Monday, October 8, 2007

Dead Poets' Society--YAWP & Fear

Mr. Keating asked all students to write and recite a poem for class. Todd's fear compelled him to throw away the poem he wrote and lie to Mr. Keating, saying that he did not write a poem.

  1. Todd experienced fear during this activity. Do you think he tried to stay and deal with his fear (fight) or run from it (flight)? Explain.
  2. What physical fear reactions do you think Todd may have experienced during this activity?
  3. Do you think this experience has helped Todd totally conquer his fear of speaking in front of others? Why or why not?


Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

I think that Todd tried to run from his fear of public speaking. I think this because, he doesn't even try. He thinks that he will get off the hook just because he did not bring his poem. I think that Todd probably experienced every phisical reaction there is when he was up in front of the class. I don't think that this experience totaly helped him conquer his fear, because after being embarrassed in front of his classmates, I think that he is even more self conscious.

Ellen!! said...

I think that Todd was trying to hide from his issue, because he lied to his teacher and to his peers. Todd tries to hide that he has done his poem so that he will not have to face his fear of public speaking. When Todd was in front of the class he experienced his face burning up & his heart racing. I think from the activity that he conquered his fear of public speaking. Even though it may have helped him I still beleive that he will still be frightened by speaking in front of a group.

Natalie B-LRT 5/6A said...

I think Todd was going to try and run but Mr. Keating made him stay and make one up. I think Todd was really scared but after people clapped for him he felt better. I think that this helped Todd conquer most of his fear of speking but he's probably still a little nervous about it.

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

i think that todd was trying to hide his problem because he lied to his classmates and to his teacher. This eventually will help todd overcome his fear of public speaking.. but not right away.

Leah S-LRT 1/2B said...

I think that at first he just wanted to go back to his seat and sit down. Then once Mr. Keating had him start making up a poem on the spot, he decided to stay and fight his fear. I think that his heart was pounding, he was studering, and he was shaking. I dont know if it totaly fixed his fear, but i think that it definelily helped helped him.

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

I think Todd tried to run from his fear but Mr. Keatings made him stay and fight it. I think probably felt self consience and stupid and weird when he was doing this activity. I think this experience definetly helped him gain confidence but I don't think that he conquered his fear totally.

Svea!!! said...

I think that in this situation Todd decided to chicken out and not deal with his fear. I think his because Todd didn't even bring a poem to class the day it was due. During this activity I think Todd felt a sense of embarresment and obvioulsy fear. I also think that this activity helped Todd conquer part of his fear but not the whole thing. It showed him that his peers would not criticize him for speaking in front of the class, this helped made him more self confident.

Emily said...

I think that Todd wanted to and would have ran away, but Mr. Keating sort of made him stay and fight. He first "ran" by throwing away his poem because he didn't want to read it for the class.He also was really uncomfortable and wanted to "run" back to his seat when Mr. Keating had him in front of the class. I think that Todd was breathing heavely, his heart was pounding, he was nervous, and was sweating. I don't think that this activity completely conquered his fear, but it helped a little. He is most likely still afraid because that was embarrassing to him and also conquering a fear takes a while not just one little thing. I do think it helped a little though because anytime you get through a fear it breaks down a little part of a large wall that you have built up.

Steve P-LRT 7/8B said...

I think Todd did NOT try to stay and deal with his fear. Instead, he said he didnt writa a poem at all.
I think that Todd probably got sweaty and his heart started to race.
I dont think he totally conquered his fear but it probably helped by showing him that people dont think he has stupid ideas, espescially when they clapped for him.

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

I think that Todd definitly chose to not deal with his fear. He chose to flight instead of fight. He told Mr. Keating that he didn't have his poem so that he wouldn't have to read it in front of the class. His physical reactions were his face getting red, which means his face was feeling hot, and you could probably tell that his heart was pounding because he was very nervous in front of the class. I think this experience has somewhat helped Todd to speak in front of others. I don't think that it has helped him completely, though, because his fear was already big to start out, and Mr. Keating only cured it a little bit with his excercise.

Caroline W-1/2 A said...

I think Todd tried to run from his fear, because he lied about not doing his peom, and wanted to sit back down after having to get up infront of the class. I think Todd was experiencing physical symtoms of fear like: nevousness, heart pounding, gets red/warm all over. Getting up infront of the class may have helped Todd conquer his fear but not completley. It will have to take a little more to do that.

Julia H-LRT 5/6A said...

1. I think that he tryed to run away for his fear but Mr. Keating didn't let him.
2.He was probably sweating and had butterflies but other then that I have no idea.
3.No i think that he is close to conquering his fear but notquite yet. He needs more reasons to be shure of himself.

Morganf said...

I think Mr. Keating pushed him to stay and fight his fear but if todd had a choice he probally would have run from it.(flight)
I think Todd expierienced almost every possible fear reaction.
I think this expierience has not totally gotten rid of his fear but it told him that he can beat it and fight his fear.

McKenzie L said...

1) I think that Todd tried to run away from his fears because he was trying to get it over with as fast as he could but then he ended up facing it. I think that the physical fear reactions that he faced were blushing very red and thinking that no one would like what he would say. I think that it helped Todd conquer his fear but not all of it because there is always some fear still there and it takes many times just to conquer something.

Samie B-LRT 5/6a said...

