Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dead Poets' Society--Analysis of Fears

Now that we've completed and discussed the movie, comment on the fears of Knox, Neil and Todd.
  1. What was Knox's fear? Did he confront his fear or run from it? Provide one example to support your answer. List at least two physical fear reactions that he experienced.
  2. What was Neil's fear? Did he confront his fear or run from it? Provide one example to support your answer.
  3. What was Todd's fear? Did he confront his fear or run from it? Provide one example to support your answer.
Please number your answers and provide solid evidence to support your answers.


Katybeth B-1/2 A said...
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ashley e said...

1. Knox's fear was be rejected. He confronted his fear. One example is that he went to her school and brought her flowers and wrote her a poem that he read in front of her class. One fear reaction was getting all sweaty and you could say by hanging up the first time he called her.
2. Neil's fear was by telling his dad how he really feels and his dad not approving of them. He ran from it, because in the end, he committed suicide.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of people. He confronted his fear. For example, in the end of the movie, he stood up on his desk and said, "Oh Captain! My Captain!"

Morganf said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection.
2. I think he beat his fear when he asked Kris to the play.
3. 2 Physical fear reactions were increased perspiration and butterflies in his stomach.

1. Neils fear was telling his dad how he really feels.
2. Neil ran from his fear, He killed himself.

Morganf said...

1. Todd's fear was public speaking.
2. I think he stood up to his fear by standing on his desk and saying oh captain, my captain to Mr. Keating infront of the class.

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

Knox- 1.his fear was rejection. 2.He decided to Kris so he faced it. He brought flowers and a poem to her school.
3.His physical reactions were getting all sweaty and he was shaking when he read the poem.
Neil- 1.His fear was his dad saying no. 2.
He ran from his fear by killing himself.
Todd- 1.His fear was public speaking.
2. He faced his fear when he yelled durring class to Mr.Keating that it wasn't his fault.
3.His physical reactions were he turned red with anger and he almost started to cry.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection from Kris. He confronted his fear by asking Kris to go to the play with him. When he read her the poam he got all sweaty and started shaking.

2.Neil's fear was telling his dad how he really felt and having his dad not aprove. He ran away from his fear when he said "nothing" instead of telling his dad how he felt.

3. Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear by standing on the desk and saying "O Captain my Captain!"

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

1. Knox's fear was of maybe being rejected of the girl of his dreams, which was certainly Kris. He confronted his fear by trying everything in his power to show Kris how much he loved her. 2 physical fear reactions that he experienced were shaking or trembling and an increased heartbeat.
2. Neil's fear was of confronting his father and telling him the truth about what he really feels about his future. He ran away from his fear becasue he didn't tell his father what he really thought when he had the chance. Afterward, he thought that there was no way what so ever that he could confront his fear, so he ran away from it by committing suicide.
3. Todd's fear was of speaking out his beliefs in front of others. He confronted his fear by speaking out in front of the principal, his parents, and his peers that Mr. Keating was not responsible for Neils's death.

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

Neil's fear was telling his dad how he really felt.

Todd's fear was speaking in front of people.

Knox's fear was being rejected. He wanted kris to like him.

Camille P 5/6B said...

Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear by standing up of his chair for Mr.Keating. Todd was afraid of reading poems and talking. Neil's fear is standing up to his father. He never actually said to his dad what he really wanted to do with his life. Knox's fear is Rejection. He faced his fear by kissing Kris, telling her a poem, and holding her hand at the play.

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

1. Knox's fear was telling about his Kris his feeling for her. He confronted it when he read a poem to her. His physical reactions were shaking and his breathing was getting faster.
2. Neil's fear was standing up to his father. He ran from his fear, because in their last agrgument, he was about to tell his parents that he didn't want to be a doctor, but then he changed his mind and decided not to.
3. Todd's fear was public speaking. At first he ran from it, but by the end, he confronted it. For example, in the begining he didn't want to read a poem to the whole class, so he lied and said that he didn't do it at all. At the end, he stood up in front of the whole class and said to Mr Keating "O' Captian, My Captian!"

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

1. Knox's fear was of rejection from Kris. He confronted his fear by going to her school, giving her flowers, apologizing, and reading her a poem. He got all sweaty and kind of shaky.
2. Neil's fear was confronting his father about his future and what he wanted. He runs from his fear by killing himself.
3. Todd's fear is talking in public. He overcomes this when he stands on his desk and says "oh captain, my captain"

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection from Kriss. He confronted his fear by talking to Kriss and expressing his feelings for her. Two physical fear reactions he experienced were shaking and sweating.
2. Neil's fear was telling his father about his passion for acting. I ran from his fear by comitting suicide.
3. Todd's fear is public speaking. He confronted his fear. At the final scene he stood on his desk and spoke up for Mr. Keating, he stood on his desk and said 'oh captain, my captain'.

Erik N-1/2 A said...

1.Kris. Confronted it, he called her. He hang up and was very nervous.
2.His father. He avoided it. He did it without asking his father.
3.Speaking in front of people. Confronted it by speaking in front of the class

Jenny W said...

1. Knoxes fear is of showing his true feelings to Kris. He confronted his fear by inviting her to the play and then holding her hand. He seemed nervous and hesitant.

2. Neils fear is of standing up to his father (showing his feelings). Neil runs from it by not telling his father when he had an opertune chance and by killing himself.

