Monday, October 8, 2007

Dead Poets' Society--Mr. Keating vs. Welton Academy

During the first scene of Part 2, Mr. Keating stands on his desk.

  1. Why does Mr. Keating stand on his desk?
  2. How does this lesson differ from what Welton Academy believes students should learn?
This scene is an important part of the movie. Make sure to keep that in mind.

In another scene of Part 2, Mr. Keating asks students to do their own "walk."

  1. What is Mr. Keating trying to teach his students?
  2. An administrator (Welton Academy staff member) is observing this lesson. What might he be thinking?


Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

I think that Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his students that they must always look at things from another perspective. This lesson differs from what Welton believes students should learn, because they believe that the students should learn what the book says, and nothing else. In the next scene, Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students that everyone starts as an individual, but eventually becomes just like eveyone else. The administator watching the lesson, is probably thinking that Mr. Keating is not a very adaquate teacher.

Ellen!! said...

I think Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his students that their are different ways of seeing things in life, and everyone has a different view of things. This lesson differs from Welton Academy's belifs because it is said that it has already been made a point.
When Mr. Keating tells his students to do their own walk he is trying to teach them to be themselves and to not be afraid to show their personalities. When an administrator observed his lesson I thought he was disapproving of it because it was taking it too far.

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

i think that he stands on his desk to see things from a different point of view.... he is trying to teach his students to think for themselves.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

Mr. Keating stands on the cesk because he says that it is always good to look at the world in a different way. The acadamy thinks that all things should be done with the same tradition not in different ways. then he was trying to teach them that they all have there own minds and that they should thinkfor themselves. I trhink that the administrater was apaled by this act because he belives in tradidion and dicipline.

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

1. Mr. Keating stands on his desk to teach his students that much see the world from multiple points of view.
2. This differs from what the school tries to teach because the school is very to the books and believes in "traditional teaching methods".

Part Two:

1. Mr. Keatings is trying to teach his students that they need to think for themselves and like "follow their own beat".
2. The administrator probably doesn't agree with his teaching methods and is very confused as to what Mr. Keatings is doing!

Emily said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his students the many ways of looking at things. This is different from what Welton Academy believes students should learn because they believe in having everyone be the same.

Part 2:

By doing their own walk, Mr Keating is trying to teach his students to be individuals and be different from everyone else. The administrator probably thought that this lesson was very strange.

Steve P-LRT 7/8B said...

For the first part:
1. He stands on his desk to show to constantly remind oneself to look at the world in a different way.
2. Welton Believes in Tradition. What he does is not what they like.
For part two:
1. People may start out differently, but eventually it all evens out.
2. He is probably thinking that he is not a tradtional teacher and therefore a lousy one.

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

I think the reason why Mr. Keating does the activity is to show the students how the different perspective of sitting in a classroom and actually having a expeirence. Welton acadamy believes in reading from a text book not actually getting up and doing things. I don't think the administrator liked that Mr. Keating was teaching the students to think for themselves.

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

I think the reason why Mr. Keating does the activity is to show the students how the different perspective of sitting in a classroom and actually having a expeirence. Welton acadamy believes in reading from a text book not actually getting up and doing things. I don't think the administrator liked that Mr. Keating was teaching the students to think for themselves.

Morganf said...

Part 2 a.

I think Mr. Keating was standing on his desk to teach the students that you should all look at the world in a different way and have different opinions no matter what anyone else thinks.

Welton Academy belives that students should learn in a structered way and learn how to do things in a way that has already been planned.

Part 2 b.

Mr. keating is trying to teach his students that everyone has a differnet personality and vision on life and you shouldnt be afraid to show it.

i think the administrator is thinking that Mr. Keating's way of teaching is not how Welton teaches and he might not be a suitable teacher for welton.

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

1. Mr. K stands on his desk because he is showing them that you need to look at things form a different view once and a while.
2. Welton belevies that the kids shouldn't think for themselves untill they are out of school.

1B. Be your self, don't be like others around you.
2B. He might be thinking that Mr. K is out of his mind and that he should just teach the regular stuff.

