Monday, October 1, 2007

Parent Persuasive Speech Results

You should have completed your Parent Persuasive Speech. Please share your experience:
  1. What did you ask for?
  2. What was the best reason you provided?
  3. Did your parent(s) say Yes, No, Maybe, Later, or something else?
  4. What was the reason(s) for their answer?
  5. Was this a good activity? Why or why not?


Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

I asked for a sport court. My parent said No. I didn't get it. This was a good activity because I got to practice giving a speech

ashley e said...

I asked to switch phone companies and get a new cell phone. The best reason I provided was that we have had to pay a lot of money for something we didn't even have on our cell phones. My mom said yes. The reason for her answer was yes, because she was very frustrated with the phone company. I thought that this was a good activity, because it taught us how to communicate better.

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

I asked my parents if I could have a puppy and I got one!!!!!!!!!!!

Tara G-LRT 1/2 B said...

I asked to go to China with my mom. The best reason I provided was that I want to learn about their culture. My mom said YES! The reason for my mom's answer was that my persuasive speech was very good. I think this was a good activity because we got what we wanted and we learned a little bit about persuasive speaking in an easy way.

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

I asked for contacts. My best reason was that I can't play sports or dance with out my glasses falling off. MY parents said later next year. They told me I had to wait to get contacts just like my brother. This was a good activity because I could ask for something and they had to listen to me.

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

oops srry, My best reason was that I told my parents I was going to be responsible.

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

I asked my parents for a T.V. in my room so that I wouldn't annoy my mom as much. They said no because it cost too much money. This was a good activity because it helped us practice speeches.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

I asked for a trampoline. The best reason provided was that I could practice my dance moves on it. My parents didn't really say an answer.
They didn't really say and answer because they didn't know what answer to say. Yes, because its homework, but its asking what you want at the same time!

mike m-lrt 1/2 B said...

1. I asked for an Ipod
2. The best reason I provided was that Ipods are more portable than CDs.
3. My parents said maybe later because their tight on money.
4. I think this was a good activity because it helped me with public speaking.

Hannah B-LRT 1/2 B said...

i asked for a new snowboard or skiis. The best reason was that we are getting a season pass to highlands and if i rent skiis or a snowboard it will just add up to bying new equipment anyways. My parents said yes. i liked this activity because we got to persuade our parents for something that we want for homework.

Jake B-LRT-1/2B said...

i asked for packer vs viking tickets at lambeau. There answer was maybe and so probably not, but there is a chance.

Phil D-12b said...

In my speech, i asked for a TV in my room. They said no. They didn't really have any ressons, they just said NO. This was a good activity because we got to work on giving a speech.

Kathleen O said...

I asked for a laptop. The best reason I had was that I could use it to get homework done when we go on vacation and I miss a few days of school. My mom said maybe. She said is was a really big thing to ask for. I thought it was a pretty good activity because it was a good way to get my mom's attention on something I wanted and she had to listen to me!

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

i asked for the new addition to be my room. my best reason was so i would have more room to work on homework in. Even though they said that it was a good speech they said no. they said that they needed the room to be a hallway and a bathroom insted of my room. i think it was a good activity and i think i wopuld have gotten it if i would have asked for something els.

Jana G-LRT 1/2B said...

i asked for a snowboard, and the best reason was that it would keep me determined to get good grades in school, because if i get bad ones then it wil be taken away. they said yes, and i liked this activity because i got to practice my speaking skills...........

sara M-LRT 1/2B said...

What I asked for was a Season Pass to Hylands. The best reason was it would save us money. And they said yes! I liked it because I got what I requested. I LOVE JONAS BROTHERS!!!!!!

Chip 5/6B said...

1. I asked for a new iPod.
2. My best reason is that the battery lasted for thirty minutes.
3. My parents said yes.
4. I think this was a good activity because we practiced giving a speech, and some people got what they asked for.

Maddie D said...

1. I asked for a laptop computer.

2. My best reason was that it would be easier to complete my homework in the silence of my own room without the commotion going on.