3.Todds fear was speaking to large groups. He did confront his fear by speaking up in class when Mr. Keating came to retrieve his belongings. Todd stood on his desk and stated "Oh Captain, my Captain"

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

1.rejection.cronfronted.went to her school and read the poem infront of that class to her.hung up the phone the 1rst time.
2.telling his dad what he wanted and what his reaction would be.ran away and commited suicid.
3.speaking infront of others.confronted the situation by standing on his desk and saying ocaptin my captin to mr.Keeting

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Knox's fear was being rejected. He confronted his fear by calling her, reading her a poem, holding her hand, and inviting her to the play. He probably had butterflies in his stomach and sweaty hands.
2. Neil's fear was confronting his father about his feelings.He ran from his fear because he had the chance to say it to his father but didn't say anything.
3. Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted it later on in the movie by speaking up to Cameron and standing on top of his desk.

Jeff s said...
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Joey said...

1 Knox's Fear was of being rejected by Kris. He confronted his fear by asking Kris to the play. Some physical fear reactions Knox had were butterflies in his stomach and sweating.
2 Neil's fear was of confronting his dad. Niel ran from his fear by killing himself.
3 Todd's fear was of being outspoken or of speaking in front of people. He confronted his fear by standing on his desk when he was told not to.

Jeff s said...

. knox's fear was rejection from kris. he chose fight, he called her. he had a very red face and looked like he was sweating.
2. neil's fear was that his father would be way to controlling for the rest of his life. he chose flight, by commiting suicide.
3. todd's fear was public speaking, he chose fight, by standing on his desk and saying oh captin my captin!

Joe N-1/2 A said...

1.Knox's fear was to be rejected. He needed to be with Kris, and he was afraid that she wouldn't like him. One fear reaction was getting all sweaty and you could say by hanging up the first time he called her. Near the end of the movie, they showed Kris holding hands with Know, which hints that they got together.

2.Neil's fear was confronting his father. He had his whole life planned out for himself, and he never stood up for himself.He showed this by commiting suicide.

3.Todd's fear was public speaking and some self-esteem problems. He confronted it because when Mr. Keating was leaving, he stood on his desk and said, "O captain, my captain"

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection from Kris. Knox confronted his fears first by calling her, then kissing her, and then taking her to the play. With these three instances, he probably felt all of the different reactions to fear such as butterflies in stomach and blushing.

2. Neil's fear was a different kind of rejection. Rejection to his thoughts coming from his father. Neil ran from his fear because instead of telling his dad what he truly wanted in life, he killed himself.

3.Todd's fear was getting up in front of his class or a group of people and speaking. At first Todd ran away from his fear, but then he fought it. He first ran away from his fear when he threw away a poem he had written instead of reading it aloud. In the final scene Todd showed tremendous bravery when he stood on his desk and proclaimed "Oh Captain, My Captain."

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

1. Knox's fear was the fear of being rejected. He confronted his fear by asking Kris out to the play. Two physical fear reactions that he had were his heart pounding and excessive sweating.
2. Neil's fear was to stand up to his father. Neil ran from his fear by not telling his father how he really felt.
3. Todd's fear was to speak in public. Todd definitly confronted his fear by defending Mr. Keating when Cameron offended him.

Svea!!! said...

1. Knox's fear was to get rejected by Kris. He confronted his fear by reading her the poem in front of her class, and asking her to go to the play with him. When he faced his fears he felt butterflies in his stomach and he felt hot.
2. Neil's fear was tellng his dad how he really feels about living the life his dad has planned for him. Neil had one opportunity to confront his fear but he chose not to. It was when he was just taken by his dad to his house after acting in the play.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of the class or in front of people. Todd conquered his fear in a couple situations. He conquered his fear by standing up for Mr. Keating to Cameron in front of all the guys. He also faced his fears once by blurting out to Mr. Keating when he goes to pick up his "personals" and when he is about to leave the classroom.

Jacksonc said...

1. Knox's fear was being rejected by Kris. He confronted his fear by inviting Kris to the play and holding her hand. He was really nervous, and he seemed a bit sweaty.
2. Neil's fear was telling his father what he really felt and his father saying no to them. He ran from his fear because when he had the chance, he didn't tell his father what he felt and then killed himself.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of a group. He confronted his fear by standing on his desk and saying "O Captain, my Captain."

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

1) Knox's fear was rejection. He confronted his fear by going to Kris's school to read her the poem and by kissing her. Two phisical fear reactions that Knox experienced, were blushing and increase in persperation.
2) Neils fear was telling his dad how he really feels. Neil ran from his fear, because he never told his dad before he commited suicide.
3) Todd's fear was public speaking. At first, Todd ran from his fear when he did not read at the dead poets society meatings. In the end though, he confronted his fear by standing on his desk and saying, "Oh Captain! My Captain!"

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

Knoxs fear is rejection.
He hung up the phone when he was calling Kris. He confronted his fear.
Neils fear is his dad. He ran from it. He killed himself.
Todds fear is speaking infront of others. He confronted it.
He stood on his deck at the end of the movie.

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

fear: rejection
he confronted it
he called chris
he started to shake and got really nervous

confronting his dad
he killed himself.

public speaking
he wouldn't join the dead poets society unless he didnt have to read.

