Thursday, October 11, 2007

Extra Credit--Stage Fright Article

Read the article from your blue Fear Packet called, "Stage fright? Don't collapse--confront it." After reading the article comment on any three things from the article. It can relate to previous fear discussions we've had or something new.

This extra credit assignment is worth 3 bonus points.


Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

Know the Room: Be Familiar with the speaking area and get used to the microphone
Know the audiance: Greet some people before you speak. Its eiser to talk to friends then random people.
Know Your Material: If your not familiar with your material, or uncomfrotible, nerviousness will increase. Practice your speach to avoid it!

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

You should relax,know the room, and visualize yourself giving your speech.

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

There were three things from this artical that I found really interesting. First, was seeing that public speaking is the number one fear in America, just like we talked about in class. Second, was the fact that it is better to give speeches from an outline, because then it is easier to speak off of the audiences reactions, and you don't lose your place. Lastly, I found it interesting that if you confront your fear enough times, then you will eventually overcome it.

Aria S 7/8b said...

You should know where you are and what your doing and who your speaking to, all of this must come in a relaxed state.

ashley e said...

From the Fear Packet, I have to agree with Carly that I thought it was interesting that if you do something a number of times that you are afraid of, you will eventually get over that fear. Also, I thought that it was interesting when they talked about Americans being the most afraid of public speaking compared to people in Europe and Asia. Another thing is when they said you should feel the walls (to know the room), I thought that was very interesting!

Sophie N LRT 5/6b said...

Know the audaince: if you know them its easer to talk to them.
Know the room: get to be familiar with the room your going to be speaking in.
Know your material: practice your speach make sure that your know what your talking about.

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

1. I like how he used examples of famous people and their fears and how they fought them. I think it's so sad that two singers collapsed on stage because of stage fright.
2. 6 out of 8 Americans will say, "I need to improve my stage fright". 2 out of 8 in Europe will say that. Asians also don't have problems with speech. I found this interesting because the United States has the most problems with speech, just like in the top 10 list of things we are most afraid of.
3. I also thought it was interesting when Louw said, "Fear isn't dealt with throught techniques. You have to deal with your heart." This is a very interesting quotation because I always thought that giving a speech was delivered with technique.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

You should know the room and take a deep breath. Meet people before you speek so that your more comfotable.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

1 One thing that I found very interesting in this article is that America is much more afraid of public speaking that any other country. I can believe that because we are very caught up in self-appearance and what others think of us.
2. I think that reading of off an outline rather than a script is a really good tip for the future, because if you lose your place you are "sunk".
3. Another thing that I found interesting was that covering up your fears with little tricks and tips does not help you overcome your fear of public speaking or stage firght. That you have to face your fear repeatedly to overcome it.

Tara G-LRT 1/2 B said...

If you know your audience it is easier to relate and not be as nervous in front of them. You should relax. Like Hannah H said, we are more afraid of public speaking than other countries, we are extremely self-conscious.

Jimmy said...
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Jimmy said...

you should relax, know the room, and if you do somthing a number of times you will overcome that fear. PRACTICE TOO!

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

A lot of things in this articicle were very interesting, like how public speaking is the #1 fear in America. Another thing that was interesting was that it is good to use flashcards or an outline because it is easier to read and you dont loose your place. Lastly, another thig I found interesting is that you should relax and to practice your speech.

Phil D-12b said...

You should know where you are and what your doing and who your speaking to, all of this must come in a relaxed state.

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

You should know tat speaking is Americans nuber one fear. Tell yourself that you are a great speaker. You should know what you are taking about.

Griffin C-lrt5-6a said...

1)you should know the room that you are presenting the speech in.
2)know what you are talking about. be able to giove the speech without looking at papper.
3)know your audiance. get some fermiliar peope around to present.

James L. LRT 5/6 said...

1. Be Familiar with the speaking area and get used to the microphone

2. Greet some people before you speak. Its eiser to talk to friends then random people.

3. If your not familiar with your material, or uncomfrotible, nerviousness will increase.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

You should own the audience and embrace the room. You need to relax and become comfortable with the people. You should also know what you're talking about, understand it, be prepared.

Bridget! said...