3. My parents said maybe if I set some goals for my hockey season this year. They said it would help me organize my thoughts...the computer.

4. They said it would cost them a lot of money and it isn't a priority right now.

5.This was a great activity because it helped my get what I wanted and also it taught me how to communicate with people in an orderly fashion.

James L. LRT 5/6 said...

I asked for a Mac. my best reason was that the pc was always taken, but my parents said no. We don't have the money, they said. So I said I would pay for half. still no. I enjoyed this activity because we were able to get the floor and get a chance to ask.

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

1. new ipod nano
2. because i am responsible
4.they dont know yet
5.yea because it was fun...

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I asked for a puppy.
2. My best reason was that it would teach me responsibility to love and care for a pet.
3. My parents said probably for christmas if my grades stay up.
4. I thought this was a good activity because I got to practice speaking in front of other people and I'm probably getting a puppy!!

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

1.)I asked for computor drawing software.
2.)The best reason I provided was how I can learn from the tecnological experince of animating on the compuror.
3.)They acctualy said yes! Well, at least well look into it! They liked how I would be able to learn from it!
4.)This was a great acctivity! I was really shocked at their answer, I thought it would be a 'If you can afford it, AND its appropriate, then yes.'

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I asked for a T.V. in my room.
2. The best reason I provided was that I am responsible.
3. My parents said no.
4. The resons for their answers was because they said it will rot my brain.
5. This was a good activity because it taught us how to be persuasive.

Haley N- LRT 5/6B said...

1. I asked for a new digital camera.
2. The best reason I provided was that it wasn't up to date with other technology and its bulky.
3. My parents said maybe.
4. They don't know yet.
5. This was a good idea because it helps us practice our speeches. It's also a good activity because we get to ask for things we'd like to have and they have to listen.

Ivan L-LRT 5/6B said...

1. I asked for a wii.
2. My best reason was that it was the cheapest 7th generation gaming system there.
3. My parents said sure.
4. This was a good activity because i got to practice speaking, and i had to overcome fear.

Anonymous said...

I asked for them to help me pay for a trip that i am going on this summer that costs 1400 dollars. My best reason was that I would have more time to do my home work witch would help the quality of the work being done. They said yes. This was a very good activity that really said alot about the unit

Morganf said...

Hey Mr. Buckley

1. I asked for an iPhone
2. The best reason i provided was that it would fot my needs very well
3. There answer was "wait till christmas"
4.They said that they didnt want to buy something so expensive for no reason
5. I thought this activity was okay. It was a good opportunity to ask your parents for something you reazlly want.


Jimmy said...

1.I asked for a music phone.
2. i wanted one because i broke my ipod.
3.I was told no because it was a waste of money!
4 .it was a bad activity because i didn't get what i wanted.

Joey said...

I asked for a laptop. The best reason I had was that it was my birthday. My parents said no. They didn't think I needed a laptop. It was kind of fun because we got to ask our parents for anything.

Jenny W said...

1. I asked for (a family) trip to Europe

2. My mom thought the best reason I provided was quality time with the family. I believed that the key information was that it would be educational and enjoyable.

3. I didn't get a direct response, i would say that it may happen if we can find a good time and inexpensive airline tickets.

4.I thought this was a good activity because we worked on our speaking skills and it was important to us, so we could get what we asked for!

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

1. I asked to be paid for babysitting my siblings.
2. My best reason was that I'd have more cash on hand, so I wouldn't be asking my parents for money all the time, and I'd have more money to buy gifts for them.
3. My parents said that they would think about it.
4. They thought I had a very purswasive speech(and they wanted my to not ask them for money anymore and they wanted me to buy more gifts for them).
5. I thought this was a good activity because I think I'm going to get something that I want while practicing my speech making skills.

Anonymous said...

1. I asked for a new flat-screen T.V. for our basement.

2.The best reason I provided was that our old television in our basement is broken and cannot be fixed so we need a new television.

3. Well, it turns out that our T.V. can be fixed so we do not need a new one.

4. They didn't want to spend money on a new television if the original one can be fixed.

5. Yes, it shows us a way to ask for something that probably has a better outcome than just begging for it.

Sami's bloggerrrr! said...