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

1.) Knox's fear was rejection, and possibly missing a chance at happieness.
He did face his fear by going to the school and reading her a poem infront of a class he didn't know. His heart was probibly racing, and he had butterflies in his stomach.
2.)Neil's fear was standing up to his father. He did not face it and commited Suiside by shoting himself. (Eww!!)
3.)Todd's fear was really not beleiving in himslef, and having low self confidence. He faced his fear, standing up on his desk and saying clearly,
"O Captin! My Captin!"

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

1.Knoxes fear was rejection. He comfronted his fear. He asked kris to go see the play with him. Knox was really sweaty and the first time he called kriss he hug up.
2.Neils fear was his father. Neil rand form his fear. Neil shot himself and also typed the letter for his dad stating that he could be in a play.
3.Todds fear was public speaking. Todd confronted his fear. He stood up on his desk and said O captain My captain.

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

1. Knox was afraid to be rejected. He confronted it by showing his feelings for Kris. His reactions were breathing harder and hanging up.
2. Niel feared confronting his father. He ran from his fear by commiting suicide.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of people.He confronted his fear by standing on his desk and saying "oh captian, my captian"

Aria S 7/8b said...

Knox-Rejection from Kris, he confronts it by kissing her, holding her hand, and writing her a poem.

Todd-Public Speaking, He confronts it when he bursts out at Cameron, and when he stands on his desk.

Niel-Confronting his Father, He ran from his fear by killing himself. he never tells his father how he really feels.

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

1. A.- Knox's fear was of getting rejected by Kris.
B.- He confronted his fear.
C.- He held Kris's hand during the play.
D.-Hands sweaty, and heart beats faster.

2. A.- Neil's fear was to tell his dad how he felt.
B.- Ran away from it.
C.- He committed suicide.
D.- Hands sweaty, warm all over

3. A.- Todd's fear was speaking in front of people.
B.- He confronted his fear.
C.- He stood up on his desk and said "O captain! My captain!"
D.- Hands sweaty, warm all over.

Patrick S-LRT-5/6B said...

Nnox's fear was rejection form Kris and he confronted it by kissing her.

Neil's fear was telling his dad how he feals and he ran from it my shooting himself.

Todd's fear was public speeking and he confronted it by standing on his desk.

Samantha K- 1/2A said...

1. Todds fear was public speaking.

Todd confronted his fear by standing up on his desk in the final scene.

Steve P-LRT 7/8B said...

1. Knox's fear was being rejected.
He definitely conquered it by first kissing her then showing her that he really likes her. Knox probably had his heart race and he brobably started sweating.
2. Neil's fear was telling his father what he really wanted. He ran away from this fear by first not telling him what he thought even when he got the chance. And then he killed himself.
2. Todd's fear was talking in front of others. He conquered his fear in the final scene by standing on his chair and saying "O Captain! My Captain!"

McKenzie L said...

1. Knox's fear was if he was rejected. He wanted to fit in. He finally faced it when he told Kris that he really liked her.

2. Neil's fear was telling his dad what was really on his mind. He ran away from it by commiting suicide. After his dad told him that he was going to military school, Neil never told his dad what he really wanted.

3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of the class. He confronted his fear when he told Mr. Keating it wasn't his fault about Neil and he knew that. Then he stood up on his desk when the administrator told him to sit down.

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

1. Knoxs fear was being rejected by Kris; and he confronted his fear. I say this, because he went to her school and read her a poem. One physical fear reaction he exprtienced, was his blushing, and another was his sweating.
2. Neil's fear was to tell his father his true feelings; and he ran from it. I say this, because he never told him his feelings, and he killed himself with a pistol.
3. Todd's fear was public speaking; and he confronted it. I say this, because he stood up in class and said "O Captin, My Captin!"

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

1.Knox's fear was being rejected by Kriss. I think that he overcame his fear when he asked her to the play. His physical reactions were he was shaking a little bit and he got sort of sweaty.
2.Neil's fear was telling his dad what he wanted to do with his life and then being rejected by him.
I don't think that Neil was able to overcome his fear becuase he ended up commiting suicide.
3.Todd's fear was public speaking and I think that he overcame this when he stood on his desk for Mr. Keating and said "oh captain my captain".

Hannah B-LRT 1/2 B said...

1.Knox's fear was getting rejected by Kris. He confronted his fear. He went to Kris' school and gave her flowers and recited a poem for her. He experienced butterflies in his stomach and increased persperation.
2. Neil fear was telling his father how he felt. He ran from his fear. When his father told him he would go to military school and then harvard and become a doctor, Neil kept his thoughts and feelings inside. 3.Todd's fear was speaking in front of an audience. He confronted his fear. One example is how he stood up on the desk and said "O Captain! My Captain!"

thomas m-lrt 5/6b said...

Knox's fear was rejection of Kris. He confronted this fear by reciting his poem to her. when she said no he kept trying hard to not be rejected. he got sweaty and nervous around Kris.
Neils fear was talking to his dad about how he felt. he fled from this fear because when he had the perfect example to tell his dad but in the end he fled this even more by shooting himself. His reactions where shaking and stuttering. Todd's fear was public speaking he showed this fear when he did not want to read at DPS. He confronted this fear by standing up and telling Mr. Keating everything also by standing on his desk and saying "oh captain my captain". his physical reactions where again sweatiness and redness to the face , and shyness

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection from Kris. He confronted it when he read the poem to her. His physical reactions were getting all shaky, ans an increase in persperation.

2.Neil's fear was telling his father how he really felt and wanted fo a future. He ran from his fear because in his last conversation with his parents, he was about to tell his father that he didn't want to become a doctor, but then he decided not to. He also commited suicide.

3. Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear when he stood on top of his desk and said O captain my captain.

T Moor said...

1)knox's fear was of getting rejected.
he confronted his fear by talking to her and holding her hand.
he was shakey and nervous.
2)Neils fear was of what his father would say if he expressed his feelings to him. he ran away from it by commiting suicide because he couldn't tlk to his dad.
3)Todd's fear was of speaking in front of people. he confronted it with the help of mr keating having him come up in front of the class and saying what came to his mind.

mike m-lrt 1/2 B said...

1. Knox's fear was being rejected by Kris. He confronted his fear by going to the play with her.
2. Neil's fear was confronting his father, he ran away from it by killing himself.
3. Todd's fear was public speaking, he ran away from it at first, but eventually confronted it by standing up on his desk and saying "Oh captain my captain" to Mr. Keating.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

(1) Telling Kris how he really felt about her. In the end he did confrount his fear. He asked Kris to go to the movie with him and then he held her hand.
(2) He was afraid of standing up to his dad and telling him that he wanted to act. He ended up running from his fear and killing himself.
(3) Todd's fear was of speeking infrount of people. In the end he did stand up and fight his fear. He stood up on his desk and started the "o captin, my captin"

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection. He confronted his fear. He went to Kris's school and read her a poem and gave her flowers. He reacted to his fear by sweating and shaking.

2. Neil's fear was standing up to his father. He ran from his fear. At the end, when him and his father were arguing, he almost told him what he thought but then backed down.

3. Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear. An example is when he stood up on his desk in front of the whole class and yelled "Oh Captain! My Captain!"

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

Knox's fear was to be rejected by Kris. He confronted his fear by calling her. 2 fear reactions he had were when he hung up the phone and when he had to talk himself into doing anything to communicate with her. Neil's fear was to stand up to his father. He ran from his fear. 2 fear reactions he had was when he didn't tell his father what he felt like, and when he stood up and said i need to tell you how I feel, and then he said nothing. Todd's fear is being confident. He confronted his fear. 2 fear reactions he had were when he was acting shy and when he didn't talk at the beginning.

Griffin C-lrt5-6a said...

1) Knoxs fear was about weather or not Kris would like him. He stayed and faught with it. When his persisted on reading a poem for kris.And one phsycal reaction he had was when he couldnt talk or breath on the phone.

2)Neils fear washis making his father proud.he faught with his fear but then he backed downand killed himself. When he had the chance to fight with his dad to tell him what he really wanted but instesd he backed of and said nothing.

3)Todd's fear was speaking infront of people.Todd stayed and faugt with his fear, and overcame it. for instence when he old mr keting that he didnt do his poem but he actually did. then Mr keating made him get up and speak infront of everyone with a poem off the to of his head, and he did great!!

~Griffin Chin

JustinN-LRT 7/8B said...

1. Knox's fear was to tell Kris how he felt about her. He did confront his fear and one example of this is when he asked Kris to go to the play with him.
2. Neil's fear was to tell his father what he wanted to do with his life. He didn't confront his becuase he ended up killing himself.
3. Todd's fear was to speak infront of a group. He did confront his fear because at the end, he was the first one to stand up on his desk and start reciting "O Captain! My Captain!" to Mr. Keating.

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

knox's fear was being rejected. he deals with his fear.for example he read kris a poem. his fear reactions were he gets sweaty and hangs up on the phone.neil's fear was telling his dad how he really feel.he run away from his fear. one example is he killed his self.todd's fear was speaking on front of a group. he deals with it. for example when at the end he stands on the dest and calls mr.keating "oh captain my captain"

Emily said...

1. Knox's fear was being rejected. He confronted his fear by reading his poem to Kris and taking Kris to the play. 2 physical reactions he experienced are sweating and breathing heavely.

2. Neil's fear was telling his dad how he feels and what he wants to do. He ran from his fear by saying nothing to his dad when his dad asked him what he wanted.

3. Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear by standing on his desk in front of the headmaster and all of his friends and saying "Oh Captain! My Captain!"

Anonymous said...

1.Knox's fear was being rejected fron Kris. He did confront his fear because he stood up in front of a class he didn't know and recited a poem he wrote to Kris.

2. Neil's fear was telling his father how he really felt. He did not confront his fear. He was about to but then he backed away and said nothing to his dad.

3. Todd's fear was public speaking. When he was supposed to write his peom and recite it, he didn't and was forced to yawp in front of the class.

michael j said...

1.Knox: rejection,he confronted it when he asked Kris out. he turned red and he hung up on her the first time he called her.
2.Niel: rejection from his father, he ran when he killed himself.
3.Todd: speaking in public, he confronted it when he stood on his desk and said Oh Captain my captain.

Jackson K1/2A said...

1. Knox's fear was being rejected. He confronted his fear. He went to her school, brought her flowers and read her a poem he wrote in front of a group of people he had never met. One was his face was red, and he was sweating.
2.Neil's fear was telling his dad how he really felt. He ran from it by committing suicide.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of a group. He confronted it by standing on his desk in front of everyone and saying "Oh Captain! My Captain!"

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

1. Knox's fear was to be rejected by Kris. He confronted his fear when he called her. He got sweaty and butterflies in his stomach.

2. Neil's fear was telling his dad hit true feelings. He ran away from his father, because he never told him how he really felt.

3. Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear when he stood on his desk and said "Oh Captain, my captain"

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection from Kris. He confronted his fear because he finally invited Kris to go to the play with him. 2 physical fear reactions that Knox had were butterflies in his stomach, and it looked like his palms were sweaty.
2. Neil's fear was confronting his father about his dreams for his life. He ran from his fear because he didn't tell his father what he wanted to do with his life.
3. Todd's fear was public speaking. Most times Todd ran from his fear, but in the end of the movie, he confronted his fear. Todd stood up on his desk and told Mr. Keating that he didn't blame him for Neil's death.

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection form Kris. He faced that fear when he asked her to go to the play with him. he was shaking and probably had some butterflies.
2.Neil's fear was rejection form his father, when he tried to stand up for himself he was always pushed back down. He was sweating and his heart was beating really hard.
3.Todd's fear was public speaking and he was very quiet when the headmaster wanted to have him tell him where they were in the book. He was very red and he was shaking.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

1.Knox fear was rejection. Knox did face his fear, because he asked Kris out. His fysical reactions were faster breathing, and flushed face.
2. Neil's fear was rejection as well. He was afraid of being rejected by his father. Neil ran away from his fear by killing him self.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of a group. Todd confronted his fear by standing on top of his desk and saying "Oh Captin my Captin" to Mr. Keating.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Knox's fear was being rejected by Kris. He confronted his fear. He went to Kris' school and read her a poem. Two physical fear reactions he might have had would be his heart beating faster and his face turning red.

2. Neil's fear was telling his dad what he wanted to do and actually doing that. He ran away from his fear. He was about to tell his dad but then he got scared and sat down.

3. Todd's fear was public speaking . He ran from it and he fought it.when he tried to get out of saying his poem in font of the class is an example of him trying to run but at the end when he stood on his desk and said "Oh Caption, My Caption" is when he fought his fear.

Chris B.-1/2A said...
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Chris B.-1/2A said...
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Chris B.-1/2A said...
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Chris B.-1/2A said...

1. I think that Knox's fear was of being turned down. Know really liked her, and if she didn't like him back he would have been really sad and he was afraid of that. Neil confronted his fear, because he asked her out anyway. The fear reactions that he probably experienced were red face, shaking, sweating and maybe even a little light-headed.

2. I think Neil's fear was the same as Knox's, but in a different way. He was also afraid of being turned down by his father. He wanted to act, and he was afraid that his father wouldn't let him. Neil didn't confront his fear, instead he told his father that he felt nothing, and then killed himself.

3. Todd's fear was of public speaking. Todd confronted his fear though, because he stood up on his desk and said "O captain my Captain" to Mr. Keating. He also stood up for Mr Keating by saying that it wasn't his fault that Neil was dead.

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

1. Knox's fear, was telling Kris how he really felt. He confronted his fear when he told her he was in love with her and invited you to the play. He also held her hand at the play. He was probably experiencing a faster heartbeat and butterflies in his stomach.
2. Neil's fear was telling his father how he really felt. He ran from his fear and ended up killing himself because this fear just over took him.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of a group. He confronts it when he stands on his desk and says in front of everyone, "O captain, my captain".

Lift (britta) said...

1.Knox's Fear: Rejection/Dismissal
Knox faced his fear; he took the chance of rejection and called Kris. Physical Reaction: heavy breathing, probably his heart beating fast, pale face
2.Neil's Fear: Facing his Father
Neil does not face his fear. Instead, he "runs away" by commiting suicide.
3.Todd's Fear: Public Speaking
Todd confronts his fear by jumping up and yelling after Mr. Keating, saying it wasn't his fault that Neil died. Also, he stood up on the desk during class in front of the headmaster and says "O Captain, My Captain!"


Bakrj-LRT7/8A said...

1)being with kris and yes he did confront his fear by going with her at the play. One phsical reactions knox had was when he tried to call kris.
2)Neil's fear is disobeying his dad and he confronted his fear by going to the play.
3)Todd's fear was to talk in front of alot of people and he confronted his fear by saying that mr.keating was inocent infront of the class and standing on his desk saying o-captain my captain in front of the whole class too.

Anonymous said...

1. Knox's fear was Kris in general. Knox confronted and runned away from it once. When Knox ran and confronted his fear was when he called Kris. Knox was probably shaking and had butterflies.
2. Neil's fear was telling his father what he wanted. Neil ran away from his fear my commiting suicide.

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Knox's fear was the rejection on Kris. He confronted his fear by asking Kris to the play and holding her hand. 2 physical reactions he experienced were probably increased breathing and butterflies in his stomach
2. Neil's fear was telling his father what he really wanted. He ran away from his fear by almost telling his father, then stopping followed by killing himself. 2 physical reactions he probably had were butterflies and sweaty palms.

3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of a group. He confronted his fear by standing on top of his desk and saluting Mr. Keating. 2 physical reactions he probably had were butterflies and blushing.

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

1 rejection
he confronted it
he asked her out
he sweated and hung up when he called her
2 rejection
ran away
he wanted to his dad what he felt but instead he shot himself
3 talking aloud
confronted it
he stood on his desk and said o captain my captain
he blushed and sweated

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

1.rejection.cronfronted.went to her school and read the poem infront of that class to her.hung up the phone the 1rst time.
2.telling his dad what he wanted and what his reaction would be.ran away and commited suicid.
3.speaking infront of others.confronted the situation by standing on his desk and saying ocaptin my captin to mr.Keeting

Tom G said...

