when you communicate. One thing that I did not know before was that the way you say something comes out as the same thing.ex: acting confident projects as confident.

David K (1/2 B) said...

I Learned that the rate is the speed of the words that you are speaking.

NoviceLD said...

I already knoew that body language and expression were big parts of communication

I learned what an open posture is.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

One thing that I already knew before the movie was that a good listener doesn't interupt and one thing I learned during the movie was that the quality of voice sets the tone of the conversation.

Ashley S said...

i already knew that slouching and looking away means that you are bored and tired.

i did not know that people are more afraid of public speaking then death

Fresa S. said...

I didn't like the movie that much but it was a good review for the test. One thing that I already knew was that you communicate with your whole body. One thing that I learned from the movie is that 35% of the speaker's message is impacted with what the receiver sees.

Lindsey S said...

I knew that tone, your volume changed the message a lot.

I learned that people can get very very scared if they talk in front of others

Lindsey S said...
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Fletcher B said...

I think it was weird, and cheesy. =p

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

I thought that this video was cheesy-but that made it more enjoyable to watch. I learned that when communicating, people pay most attention to you visually (if your slouching, crossing arms, yawning..). But I already new that confidence is a huge key when you talk because other people will see that you have self-esteem and that you have something to say.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

It taught me alot of informitative information. The acting was horrible.

sam r said...

I didn't like it very much and i knew most of the stuff. One important thing to remember is listening is understanding.

That One Guy said...

I learned that your actual words only make up 7% of communication.

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

One thing that I alsready new is that tone is very important in our speaking. One thing I learned is that you have believe in yourself to be a good public speaker.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

I thought this video was pretty boring. I already knew that majortiy of communication was visual. I learned that only 7% of communication is the words you choose.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

I learned about the voice in your head and how you should ignore it. I already knew the importance of body language.

laura s (5/6a) said...

I learned that public speaking is the #1 fear for most people and I knew that actions speak louder than words.

james m said...

Personally, I didnt much care for the video. I knew most of that stuff already. However, the point that body language, tone and words all have to be the same for communication to seem believable.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

I learned from the video that a good listener doesn't judge the speaker until the entire message is heard. One thing that I already knew is that acting confident can make you confident.

Nora said...

I learned that the actual words you're saying is really the least important part of communication. I already knew that body language and your tone of voice were important when speaking.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

One thing I learned was that some people fear public speaking more than death.

One thing I already knew was that you use your whole body when you communicate.

sarsteffen said...

I did not like this film but i did learn that visual is the most powerful form of communication. I already know that a pause can change the meaning of a sentence.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

One thing I already knew from this video was to make eye contact with your audience. One thing I learned was that some people fear public speaking more than death.

Unknown said...

Well, i thought this video was verry interesting in the way that it realy made things clear because it but them to action,it also helped me find new ways to explaine the ways communication help in every day life.

XOXO said...

Yes, I do agree with you in multiple ways Mr.Buckley. 1)This was a very educational video. 2) Horrible acting.
I had never really known how much body language helps us communicate. But I had known that the way you say words can changed the meaning of the whole sentence.

Emily A said...

One thing that i learned is that we are ALWAYS communicating and one thing that i already knew was that there are 3 types of communication

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

I already knew that the tone of voice can make or break a conversation but I learned that acting confident can help you become confident...even though it can also make you over confident.

Erica said...

I already knew that actions can be more powerful than words.

I learned that public speaking is the number one fear. It even comes before death!!

wheremypancakes said...

I already knew that actions speak louder than words.

One thing I didn't know is that 85% of communication is visual.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

I thought the movie was partly educational. However, I did not learn much because the cheezy acting was a distraction to my learning.

kami h 7/8 b said...

I did think that it was a little wierd, but I did learn stuff from it. I learned that the actual words we say are only a small part of the message.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

One thing I already knew was volume changes how your message is interpreted. One thing I did not know is a lot of people are afraid of public speaking.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

I didn't know that people like public speaking more than death but i learned that if you act confident your voice shows confidence.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

I thought the video was decent. It was a really good review but I dont think I learned a lot of new information. I did learn more about what your body language tells people like it did at the game party.

Shannon Awes said...

The video was SUPER CHEESY but I learned about how to present yourself when speaking. I already knew that communication is always happening.

Allie B said...