1. A Macbook.
2. I would use it for homework.
3. My parents said "Not right now." and i kept on asking and then they said "We'll think about it."
4. Becuase they thought i would just use it as another way to talk to my frineds and get on the internet.
5. I thought this was a great activity, my parents really enjoyed it, they listened to what i had to say, and they were more likly to say yes because of the words i used.

sherlock Homles said...

1. i ask my parents if i can get a new computetr.2.that my old compute3tr took was really slow and parents said parents thought if i got a new computer that i would get my work done much faster.5.yes 6. yes because i got whati was aski9ng for.

tijani z LRT 5/6b said...

i asked for more money for my allowence. i said that i would do more work around the house and that it would be kess stressful for them because they wouldn't have to do as much. but they said no. my reasons were good but they just would not give me more moneyyes this was a good idea for an idea because it gives kids a chance to get something they want.

Nico A 5/6B said...

I asked for a Wii. Not only because it would cure a new but potentially dangerous disease called Wii-osis that I'd recently aquired, but my best reason was that I would learn valuble life lessons about earning and spending money. I didn't actually really want one, so all my parents said afterward was "Good job." I liked this activity and thought it was well thought out, because it used a lot of the elements that we learned in the communication unit - and we got to get something we wanted. Mostly the second reason. Overall, it was really fun.

Sophie N LRT 5/6b said...

1. I asked for a horse.
2. The best reason i provided was I may want to train my own horses/teach lessons.
3. Mabey, they want me to get an A on my ss test.
4. This was a good activivty becausewe got to practice giving a speech.

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

I asked for a season pass to Hylands. The best reason I provided was that I wouldn't have to pay every time I went with a season pass. My mom said probably, but she has to think about it. It was a good activity because I got to practice giving a speech.

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

I asked for an allowance. My best reason was I will not be annoying asking for money anymore. My parents said no. They said that they knew I would ask for money even if I had an allowance. I think that this was a good activity because it gave us an excuse to ask for something we really wanted.

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

I asked for a new Ipod. The best reason I provided was that I would use it when I run. My parents didn't really comment on whether or not I would get it or not. This was a good activity because it was kind of like the first step to giving a speech: giving one to your parents

Aria S 7/8b said...

I asked for an Xbox360 and they didn't answer the question. i dont really have an opinion on the activity cause it was just another HW assignment right?

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

I asked for Ugg boots. The best reason I provided was that mine were too small. My parents said yes because they agree that they are too small and necessary. This was a good activity because it really worked!

Steve P-LRT 7/8B said...

I asked for an Iphone. My parnts said no. I think they didnt let me get it because its a lot of money. It was a good activity because you got to practice public speaking.

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

I asked for an ipod and my best reason was that I loved music. My parents never answered because It hink they didn't care.This was a good activity beacause it was fun and a learning experience

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

i asked for a juicy couture charm bracelet. The best reason i gave was because lately i've been saving up my money for big things and don't want to spend it on small things like this. My mom said yes and we bought it that same day :]
My mom said that i would have to pay half of it but she was impressed with my reasoning. I think it was a good activity because now i know how to get things i reallyyy want!!

McKenzie L said...

I asked for a cell phone. the best reason that I provided was because when I am at sports and there is no phone availible, I have to use someone elses phone. My parents didn't really give me an answer. I thought that this was a good activity because its a good practice about your speech skills.

T Moor said...

I asked if we could rent Halo 3 until the one we had ordered arrived.
The best reason i provided was that i was getting good grades.
my parents said yes. i think that this is a good activity for people to learn how to be persuasive but it didn't really help me because i'm always persuading my parents to do stuff for me.