1. Knoxs fear was being rejected. He confronted his fear. One example is when he called Kris. Two physical fear reactions was he was read in his face and he was sweating.
2 Neils fear was his dad rejecting his feelings. He ran from it. One example is he never told his father what he felt and then commited suicide.
3 Todd's fear was speaking in front of people. He confronted it. One example was when he stood up on his desk and said O Captain, My Captain.

Grant M-1/2 A said...

1. Knox's biggest fear was he was afraid of being rejected. He confronted it. One example is when he went to the school to give Kris the flowers> Some of his reactions were getting sweaty and breathing quicker.
2. Neil's fear was telling his dad what he really wanted. At the end of the movie he killed himself therefore he ran from it.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of others. He confronted it at the end of the movie by standing on top of his desk and saying, "Oh Captain, my captain!"

Brady D 7/8A said...

knoxes fear was rejection but he comfronted that fear head on and in the end I think that he won like when he held krisses hand. he was shaking and shy when he was in the presence of kriss

Niels fear was authority and dissapointment and he ran away from it. I could tell that he ran from it because he killed himself.

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

1 knox was afraid of rejection
2 i think he beat his fear when he asked kris to go to the play and he held her hand.
3 he probably had a ton of butterflies

Evelyn H-LRT 5/6A said...

1-Knox's fear was getting rejected from Kris. He confronted his fear. he confronted it when he read her the poem. Most likely butterflies in his tummy and sweaty palms.

2-Niel's fear is telling his father what HE wants to do with his life. He ran from his fear. When Niel and his father were fighting he almost said what he felt and then backed down.

Renee J said...

Knox's fear was rejection. He confronted his fear by calling Kris.
Neil's fear was rejection from his dad. He was afraid that his father wouldn't understand anything. He ran away from his fear by killing himself
Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear at the end of the movie by syanding on his desk in front of everybody and saying "Oh Captain, my captain".

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

1. Knox's fear was being rejected. he confronted it: he asked Kris to the play. He probably experienced his heart beating faster and butterflies in his stomach.
2. neil's fear was talking to his father. he ran away from it: he didnt talk to his father.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of the class. He confronted it: he stood on his desk to respect Mr. Keating

Kaitlin C. LRT 5/6B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kaitlin C. LRT 5/6B said...

1. I think Knox's fear was rejection. I also think that he confronted his fear. An example is that he went to Kris's school, brought her flowers, and read a poem in front of her class. His pyhsical fear reactions were that he was shaking and his heart was beating fast.
2. Neil's fear was standing up to his father. He ran from his fear because he committed suicide.
3. I think Todd's fear was speaking in front of others. He confronted his fear because before Mr. Keating left he stood on his desk and said "Oh Captain, my Captain."

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Knox's fear was getting rejected by Kris and seeing her with Chet. He confronted his fear by kissing her, writing and reading her a poem, and holding her hand. He got really sweaty and he had butterflies in his stomach.
2. Neil was afraid of his father and standing up to him. He confronted his fear at first when he tried out for the play, but then he ran from his fear when he couldn't see past the present and he shot himself.
3. Todd's fear was public speaking. At first he wouldn't confront it when he pretended to not have written a poem, but at the end, when he stood on the desk and said "O captain, my captain" he did that without any problem-he could've gotten expelled for that, but he confronted his fear and spoke in front of the class.

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

Knox's fear is being rejected from Kris. He confronted his fear several times...calling her, saying a poem to her, etc. He probably experienced nervousness, and sweating. Neil's fear was being in trouble with his dad, and not telling him how he felt. He eventually ran from his fear because he committed suicide. Todd's fear was public speaking and getting in trouble.He faced it in the end by standing on his desk and saying "Captain" to Mr. Keating

Kathleen O said...

1. Knox's fear was being turned down by Kris. Knox confronted his fear by going to Kris's school and reading a peom he wrote for her in front of her class.
2. Neil's fear was telling his father was he wanted and how he felt. Neil didn't confront his fear, he ran. One example is that when he went back to his parents house, he was going to tell his father something but then said it was nothing.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of people. Todd confronted his fear by reciting a poem in front of the class.

Jimmy said...

knox's fear is rejection. he confronted his fear when he made love with kris. he got beat up. Neil's fear was his father. neil confronted his fear and went through with the play. He shot himself after the play.

Phil D-12b said...

1 Knoxs fear was to be rejected

2 Neils fear was his dad

3 Todds fear was speaking in front of others of in front of the class

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

1.Knox confronted his fear he wanted to show Kirs he really liked her.
2.Neils fear was his dad telling him he couldn't do something, he ran away and killed himself.
3.Todd somewhat confronted his fear in front of the entire class.

James L. LRT 5/6 said...

1. Knox's fear was be rejected. He confronted his fear by telling Kris he loved her. His hands were sweaty and his heart was racing.
2. Neil's fear was telling his dad how he really feels and his dad not approving of it. He ran from it, because in the end, he committed suicide.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of people. He confronted his fear. For example, in the end of the movie, he stood up on his desk and said, "Oh Captain! My Captain!"

ivanl said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection He confronted it beacause he asked Kris out to the play.
2.Neils fear was talking to his dad, he rejected it, and then commited suicide.

Lauren S-LRT 1/2B said...