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

I think Mr. Keating stands on his desk because he is showing the class to always look at things from a new perspective. This lesson differs from what Welton Academy believes students shoud learn because it is not what the curriculem teaches and the students are supposed to follow the texts books.
In the other scene, I think Mr. Keating is trying to teach the students that in the beginning, everyone starts out as induviduals; unique. But eventually everyone changes and becomes the same. I think the administrator is thinking about how different this class is and how it is not traditional,

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

I think that Mr. Keating is trying to teach the students to think for themselves. The administrator might think that they are goofing off.

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

I think Mr. Keating stands on his desk to teach his students to look at things from different perspectives. This differs from Welton because they believe in disapline and tradition and what Mr. Keating teaches goes against that. When Mr. Keating tells them to do their own walk infront of people I think he is teaching them to be themselves and not to care what other people think. When the administrator observed this I think he disagreed with it because he thinks Mr. Keating is teaching the boys nonsense.

Samie B-LRT 5/6a said...

1. Mr.Keating is standing on his desk to remind himself to look at things from a different perspective.
2.In Welton Acdemy the boys aren't supposed to think for themselves,but learn things by traditon and Mr.Keating is teaching them differently.

1.He is trying to teach them be themselves and to act one another.
2. He might be saying why is Mr.Keating teaching the boys this or why are the boys and Mr.Keating outside in the courtyard doing this.

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show the class that they should see things in different views.

Usualy the school does it there way.

Mr. Keating is teaching his students to do there own thing.

The staff member is probably thinking what are they doing?

T Moor said...

I think Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show that things can always be viewed from a different perspective. Whereas Welton academy
thinks that kids should learn in a straight line, never wander around, just follow the line and only the line. in the other scene mr keating is showing them that eventually, everyone will get into one flow. so he has them do their own walk so that they will stay individual. the teacher observing probonly thinks that mr k is a pretty weird teacher.

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

Mr. Keating is standing on his desk to express that he wants to students to constanly see things in a new way. This differs from what the students are usually taught because they are taught to listen and execpt what they are told.
Mr. Keating is trying to tell his students to be theirselves. The administrator is probably thinking that Mr. Keating is not teaching the kids what he wants.

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to see things a different way. Welton academy believes that everyone should see things the same way all the time.
When everyone walks Mr. Keating is trying to teach them to think for themselves. The man watching probably thinks he is insane and that the boys should be learning in other ways

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...
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Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his class to constantly gain a new perspective and look at the world from a different point of fear. At Welton, they want eveeryone to be thinking the exact same thing, seeing everything from the same point of view. With the walking, Mr.Keating is trying to teach his students, to be original and not to be afraid to be different. Going through the administrator's mind is probably "What the heck is going on?!?!"

McKenzie L said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show that we all should look at the different points of view. This lessons differ because Welton wants the students to have tradition and they all should thing the same.

Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students to think for themselves and walk in their own ways and paths. The administrator might be thinking that Mr. Keating is just letting the boys have free time and fun.

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show the students that you have to look at things in a different way once in a while. This differs from the Welton Academy because they follow a strict teaching policy, and to just follow the instructions instead of thinking out of the box. In the walking scene, I think Mr. Keating is teaching the students that everyone may start as an individual (walking differently), but then they eventually morph together to be the same (walking the same way). I think the administer is thinking that Mr. Keating does not teach like the other teachers, and that he is not a very "Welton Academyish" teacher.

Patrick S-LRT-5/6B said...

Mr.Keating stands on his desk because hes trying to teach them to look at things in a diferent way. Welton thinks students should only learn about the four columns.
Mr.Keating tell his students to walk because he wants to give the kids a chance to do somting in there way. The administrator is thinking that Mr.Keating is giving them way to much freadome.

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

I think mr. Keating is trying to show that the students that they should look things in a diiferent point of view and think for themselves. The Academy doesn't like how the he's teaching cause its not what they usually do and they want the students to go by the books.

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

1.I think Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show the students that they must look at things from a different angle. Welton Academy thinks that they should learn from the books.

2. Mr. Keating shows the students how everyone starts indevidual but then they slowly join in unisun. The administrator must think that Mr. Keating isn't doing a very good job and he is teaching the wrong things.