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

I asked for my teeth to be proffesionaly whitened. The best reason that I provived was that it whitens more and stays white longer than whitening strips. I gave the speech to my dad, and he said that he didn't know, and that he wanted to talk to my mom. He says this to everything i ask for. This was a good activity because it gave me a chance to come up with good arguments, and they had to listen to you.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

1. I asked for a pool
2. The best reason that i provided was that our backyard was big enough so why not?
3. My parents said yes (that is to a little blow up pool)
4. Their reason was that they didn't want to clean it and its alot of money
5. I think that this was a good activity but it made me sad that i couldn't get a pool :(

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

I asked my parents for a new cell phone. My best reason was that my old one was starting to fall apart, and it might not work when I really needed it. My parents said yes, because they thought that I posed a very insightful argument. I think this was a good activity, because it taught us how to ask for something in a mature and reasonable way.

Sam W-LRT 7/8B said...

I asked for an Xbox 360, my best reason was that I was so responsible that I could handle it. My parents kept telling me to ask them later, I dont know why they kept telling me to ask them later considering it was homework. I thought that this activity was good because not only did I get to say why I am so great but also I got to ask for something super cool.

JustinN-LRT 7/8B said...

In my parent persuasive speech, I asked to stay up later. The answer, sadly, was no. I thought that the best reason i gave was that it would give me more time to do any unfinished homework. My parents said no because I am a very bad morning person and they thought that staying later was a very bad thing. I thought that it was a good activity because it helped me work on my public speaking.

bretts-lrt 7/8b said...

I asked my dad to buy an icecream shoppe but my dad didn't really answer he just filled out the sheet. My best reason was problably when i said i could work there and it would teach me responsibility. I guess this activity was fine and it was 25 easy points.

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

In the activity, I asked for my parets to move the downstairs TV into my room. The best reason I provided, was that hten I could keep quite when they had friends over or just wanted me out of their hair! Unfortanitly though, they said no. They said this, because they thought that if I had the TV in my room, it would take away from our time as a familly. I thought this was a good activity, because as Mr. Buckley said "It gives us a way to ask for something we want, and our parents HAVE to listen! It also helped to improve our communication skills.

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

i asked for a new computer.the best reason was that my computer is parents said maybe next yearbecause she doesn't want me to do my homework all day.this was a good activity because i got to practice giving a speech.

EmmaC-LRT 7/8 B said...

I asked for a new digital camera. The best reason I gave was that I could use my own money for other things. My parents didn't really give an answer. I though it was a good activity because I learned how to give a persuasive speech.

Jackson K1/2A said...

I asked for a laptop. I said that it could help me complete my homework faster so I could get it in on time. My parents said no. They didn't think I need one and that sharing the computer in the basement is fine. I think it was a good activity because I got to ask for something i wanted and the had to listen.

Camille P 5/6B said...

I asked my dad to buy and rent out a house. I said that we could make a good profit. He said maybe because he has to look into it more. I like the activity because we got to try to get something we wanted.


Joe N-1/2 A said...

I asked for a laptop. My parents said when I was older, they might get me one. They said I wouldn't use it enough. It was a good activity because i got to practice giving a speech.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

I asked for a new cell phone. My best reason provided was that I am very responsible with high value items. My parents said that i would most likely get one for christmas if I kept up the good work (they thought it was weird to get me a new phone randomly). I thought this was a great activity because we were able to ask for something that we wanted, using very persuavsive skills.

Edie O. said...

1. I asked for an iphone.
2. the best reason was that I would use it a lot
3. they didn't answer, which probobly means no.
4. they think i'll want a newer phone a few months after
5. it was good because i practiced giving a speech. but it was bad because my parents were annoyed that i am so obsessed with getting an iphone.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

I asked for a new tennis racket. My best reason was that my brother, Ben, always takes my racket. My parents didn't really say anything, I think I'm getting a new tennis racket though :D They didn't answer :/ Yes, this was a good activity because it helped me practice my persuasive skills and my speaking skills!

Jacob K-LRT 1/2 A said...

I asked for a mom despises those because they're too noisy so she gave me a clear no, even though my speech was pretty good.

Erik N-1/2 A said...

1. I asked for a dog.
2. That it would make me happier at home
3. They said I made a good speech, kind of ignored my request...
4. It was a good activity because we learned how to persuade people to do things the way we want

Grant M-1/2 A said...

