Thursday, October 11, 2007

3-2-1 Discussion of the Fear Module

Now that the Fear Module is over, please take a few moments to complete a 3-2-1 discussion.
  • Give 3 putups--let me know what you found interesting, enjoyable, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Make 2 suggestions--let me know what I could do differently to make the Fear Module more interesting, fun, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Ask 1 question--share one question relating to the Fear Module that you did not have answered.
Your comments help me understand what is good about the Fear Module and what I can do to make it better in the future. Thanks for your time and input.


Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

3. I lied being able to whach 'Dead poets Sosiety'.
I liked seeing what the 10 top most fears were.
I liked the soteies aboout fear.

2. I wouldn't do as many questions on the stories.
I wouldn't stop in the movie to write down what happened and go oner it. Do that at the end of class, say 10-15 min.

1. Why do we have to learn about Fear in L.R.T.?

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

3.I liked watching dead poets society,I liked the stories about fear
2.i would do less ?'s on the stories, also on the movie
1. dont have one...

Aria S 7/8b said...

3-I liked DPS because it gave us something to do during class other than write-OH YEAH THATS FUN!!-It was fun reading the story things bout the deer and the people peeps! and in conclusion, it was interesting to find out what the top fears are in America!
2-make the movies Scarier and/or Funnier....anddd...make the question list shorter!
1-Can Fear be completely Shut Out of our lives?

steven D LRT 5/6b said...

it was good because we got to do something and we learnd about fear even if the movie wasen't all realy about fear.

p.s. i liked that it was the highestr rated movie iv'e seen in school
( ) ( )
( o o )
(") (")

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

1. I liked the Dead Poet's Society movie, the ten top fears, and the fear deer story.
2. The only two things you could do to make the unit more interesting are to ask trick questions from the Dead Poet's Society movie, and to do more small group activities instead of activities with you pair and share partner all the time.
3. I only have one question: Do you think there are people out there that actually never get scared before doing a performance of any kind? (Speech, dance, etc.)

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

3. I really liked watching DPS.
I thought the top ten fears were really interesting.
I also enjoyed learning about the physical reactions to fear - I didn't even know that many existed!

2. I would say that maybe we could try to switch it up and not always pair and share, because then you can talk to other classmates. I would also suggest that you have less questions on the case studies.

1. Even if you understand your fear, does that make it go away? How does it make the job any easier?

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

3 The movie was educational, the 10 top fear was interesting, and the stories .

2 Not so many questions, and a better movie.

1 What do you fear?

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

3 putups:
1) I really liked watching Dead Poet's Society!
2) I liked learning the top 10 fears.
3) The fear case studies were fun to read.

2 suggestions:
1) I think that there should have been less questions for the fear case studies.
2) I think that the questions for DPS should have been harder.

1 question:
1) Is there such thing as "fearless"?

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...


1. it was fun
2. the movie was awesome
3. i think it will help me knowing everyone gets scared.

1. i think we could go over what people who speak all the time [politions, oprah (lol), ect.] do to calm their nerves.
2. other than that it was awesome.

does drinking water help or make it worse when you're nervous?
lots of people who go on talk shows chug a bottle of water before and i was wondering if that actually works or if its just mental.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

3. I liked the movie.
The top 10 fears in the world were cool.
I liked not having alot of homework.

2.I would find more interesting stories and less questions on the movie sheet.

1. i have no questions on fear

Kaitlin C. LRT 5/6B said...

3. I liked watching Dead Poets Society, top 10 fears, and the fear case studies.
2. I didn't like how many questions there were for the movie and the fear case studies.
1. I don't have a question.

ashley e said...

3. I liked watching "Dead Poets' Society", the 10 top fears, and the fear case studies.

2. I would not do as many questions for the fear case studies and I agree with other students that we should share in small groups sometimes rather than just our pair and share partners.

1. I do not have a queston.

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

3- I liked watching dead poets society, seeing other people's top ten fears and doing the fear case studies.

2- I wouldn't have as many questions about DPS, and also less questions on the first fear case study.

1- How can fear change into a good thing only if you can recognize it as fear?

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

(3) I really liked the movie. it was a very informative unit. I learned that public speeking is the biggest fear.
(2) I thought that it was good the way it was. But maybe you could talk/descuss the movie more.
(1) Why is public speaking the number one fear?

