Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Dead Poets' Society--Rip It Out

Mr. Keating asks his students to rip out Chapter 1 of their textbook:

Why do you think Mr. Keating did this? What was he trying to teach his class?


Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

I think he told his class to rip out the pages because he wonts them to think for themselves.

michael j said...

i think he did this because poetry is about the love and interpretations not scales and rating and his students need to learn this

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

I think that he told his class to rip out the pages because he wants them to think about poetry in their own way, not the way their text book tells them to.

Aria S 7/8b said...

I think He wants them to think for themselves rather than have them follow what some text says....

Svea!!! said...

I believe he told his class to rip out the pages because he didn't like and agree with what was printed in that section of the book. Also, he wanted to show the boys that they should think for themselves and that this wasn't going to be your ordinary english class!

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

I think that he told his students to do this because it shows that sometimes when you break the rules you can benefit from it.

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

I think that he told his class to rip out the pages because the directions told them very very specifically how to take notes, and didn't offer any alternitives. If they didn't have those directions to follow, they could think for themselves much better.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

I think that he wants them to rip out the pages so that they can think of poetry in their own way not some way the that book tells them to think.

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

I think the reason why he told the class to rip out the page was because he wanted his students to feel emotions for themselfs and not just read the text in their books.

Camille P 5/6B said...

Mr.Keatings did this because he wants the students to be free thinkers. He was trying to teach the class to not always let books be the right way.


Morganf said...

I think he was trying to tell the class to think for themselves and to have your own opinion on things.


Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

In the movie, he tells them to rip out the pages because he wants them to think for themselves. I also think, that he really wanted to make a point that he had his own way of doing things, and that they should develope their own way of doing things.

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

I think Mr. Keatings told the class to rip out the pages becuase he doesn't like how they judge the poetry in such a set way. He wants his boys to think for themselves and evaluate poetry in their own way. He wants them to love and savor the languauge as well, not only to judge.

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

i think that he told his class to rip out the pages because he wants them to think for themselves and not for the book and author

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

I think they had to ripe out the pages because Mr. Keatin hated the method that was in the book. He wanted them to think for themselves.

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

I think Mr Kealing told the students to rip out the pages because he wants them to think about poetry by themselves in their own unique way.

Anonymous said...

He was trying to teach them to think for themselves.

Jenny W said...

I think that he told them to rip out the section of the book to show that they need to have their own ideas (of poetry and other subjects). This means that they don't have to write exacty how the book tells them, but that they should be original with their thoughts and techniques.

T Moor said...

i think he had them do this because he wanted them to be independent and that you can't judge it like you can music.

T Moor said...

i think he had them do this because he wanted them to be independent and that you can't judge it like you can music.

Hannah B-LRT 1/2 B said...

I think Mr. Keating told the students to rip out the pages because they shouldnt write what a book tells them to. They should think for themselves and write what they feel.

ashley e said...

I think that Mr. Keating told them to rip out the pages because he wanted to teach them to think for themselves and not follow what a book tells them to write about; write what you want.

Joey said...

Mr. Keating did this so that his students could learn to think freally. Having someone tell you how good a poem is isn't thinking for yourslef.

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Mr. Keating told the class to rip out the pages because he wants to teach the class how to think about poetry in their own way but also because he didn't like what the man in the book wrote about poetry.

Sophie N LRT 5/6b said...

I think he told them to rip it out because poetry is about what you feel inside and what some book tells you.

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

I think Mr. Keating told the class to rip out the chapeter of their textbooks because they should be able to think for themselves and make their own choices. They shouldn't have to follow exactly how the chapter is.

Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...

I think he was trying to teach the class that poetry isen't just about rules and writing.

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

too teach them too think for them selves

Jimmy said...

i think he told them to tear the chapter out because it was telling them how to do EVERYTHING and he wanted them to think for themselves.

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

I think that Mr. Keiting did this because he wanted his students to learn that poetry can be however you want it to be, not what the book says it should be.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

I think he told the students to rip out the introduction because poetry isn't something you can measure.

Chip 5/6B said...

He told the students to rip the pages out because he wants them to think for themselves.


Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

I think he told the class to rip out the pages because he doesn't like what was written and he wants to teach them to think for themselves.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

i think that he was trying to teach them to think for themselvs and that they have their own minds. also that their own creativity is an important part of writing poems.

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

i think he was trying to teach the class to think for themselves, and that there is not just one right way to do things.

Patrick S-LRT-5/6B said...

He told them to rip out the page because he doesent like what the person is trying to say in the book, he also wants them to think for themselfs and not let others tell them what to do.

Steve P-LRT 7/8B said...

I think he did this to teach his studnents not to listen to what someone else thinks. I think he wants them to create there own appreciation for good quality poetry.

McKenzie L said...

I think that Mr. Keating told the students to rip the into. out of the textbook because he wants them to think for their own. He was trying to teach them that people have to think for themselves in life and do what they think is right. I also think that he is trying to teach them to have a little fun in life and have a little rebellion.

Ivan L-LRT 5/6B said...

I think he wants them to rip it out because he wants them to know that all poetry is beautiful

EmmaC-LRT 7/8 B said...