I asked for an Xbox 360, the best reason I provided to receive this item was that it would be fun for the whole family My parents said maybe. The reason they said no is because they didn't think I would have enough time to use it at all. This was a very fun activity because it gave me a chance to ask my parents for something.

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

1. i asked for a new cell phone
2. the best reason i provided was that my phone doesnt work sometimes
3. maybe, they had to think about it
4. i think it was a good activity because now my parents are considering it insted of not really careing since i already have a phone

Jacob K-LRT 1/2 A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ariel L said...

I asked for them to pay for half a laptop. The best reason I provided is that the computer in my room totally sucks. My dad said maybe. He didn't have a reason for his answer. This was not a good activity because I said so.

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

I asked for the dress manikin from Pottery Barn Teen. My best reason was for me to be able to express my creativity. My parents didn't really say anything. I think it might be a maybe, but they didn't give a real answer. I don't know why they did or didn't say I could have the manikin. I thought this activity was ok, because it showed you how to prepare a persuasive speech.

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

I actually switched my speech from asking for a cellphone to asking for texting back. My best reason was because texting is faster than talking: if you need to go somewhere fast, you can send a message and go. My parents said no right after I finished my speech, but my mom said that she would think about it. I think they thought that if I got my texting back, I would go way over my allowed number like last time. I thought this was a really good activity because it gave us more practice with writing and delivering speeches.

Michaela G said...

1. Sidekick
2. I could go on the internet and not use my home computer. And it wouldnt be as likely to cause porblems on our computer because I would only use it for school perposes.
3. They said they would think about it. They arent 100% for it because I would be on it a lot.
4. I think it was a good activity because it gives us a good oprotunity to work on our speech and communatication skills.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

I asked for an allowence. The best reason I gave was, I would start saving up money for a 1993 convertable for my first car. My parents havn't said anything yet, but hopefully it will be yes! This activity was great because we got to practice talking infront of an audience. And we also got to ask for something that we've wanted for a while. :-D

Renee J said...

1. I asked for a raise in my allowance.
2.My best reason was that my parents would save money by just giving me a monthly allowance instead of just handing out money.
3. My parents said that they would think about it and let me know later.
4. They said that because they were busy and needed time to make their decision.
5.I think this was a good activity because it helped me practice proving a point.

Michael N-1/2A said...

I asked for a tv in my room. The best reason i provided was that it was for entertainment. My parents said yes. The reason they said yes was that they were ganna get a new tv in their room and i could have their old one. this was a good activity since I could ask for somthing and they would listen.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

I asked for more TV time. The best reason I provided was that I ride the bus 2:30 to 3:00 hours a day, and I need to relax.My parents said yes, and gave me 1 hour longer than what it is now. They said yes, because they noticed that I wanted it so they said yes. Yes, this was a good activity, because my mom said a lot of advice for doing this stuff.


Go Colts!!!

Lift (britta) said...

My speech results
1) I asked to go on a shrt vacation to an unknown destination for a few days to take a break from school.
2) the best reason I provided was that I work really hard at school and I get really stressed out, so I sometimes need a break from the overwhelming work for health reasons.
3)My parents did not respond, but they will eventually.
4)(no answer, no reason)
5)I think this was a good activity because we got to practice giving a speech which will come in handy someday. Also, I had to learn how to focus while giving my speech because my dad kept making faces while I was talking but then my mom caught him and he had to stop...


Jeff s said...

1. i asked for more money for doing my household jobs,
2. so i would not run out of money and ask for more
3. maybe
4. because i get paid enough
5. yes i thought it showed me to persuade someone better.

Tom G said...

I asked for a laptop. The best reason i gave was that i would get better grades> my parents said no< it was too expensive> this was a good activity because it taught me how to make a good presentation to get my parents to buyme stuff> ps the period button is broken if i press it > shows up

The Donald said...

i asked for a new computor. they said maybe.i liked it because i'm not very good at speechs, so it gave me a chance to practice.

Anonymous said...