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

Part 1:
1. I think that Mr. Keating stands on his desk to teach the class that you should always look at the world from a different view.
2. Welton Academy believes students should follow the school's certain rule of the world, and not each individual's view.
Part 2:
1. Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students by making them do their "own walk" becasue he wanted to teach them to be different from one another, for each individual to have their own personal stride.
2. The administrator is probably thinking, "How could Mr. Keating be teaching the students anything by making them walk around a courtyard???" He DOES NOT like it!!

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

Part 1-

Mr Keating stands on his desk to show how to look at things in a different perspective. This is different from what would normally be taught at Welton because this lesson tells them to be their have their own point of view and to come up with their own ideas, when Welton would teach them only to go by exactly what the book says.

Part 2-

Mr Keating is trying to demonsrate the meaning of conformity. The administator who saw the class during this activity might have thought that it was a inappropriate way to teach. I don't think he would have understood the objective just by watching.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

I think that Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his dtudents that they must look at life in a new and different perspective. This differs from what Welton believes students should learn because they believe that the students should what the book says. Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students to be individual. The administrator probably thinks that Mr. Keating is not a very good teacher.

Joey said...

He stands on his desk to remind himself to look at the world in a different way. Welton Academy thinks that students should learn to obey their teachers.

Mr. Keating is teaching his students to have their own beliefs. They shouldn't copy how everyone else is acting. An administrator is probably thinking that Mr. Keating isn't doing a good job of teaching.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

1. Mr. Keating stood on his desk because he wanted to show his studens to see the world in a diffrent ways. This differs from the lessons at Welton Academy because the teachers at Welton want their students to not think out side the box. They want their students to learn from the 4 pillers.

2. Mr. Keating to trying to teach his students to think form them selves, and stand up for their belives. The administrator watching this lesson might have a. turning Mr. Keating in to the headmaster. and b. he could have been wondering why oh why wan Mr. Keating having his students walk around.

Jenny W said...

Part 2a.
Mr keating stands on his desk to see the world in a different way. His class is teaching students to learn in different ways.

Part 2b.
Mr keating is trying to show how it is ok to be different. The staff member may think that mr keating is wasting time and doing un usful things.

mike m-lrt 1/2 B said...

I think mr. Keating is standing on his desk because he wants to see everything from a different perspective, this lesson differs from the ones that the school thinks they should learn because it involves the students thinking for themselves. In this scene he is also trying to teach them to think for themselves.

michael j said...

part 1
1. he stands on his desk to remind students to look at stuff from a different angle.
2.Welton wants kids to learn the basics and from the old standers.
pat 2 think independently.
2.this guy is crazy what are they doing.

Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

I think mr keating stands on his desk because he wonts his class to see things in a new way. The school does not want indivduality.
the next sceen is walking in the court yard. the other teacher is watching and thinks he is a weird teacher.

Jeff s said...

1. mr. keating stands on his desk to remind himself to look at life in different ways
2. this is different because the schools method would be learning from a Textbook

1. to teach the student to think freely and not care what others think
2. the administrator is probly thinking about how he dislikes mr. keating methods.

Jackson K1/2A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to teach the kids to see things in a different view. This differs from Welton Academy beacuse they beleive the kids should be tought from the book, and to only see things the way they are written.

When Mr. Keating asks the students to do their own "walk", he is telling them they should do what they want to do and not care about what others think. When the administrator saw a group of boys walking in weird ways, he probably thought that Mr. Keating wasn't teaching what he should be.

Jacksonc said...

He stands on his desk to show the students to look at the same things in different ways. Welton believes that students should look at things only one way. During the walk, Mr. Keating is trying to show that after a time, everyone conforms to the same thing, so you should keep your own walk and stay different. The administrator probably thought Mr Keating was crazy.

Maddie M-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Mr. Keating stands on his desk because he said to them to look at things from a different point.This lesson is different from what other professors at Welton think because they think that everything should be taught from the book. In the second scene Mr. Keating tries to teach his students thast everyone is an individual and then becomes just like others. When the administrator watched this, he thought thats Mr. Keating wasnt a good teacher.

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

I think mr.Keating stands on his desk to show that there are differnt ways to see things in life and everyone has a different view.Mr.keating is differnt from welton academy because at welton they are suposed to do everything in the book and mr.keating says to think for them selves and even wants them to rip out pages.Mr. Keating is again trying to teach them that they should be the person they are and not like everyone else and the administrator seeing that probably thinks they are all just goofing off and not reading the book.

