Friday, February 8, 2008

Symbolism Activity

Today you had the opportunity to participate in the Symbolism Activity. Please respond to the following questions:
  1. What is a symbol?
  2. Give an example of a symbol that may have more than one meaning.
  3. Did you find this activity to be fun? Why or why not?
  4. What is one thing you learned from this activity (other than the questions you answered in #1 and #2)?
Please number your answers and provide detailed explanation. Thanks.


NoviceLD said...

1 A symbol is a representation of somthing else
2 An X (danger, treasure)
3 This was fun because it explained symbols well and was interesting
4 Symbols don't have to be pictures

Alyssa K said...

1: a symbol is something that has a significance to someone.
2:the word charge: to run at or like charging a battery.
3:I liked it because it was interesting.
4:i learned that symbols are more than what meets the eye.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...


1) A symbol is something that represents something else.
2) An American flag symbol may have more than one meaning. In America, it represents freedom and positive things. In other countries, it may represent negative things.
3) I thought this activity was fun because it explained a lot about symbols and it was very interesting to learn about.
4) Symbols can have more than one meaning and they do not have to be pictures.

Ashley S said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.

2. A stop sign means stop and the red light on a street post means stop and the yellowish color means approach with caution and green means go.

3. Yes i found this activity fun and interesting.

4. i learned that words and when something is written means it can be a symbol to not just pictures and drawings are symbols

Lindsey S said...

1) A symbol is something that represents something else.

2)When you put your hands around you neck it means your choking

3)I found this activity very fun cause it was fun to learn what some symbols meant.

4) I learned that symbols are not just pictures they can be actions, and in a written format.

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

1) A symbol is something that represents something.
2) If someone asks you a question and you show them an O with your hands that means ok.
3) This was fun because i learned more about symbols
4) That symbols dont have to be on a piece of paper.

kami h 7/8 b said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else
2. the word bat: an animal or a wooden stick
3. Yes, I found this activity to be fun because it was a unique activity.
4. I learned that you can interpret who someone is just by answering questions that don't have to do with what they're trying to figure out.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.

2. Street signs are symbols, such as a stop sign because it tells you to stop.

3. Yes i found this activity very fun.

4. Symbols don't have to be pictures or writing.

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

1. A symbol is a representation of something.
2. Holding your hands to your neck is a symbol for choking.
3. Yes i thought the activity was fun.
4. that you can learn about someone without knowi ng them by jusyt asking them questions about the woods.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

1) A symbol is something that represents someting else.
2) The Target symbol could be for the store or for like a shooting range.
3)I thought this activity was alot of fun because it was cool to learn that just by someones anwsers you can learn alot about them.
4)I learned that symbols can have more than one meaning to diffrent people.

Erica said...

1. A symbol is a sign that represents something to someone or a group of people.
2. The American flag can mean liberty and freedom to some people. To others, it can mean death, ennemy, or a target.
3. Yes, I thought it was fun because I learned more about symbols and what they represent.
4. I learned that symbols can be words, pictures, or hand signals.

jessica G said...

The swastika symbolizes the sun, but it also represents the Nazis in the Holocaust .

jessica G said...

1. a symbol is a sign that can mean more than one thing

jessica G said...

The swastika symbolizes the sun, but it also represents the Nazis in the Holocaust .

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

1) A symbol is representing something else.
2) Putting your hands across your neck symbolizes choking.
3)It was fun because we were learning about symbols and got to do the fun quiz.
4)Symbols can mean more than just one thing and they can mean something different to two different people.

Fresa S. said...

1)A symbol is something that represents something else.

2)The Americain flag represents liberty and freedom but in other countries it could represent the enemy.

3)I thought this activity was fun because it was an interesting and fun way to learn about symbols.

4)I learned that symbols can have more than one meaning.

Anonymous said...

1) a symbol is a little sign or something that stands for something else

2) the yield sign. for some people it means slow down and for others it mean speed up.

3) i liked the activity because it was fun and i learned things about symbols that i didn't know before

4) i learned that symbols can mean different things to different people

Emily D said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.
2. 8 (infinity, the number)
3. I found this activity fun because it was interesting and i learned about symbols.
4. I learned that sumbols can be written, drawn or shown.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

1)A symbol is something that represents a meaning to someone.

2)When you give a thumbs up it can mean good job or it can mean go faster if you're water tubing/water skiing.

3)I thought the activity was fun because you could get creative with your answers and it was pretty entertaining.

4)One thing I learned from this activity was that a simple sign can be a universal symbol to people everywhere.