1.I asked for an allowance.
2.My best reason was that I wouldn't have to ask for money when I go out with my friends.
3. My mom was already thinking about it so se said I'll think about it.
4.She said she agreed with me and didn't always have the cash in her purse to give for me so than she would have to go to the ATM and it would just make it easier.
5. I think this activity was a good idea because it gave us a sence in what we're gonna have to do in the future for example if we are asking for a raise when we have jobs it will help us with our speach we will present to our boss.

The Donald said...

i asked for a new computor. they said maybe.i liked it because i'm not very good at speechs, so it gave me a chance to practice.

Han C-Lrt 5-6A said...

I asked for a cell phone
That it would be bennificial to me and my parents
They needed to check out all the cell phone types
Yes because it was fun and we got to make our parents listen to us

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for an Xbox 360, and the best reason I provided was that the PS2 no longer has games being made for it. My parents said maybe later, and they didnt give any reason for their answer. I think that this was a good activity, because you got to ask your parents for something.

Timmy E-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for a cell phone. The best reason I could think of is that I might be that i could get in an emergancy and I need to get a hold of someone. My parents said no. They said that I did not need one at my age. The activity was kinda pointless because my parents my parents did not chanve their mind.

Jacksonc said...

1 I asked for new golf shoes
2 My best reason was my golf shoes right now are too small
3 My parents said yes, because my mother hates my golf shoes right now.
4 This was a good activity because it allowed us to learn how to give a speech to other people.

wally said...

i asked for a WII. my parents said maybe later. i thought this was good activity because i might have a chance on gettign a wii now.

Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

I asked for a game table for our basement. The best reason I got was that it was for the family.
my mom said maybe. This activity was good because I got to practice giving a speech.

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for a lab top cumputer from my parents. My parents said that we could look into and maybe invest in one so we could get another one in a few years. The best reason I gave to them was that my brother and I had troble desiding which one got the computer. I hope I get one soon.

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

I asked for a bigger allowance.
That they barely ever even payed the one I have now.
They said no.
That I needed to do something to earn my allowance.
Yes, it taught me how to better communicate what I want.

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for a cell phone. The best reason I provided was that I could contact them anytime that I need to. They said no...:-( They said that I wasn't "ready." I liked the activity other then the rejection that I got.

Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for a puppy. The best reason I had was that it would me home with me when I'm home alone, and it would guard the house. My parents said maybe. I liked this homework because it was kind of fun.

Amira K-LRT 5/6 A said...

I asked to fly down to Florida during MEA weekend and spend a couple weeks living with my brother and sister in law. My mom said yes...and my dad said I'm not sure if i can go or not :(

Griffin C-lrt5-6a said...

Hey Mr buckley!
For my parent persvasvie speech i saked for a mac book!hte best reason that i provided was that here were to many people that are needindin to use the comuputer ate the same time and if i had one then it would be less of a hassle!though my speech was very perswasive, my parents did say no:(
they didnt say yes becuase they didnt want ot spend the money. I thought that this was a very good activities because it will help us if we really want something in the futre.
~Griffin Chin

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for a tower connected to my room. My parents said maybe. The best reason was that we could all use it. I liked it.

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for a laptop computer.
My best reason was because someone is always on our family computer and my sister got one in 8th grade.
They said maybe at christmas time, so thats pretty much a yes. I thought this was a good activity because it taught us how to communicate better.

crystal said...

I ask my parents for anew cell phone.The best reason was i was going to use the phone emergency porpose only.My parents said yes I can get anew phone next week.They said that i really do need anew phone.This was a good activity because it help me get a new phone.

Tierra D. 7/8A said...

I asked for a digital camera. The best reason I provided was that if I got one I would get more use out of the pictures. Yes. They thought that I made a good point and that my speech was well thought out. I think this is a good activity because it helps teahc you the fundamentals of speech writing and presenting them.