Maddie D said...

3 i liked watching the dead poets society and taking the polls and figuring out what was the most feared thing people think.

2 I didn't like all the questions for the movie.

1 I don't really have one..

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

3. I really liked watching the "Dead Poets Society" movie. I also enjoyed the 3 example stories and the top 10 fears.
2. I would suggest shorter amount of D.P.S. questions, but harder ones.
1. Will you always have fear, or can it go away over time?

Tara G-LRT 1/2 B said...

I like the things that America is most fearful. (that's all)

I don't think that we should take up as much time on this subject (fear). Not so many questions on the stories.

Why do we learn about this?

Svea!!! said...

a. I loved watching The Dead Poet Society.
b. I liked learning about the most common fears in America.
c. I liked being shown ways to handle your fears.

a. You could maybe have some of us face our fears in different ways.
b. You could talk more about fear in animals.

a. Do you think camp Iduhapi will develop more fear or help more people conquer their fears?

Kathleen O said...

3. I thought it was enjoyable to watch Mr. Keating and the different ways he tought.
I thought it was interesting to see all the different fears.
I also learned that it is very hard to get over your fears. (regarding Todd)
2. Something I would suggest would be that we could watch, relating to fear, could be something like the Fear Factor show! I enjoyed learning about the top ten fears of the US. I would like to learn more about that.
1. How are the top ten fears different in other contries compared to the US?

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

3. I thought this was enjoyable, fun and interesting
2. I think that if we talked more about how fear happens and how we can turn it positive would be better.
1. What does fear have to do with LRT?

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

3. a. I liked the dead poet society. b. I liked the blog homework. c. I liked doing the stories in the packet.
2. a.The stories in the packet were kinda boring. b. Make the test easier!!!
1. What is your opinion on taking tests.

Jimmy said...

3. I liked the DPS movie. I liked the fear story about the deer guy running away. I liked the top ten fears thing.
2. I wouldn't have as many Q's on the DPS. I wouldn't have as many Q's on the stories.
1. I dont understand the point of learning about fear in lrt. isn't lrt about tech stuff?

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

3. i liked watching dead poets society 2. i liked the pkt 1. i liked sharing

2. i would make the unit smaller.
watch another movie about fear.

1. do we need fear?

sara M-LRT 1/2B said...

I liked the movie.
There wasn't much i would change.
Is it possible to not have fear?

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

3. I like that we got to watch Dead Poet's Society and I also liked reading the stories on fear.

2. I would do less questions on the fear case stories and maybe you could do more activites with other kids, not just your pair and share partner.

1. I don't have a question

Phil D-12b said...

i like watching the movie and i like reading the stories about fear. i like the top 10 fears.

i wouldnt have that many questions about Dead Poets Society.

are there people in the world that are like unhuman that arent scared of anything?

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I liked watching the dead poet's society. I thought the fear survey was cool. I also liked that packet with the stories.
2. Um, maybe nt so many quetions on the story. And the movie questions were kind of boring.
3. Do you always have a fear resevoir or can some things like change it or something? Like if you're super low on energy, could your fear just not help you?

Jenny W said...

3. I loved watching "Dead Poets Society!"

Taking the fear assesmeants helped me learn about fear

The stories about fear helped me learn how to deal with it.

2. Talk to more classmates about fears because then you most likely will share one.

Less DPS questions, lots of them were easy and not meaningful

1. What is some other fears (11,12)

Griffin C-lrt5-6a said...

I liked the dps.
I liked the stories you told us.
I liked the journals we did.

I think that you could show more movies to help us comprehend.
I think that you should make the test easier!!

I was wondering how you thought of using the dps for school.

grace Q78lrt said...

3.I liked watching Dead Poets society, I also liked the fear stories.

2. I would make the question list for the fear stories shorter.

1. I don't have any questions.

James L. LRT 5/6 said...

1. I liked the movie because it described life.
I liked seeing what the 10 top most fears were.
I liked the stories about fear.

2. I wouldn't do as many questions on the stories.
wouldn't stop in the movie to write down what happened and go over it.