Emma C said...

1.a symbol is a way to communicate sometimes with using words sometimes without words.
2. the American flag could mean freedom or it could mean to some countries enemies beware.
3.I thought it was really fun because it was interesting and it was just plain old fun!!!
4.I learned that symbols can be anything. they can use words or not.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.
2. a semi colan like this ; can be puncuation or it can mean a smiley face ;)
3. This was fun because i learned more about symbols.
4.I learned that symbols can be actions or images that mean something to someone.

Anna B said...

1. A symbol is something that is used for representing something else.

2. An example of a symbol that has different meanings is when a stoplight is the color yellow; to some people that might mean slow down, but to others that could mean speed up.

3. I did not find this activity fun because I am very tired and i would much rather go to bed then answer questions about symbols ( no offense ).

4. One thing I learned was that symbols don't have to be pictures.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...
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adriana o (5/6 a) said...

1.A symbol is something used to represent something else.

2.A thumbs down. Means bad.

3.This activity was fun to me because it was interesting.

4.I learned that some symbols have more than one meaning.

XOXO said...

1) A symbol is any kind of figure that represents something.
2) A music note. It generally stands for music/sound.
3) This was fun because it gave me something to do for a while. It also gave me a moment to actually think about symbols.
4) Symbols mean multiple things and they don't necessarily have to be pictures.

Julia said...

1) A symbol is something that represents something else.
2) The yellow light in a stoplight-to some people it means speed up and for others it means slow down
3)I did like the activity- it was interesting and it was cool to figure out what the symbols mean to you
4)Symbols don't have to be pictures is something i learned

Preston B said...

*1) A symbol is an object that represents something.
*2) A heart could mean i love you or it could mean something about the organ in your body.
*3) yes i thought this was fun because it explained the meaning of symbols more and was exciting.
*4) From this activity I learned that symbols don't just have to be pictures or objects.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

1) A symbol is something that represents something else.

2) The American flag is a symbol that has more than one meaning. To some people it could mean freedom and to others it could mean enemy.

3) I enjoyed this activity because I learned about symbols.

4) I learned that symbols have different meanings to different people.

sarsteffen said...

1 a symbol is something that represents something else

2 a heart could mean love or the organ

3 I liked it because it was fun to try to figure out more about me through the subconscience.

4 I learned that symbols are everywhere not just on paper

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.

2. A non-smoking sign is a symbol.

3. I liked it because i never thought of using symbols like that in an activity.

4. I learned that different people think of different things when they see the same symbol.

rachaelc said...

1~ A symbol is something that represents something else.
2~ The American flag represents liberty and freedom but maybe in other countries it could mean something bad.
3~ It was pretty fun because it explained more about symbols.
4~ Not all forms of symbols are pictures or flags, they can be alot of other things too.

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.
2. To raise your hand demonstrates that you have an comment/answer for the question.
3. I thought the activity was fun and it was interesting.
4. Symbols are a universal language.

Sofia H 7/8 B

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. A symbol is something that everyone can understand.
2. A dove is an international sign for peace.
3. I liked it because it said some surprising things about me.
4. I learned that symbols mean different things to different people.

laura s (5/6a) said...

1) A symbol is something that represents something else

2)a smiley face

3)it was fun because you got to see what something might mean like if you said fall for the first question the your life was a roller coaster

4) I learned that symbols arent only drawing but words as well

sam r said...

1. A symbol represents other things.

2. The american flag is a symbol of pride and freedom to us but not to some people.

3. I thought it was fun because we learned about how we write can show what were like.\

4. I learned some things about pyschology.

james m said...

1. A symbol is something that means or represents something else.
2. Like Mr. B. said, red and green lights (stop and go in stop lights)
3. I did, especially since i got to go be the kid at the front of the class.
4. I learned that the most random stuff ( lakes and bears) can be tied to more common things (life and problems)

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1. A symbol represents something

2. The American flag because to us it symbolizes freedom, but to someone from a different country, it might mean something else.

3. It was fun because everyone was different

4. I learned that a symbol can have more than one meaning.

Alexis L 7-8B said...

1. a symbol is anything that stands for something.

2. a yellow light on the road could mean to speed up faster so the driver doesn't have to stop, or it could mean to slow down for some people.

3. I thought the activity was fun because its not everyday you learn about symbols.

4. I learned that they're are universal symbols so that everyone in the world can understand no matter if your from another country.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

1. A symbole is something that represents something else.

2. An american flag is a symbole that may have many meanings.

3. This activity was soo much fun! I loved all the funny answers some people wrote and the way you told us about our lives even though you don't know us that well!