Grant M-1/2 A said...

I think that Mr. Keating stood on his desk so that people could see things from a different perspective/point of view. The people at Welton Academy think that they should just think from the book rather than thinking for themseleves. In the next scene, I think that he's trying to teach them that everyone starts somewhat original and then develop so they were all marching together. The administrator probably thought that Mr. Keating is not a well fit teacher.

Anonymous said...

Part 1:
- Mr Keating was standing on the desk to remind the boys that you must constantly look at things in a differant way.
- This lesson differs from what Welton believes students should learn, because they believe that students shouldn't learn to think for themselves at this age of their life they need to be told what to do and learn what the book says but Mr Keating believes the opposite.

Part 2:
- Mr Keating is trying to teach his students that everyone does something there own way but eventually will become like the others.
- When the administrator was watching their lesson, he was probably thinking that Mr. Keating and the way he teaches doesn't really apply to the standards of Welton Acadamy.

Tom G said...

I Think Mr.Keating stands on the desk to remind the students they should always look at things form different perspectives. I think he did this to show the students to look at things in every possible way not in just the way someone tells you to look at it. To be themselves and not to become someone else. The administrator who was watching was probably thinking Mr. Keating was undoing all the things welton had done.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

I think Mr Keating stood on his desk, because he probably wanted to show to look at things from a different perspective. This lesson probably differs from Welton Academy standards, because they probably wnat everyone to be a perfect person according to what they believe should be a perfect student/person.

Part 2

Mr Keating is trying to teach his students to be themselves and to be what they want to be, who they want to be, and do what they think is right. I bet the school administrator thought this exercise was pretty weird.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

I believe that in this scene Mr. Keating is trying to stress the point that he wants them all to learn to think for themselves, and really try to see things differently than everyone else. Welton Academy is much different though because they believe in the old fahioned way of learning by textbooks.

I believe that in this scene Mr. Keating is also trying to stress the idea of not following the pack and trying to learn self-thought and self-confidence. Mr. Keating has his own special way of teaching in which he can combine fun with the facts, which creates a great lesson. I think that the administrator is thinking that Mr. Keating is out of line and that he should not be gooifng around with the students.

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

I think he stands on his desk to see the classroom from a different view. Welton Belives that they should all be the same and have no individuality, which Mr Keating disagrees with.

He's trying to teach them to be themselves, to be different.

I think the observer might be wondering what Mr. Keating is teaching.

Unknown said...

Hey Mr Bucklet
1) He stands on his desk because he mants to see things in a new perspective.
2)walon believes that everything should always be the same and in strict order.
3)I believe that he is trying to teach ththem many different things. such as speaking and working as one!
4)He may b thinking that MR keatings ways of teaching are rediculouse and unacceptable.

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

MR.keating stand on his desk because he thinks you should see things from different places. It differs to disciplan through life in different places.To think for there selfs.Thats not the why things go the staff might say.

Ariel L said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to remind himself to look at the world from a different perspective from time to time. Welton wants their students to follow tradition and not look at the world differently. When Mr. Keating tells his students to do their own walk, he is again trying to teach them to be different. The adminstrator of Welton Academy thinks their fooling around and going against Welton's rules.

ashley e said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to teach the students to look at things from a different perspective. It is different from what Welton believes, because they believe that you should follow the tradition and learn just what the books say.
Mr. Keating wants to teach them to think for themselves and express their own feelings.The administrator might now like this because he might believe in tradition.

Z E V R A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to see things from a diffrent point of view. Welton thinks that all the boys should see things from the same perspective all the time.

Mr. Keating is trying to teach the boys to stay true to themselves and not go with the herd. The staff member is probably really confused and is wondering: a) what they're doing, b) when Keating's gonna get fired.

Z E V R A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to see things from a diffrent point of view. Welton thinks that all the boys should see things from the same perspective all the time.

Mr. Keating is trying to teach the boys to stay true to themselves and not go with the herd. The staff member is probably really confused and is wondering: a) what they're doing, b) when Keating's gonna get fired.