3. Why did you pick this movie instead of a different one?

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

I liked being able to watch "the dead poets society"
I liked learning some more about fear and how people experience fear.
The one thing I would change is to make the movies a little more interesting, not that the movie wasn't interesting!
How will learning about fear help us?

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

three putups:
1.I enjoyed watching the Dead Poets Society
2. I found the top ten fears very interesting
3. I liked learning with the fear case studies

two suggestions:
1. I didn't like the questions for the movie
2. I didn't like all the questions to do with the homework

1 question:
What's the point of learning about fear?

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

1. I liked watching the Dead Poets Society. It was really fun to watch. I also liked seeing what the 10 top fears were and what doing the survey about symptoms of fear in the class.
2. I think we should have made a fear skit or something. I think we should have told stories where the class had fear or when you had fear or examples, etc.
3. I don't have a question.

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

3 things that I liked were...
-watching Dead Poet's Society
-learning the 10 different fears of people in the US
-learning that everyone has a fear...
2 things that i would suggest are...
-I think that there should have been less questions on the fear cases
-we could learn about the different fears in animals
1 question I still have is...
-Why do we need to have fear?

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

3. I really loved watching the movie Dead Poet's Society. I enjoyed the ten most feared things in the US activity. I also enjoyed the blogging questions/activities.

2. I think that the fear stories(the deer and the two boys)were not needed because we understood the concept at that point. I do not have any other suggestions. Good unit!

3. No un-answered questions.

ivanl said...

3.I liked being able to watch Dead Poets Society
2. I would do the test shorter
1. What does fear really do with literacy reading and tech?

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

3.I liked being able to watch DPS.
I liked learning about the top 10 fears. I liked reading the three fear case studies.
2.I think that maybe you could do more small group activities instead of always discussing with your pair and share partner.
I think that you could have asked us less questions about DPS, but harder ones.
1.Is it possible to not have any fears?

T Moor said...

3)i liked watching DPS.
the packets weren't hard.
the test was easy.
2)i can't think of any.
1)All my questions have been answered. but if i have any that i think of then i'll ask you in class.

Lauren S-LRT 1/2B said...

3. I liked watching the movie, and seeiong what the 10 common fears.

2. Don't have as mayn questions

1. Why do we learn about fear?

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

3 putups:
1)I really liked watching Dead Poets Society---it really taught me about fear and what types there are of it.
2)I thought finding out what America's top 10 fears are was really interesting.
3) I also liked finding out how my classmates feel about fear and what makes them scared.

2 sudgestions:
1) Not have SO MANY DPS questions---but make us more deeply think about the questions you want answered.
2) Don't make us pair and share with our partners so much---some people might not be comfortable sharing with their partners os much.
1 Question:
Is it possible for someone to be fearless???

Unknown said...

1. I liked watching dead poets society, learning all about fear, and learning about the biggest fears in our country.
2. One thing that bothered me was that there were so many questions on the movie that it took all the fun out of it
3. If the only thing to fear is fear itself, then what was I in fear of in the first place?

Joey said...

I tought that the DPS was fun. I also liked the story about the dear and the story about Bill. Two things I thought could be improved were the list of fears and the page in the packet that had the ways to develope self-confidence and tips for dealing with fear. They could have been explained better. Why is fear so often misunderstood?

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

Three things I enjoyed were:
1)Watching DPS
2) Learning about the different reactions people have when they experience fear
3)Reading the fear stories
Two Suggestions I have:
1)DPS questions could be harder
2)Give us more room to write on the review sheet.
One Question I still have:
1) What does fear have to do with literacy, research and technology?

Anonymous said...

3. I thought that the movie was great, I also enjoyed the top 10 fears in America and finally I enjoyed blogging about it.

2. Try to put more stories about common situations were fear might occur and have us talk to more then one person about our journals.

1. How does fear effect people with mental disabilities?

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

1. It was interesting, fun to watch dead poets society, and I liked the top ten fears.
2. Maybe not as many questions on the fear case studies and the test was a little wierd: why have a scantron and, at the same time everyone got thier own copy of the test instead of just a class copy. It should probably be one or the other.
3. I don't have one.

JustinN-LRT 7/8B said...

1. I thought that what peopel in the U.S. thought was the most scary thing was interesting.
2. I think that you should cut down on how many questions you do on the stories and on the movie.
3. Is it pssible not to be scared of anything?