You should relax, know the room and meet some people before you speak so its more comfortable.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

There were three things in this article that I found very interesting.
1. Was seeing that public speaking was the number one fear in America, just like we talked about in class.
2.6 out of 8 americans will say that they need to improve their stage freight. Only 2 out of 8 europeens need to.
3.I also think that reading off of an outline rather than a script is a good idea because of you lose your place on a script, you are in trouble.

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

just relax and be calm while you do it.

Ariel L said...

-don't delay things
-be careful when walking down stairs
-everyone makes mistakes
-people won't throw tomatoes at you, why would they have rotten vegetables in the first place?

Morganf said...

1. I thought it was very interesting that 6 out of 8 americans will say that they need fix their stage fright and 2 out of 8 Europeans will say the same thing.
2. Also, it said that public speaking is the number one fear in america. We already went over this fact in class but is it is still very surprising.
3. finally, I learned that before you speak, to help you overcome your stage fright it would help if you were in a calm and realxed mood.

Kate b said...

-agreed to do something and than tryed to push it off to the side because it was in aprill-1st thing, you never hold things off at the last minute(wow i am being hipacritacal!) if you give your self more time to think, do, and relax than you will be more perpared than hoping some asteroid might hit the Earth, believe me its safe to plain out your due dates!
-he goes down memory lane next, getting more anxious every memoir, first about himself and the stairs next about all these famous people getting stage fright and on top of that thining about how the news said that amercans were now voted #1 fear is stage fright-well, he shouldn't have got himself all scared by remembering things bad, instead if your nervous you should think about all the good things you or other people that matter to you have done that shall calm you down and let yourself gain confidence again.

-his friend Louw was making him kind of more nervous by telling him story's but than calmed him down by having a morall to it-this is a great thing to remember, if your ever scared or think your coming down with stage fright that you should always have a friend there with you so that they can help you and confert you, and besides no one wants to do this anlone.

Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

I learned that I should relax when I give a speech because thaey are easy.

Anonymous said...

Three things to do before and while giving a speech;
1.Know the room, so you feel better.
2.Be realaxed.
3.And visulize yourself giving the speech.

Anonymous said...

Know who your talking to because then it's alot easier to give the speech.
Relax and maybe practice it before you do the real thing because then you'll know what to do.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

You should know the room, know your material and know the audience. It's very important to do this in a relaxed state.

Anonymous said...

Before you go out on stage talk to some people who are going to be in the audience. Then when you get up on stage taake deep braaths and relax.

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

1.The author realizes that he is like everyone else and has stage fright.
2. You should really visualize yourself up there before giving the speech.
3. practice, practice,practice and don't procrastinate.

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

One thing from the acticle was that you should familiar with the room by touching the walls untill you "own" the room. A second thing is to take a nice, long walk the night before the speech if you can't seem to fall asleep. Lastly, a third thing from the article was that to practice public speaking, during rush-hour ask people what time it is; it can really help!

Jana G-LRT 1/2B said...

I think that you should know where you are located, and be aware of your surroundings, you should know what u are talking about even if you do have something to read of off of, and you should know who you are speaking to.

Amira K-LRT 5/6 A said...

You should know your surroundings, and it helps a lot if you know the people as well, because if you make a mistake, they laugh with you instead of at you.

Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

You should try to relax,know the room, and visualize yourself giving your speech.

Brady D 7/8A said...

to do well you need to relax, you need to see yourself giving the speech in your head, don't rely on looking at the paper you should know it by heart

holly a-lrt7-8a said...

before giving a speech, some good tips is to relax, take deep breaths and maybe stretch.

Anonymous said...

Before the speech you should relax. You should also know the material and your surroundings.

steven D LRT 5/6b said...

you could practice with your friends or family. the key thing is to practic,practic,practice!!!
if you know everything realy well then you won't have to worry(as much) about screwing up

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

before you do your speech, take a deep breath and relax. visualize yourself giving your speech and have confidence in yourself.

mel e. said...

mantras & zen( relax)
confidence- know ur stuff inside out.
know the room- maybe the mike sqeaks when u wear earrings, so take them out. knowing these things will give you so much less to worry abt later!

taylor u. said...

you should take some deep breaths and stresh if you can before you go on stage. also just to relax and think that everyone makes mistakes and think of the good things that would turn out about what your about to do.