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his students that you need to look at the world from a different perspective. This lesson is not what Welton Academy believes the students should learn, they should learn everything from the book.
Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students to walk to their own rhythm. The other teacher does not think that classes should be taught that way, and Mr. Keating shouldn't be able to teach.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show they must look at life from a different point of view. This lesson is different from what Welton Academy thinks students should learn because Welton thinks they should not be able to think on their own until they are done with school.

Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students to be themselves and don't be like other people. He might be thinking Mr Keating is do a bad job at teaching the boys and he might be thinking they need a better teacher.

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

Mr. Keating stood up on his desk to illustrate to his students that you have to look at life from many different angles. This is different from Welton Academy's philosophy because the Academy thinks that there is only one way to teach, one way to learn, and only one way to think. Mr. Keating told his students to do their own "walk" because wanted them to learn not to conform to others, and to go there own way. The administrator that was observing this might have thought that Mr. Keating was crazy, having his students march around in the courtyard.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

1. Mr. Keating stands on his desk to remind himself and his students to look at their surroundings in a different way.
2.The Welton academy expects people to learn mostly by reading and wrinting from the text book, this lesson differs because it's more hands on and teaching the students not to be afraid to express themselves.

Joe N-1/2 A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to remind himself to see things in a different way. Welton Academy wants their students not to think for themselves. When Mr. Keating asks his students to do their own walk, he is trying to teach them to be different from the other students.A staff member is observing the lesson, and he gets mad at Mr. Keating because they don'twant their students to be different.

Lift (britta) said...

1)I think Mr Keating stands on his desk to show his students to remember to constantly see things with a different point of view, specifically looking for their own point of view in writing, not just the author's.
2) I think Mr Keating teaches in a different way than Welton intends him to because this lesson taught students in a different, newfangled way, and Welton wishes to stick to the "TRADITIONAL" methods that have been taught for many years.Welton wants their students to work with poetry in a traditional, basic, way that doesn't really touch on the connection between reader and poem.

1) Mr Keating wants to teach his students not to be intimidated by what others think of them and their ideas and thoughts, no to just think whatever everyone else thinks.
2) I think the administrator is thinking, "What in the world is that man teaching them? They should be inside, discussing the techniques to be learned from Edgar Allen Poe's works!"


Renee J said...

1. Mr. Keating stands on his desk to see things at a different perspective.
2. Other teachers at Welton academy think that everything should be seen at the same perspective.
1. I think he told his students to do their own walk so they wouldn't be afraid to be themselves.
2. When the other teacher saw that he was probably dissapointed in Mr. Keating.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk not to make himself feel taller but to remind him self to always look at things in different ways. This lesson differs for Welton academy thought of teaching what they will need to know and letting think for themselves after they leave. When Mr. Keating asks his students to go on a walk it is to prove that everyone will do something different. The administrator watching this might think that it is weird that a class that is to be learning about poems is walking outside.somthing different. The administrator watching this might think that it is weird that a class that is to be learning about poems is walking outside.

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

1. I think that Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show them that they need to see things in a different view.
2. This differs from the Welton curriculum because they believe in dscipline and that you should learn from the textbook.
1.When Mr. Keating tells the boys to do their own walk he is trying to teach them that they should do their own thing instead of what everyone else is doing.
2.When the administrator saw them he was probably dissaproving of Mr. Keating because it was the opposite of how they usuallty teach.

Brady D 7/8A said...

Mr keating stands on his desk to prove that you can see stuff from a diffrent way and Welton just wants him to read from the textbook.

He is trying to teach them not to do what evryone else is doingan I think that the observer is thinking " This is not a lesson in the textbook".

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

Mr Keating stands on his desk to remind himself and his students that he needs to look at the world from a different point of view. Welton academy teaches students to conform to the world, and view things from only one perspective.
Part two:
Mr Keating is trying to show his students that it is hard not conform but they must strive to anyway.
The Welton Academy administrator might be thinking that Mr Keating is disrupting the "peace".

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

Mr. Keating stood on his desk to remind himself to look at things from a different perspective. This differs from the rest of Welton because they are about disclipline.

In part 2, Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students to be original and individual. The administrator is probably wondering what Mr. Keating is thinking.

Kaitlin C. LRT 5/6B said...