Haley N- LRT 5/6B said...

3 things I liked were
-Watching Dead Poet's Society
-Top ten fears
-I liked that we didn't have any homework

-Better fear case studies
-Less questions on the movie

I do not have a question

Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom G said...

3.I liked the dead poets society
I liked the fear stories
i liked the teat

2 Less questions on the stories
We should watch more movies

1 Why do we need to learn about fear?

Emily said...

3-I loved watching the movie. It was an interesting and fun way to learn and relax.
-I also liked discussing the top 10 fears.
- I found it worthwhile to discuss our own fears with one another.

2-I would do more activities that involve fear so that we can practice what we learned.(Besides iduhapi and the speech)
-I would have liked to read more of the fear case studies too.(with different fears than public speaking)

1 If it really matters to you, do you ALWAYS get nervous no matter what it is?

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

1. it was a lot of fun.
2. it was a learning experience.
3. it was a good movie .

1. i think that it should be a little longer.
2. i think that the test should a little more difficult.

1. why did we watch a movie?

Ariel L said...

3 putups:
-DPS was enjoyable
-analysis of stories showed that fear happens to everyone
-10 top fears

2 suggestions:
-don't make us comment on so many blogs, it takes FOREVER!
-don't put stuff like "a and c" and "all of the above" and "none of the above" on the test. It's very confusing.

One question:
-Which part of "Literacy, Research, and Technology" does fear fit into?

Jacksonc said...

1a I liked watching the Dead Poets Society
b I liked seeing the top ten fears of society
c I liked the fear stories.
2a make the question list have less questions that answer each other. ( What special day was it for Todd? What did Todd get for his birthday?)
b Maybe we could do more stuff as a whole class rather than our P&S partner
3 Is it possible to block out fear?

Morganf said...

Part One
3. I liked watching the Dead Poets Society
2. Learning the top ten fears in America
1. learning about all the types of different fear reactions

Part Two
2. Don't ask so many questions after the fear case studies
1. Don't do so many blogs

Part Three
1.Is it possible to never have any fear at all?

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

3. I liked the DPS movie. I liked the fear story about the deer guy running away. I liked the top ten fears thing.
2. I wouldn't have as many Q's on the DPS. I wouldn't have as many Q's on the stories.
1. I dont understand the point of learning about fear in lrt. isn't lrt about tech stuff?

michael j said...

3. i liked the movie,the fear stories, and the top 10 fears
2.more movies,less questions
1.what do you like about this unit?

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

3. I liked watching Dead Poets Society
I liked the stories you told
I liked the journals
2. I don't think we should do so many question about DPS
I think we should've had less questions in the packet
1.Why do we learn about fear?

Renee J said...

3. I liked the first day when we learned about the top ten feers. I also liked the "Dead Poets Society" and the fear inventories.
2. I would have the questions on the stories all have the same ammount of questions. I would also review the vocabulary in a really fun way (a game of some sort).
1. How can you tell if somebody is a "coward"? We had questions about that but we never learned about it.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

3. I liked watching 'Dead Poets Society'. I liked finding out what the top ten fears of America are. I also liiedknowing everyone feels thge same way when put in a situation that matters.

2. I would make not so many questions about the fear stories. Also, I think you should do something for the kids to review with instead of just a review sheet.

1. I do not have a question for you.

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

I liked watching dead poets society. I liked learning what are the top ten fears. I liked reading the stories about fear.
I wouldn't stop the movie to answer questions. I wouln't give as many questions.
do we have to give a speech?

Han C-Lrt 5-6A said...

3. I liked the dead poets socity movie.
I liked the class polls
I liked some of the activities we did.

2. I would have a smaller question sheet
Shorter review sheet

1. How does this have to do with L.R.T?

Danielle S-1/2A said...

*3 put ups are......
1. I really liked the dead poets society movie!!!
2. It was cool to learn why we are scared, and what fear is.
3. I liked learning about the most common fears in America.

*2 suggestions are.........
1. I didn't like readding thoses three stories in the blue packet.
2. There was too many question in the DPS packet.