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

I asked for a new cell phone and to switch cell phone companies. The best reason I provided was that my phone calls people by itself, therefore making the phone bill go up, so my parents would have to pay more money. My parents said maybe later. The reason for that was that my phone still works most of the time and they said that I don't need a new one yet. I think this is a good activity because it helps teach you how to give a persuasive speech.

taylor u. said...

i asked for a puppy. my parents said maybe later. i thought it was a very good activity cause i got to work on my speech and i might get a puppy!

michael j said...

i asked for a wii,the best reason was that it was mom thought that we got assigned a object to reaches so she didn't take me she said no. it would have been a good activety if my mom took me surouisly.

Brady D 7/8A said...

I asked for an Xbox 360. It can keep me at home and out of trouble. My mom said later. they never have a reason for anything. Yes it showed me that by writing a essay to my parents asking what ;i want they respec the effort and i have a better chance.


Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...

I asked for the new iPod nano. That i would try harder in school. My parents said maybe... i think my dad is going to get it early and surprise me though. I thought this activity was good, because now i have a higher chance of getting a new iPod.

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

I asked for a computer in my room and they said yes because they agreed that my sisters did use the computer 24/7 and they also agreed because it is not enough time to do homewrok o a cumputer without my sister bothering me all the time.

Z E V R A said...

I asked for allowance. My parents said maybe. The best reason I had was that then I could save up for all the other stuff i want/need (because i dont have time to babysit or anything). they dont know yet. This was a good thing to do for HW because we could ask for something that we wanted, and we would sound better asking for it.

Kate b said...

My experience with my parent persuasive speach was not very hard, i think i'll ask for more.............just kidding!

it was weird and akward...but after awhile it kinda worked...


Ellen!! said...

Hey Mr. Buckley!!
I asked to bring a friend on spring break. My best reason I provided was that my sister is going to be with her friends in Greece while we are in Mexico, and I would have no one to truely hang out with. My parents told me "we can talk about it some other time Ellen". They said because we were having a party when I asked. I enjoyed this activity because it involves buying stuff!

Maggie W! said...

Hey Mr. Buckley!!
1. I asked for A fashion Maniquin.
2. my best reason was that it would halp me getready faster in the morning, becasue i could put my clothes on it
3. my parents said, "mabey for christmas Maggie"
4.the reson for there answer was it was expensive so it would be a good christmas present
5. it was a good activity because my parents really concidered it, and it showed me that pursuasion is an art form.

mel e. said...

i asked to redesign our would make our basement fun to hang out in.she said yes! weve been wanting to do this for a while now.yes, bc it gave me a new project.

Anonymous said...

i asked my parents if i could do O.D.P in the summer and they said yes. It was a good experience cause it helped me learn that they are ok with me doing O.D.P!

Emily said...

I asked for a MySpace. The best reason I provided was that it would allow me to socialize with all my friends and not feel left out. My parents said maybe later because you're technically suposed to be 18 to have one. I think that this was a good activity because let us practice giving a speech without having to do it for the whole class. It also allowed us to ask for something we wanted and work on giving good reasons for why we should have it.

steven D LRT 5/6b said...

1)i asked for a halo 3 set that comes with, a xbox360, halo3, 2 controlers, and a master chief helmet.
2)i think the best reason that i gave was that me and my brother could do something to geather and FINALY! get along.
3)my parents said "will see depending on your actions.
4)i think it was good because it made your parents listen to something that made it get what you wanted. also it was 25 easy points.
( ) ( )
( l l )
(") (")bunny!

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for a season pass to Buck Hill. The best reason that I provided was that I could get better at snowboarding and get better for when my family goes to Copper Mountain in February. My parents said maybe because it was really late and because they needed to think about it. This was a good activity because it helped me learn to communicate what I want.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

I asked for a hottub. The best reason that I provided was that the whole family could use it, even them. When I asked them, they said probably but in the summer. I thought that this was a pretty good activity because my parents had to listen to me when I asked for what I wanted.

thomas m-lrt 5/6b said...