4.I learned that symboles can be hand signals, pictures, etc...

shelby h said...

1) a symbol identifies a represtation of something else.

2 a red circle with the line through it: something that is not allowed or something that is bad to do.

3)yes i did because it was cool how you could guess what a person is like by how they write.

4) i learned that you can guess what a person is like by what they write.

Shannon Awes said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.

2. If you hold up your index and middle finger, it could mean peace (my personal favorite) or it could mean the number 2.

3. I really liked the activity because it was interesting to learn about symbols.

4. I learned that symbols don't have to be pictures.

clara k!! said...

1) A symbol is a tangible object given intangible characteristics.
2. A smile is a symbol for happiness and teeth.
3) Yes I did like this activity it was fun that everything we wrote down was a symbol not just words on paper. Thst was really cool.
4) I learned that winter is a symbol for death.

Alex S said...

1)A symbol is something that represents something else.

2)An X to mark treasure.

3)Yes, because it was cool to have someone almost read your mind.

4)I learned that your mind can answer things subconsciencely.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

(1) a symbol is something that represents something else.

(2) a yellow light is a symbol that could represent speed up OR slow down.

(3) i think it was fun especially to come up with something using our imagination and then hear what others imagined!!

(4)i learned that that you can get to know someone by asking them questions about random things.

Kelli said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.

2. Holding your hands around your neck is the international symbol for choking.

3. I liked it because I learned what different symbols mean.

4. I learned that symbols can mean a number of different things and may mean something different to others.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) a symbol is something that represents something else

2) the flag for our country represents freedom to us but to someone in a different country it might represent hate

3) this activity was fun because it explained symbols and how they work

4) symbols dont have to be pictures

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.

2. To raise your hand shows that you have an comment/answer for a question or somethingg.

3. I thought that the activity was fun and it was interesting!

4. I learned that symbols are a universal language.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1.A symbol is anything that represents something.
2. A plus sign-adding or a hospital
3. This activity was pretty fun just because it was cool seeing how acdurate it was.
4. I learned that there are some symbols that are universal.

Dan M said...

1) A symbol is something that represents something other than itself.
2) An example of a symbol would be the packer "G"!
3) I found this activity fun because it gave us a chance to explore symbols and their meanings.
4 I learned that symbols don't have to be words or pictures, but they can be ideas.

Sam.c said...

1 a symbol is representation of something

2 bat has 2 meanings a baseball bat or the animal: a bat

3. i liked it because it is almost like mind reading and i would like to read peoples mind

4. i learned a few things about myself that i didn't know

Unknown said...

1 a symbol is something that represents something else.
2 A bear
3 Yes is was fun, I thought it was pretty accurate although not completely
4 you can discover a lot about yourself by writing down basically a story!

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

1) A symbol is something that stands for something else.

2) An example of a symbol would be the colors red and green. Red means stop, green means go.

3) I thought the activity was really fun because it explained some things that my subconcious knew but I didn't.

4) I learned that symbols aren't just a stop sign or a copyright sign. They can be hand movement like around the neck when someone is choking.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) a symbol is something that represents something else.
2) when you put your hands around your neck it means that you are choking.
3) i thought this activity was fun but did not always tell the truth because even though i didn't try to attack the bear doesn't mean that i run away from my problems. i don't know many people who would try to attack a bear by themself.
4) i learned that symbols can have double meanings.

Unknown said...

1) a symbol is anything that stands for something or somebody.

2) a skull and X, pirate ship

3) Yes, symbols can be in many forms

4) Symbols can stand for anything or even a seris of stuff

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

1. somthing thatr means somthing else
2.A lamp like an ispiration or a weapon
3.I thought it was fun I was like you actually knew us
4.I learned what somthings mean

patty w (5/6 A) said...

1)A symbol is a reprisentation of some one or something.
2)green (go and edina)
3) I think this activity was fun because it was interesting and educating at the same time.
4)Symbols dont have to be pictures.

Zach G said...

Traffic llight symblo when you should stop or go.

Symbols stand/represent something.

It was fun because we lerned about symbols and it was interactuve.

Emily A said...

1) a symbol is a little sign or something that stands for something else

2) the yield sign. for some people it means slow down and for others it mean speed up.

3) i liked the activity because it was fun and i learned things about symbols that i didn't know before

4) i learned that symbols can mean different things to different people

Jacob L. said...