I think Mr. Keating stands on his desk to teach the students to look at things from a different perspective. Welton Academy thinks that all the students should learn things the same way.

Part 2

I think Mr. Keating asks the students to do their own walk because he wants them to learn that different people do things in different ways.
I think the Welton Staff member might be thinking that how he was teaching was very odd, and he was probably not too pleased because it didn't look like Mr. Keating was teaching them the traditional way.

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

he stands on his desk so he will remember to look at the world differently everyday.
the other teachers at welton dont like it because they want everyone to be the same.

during the "walk" scene he is trying to teach them to be original.
the other teacher probably thinks he is weird and doesn't like what he is teaching.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

He stands on his desk to show his class that you can see things from differnet angles. He is trying to teach them to do there own thing not to follow everyone else.

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to teach his students to see things from different point of views before judging them. Welton wants everything to be strict and they definitely do not want students thinking for themselves.

part 2:

Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students to march to their own drum basically to follow what you believe in and never change your thoughts just because other people dont agree. The Welton administrator is probably thinking how bad this is and how stupid it is to teach this to students.

Kathleen O said...

In the first scene, Mr. Keating stood on his desk to tell the class to constantly look at things in a different way. Welton Academy doesn't teach this way and doesn't agree with what Mr. Keating is teaching his classes.
In the second video, Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students that their beliefs are unique. The administrator observing the lesson might be thinking that he doesn't agree with what Mr. Keating is teaching in his classes.

Sam W-LRT 7/8B said...

To show students to always look at things from a different view. Welton Academy belikeves that they should learn everything by the book. To break away from the packet and do what you feel is right. That it is very uncalled for and unnecessary.

Camille P 5/6B said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to look at things in a different way. Welton wants to tell the guys what to think. By walking around Mr. Keaing is showing how everyone oes it a different way. The administrater thought it was weird and probably out of place.

Svea!!! said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to remind his students to look at everything in a different way. Welton Academy thinks the students shouldn't be about to think for themselves and should all have to look at life in the same way as everyone else.

Part Dos:

When Mr. Keating tells everyone to do their own walk, he is trying to

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

when mr.keeting stands on his desk it tells the kids too look at the world in different ways which the acadomy doesent want them to do
then mr.keeting makes everyone do their own walk and the administrators thought he was a bad teacher

Svea!!! said...

oops. here is Part 2 cont.

When Mr. Keating tells the boys to do their own "walk" he is trying to teach them that after awhile everyone starts to conform to the same walk. But in life you shouldn't conform, you should think for yourself. The administrator is probably thinking that what Mr. Keating is doing is not part of the cirriculum and that Mr. Keating is a little out of the ordinary.

Aria S 7/8b said...

-Mr.Keating stands on his desk constantly remind himself to look at things in a diffrent way.
-Welton thinks that the boys should be taught that the previous english teachers had taught, based on the pillar "tradition"

-By making the students walk Mr.Keating is trying to tell them "BE YOURSELF THINK FOR YOURSELF!!" by giving them a chance to walk their own way that gave them a chance to do that.
-He might be thinking that that was insanely odd and could probably be wondering what Keating was doing

Jimmy said...

mr feating stands on his desk to remind them that they must look at things from a different perspective. Welton academy says you have to use textbooks. Hes teaching them that everyone does the same things differently. he must think that keating is crazy.

Hannah B-LRT 1/2 B said...

Mr.Keating stands on his desk to see life in a new perspective. This differs from what welton acadamy believes students should learn because welton acadamy believes the students should be learning about what a book tells you and this is telling you to look at life in new eyes and to expand your knowledge.

Phil D-12b said...

Mr. keating stands on his desk to teach the kids to look at things in a different perspective. Welton doesnt like this becaus they dont want the kids to think for themselves.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...
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Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

He wants kids to look at life from a different piont of view. He wants the kids to be different thatn everyone.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

To think for themselves. That they might not be learning enough.

grace Q78lrt said...

Mr.keating is trying to show the class to look at things differently and to not be ordinary.

ivanl said...

Mr. Keating stood on his desk to tell the studenst that you must always look at things with another angle. This differs from what welton teaches because Welton has the kids think for themselves. While Keating teaches a lesson, the administrator thinks that nothing should be new, and tradition is still the #1 thing

Nico A 5/6B said...