I think he told them to do this because he wanted his class to think for themselves and that there shouldn't be any rules.

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

I think he did this so that the class would have to make up or "think of them selves" what understaning poetry by them selves and not to fallow the guide book.

Maddie D said...

I think that Mr. Keating did this because he didn't want the kids to rely on that for everything. I think he wanted them to speak for themselves instead of what i said above.

mike m-lrt 1/2 B said...

I think he wanted them to rip out the pages because the greatness of a poem can't be measured with numbers, scales, or graphs, also he wanted them to think for themselves and interpret a poem based on what they think, not what the book tells them to think of it.

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

Mr. Keating did this because he was trying to teach the class to think for themselves.

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

Mr. Keating did this because he was trying to teach the class to think for themselves.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

I think that he told his class to rip out the pages because he wants them to think for themselves.

Kathleen O said...

I think he told his class to rip out the pages because he wants them to think about peotry for themselves and it have their own opinion.

Kathleen O said...

Oops! ...and have their own opinion.

Anonymous said...

I feel that he told them to rip out the pages because they were a way of defineing some that should not be defined with a mathmatical equasion but the free thinking of a free mind.

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students to think on their own.

thomas m-lrt 5/6b said...

I think he wanted the class to rip out the pages because he believes that poetry should not be all technical but it should be art.

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

I think he told his class to rip out the pages because the instructions were way too specific. He wanted to make the kids think for themselves

Jacksonc said...

I think Mr. Keating did this becase he wanted to have the kids think and judge for themselves, not use concrete thinking.

Kate b said...

I think he told his students to rip out the peom because he wants them to feel a sense of Independence (thinking for our you self)

Ariel L said...

I think Mr. Keating was trying to teach his class to think for themselves, and that they can't always believe what they read.

Tom G said...

I think he told them to rip it out because he wants them to feel the greatness not graph it.

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

I think that Mr. Keating told the class to rip out the pages, because he thinks that poetry is about love, and that the students should not be held back by scales and ratings, because they don't really matter!

JustinN-LRT 7/8B said...

He did this because Chapter one was comparing poetry to math and he thinks that poetry is free writing. This is what he was trying to teach his class.

Emily said...

I think that Mr. Keating tells them to rip out the 1st chapter of their textbook because he doesn't agree with the structure it gives for poems. He wants them to think for themselves and not do what the textbook is telling them to. He also probably wanted to show them that this wasn't going to be an ordinary class.

Lift (britta) said...

Mr Keating told the class to rip out the introduction because he doesn't beleive that the greatness of poetry can be measured on a graph or scale so that people can say, "I wonder if this poem is any good. I'll check the chart to see how great it is." Everyone has a separate opinion in Mr K.'s class. Mr Keating wants to teach his class to think for themselves and have them decide what they like or dislike about poetry.


Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

I think he made them rip out the pages because he wants the students to think for themselves.

Jeff s said...

i think he did that because he wanted the student think for themselves and not ust what the textbook says.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

I think Mr Keating did this, because he wanted to show the kids that they all need to have theit own voice, and not to listen to formulas. He wanted them to be true individuals.

Goc Colts!!!

Danielle S-1/2A said...

I think he was trying to teach the class to think for them sleves. Also he was trying to teach them that they can interpret poetry how ever they want to. The text shouldn't tell them how good a poem is, they should decide for them sleves.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

Mr. Keating told the class to rip out the pages because he wants to teach them that they have to be free-thinkers and that poetry can not be rated by graphs and such.

Grant M-1/2 A said...

I think that he told them to rip it out so that they could have their own ideas rather than just pulling them from a book.

Timmy E-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Mr. Keating told his students to rip out the introdutory because he wanted them to have the ability to think and do stuff for them selves. He did not want them to always be folowing "rules" people ahead of them put down.

Renee J said...

I think that Mr. Keating did this because he wanted to show the class that he didn't believe in the things in the book. He also wanted to show the class that the class was about thinking for themselves, and not what society tells them to think.

Z E V R A said...

He wants them to be able to think for themselves and judge poetry in their own way, based on how they like and interpert it. not on a scale!

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

he did this to teach the class that poetry has nothing to do with math. i think thats the same question as the first one.

Joe N-1/2 A said...

I think he did it because he didn't want his students to follow what a book says. He wants them to think for themselves. He also wanted to send the message that his class wasn't going to be a normal boring class.

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

I think that he told his class to rip out the pages because he wants his class to learn to think for themselves. He wanted to teach them that what is in the textbook isn't always necessarily right.

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

i think that hetold the class to ripi it out so they can all learn to try and thinnk for themselves.

Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

He told the class to rip out the pages so that they would learn to think for themselves.

Michael N-1/2A said...

I think he ripped it out because he wants to them to think for themselves and not what the book tells them.

Jackson K1/2A said...

I think he told them to rip it out because he wants them to think and write in their own words. He doesn't want the kids to think something is good or bad cause some other person said it was.

Erik N-1/2 A said...

I think he told the class to rip out the pages to symbolize there is no one thing to do things and they should do it their own way.

Ellen!! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ellen!! said...