A symbol is a phisical object that represents a idea. A tree, it could be interprited as a syimbol of growth, prosparity or serenity. sortof.

danbach said...

1. a symbol is a representation of something.

2.A point can be good and bad.

3.It was very interesting

4.Symbols have to do with the way your mind works and how your mind interprits them.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

1. a symbol is something that represents something

2. A USA flag represents the USA

3. i thought this activity was fun because it explained a lot

4. Symbols are not always pictures

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

A symbol is something that represents something else

The Swastika is a symbol of Naziism.

This wasn't exactly fun, but it was all right.

Symbols can communicate ideas that speech can't.

Mitlentz said...

1) A symbol is an item used to depict a word or phrase
2) A symbol that might have more than on emeaning is a shrug of the shoulders
3) Yes it was awesome because it was pretty mich right on for me
4) One thing i learned from this activity is that psychology is sweet!!!!!!!

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

1. it represents something

2. X or somthing was awsome it was helpfull

4. they don't have to be visual

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

1) A symbol is a representation of something else
2) If you stick up your index finger and your middle finger it can represent peace or the number two.
3)I thought this was a fun activity.
4) I learned that symbols are a universal language.

Nora said...

I symbol is something that represents something else. The U.S. flag represents freedom to Americans, but terrorists to other countries. This activity was okay. I learned that symbols don't have to be written.

Fletcher B said...

a symbol is an object or sign that represents something else.
An american flag is a symbol of America, and usually of freedom.
It was more interesting then fun.
symbols can be anything from a twitch to huge sign saying warning!!

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

1. A symbol is something that representations something else.
2. the American Flag stands for freedom.
3. It was fun because I was up in the front of the room writing,
4. Symbols do not need to be pictures.

mackenzie kelley said...

a symbol is somthing that representa somthing else the word. bike for exampl has many meanings a motercycle or bysical.i liked this activity because a fun way to learn that every thing has a meaning to every one just not always in the same way

Uzi M. said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.
2. To raise your hand demonstrates that you have an comment/answer for the question.
3. I thought the activity was fun and it was interesting.
4. Symbols are a universal language.


1. A symbol represents something.

2. a yellow light, some people think that means slow down, and some people think it means speed up.

3.Yes because it explained symbols well.

4. Symbols can mean different things to different people.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something.
2. Example: Holding hands to neck means that you are choking.
3. I found this avtivity fun because I learned alot about what symbols can do.
4. I learned that symbols can have more than one meaning.

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

something that represents another thing.
X means no
no because it was dorky
i learned therew are verbal symbols

That One Guy said...

A symbol is something that stands for something else, like the swastika, which was a Indian good luck symbol before the Nazis stole it. The activity was fine...

cailyn c said...

1. A symbol is anything that stands for an idea and is used for communication.
2. If you cross your arms it could mean that you don't want anybody to approach you or you just feel like crossing your arms.
3. Yes I think that this activity fun because it was interesting.
4. I learned that you can learn a lot with symbols.

JohnB said...

1) i representation
2)a picture (thoughts, memories, good times)
3)Yeah, it was interesting
4)Symbols do not have to be pictures

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. A symbol is a representation of something that means something to some one.
2. A symbol is an Americal flag. It might mean freedom to some people. but it might mean bad stuff to others.
3. I found this activity fun and enjoyable.
4. symbols have more than one meaning

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

A symbol represents something.

The American flag is a symbol for our country.

I liked the activity because it made me realize how many symbols there are.

I learned a symbol can be an action.

Morgan W said...

a key or body of water

yes, it let me learn abouy my classmates

i learned that simple questions can be very revealing

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

A symbol is a object which represents something else

A skull and crossbones could mean toxic

I thought it was fun and it explained symbols well

Symbols aren't necesarilly pictures

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

A shorter definition than the true meaning of it.

The green light at an intersection means to go.

It was mildly interesting to me.

Symbols might mean more than saying the symbols meaning.

Chris M 5/6B said...

*1) A symbol is an object that represents something.
*2) A heart could mean i love you or it could mean something about the organ in your body.
*3) yes i thought this was fun because it explained the meaning of symbols more and was exciting.
*4) From this activity I learned that symbols don't just have to be pictures or objects.

Libby said...

1. A symbol is something that means something to someone.
2. A skull could mean danger or it could be used by doctors.
3. It was fun because it taught us things can have many diffrent meanings.
4. Symbols can be anything.