Welton Academy is all about turning each student into a well oiled machine. Mr. Keating, though, is teaching everybody how to be individual and thinks that they need to find a voice now. They just have different philosophies on who the kids need to be to succeed in life. Both of the lessons he teaches them involve never looking at things as they're given - be creative and unique and not like everybody else. I agree, because only people who are different have ever made it big.

Jake B-LRT-1/2B said...

Mr keating is trying to teach his student to speak for them selves. To not always litsen to others. Mr keating makes them walk on there desk because to see life in a new view.

Haley N- LRT 5/6B said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his students they must look at life from a different perspective. This lesson differs from what Welton Academy believes students should learn, because they believe that students should only be learning from what the books say. In the scene Mr. Keating is trying to show the students that everyone starts as an indivdual but eventually becomes like everyone else. When the administrator was obserbing this lesson he was disapproving it because he doesn't think that students should be able to think for themselves.

Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...

He stands on his desk to show people a different way of looking at things. The school wants them to go by the book and do learn things in an orginized way. He is trying to teach his students do go in there own paths and to be who they want. He might think it's a waste of time, but maybe he is trying to figure it out.

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

1. Mr keating stands on his desk because he was telling his students to look at the world from a different point of view. Welton academy thinks that the students need to look at things in one way not from different ways
2. He is teaching them to believe in yourself and to not just be like the rest of the people. he might be thinking he is running a military academy.

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

i think that he stands on his desk to see things from a different point of view.... he is trying to teach his students to think for themselves.

Han C-Lrt 5-6A said...

He stand on his desk to show a different prespective on poetry.
No teacher stands on their desk.
He tries to teach them about how to get themselves aligned into poetry.
The official thinks hes crazy.

Kate b said...

Mr. Keating believes that we should become individuals and stand out not blend in. vs. Welton Academy were they like tradition and disiplin any free spirited people. they are affraid of change, unlike Mr. Keating who inforces change.When Mr.keating stands on his desk he is making a point, a point to show the boys were they should stand, as an individual, and to become very independent, not depenent.

Anonymous said...

1.I think Mr. Keating stood on his desk to show the students they should look at things from different perspectives.
2.Welton Academy thinks they should what the books say.
3. He did that to tell them to think for themsleves.
4.He might be thinking that, thats not how i want them to be taught or thats not the traditional way.

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk because he wants to show the boys that there is a different way of seeing the world. This doesn't show discipline.
Later, Mr. Keating is teaching the students to swim the other way and be their own individual. The administer might be thinking that this way of teaching is wrong and that Mr. Keating is a bad teacher.

Anonymous said...

1) Mr. Keating stood on his desk to show the student that they should look at things in a different way from everyone else.
2) It's different because the school wants all the kids to come out the same.
3) Mr. Keating is showing his students that even though we all start out differently, we'll all end up coming together eventually.
4) The administrator probably doesn't like what he's doing and so he got a little mad..

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his students that they should look at things from different perspectives. This lesson differs from what Welton Academy believes students should learn because they believe that their students should be following the tradition of the book. Mr. Keating is trying to teach the boys that they are all individuals and they should be themselves. They shouldn't follow anyone elses ideas of what they think is right if it means for them to change who they are. They administrator probably thinks that the boys are goofing off.

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his students that they should look in a different point of view .
When Mr. Keating tells his students to do their own walk he is trying to teach them to be themselves and to not be afraid to show their personalities. When an administrator observed his lesson I thought he was disapproving of it because it was taking it too far.

Michael N-1/2A said...

Mr.Keating stands on his desk t look at life in a differnt view and the academy thinks that they should learn out of a book.

JustinN-LRT 7/8B said...

1. He stands on his desk to tech his students to view the world a different way.
2. It differs because Welton believes that they shouldn't be learning to think for themselves until college.
3. He is teaching them to do different things from everyone else. The person observing is think that he is crazy.

sherlock Homles said...

I think that Mr. Keating stands on his desk to show his students that they must always look at things from another perspective. This lesson differs from what Welton believes students should learn, because they believe that the students should learn what the book says, and nothing else. In the next scene, Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students that everyone starts as an individual, but eventually becomes just like eveyone else. The administator watching the lesson, is probably thinking that Mr. Keating is not a very adaquate teacher.