*1 question i have is.............
I still don't get it! If you are in a hunted house or your watching a scary movie and some creepy guy just out in front of you and you scream, you get butterflies, and feel sick. How is your body getting readdy to do an imporatant job?????!!!!!!!!!!!?????????

Kate b said...

3.dead poets society was interesting, the top ten fears on the blue sheet were a little serprising, and overall it was a fun exsersize.
2.I probebly wouldn't stop the movie so many times, just once at the end of the day is good. and maybe have a smaller packet.
1.i know what fear is i experience it, so why do i need to study it too?

Erik N-1/2 A said...

1. I found watching Dead Poets Society fun and useful because we could analyze characters fears.
2. I think we didn't need to watch that one cheesy video. And we could do a bit more activities.
3. How many people did that fear of the average American survey thing ask? It's not like they went and asked everyone in USA, just wondering how many people it was taken from.

Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

3 I liked watching the dead poets society
2 I would have less ?s on the guide.
1 I dont have a ?......

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

a)I liked watching DPS
b)I thought that the top fears we interesting
c)I thought that fear cases were fun

a)I would have less questions
b) I would make the packect shorter

a)no question

Anonymous said...

3.I liked the dead peots society and I liked not doing much in class and not getting alot of homework.
2. Make the questions on the movie list shorter, it takes away from the movie.
1.I dont have one.

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

1) i found it to be ok. i thought that the packet was good for information but the movie was the same news as the packet.
2) maybe try to watch a different movie on fear and take the movie part out of the test because some of it had nothing to do with fear like the vocab.
3) no questions asked

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

3. I liked that we got to watch the Dead Poet's Society, learning American's top ten fears, and that we got to go to Camp Ihduhapi to experience fear.
2. A suggestion that I have it that we should watch a different movie, a movie where a character doesn't kill himself. Also, we should have gotten to do activities with other people, not just our pair and share partner.
1. In fear case study 3, the guy giving a speech didn't have fear, he was excited. So are fear and excitement the same thing?

David F.lrt7/8A said...

1 I thought that the fear packet was very educational.
2I learned that more people are afraid of giving a speech than having to die.
3I also really enjoyed not having to blog as much.

1If we could be given arubric for the alternate activity that would have been helpful
2Also on the alternate activity it would have beemn helpful if we could have had a little more direction.

1In your opinion why do you think most people would rathedie thatn give a speech.

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

3. I liked watching the Dead Poets' Society video. I liked learning what the ten top fears were, and I liked going to camp Iduhapi.
2. I would make the questions for the movie harder because if you read them, you could find out what happened. I would also mak the packet shorter because we didn't read all the newspaper articles.
1. I don't have a question.

Ellen!! said...

1. I liked watching the movie.
2. I thought the test was a good over view.
3. I liked Ihduhapi and getting over some of my fears
1. The unit couldv'e had fun activities!
2. The test was really long :/
1. Would you think this unit would still be helpful to people who already know about fear?

Jeff s said...

1. i liked watching DPS.
i liked the fear stories.
i liked learning about the top fears

2. i would not do as many ?'s on the stories.and not as many on the movie either.

1. don't have 1

Anonymous said...

3. I liked seeing what the top 10 biggest fears of people were. I liked knowing that when you are afraid why the symptoms happen. I liked reading the little stories about fear.

2. Maybe you could not do as many questions on the sheets and then i dont know what else..but ya.

1.I dont really have a question..

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

1. I liked Dead Poets Society,Stories about fear and learning the top ten thing people are afraid of
2. less questions on fear packet and movie
3. dont have one

Jackson K1/2A said...

I liked the movie, learning the top 10 fears and the fear stories.
2 suggestions I have are less questions on the fear stories and movie. Another is not stopping the movie so often.
1 question I have is can you ever completly get rid of fear?

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

3. I liked watching Dead poets Society. The top 10 fears were interesting. I liked reading the stories.

2.You could let us watch the whole class then have us answer the questions at the end. Also, you could let us choose partners or do it in groups instead of always with our pair and share partners.

1. hmmmm if someone performs in front of people a lot. Whether it's a speech, instrument, sports. Do you think they experience less fear or any fear at all?

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

3. I liked watching "The Dead Poets Societ." I liked writing the journal about fear. I also liked reading the stories about fear.