The video was very informative. I learned how important communication is, but I already knew the types of communication.

Kelli said...

I thought the movie was really bad, but I still learned alot. I learned how you say things can effect your whole presentation. Alot of the information I learned will help me on the test.

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

I learned that communication is very important throughout your whole life

clara k!! said...

I liked this video a lot it was really funny. I already knew to make eye contact but I didn't know nonverbal communication was the most important part of communicating.

Zach G said...

i already knew communication is important. one thing i learned is that if you feel self-confident you will start to act self-confident when talking in front of a lot of people.

Zach G said...

i already knew communication is important. one thing i learned is that if you feel self-confident you will start to act self-confident when talking in front of a lot of people.

shelby h said...

i already knew that the tone in your voice sets the mode. I didnt know that there are so many ways how to talk.

danbach said...

I learned that words are only 7% of speach.

I already knew that you can judge people somewhat by what they wear.

I didn't think it was that cheesy but some parts of it was cheesy but overall I liked it. (I guess)

danbach said...

I learned that words are only 7% of speach.

I already knew that you can judge people somewhat by what they wear.

I didn't think it was that cheesy but some parts of it was cheesy but overall I liked it. (I guess)

ellie w. 7/8A said...

I thought that the movie was ok, but it did give us a lot of information. One thing I already new was that you should make eye contact when communicating in person. A thing that I didn't know was that public speaking is the number one fear.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

I think this video was ok, but VERY cheesy!!

I already knew that the way you sit/your posture shows your attitude twords what your doing.

I learned that more people are afraid of public speaking than death.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

I thought this movie was pretty lame. One thing I knew was that actions are important in comm. I didn't know that your words are actually one of the less important things in comm.

Dan M said...

I already knew that eye contact helps with commnication. I learned that public speaking is the number one fear among people.

Sam.c said...

i just thought it was really cheesy, but it did have some good info

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

One thing I learned was whatever we are doing we are always communicating. One thing that i already knew thet was in the video was the first impressions are ALWAYS visual.


Anna B said...

I already knew that eye contact was important when communicating, but I learned that emotional tone counts for 38% of our communication.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

One thing that I already knew was that a good listener doesn't interrupt others.

I learned that public speaking is much more scary to people than death.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

One thing I learned was that giving speeches are more frightening to people than death.... One thing that i already knew was that whatever we do we are communicating

jordieee s! said...

I already knew that actions speak louder than words.

I learned that public speaking is the number one that people are most afriad of.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

I learned from the video that was that public speaking is more scary to people than death. One thing that I already knew was that you comunicate with your whole body.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like it that much. it helps when we took the test.

Brooke D (7/8B) said...

well this realy opend my mind about the true meaning of speach and how it inprints on your life

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

I didn't like the video very much. It was mostly stuff we already knew so it got kinda boring. but i guess its a good video for review. :]

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

I liked the video because it was so cheezy

Jacob L. said...

I WAS STUNNED! it was very eye opening!

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

The host kind of annoyed me. Every new scene he was in, he was at a different place and angle. It was wierd.

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

One thing I already knew is that the tone of your voice changes through out your conversation.

One thing I learned is that you can say one sentence with different tones and it can change the meaning of the sentence completely.

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

i knew that there are many types of communication but didn't know what they were

holle g (5/6b) said...

i thought that it was really cheesy. but helpful...

Nateglewwe said...

Cheezy, but trying to help

Tone is very important.

body language can be subtle.

mackenzie kelley said...

i thought it was a presentation of a lot of information

Alyssa K said...

i thought it presented alot of info but was over all an okay m,ovie

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

It was a good way to wrap up the unit, but I did not like it that much, because i knew most of it already. However I did learn some of the vocabulary

Uzi M. said...

I thought the movie was partly educational. However, I did not learn much because the cheezy acting was a distraction to my learning.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

Before this video I knew that actions speak louder than words.

I learned that public speaking is on average the most feared thing.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

I already knew that the tone of your voice changed the meaning of the message. I learned that the actual words you say are the least important part of a conversation.

Unknown said...

the film displayed a lot of information but the acting was horrible. i already knew that actions speak louder than words, but i didnt know that public speaking is the most feared thing

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

i didnt like it but it gave alot of info.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

It was okay, but i thought it was a little long and boring. It did help me learn important things though.