1. Knox's fear iwas being rejected. In the end he confronted his fear by going to kris's school and reading a poem. Two phisycal fear reactions that he had were he was afraid to call her and he got all sweaty.
2. Neil's fear was telling his father the truth. He ended up running away from his fear because after the play he had time to tell his father that he wanted to stay in acting but he didn't.
3. Todds fear was reading in front of people. He ran away from it by not writing a poem.

Anonymous said...

Knox's fear was Kris saying no. He did confront his fear by going to her school. Neil's fear was confronting his father he ran away from his fear because he never told his father how he felt. Todd's fear is speaking in front of a group he confronts his fear at the end of the movie.

Nico A 5/6B said...

1: Knox was afraid that by chasing Kris he'd lose her, but he tried fighting and thy became a couple. He was really scared though, because he hung up the phone when he first called and he sweated when he read her his poem.
2: Neil was afraid that if he told his dad what he wanted, he'd be denied. In the end, he couldn't fight his fear and took the grand flight: suicide.
3: Todd was afraid of showing his true self. He sweated and shook at the final scene, but he finally showed his emotions so he fought through and won.

Jake B-LRT-1/2B said...

Knox's fear was talking to Kirs. At first he couldnt talk to her but know he can.

Haley N- LRT 5/6B said...

1. Knox's fear was to be rejected. He confronted his fear. One way he confronted it was going to Kris's school and reading her a poem in front of the entire class. One physical reaction he experienced was getting nervous and hanging up on Kris the first time he called her.

2. Neil's fear was telling his father how he really feels. Neil ran away from his fear. He ran away from his fear by killing himself.

3. Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear. One way he did this was by standing on his desk in the final scence while saying, "O Capting! My Captain!

Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...

1. rejection.
2. he confronted it! he took kris to the play.

1. Neil ran from his fear, i think neil did the poorest job out of all 3 fears. he killed himself.

Todd confronted his fear better then neil, but not as good as knox did.

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

1. he faced his fear
2. Neils fear is speaking to his father and he ran from it.
3. tods fear is speaking in front of a group and he faced his fear.

Ariel L said...

Knox- getting beat up by Chet/not having Kris like him: confronted it by kissing Kris and getting beat up and holding Kris's hand during the play.
Neil- Dissappointing his father: ran from his fear by killing himself.
Todd- Speaking in front of others: joins DPS, stands up for Mr. Keating.

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

Neil's fear was telling his dad how he really felt.

Todd's fear was speaking in front of people.

Knox's fear was being rejected. He wanted kris to like him.

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Knox's fear- rejection. He confronted it by going to see Kris at school. Experienced... he couldn't talk very well.
2. Neil's fear- his dad. Ran away, he didn't tell his dad what he wanted.
3. Todd's fear- speaking. He faced it by making up a poem with Mr. Keating.

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I belive that Knox's fear was being regected by Kris.
2. He confronted his fear when he went to her school and read a poem to her infront of her class.
3. He expirenced butterflies and sweating.
4. Neil's fear was telling his father what he really wanted to do and standing up to him.
5. Instead of telling him the truth he killed himself.
6. Todd's fear was public speaking.
7. He confronted his fear at the end of the movie.
8. He stood up on his desk and said Captain my Captain

Anonymous said...

1.Knoxs fear was about being rejected. He confronted his fear. For example he went to her school and said a peom infront of her whole class. And 2 phsyical fear reactions where shaking and sweating.
2.Neils fear was telling his father how he felt. Confront and runaway. For example he said he wanted to be in the play.
3.Todds fear was speaching in front of alot of people. He ranaway. For example he didnt write a peom when he was assinged it, to try to get out of it.

Kate b said...

1 Knox was scared to be with Kris. He confronted his fear, by calling her, going to her party, kissing her, reading a poem to her, and than asking her out and holding her hand at the play. Knox was sweaty with fear and smiling with romance.
2 Neil was afraid of asking his father about acting. no he never realy confronted his fear. He killed himself and that counts for running away ...i think...anyway,
3 Todd was afraid of speaking in crowds of people. yes he did confrunt his fear by standing on his desk at the end of the movie.

Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

I know i posted on this ?s......

Ellen!! said...

I know i commented on this but it is not showing!!

Ellen!! said...

1.Knox's fear was to be rejected. He confronted his fear in the end. He brought her flowers to school and read a poem to her and her whole class. A fear reaction he had was that he was getting sweaty and his face was turning red
2. Niel's fear was rejection also. He ran away from his fear. He killed himself in the end.
3. Todd's fear was public speaking. he confronted his fear. He was the first to stand up on his desk and recited the words "Oh Captain! My Captain!"

Anonymous said...

Knox's fear was being rejected when he talked to Kris. He did confront his fear, but while he was doing this he got red in the face and he sometimes didn't really know what to do next(stammering).
Neil's fear was standing up for himself infront of his dad. Unfortunately he didn't confront his fear and he let his father tell him what to do. And at the end it was to much for him and he commited suicide.
Todd's fear was speaking infront of a group. He did confront his fear and he did this when during the movie he got up infront of the class and made a poem up with Mr. Keating.

Michael N-1/2A said...

1.Knox's fear wasasking kris to the playand he confronted it by asking her to go with. He was sweating and short of breath. 2.Neils fear was his father and he ran from it since he killed himself.
3.Todd's fear was public speaking and he confronted it at the end by standing on the dsk.

Z E V R A said...