I think he told his class to rip it out because, peotry doesn't have graphs and scales it is about ones beliefs in life and love.

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

I believe that Mr. Keating made his students rip out chapter 1 because he thought the whole chapter was a waste of time and no use to his students. Mr. Keating wants his students to think for themselves which is the opposite of what the textbook says.

Maddie M-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Mr. Keating told his class ro rip out the chapter because he thinks that the person who wrote it isnt correct, and he thinks that everyone should be an individual so he wanted them to think on their own without having to look in the book.

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

he did that because he wants the students to think for there self.

Unknown said...

I think that he was trying to teach his class to be willing and free but also to be self thinkers.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

I think Mr. Keating did this because he didn't beleive you can learn peotry from a book but that you need to find how to do peotry based on your own knowledge and way of thinking.

Kaitlin C. LRT 5/6B said...

I think he told them to rip out the pages because he didn't want them to follow what the book said but come up with their own idea of poetry instead.

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

I think that Mr. Keating told them to do this so that they would learn poetry as not just things from a textbook but that they would learn it as anything they want it to be.

Sam W-LRT 7/8B said...

I think he did this because he wanted to show not always to go by the book and why go over something if its not worth going over!

Camille P 5/6B said...

He doesn't want a book to teach them what poetry is. He wants them to think for themselves.

Phil D-12b said...

I think that Mr. Keating had them rip out the pages because he wants them to think for themselves.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

He didn't like the way that the author of that paragraph told what poetry was. He was trying to teach his class not to follow the rules, but be free with what you think.

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

He doesn't want the boys to go by the book but by himselfes.

ivanl said...

I think he did this is because poetry is a beautiful thing, and books shouldnt be judging whether or not a certain one is good or not.

Phil D-12b said...

i think he did this because poetry is about the love and interpretations not scales and rating and his students need to learn this

Nico A 5/6B said...

Poetry isn't like other subjects - there isn't an answer that's set in stone, and you have to do more than graph to understand it.

Haley N- LRT 5/6B said...

I think he told his class to rip out the pages because he wants them to think for themselves. He wanted them to think of poetry in their own way, not how the text books tell them to.

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

i think that mr. keating is very different

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

I think he told his class to rip out the pages because he wonts them to think for themselves.

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

I think Mr. Keating did this because he didn't like the introduction and he wanted the students to think for themselves.

Han C-Lrt 5-6A said...

I think he did this because he has his own way of teaching poetry.
He wants to have the class think for themselves.

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

I think Mr. Keating did this because he didnt agree with the chapter. He was trying to teach his class to think for themselves.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Keating did this because he thinks they should think for themsleves.

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

Mr. Keating might be doing this because poetry is thinking and seeing something in your own way-not how someone tells you to do it. He is trying to teach them to think for themselves and have their own opinions.

Anonymous said...

When he told them to rip out the page he was basically telling them to think for themselves and not just by what the book says.

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

I think he told his class to rip out the pages because he wonts them to think for themselves.

Lauren S-LRT 1/2B said...

I think Mr. Keating told his class to rip out the pages becuase he wants them to think for themselves and not from what the book says.

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

He wants his class to think for themselves and the pages were the opposite of what he wanted

Bridget! said...

I think he told them to rip out the pages because he doesnt want something to tell them about poems, he wants them to learn and think for themselves.

sherlock Homles said...

i think Mr. keating told his students to rip out that page because he want them to think for there self. that they can face their fears and be who they want to be not just because their parents told to be like something.

sherlock Homles said...

i think Mr. keating told his students to rip out that page because he want them to think for there self. that they can face their fears and be who they want to be not just because their parents told to be like something.

Amira K-LRT 5/6 A said...

I think he told them to rip out the pages in the textbook because he wants to be able to think about petry in their own way...not the way the book tells them.

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

I think he did it because he thought what it taught was pointless and wrong. He wanted to teach his class about true poetry.

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

1) because it told them that poetry was based on math
2) that poetry isnt math, its a way of life

Anonymous said...

I think that mr keating told his class to rip out the pages because he wants them to think for themselves and he doesn't want their answers coming out of the textbooks he wants them coming from themselves.

Brady D 7/8A said...

i think mr keating made the students rip out the pages because they don't encourage thinking for themselfes.

adamfarhat said...

I think he did this to show the boys how to start thinking for themselves. He tought them that thinking for yourself is better

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

He doesn't beleve in something telling what to do (or he wants them to think for themselves)

holly a-lrt7-8a said...

mr keating has his students rip out the introduction so he can teach his class a different way of poetry

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

mr.keating told them to rip out those pages in the book, because he wanted to teach them to think for themselves and not always believe what other people think.

grace Q78lrt said...

I think he told them to rip out the pages because he want's them to like think for themselfs and not read what some one else says.

Michaela G said...

I think he told them to rip out the page because it was telling them to speak for themselves.

Sami's bloggerrrr! said...

I think Mr. Keating told his students to rip out Chapter 1 because he wants his student's answers coming out of them not coming out of a textbook!!

mel e. said...

he was telling his students that there is no guidlines to is expressions, and you cant give that structure.