2. I would watch another movie, and do less questions on the movie.

1. What is your fear?

Grant M-1/2 A said...

I enjoyed DPS.
I liked seeing the top 10 fears.
The physical reactions to fear were interesting.
2.Less questions on the case studies would be nice and less questions on the movie too.
1. What makes public speaking very fearful for many people?

Z E V R A said...

3. i liked the movie. I liked (and thought it was funny) seeing what the top 10 fears in the US were. I cant think of anything else...
2. just watch the movie! dont stop it in sections. maybe read the stories as a class..? and possibly get new stories...yeah...
1. Why did we have to learn about fear?

Michael N-1/2A said...

3.I enjoyed being able to watch the movie, I liked how we got to skip most of class watching the movie
2.I thought that the packet had too many questions on the movie, more time to discuss what happend in the movie
1.can't think of one

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

3. I liked watching DPS.
I liked the the test it was fun to do and study for.
I also liked SOME parts of the packet.

2. I wouldn't do so many questions in the packet.
Also I would have more extra credit on DPS stuff.

1. Will we ever watch another movie like DPS?

Bridget! said...

I loved watching the movie, i liked the parent persuasive speech and the side effects of fear was cool learning that everyone gets those. you could try having the students do the questions at the end of the movie, not stop it. And fewer questions would be nice. One suggestion is to have everyone tell one time in their life when they were scared, so that its a little less intimidating.

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

I liked the movie
I liked learning what the common fears were
I liked learning the fear reactions

I didn't like the stories
I didn't like the packet on the movie

I don't have a question

McKenzie L said...

3)a. I liked watching Dead Poets Sociaty
b. I liked the fear reading with the 2 guys and the deer.
C. I liked seeing the different results on the fear activity with the class.
2)a. I think that we should do more activities with fear like the readings.
b. More hands on activities.
1)a. Why do we have to learn about fear at school...we kind of know about it all ready... being scared and all.

Steve P-LRT 7/8B said...

1. I liked the movie, the fear analyisis packet, and the Top 10 fears.
2. Less questions for the movie. And less in the packet.
3. I dont have a question.

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

3 Putups:
1. Watching the Dead Poets Society was very fun.
2. I also thought that it was fun to read the stories about some fearful moments that are very real!
3. I also that finding out peoples' and sociteys' greatest fears, and fear reactions.
2 Suggestions:
1. I think that maybe it would have been fun to go to a 3-D show with spiders and such things in it and see how people react to them!
2. I think that the packet questions for the stories were a bit long though, maybe shortening them would be better?
1 Question:
1. Is there any way to totally easrse a fear from your mind?

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

3. The fear case studies were very educating.
The Dead Poet's Society was really good.
I liked learning the physical fear reactions.

2. I would do more questions on the DPS.
I would do more activities.

1. I don't have a question.

Nico A 5/6B said...

3. I liked:
a) Learning about how to handle fear for the future.
b) Learning about the top of society's fears (kind of surprising!), and
c) Watching DPS

a) I think we should spend more time learning about how to handle fear and how to channel it in a good way - that was the point of the unit, and
b) We need more clarification on how not to be a coward.

1: If our body is giving us energy to help us with a job, how come it makes us want to run away??

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

3 I liked watching the movie and seeing what the 10 common fears were.

2 Don't have so many questions

1 Why do we learn about fear?

sherlock Homles said...

3.I liked watching dead poets society,I liked the stories about fear
2.i would do less ?'s on the stories, also on the movie
1. dont have one...

Lift (britta) said...

3 Putups--I liked the test. It was one of those tests that are really easy if you've studied, even just briefly, but hard if you didn't. I also thought the activity that we did leading up to the 10 top fears in the USA was cool. I liked learning about other people's physical fear reactions--it made me think "Whoof! I'm not the only one!!!" because I always thought my fear reactions were kinda unusual.
2 suggestions--I thought that the fear case studies were really dull. I also think you should go through some movies for a better fear movie. I REALLY did not like DPS.
1 question--um...none?


Joe N-1/2 A said...

3. I thought the movie was really good.
The top 10 fears in the world were cool.
I liked not having alot of homework.

2.I would find more interesting stories and less questions on the movie sheet.

1. i have no questions on fear

Amira K-LRT 5/6 A said...