Knox's fear was being rejected by Kris. It stood up to it, he asked her to the play. Neil's fear was a rejection by his father. Ran from it: he killed himself. Todd's fear was public speaking. He stood up to it by standing on his desk.

Han C-Lrt 5-6A said...

1.Knox's fear was being rejected.
He confronted his fear. One example is that he just walked into her school one day in front of another one and brought her flowers and a poem he wrote.
2. Neil's fear was telling his dad what he really wants to do with his life. He ran from it, and comitted sucide.
3. Todd's fear was public speaking.
He did confront his fear. One example is that when mr keating was about to be kicked out he stood on his desk and said Oh Captain, my captain!

Bridget! said...

1. Knoxs fear was being rejected. he confronted it. he went to kris's school and gave her flowers and recitwed a peom. he was blushing and sweating.
2. Neils fear was standing up to his father. he ran from it. he shot and killed himself.
3. todds fear was speaking infront of others. he confronted it by standing ontop of his desk and saying "oh captin my captin".

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

1 Telling Kris how he really felt about her. In the end he did confrount his fear. He asked Kris to go to the play with him and then he held her hand.
2 He was afraid of standing up to his dad and telling him that he wanted to act. He ended up running from his fear and killing himself.
3 Todd's fear was of speeking in frount of people. In the end he did stand up and fight his fear. He stood up on his desk and started the "o captin, my captin" thingy ma-jig

sherlock Homles said...

1. Knox's fear was be rejected. He confronted his fear. One example is that he went to her school and brought her flowers and wrote her a poem that he read in front of her class. One fear reaction was getting all sweaty and you could say by hanging up the first time he called her.
2. Neil's fear was by telling his dad how he really feels and his dad not approving of them. He ran from it, because in the end, he committed suicide.
3. Todd's fear was speaking in front of people. He confronted his fear. For example, in the end of the movie, he stood up on his desk and said, "Oh Captain! My Captain!"

Amira K-LRT 5/6 A said...

Knox's fear was being rejected. But hw got threough it and got Kris to go out with him.

Neil's fear was telling his father how he felt. In the end he killed himself because his father didn't understand how he felt.

Todd's fear was public speaking, but he conquers it at the end when he stands up on his desk and says "oh captain my captain"

Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

1.Knox's fear was to be rejected by Kris
2. Neil's fear was telling his father how he felt and voicing his opinion to his father
3.Todd's fear was reading aloud and public speaking

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

Knox's fear was rejection, he confronted it by asking Kris out. Neil's fear was his father. He didn't confront his fear, because at the end he didn't say what he wanted too. Todd's fear was speaking in public, which he confronted at the end by standing on his desk first.

Timmy E-LRT 5/6A said...

knox conquered his fear, he went to the theater with Kris, He sweated and blushed. Neil was afraid of his dad. He ran from his fear. He killed himself. Todd was afraid of readying aloud he would not do it at the dead poets.

adamfarhat said...

knox's fear was rejection but he confronted it.He was sweaty and mumbly.

holly a-lrt7-8a said...

1. knox's fear was to ask kris out on a date, and yes he did confront his fear of asking her to the play at the end of the scene.
2.yes neil did run from his fear, he felt he wanted to do what he believed not his father

Maddie M-LRT 5/6A said...

todd's fear was public speaking.
he sometimes ran from it but then in the end he did confront it.he probably experienced faster heartbeat and redness of face. Neils fear was standign up to his father and telling him how he realy feels.he did run away from it. he had a chance to tell him how he felt after he was in the play but then just said nevermind and sat down. knox's fear was telling kris how he felt abotu her. he did confront his fear when he read the poem to her at her school.

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

1.knox's fear was getting rejected by kris he didn't run from it.
he asked her to a play.
he turned red. and he hung up the first time he called her.

2. neil's fear was confronting his father. he ran from his fear. he commited suicide instead of dealing with his father.

3. todd's fear was public speaking. he confronted his fear. he stood up on his desk and stood up for mr.keating and said o captain my captain.

Michaela G said...

1. Knox's fear was rejection. knox did not run from his fear. he wrote Kris a poem and took her on a date. He got nervous and hung up the phone when he called Kris.

Chip 5/6B said...

Knox's fear was rejection. He confronted his fear. An example of him confronting his fear would be when he and Kris went to the play.
Neil's fear was telling his dad how he really felt. He ran from his fear. One example of him running away from his fear would be when he killed himself.
Todd's fear was public speaking. He confronted his fear. An example of him confronting his fear was at the end when he stood on his desk and said "O Captain! My Captain!"

mel e. said...

Knox totally confronted his fear! he totally threw everything out the window for kris.he was was probablyshaking his hair off,and got clammy hands.
Neil ran from is fear, being rejected by his dad- or rather, his dreams be rejected. formost ppl, they see suicide as a way out. to get away from all their problems, a lot like ppl & drugs.that what neil did.
todd confronted his fear of speaking up, thru the poem bit, and dps, etc.

Tierra D. 7/8A said...

1. Knox's fear was to be rejected by Kris, or anyone. He overcame this fear by asking her out, kissing her, and going to her school and reading her a poem and giving her flowers.
2. Neils fear was of telling his father about how he really felt. He never overcame this fear, instead he avoided it completely and killed himself!
3. Todds fear was of speaking in front of a gruop of people. He overcame this fear when Mr. Keating pulled him in front of the class and spinning him around while he told his poem!