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

1) A symbol is something that represents something else.
2) A heart which means love.
3) I thought that this was fun because we could be really creative with it.
4) I learned that symbols can be pretty much anything.

alex c 7/8b said...

a symbol represents something

a green light means go

it was fun and explained symbols well but a little confusing

Anonymous said...

a symbol is something that represents something else

when you yawn that symbolizes that your tierd (like me)

this activity was fun i learned that symbols can mean one thing to one person and another thing to someone else

Kate O 7/8b said...

1. A symbol is something that represents someting else.

2. The American flag can mean liberty and freedom to some people. To others, it can mean , enemy, or a target.

3. This was fun because it was a new way of learning something.

4. I learned that symbols can be words, pictures, or hand signals.

brittany said...

a symbol is something that gives significance to something. street signs are symbols such as stop signs and street lights i liked it because it was interesting. i learned that symbols can be more than one thing and not always pictures.

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

A symbol represents something else.
A stop sign means stop.
I liked this activity.
Symbols arnt always pictures.

Nick S. 5/6B said...

1 A symbol can be anything that represents something else

2 The american flag can summon words like, Patriotism, greatness, and beauty. But to Sadam Hussein it might symbolyze Infidels

3 The activity was very interesting

4 I learned that sometimes you dont know stuff about yourself

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

1.its a representation of something
2. a frowny face-sad was alright-it was kinda weird.
4.symbols can be body lanbguage, nt just pictures.

John R (1/2A) said...

I liked the phsycology thing you did for the class i thought it was dead on.

ellie w. 7/8A said...

1) A symbols represents something else.
2) The yellow light on a stop light. For some people it means slow down, for others it means speed up.
3) I thought this activity was fun because I learned a lot about symbols.
4) I learned that symbols don't have to be pictures, they can be other things too.

Anonymous said...

1) a symbol is a representation of something else
2) making a peace sign with your fingers. it can also symbolize 2.
3) i liked this activity. i thought it was fun
4)symbols can have more than one meaning and they aren't always pictures

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

1. A symbol is something that represents something else.
2. A stop sign means STOP!
3. This was fun because we learned more about all different kinds of symbols.
3. Symbols aren't just pictures.

Allie B said...

1. A symbol is a picture represting a word/meaning

2. The plus sign (+), it means addition and a positive number

3. Yes, it was entertaining

4. I learned the importance of symbols and how commom they are in our everyday life

jordieee s! said...

1)Represents something else.
2)The american flag.
3)Yes i found this activity fun because i was the person that got to write on the white board!
4)I learned that different symbols can mean different things.

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

A symbol represents something.
A target
I thought it was pretty interesting
I learned that symbols dont have to be pictures

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

1- A symbol is a simple way to show something or represent something

2- A skull and crossbones can mean either poisonous or can be a symbol for pirates

Mikey L 5/6B said...

1.something that means something else
3.alot of things are symbols.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

1) A symbol is something that represents something else.

2) Putting your hands around your neck means that you are choking.

3) Yes, I found this activity quite exilerating.

4) Symbols aren't just pictures.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

1)A symbol is somthing that represents somthing else, or somthing used to recognize somthing else.
2)The word bat-- a baseball bat or the bird-like slying thing.
3)Yes, i thought it was fun beacuse it was interesting.
4)Symbols can be more than pictures, they can be actions ect.

john h 7/8B said...

a symbol is something that resembles something else
a symbol may be the thumbs up sign. it may mean good or yes. i enjoyed this activity because it was funny seeing how you interpreted our awnsers

braschill said...

1.) a symbol is something that represents something else.
2.) on a map there are alot of symbols
3.) i wasnt here for this activity so i dont know what happened

David K (1/2 B) said...

a symbols represents
danger treasure
symbols can be anything

cotywc7-8b said...

1.i symbol is something that represents something.
2. the American flag represents power and freedom and independence
3 i dont know if it was fun because i was sick.

KelseyE said...

1. A symbol represents something.

2. (Y) a peace symbol, meaning peace.

3. This activity was very fun because it was fun to learn what some symbols meant.

jessica G said...

3. Yes!!!
4. because i learned more about myself and others.
5.that people who imagine winter are emotionally stressed.

Kriften G!! said...

it stands for stuff

toxic waste sign

it was fun

we used emaginatoin

Allanzo T 5/6B said...

1.i think that a symbol is a person place or thing.
2.a flag in the united states.
3.i don't think it is fun because it is 2 hard.
4.symboly don't have to be something that you can see.

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

1) a symbol is an object representing somthing
2)+ means to add-addition
3)yes tis activity was fun becouse it was easy
4) I learnd that symbols dont only have to be pictures