Lindsey S said...
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sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

That sloching is a sign of not really wanting to be somewhere.
i did not know that being jumpy is way of being confident.

Julia said...

I didnt really enjoy this movie. most of the things they told us I already knew and yes the acting was very cheesy. but it did have alot on information in it

Anonymous said...

It was a good way to wrap up the unit, but I did not like it that much, because i knew most of it already. However I did learn some of the vocabulary

cailyn c said...

The video was a good review, the acting was really bad though.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

i didnt like it that much because i knew alot of it and i don't think the fact that it was "cheesy" made it any better

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

I loved the movie!
One thing i already knew was thee way you say your words the diffrent meanings it brings.

I learned only 7% of communication is the words you choose.

Alex S said...

I didn't know you could take a class to learn how to talk infront of people.

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

It was fun because watching a video is more interesting than the teacher just saying it to us. It also taught me that talking isn't the only communication.

Morgan W said...

one thing i learned was that floded armes is i universal falg saying "Hey! Look at me! I feel leaft out!"

one thing i alredy knew was that talking is not the only form of comunicating

Preston B said...

I thought that this video was ok and i learned that you use your whole body to communicate.

Chris M 5/6B said...

I did not like it at all!!!!!!!!!!but it helped with learning things about communcation.

Angela said...

I learned that your facial expressions say alot. I already knew that to get someone to understand you have to takk slow so they can comprehend.

Libby said...

It was kinda boring but it helped get the point across.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

i really really didn't like the video it was horrible and boring but i learned things about communicating.

Anonymous said...

the video wasnt very good but one thing i didnt know was that public speaking is oen of the most feared things, thats surprising.

alex c 7/8b said...

the first one was ok but it was less injoyable than i hoped it would have been

brittany said...

i learned a lot from the video i thought that there wasnt that much behind communication but there really is a lot to learn

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

I learned that the rate is the speed of the words that you are speaking

Kate O 7/8b said...

one thing that I already knew was that you use your whole body when you communicate.I learned that public speaking is the number one fear. It even comes before death!!

rachaelc said...

I thought it was okay. The acting was pretty boring but the cheezy part made it kind of funny. I learned that you can send a message throught just not speaking, but expression, etc.

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

i found it very cheesy. terrrible! info was very bland, and bad examples. heh

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

I really liked it, it was soo cheesey!

John R (1/2A) said...

I knew that we communicate, and I didn't know that animals communicate.

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

I already knew what body language was. I learned that a lot of people are more afraid of public speaking then death.

Unknown said...

1 thing i knew, body language sends a message 1 thing i didn't kno was that acting could be so terrible!

JohnB said...

I already knoew that body language and expression were big parts of communication, The acting was horrible in this video though

I learned what an open posture is.

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

I did not reallly like the video and thought it was really cheesy, but there was some good info on it and some interesting info too.

Mikey L 5/6B said...

the video was the most cheesy thing I've ever seen, but some of the info was good.

Nick S. 5/6B said...

First off, that movie was so awesome. Something I learned is that its not what you say, per say, but how you say what you say, per say.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

I thought it didn't teach us anything new, but it was pretty funny.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...
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Unknown said...

I think is have useful info but not very exciting

john h 7/8B said...

i thought it had good facts but it was really cheesy and kind of boring

David K (1/2 B) said...

It let me know I was a great communicator

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

one thing that I already knew was that you use your whole body when you communicate. One thing that I did not know before was that the way you say something comes out as the same thing.ex: acting confident projects as confident.

Greg M (7-8A) said...

I liked the video it gave ideas of communication and showed them in a good way

cotywc7-8b said...

that body language is powerful

KelseyE said...

I already new that people can tell things from your expression.

I didn't know that your posture can tell things about you.

kelsey E 5/6A

jessica G said...

1. I already knew that nonverbal signs are communicating too.
2. I learned that..........

Kriften G!! said...

I new how to talk
it showed the diagram

braschill said...

i already new the fact that the way your tone is the way the meaning is. also one thing that i learned is that if you act confident it shows confident and the way you act is the way your words come out.

wes F. said...

1. I did not like it because it was way to cheezy.

nicole h said...

it was okay

Mitlentz said...

i already knew that you use your whole body to communicate
i didnt not learnn any new information

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

This movie showed us a lot about communication but the acting was horrible and it was really boring