I liked watching DPS.
I liked learning the top 10 fears and comparing them to my own.

There were a lot of questions in the DPS packet...they werent hard but there were still a lot.

Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

1.I liked learning about fear reactions because I didn't know all those existed. I liked watching DPS. I liked the top 10 fears.
2. I would pair and share with other people so you can get to know more people in the class and I would find more interesting case studies.
3. Even if we leatn about fear how does that make it go away?

Chris B.-1/2A said...

+ I found the take the fear and use it to your advantage helpful.
+ I liked the dead poets society.
+I liked the blog entries on different perspectives of the dps movie.
+ One suggestion is to make the fear part,and learning about fear more interesting.
+ Not as many questions on the DPS movie.
+What does fear have to do with Literature, Reading of Technology?

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

3 putups;

1. It taught me about fear.
2. It taught me flight isn't always wrong.
3. I learned more about my fears.

2 suggestions;

1. I think we should do more about our individual fears.
2. I think we should do more activities.

1 question;

1. Is fear bad?

Anonymous said...

1. I liked the dead poets society
2. I thought everything was fine
3. Do you know of one person who isn't afraid of anything?

Brady D 7/8A said...

1 thought watching the dead poets society was fun and educational in the way that it showed me signs of fear and listing our top ten fears let me learn about myself. the stories were fun to
2 i think you could make the fear modual have more group activities.
3 why do we need to have fear.

Timmy E-LRT 5/6A said...

3- I really liked the movie
- I loved camp Iduhapi
- I liked getting out of my seat and being active
2- I think you make Iduhapi let u chose your own grope for the field trip.
- I think you should not stop the movie in between the parts
1- I did not get the whole entire movie.

adamfarhat said...

it was fun, interesting, and a little wierd. maybe talk as a class and do some activities. Can fear kill you

holly a-lrt7-8a said...

2. the movie was perfect and inspiring
1.there was no need to be more scary or funny, it was incredible

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

3) it was educational.
2) I really am not good with ideas.
1) do you mr.buckley have a bigger fear than snakes?

Anonymous said...

1. I liked the movie
2. The class is enjoyable.
3. Your room is AWESOME!

1. You sould not have us blog as much.
2. Keep the Packer contest.

1. How long have you been doing the packer contest?

Sophie N LRT 5/6b said...

I really liked the DPS.
We didn't have much homework.
It was cool when we learned about the top ten fears.

Maddie M-LRT 5/6A said...

3 putups
1. i liked to learn about all the different kind of fear.
2. i saw that i'm not the only one who is scared of some things
3. people can experience the same physical reactions as me

1. i think you did this unit great so i dont have any suggestions.

anddd i dont have any questions!!!

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

3 putups: i found learning about fears and what they can do to you interesting.
i never thought of fear this way and now i thought about it more.
i thought that it was worthwhile to learn about fear because it taught us how to confront it.

2 suggestions:
i think that maybe we shouldnt spend so much time on the fear unit. i wouldnt stop in the movie to go over the questions i think it should've been more independent.

1 question:

why do we learn about fear overall?

Michaela G said...

1. I enjoyed watching DPS becasue it taught a good lesson.
2. I think the different examples of fear the characters experienced were interesting.
3. And at teh same time the movie was still funny.
1. Maybe next year dont do as many questions on the packet.
2. And we shouldnt have to know all the harcters for the test
1. does everyone in the world experince fear?

Chip 5/6B said...

3. I found watching the movie fun, I found the parent persuasive speech worthwhile, I also found it fun seeing what the top ten fears were.

2. I think we could do less blogs, and less homework.

1. What does fear have to do with LRT?


mel e. said...

dps,stories i guess
do less ?s on the movie
i was kinda surprised that u chosedps as ur movie- there are lots o others with more fears in tham.

Tierra D. 7/8A said...

3. I really like the dead poets society! it was really interesting and i would love to watch it again!!
2. I wouldn't have a test about it but maybe just a quiz.
1. I don't understand what fear has to do with L.R.T!

taylor u. said...

i liked seeing what the top 10 fears were and reading the stories about fear. my favorite was watching dead poets society though.
i wouldnt have questions on the fear stories and not have such a long packet for the movie.
i dont have a question