Bridget! said...

Mr. keating stands on his desk to view life in a new way. This differs from welton because they want the boys to be told what to do, and mr. keating wants them to think for themselves.

Mr. keating is trying to teach them to think for themselves. the administrator is probably mad that mr. keatings ways arent like the rest of the teachers.

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

He stands on his desk to get a different view at things. This shows that students should think for themselves.

This scene also shows that students should think for themselves. The administrator must be thinking "what is going on down there"

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk so that he may see the world from a different perspective. This lesson differs from the Welton Academy's point of veiw, because at Welton they pretty much want everyone to be the same and to see the world in the way they see it; while mr. Keating wants his students to see the wolrd from their own perspective, and not just someone else's.
Also, when Mr. Keating is telling his students to do a "walk" he is teaching them to all follow their owns pathes, and to be who they really are, and not what people expect, or want, them to be; to just be themsleves for the sake of themselves! When the administrator sees this act of teaching, I would guess that inside he is furious that this newcomer is teaching the students differently; but I bet that deep, deep down, he remembers when he to was once so free-spirited and rebelious as the students are now.

Amira K-LRT 5/6 A said...

Mr Keating stands on his desk to show everyone that they should always look at things from different perspectives.

When people saw him on his desk, they probably thought he wasnt a very good teacher, even though he was giving the students a good lesson.

Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

Mr.Keating stood on his desk to show his students to look at everything from a different perspective.
This is different from what Welton academy thinks because they think you should be uniformed right now and save being individual for later

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

1) to look at life differently.
2) he thinks they need to think for them selfs but welton doesnt
3) they need to think for them selfs
4) that they need to fire him for teaching out of the coriculum

Timmy E-LRT 5/6A said...

Mr keating stands on his desk because he wants his students to get a new prospective on life. Welton beleives students should all be like the same. He is teaching them that everyone does things their own way and that they should not be afraid to do things their was.

adamfarhat said...

he stands on his desk to show the boys how to look at things at a different perspective. Welton academy only cares about education and dicipline.

Again he teach his students to stick whith what they are comfertable doing.

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

Mr. Keating was trying to prove a point to the class by saying that everybody should have their on perspective of life.

Anonymous said...

Part 1
1. He wants to show the students that they should always look at things in a different perspective.
2. Welton Acadamy believes that students should learn from the textbook and that they are not "mature" enough to think in a different perspective or for themselves.

part 2
1. He is trying to teach the kids to march to their own beat.
2. He is probably thinking that Mr.Keating's way of teaching is wrong.

holly a-lrt7-8a said...

mr keating stands on his desk because he wants to teach his class a lesson of presenting something in a different way

Michaela G said...

i think mr.keating stnads on his desk party to show kids how to think for tehmselves and be different. Or maybe to show kids not to be afraid or looking t thiungs with a diffreent perspective.The lesson is different from Welton because Welton thinks the stuents should go by what teh book says and follow all the rules.I think Mr.Keating is showing the kids how to be their own person by doing their own walk. And he wants them to speak for themselves and not be judged or be afraid of anything.

Chip 5/6B said...

Mr. Keating stands on his desk to remind himself (and eventually others) to look at things in a different way. Welton Academy thinks the students should learn the lessons taught by teachers, then learn to think for themselves after they graduate.

Once again with the "walk" scene, Mr. Keating is trying to teach the students to think for themselves.


Sami's bloggerrrr! said...

Mr. Keating is trying to teach his students that you should try to look at things from different point in veiw. The acadamy thinks that all things should be done with the same way they've been doing it all alog. Not different ways.
That everyone is different and that is a good thing.
He i might think that Mr. Keating is not teaching the right way and that he is a bad teacher.

mel e. said...

the academy believes in the straight and narrow ( gack), but hes telling them to think unique & look at things differently. its different than anything they know, and they like it!!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry, i wsnt here for that part.

Tierra D. 7/8A said...

I think that Mr. Keating is trying to teach the students to thin for themselves and to view things differently! When the administoring is watching him 9I think he is wondering whether or not he made a good choice of hiring him!