I asked for a new puppy my best reason I provided was that so my dog Louie would not be bored when we where gone and chew up the pillows! anyway my mom said yes my dad was out of town so I could not ask him. the reason for my moms answer was that she actually had wanted a puppy for a long time now. I thought this was a good activity because i might get a new puppy out of it.

abd said...

i ask for a phone and the best reason was to do my homework on. yes because i don't have to ask them to do my homework on there computer

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

1. i asked for my own room
2. i would be able to have privacy
3. no
4. she said there was no reason to (yeah right)
5. no because i dont see how it helped with talkin infront of people because i talk to my parents all the time

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

I asked for a laptop. The best reason I gave was when I need to go on the computer and when someone else needs to go on the computer I can use my laptop and the other person can go on the computer. My parent said something else. They asked how many of my friends have laptops. This was a good activity because it was a good first step to getting in front of people and giving a speech.

Kaitlin C. LRT 5/6B said...

I asked for a newer cell phone. A reason was because my phone is an older phone and my phone is not working as well as when I first got it. My parents said yes.

Svea!!! said...

I asked for dating rights :) The best reason I provided was that I need experience for the future. My mom said no. Her reason was that I don't need experience with guys untill I'm older. I thought this was a good activity because it made us think of things we want, and good techniques on how to get it.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

I asked for more time for fun on the weekends. The best reason I provided was I'd feel more confident. The answer was 'maybe'. I thought it was a good activity because it got me thinking about what I really want and it gave me time to spend with my family.

Phil D-12b said...

i asked for a TV in my room. they said no. some of my reasons were that i wouldnt have to bug them when i wanted to watch TV and they were watching it already. this activity was a good practice for giving speeches.

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said... was good practice for me too ask for things from my parents

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

1. i asked for a computer.
2. the best reason was that my sisters use the computer all the time.
3.they said maybe.
4. maybe because i need better grades before we get another computer
5. it was good because they would have said no if i did not have reasons for getting another computer.

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

I asked for a new phone. My parents said maybe later because mine works. I thought that this activity was good because I got to practice public speaking.

Anonymous said...

1.I asked for a puppy.
2.The best reason I provided was that it would keep my other dog company when we are gone at school.
3.And they said maybe but more like a no. They said that because we already have a dog and they dont want another one.
4.Yes I think it was a good activity. It helps us prepare for the unit.

David F.lrt7/8A said...

I asked my parents if I could play basketball fortwenty minutes after school each day. they said I could as soon as Cross Country seasonis over.

Anonymous said...

I asked to do ODP (Olympic Developmental Program) in the summer. My parents said yes. This was a good activity because it helped us know what to bring up in arguments that might help.

Bridget! said...

I asked for singing lessons. My parents said yes because they thought it was a good idea. this was a good activity because it helped students speek up and say what they want.

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

1) my own room
2) that i needed my own privacy
4) i dont need it
5) yes, because it gave us a chance at getting something we wanted

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

1. to get my texting back.
2. if i keep my grades up yes.
3. if i keep my grades up.
4. yes.
5. because we got to have the chance to ask for something we wanted in a way that your parents might say yes.

adamfarhat said...

i asked for new golf clubs. It was the time for it now. they said not now. to much money. I liked it because it helped our persuasive skills.

holly a-lrt7-8a said...

i asked for a dog because our family is boring and we all need something new..perhaps a pet! and my mom said MAYBE and i liked this activity!

Maddie M-LRT 5/6A said...

i asked for a new ipod because i always buy songs on my phone and it costs monthly to pay for it so i said that if i were to get an ipod it would be one payment and the giftcards are a good present instead of an even more expensive present for a birthday or christmas.he said that he might get me one for christmas. and i liked it!!!

crystal said...

I ask for a new cell phone.The best reason was i will very responsible.and they said yes.they said i'm getting older in relly do need anew cell phone.I think this was a good activity because instead of coming up asking for anew phone they i did a out line that help out even morre

mel e. said...

to redo our gross basement. to make it a cool place to hang out- and comfy.YES!!!!!!!im planning it now.

taylor u. said...

i asked for a puppy. my parents said yes! my reason for getting a new puppy was because our other dog just died. i thought this was a good activity cause i got to practice my speech and i got a new puppy!