I think Todd tried to run away from his fear. When Mr.Keating told him give a yawp he did after a few tries then went to sit down after.
He got red and he was fumbling through with bhis words everytime he would speak.
I think this helped Todd conquer his fear because he actually recited a poem he made up from his mind and when he was done the boys in his class were clapping which I think made him feel better.

Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Todd tried to run away because he wrote a poem but lied that he didn't so he wouldn't have to read it. I think Todd encountered pretty much all of the physical fears. I don't think this experience helped Todd conquer his fear because he was embarassed infront of his peers and is now probably even more scared to speak infront of his peers.

Mike H-LRT 1/2B said...

I think he tried to run from his fear. He was very nervous in front of the class. I think this activity helped todd conquer part of his fear of speaking in front of others. I don't think he conquered it completely

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

I think he ran away because he felt he was going to make a fool of himself. I also think that he thinks that if he doesn't do the homework he gets off the hook and doesn't have to do it. He is just not able to trust in himself wich he should.

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

I think that Todd wanted to flight but fighted because he stayed up there but kept on trying to go back to his chair. I think Todd had butterflies and other reactions. I think that this experience help Todd a little but not completly because he still does not read in front of the DPS.

Kimberly L-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Todd likes to run away from fears because he always has. He really just needs to calm down and face his fears. I think that this has helped him a lot with his fear and he might accually get over the fear.

T Moor said...

i think Todd ran away because he thought he wouldn't have to read in front of the class if he didn't have his poem so he didn't write a poem in hopes of not having to present anything.
I think todd got nervous and it looked like he started to blush.
i don't think it completely helped because after doing that....thing in front of the class he might be worried of what the other students will think of him now.

Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

I think he ran away from his fear because he didn't bring his poem because he thought he wouldn't have to read anytrhing that way. He was probably sweating and had butterflies in his stomach. I think it helped him with public speaking because he finally did it and now he'll be more confident.

Micaela C-LRT 7/8B said...

I think that at first he tried to run away. He felt a lot of fear about being in front of the class and reading a poem that he wrote. Then, I think, that he subconciously figured out that this was just something he needed to do. I think he experienced a lot of physical reactions to his fear. I also think that this experience did help him. It was the first step in conquering his fear, the next step being speaking in front of the class without needing someone to force him.

Patrick S-LRT-5/6B said...

I think at first Todd wanted to go back to his seat but Mr.Keating wouldent let him but then Todd got more comfortable speeking. Todd expereanced embaresment when everyone was laughing at him but then felt proud of himself at the end. This experience helped Todd with his fear but he dident conquer it, he needs more practice speeking out loud.

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

I think Todd tryed to run away from the fear by not reciteing the poem to the class. The physical reactions that Todd may have experianced are hot all over, blushing, and maybe even butterflies. This experiance may have helped Todd conquer his fear alittle bit but not compleatly. He most likely is affraid of reading aloud too, which this activity didn't help.

Sarah S-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Todd wanted to run back to his seat, but Mr. Keating made him stay at the front of the class and after making up a poem on the spot he felt much better and conquered a little part of his fear. Todd's face was a little red and he was stuttering a little bit. I don't think that he totally conquered his fear, but he is working his way up to it.

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

1. I think that Todd tried to run away from his fear because of his uncertainty of himself. He thought he would make a fool out of himself by reciting the poem he had written but then torn up.
2. I thought that some of the physical reactions that Todd was having from his fear was his face buring and blushing and his heart beating faster.
3. I also beleive that this experience helped Todd with his public speaking because he realized that he had finally conquered his #1 fear and that the class had actually liked what he said.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

I think that he tried to run away from his fear because he lied, and told everybody that he didn't do his assignment just so that he wouldn't have to present it in front of the class. He experienced many physical fears like embarrasment and getting all red faced. I think that this expirience helped him totally conquer his fear, but it helped.

Joey said...

Todd ran from his fear. He didn't confront his fear and recite a poem. He was to afraid. Todd probably got hot and had butterflies in his stomach. This didn't help Todd totally conquer his fear. He still needs to speak in front of people more often to conquer his fear.

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

I think that Todd tried to run away from his fear because he just says that he didn't write a poem. He probably was feeling some physical reactions like his heart beating faster or his face getting hotter. I think that this did help overcome his fear a litte, but not completely. I think this because if he thought about what happened, he made up a poem in front of the class. Nothing scary happened after, everybody clapped for him. I don't think that his fear would be totally gone because it takes more than just one successful attempt to get over such a big fear.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

I think Todd try to run away but Mr. Keating made him stay and fight his fear. Todd's fysical reactions were, he was short of breath, and his face go red and warm. I think this activity helped Todd deal with some, but not all of his fear of speaking in front of a crowd. I think it takes a really big experience to change someone's fears.

thomas m-lrt 5/6b said...

Todd tried to run away from his fear because he did not feel comfortable reciting his poem to the class. His physical reactions are he gets red in the face sweaty and he is shaking. I think it helped Todd a little because he saw that it could be fun and easy to make stuff up and recite it.

mike m-lrt 1/2 B said...

I think he tried to stay and deal with his fear in the end, because he ended up making his own poem right in front of the class. I think this helped him speak in front of others because he could yell YAWP without caring by the end of the scene.

michael j said...

1. Todd tried to run band said he didn't make a poem.
2.yes his face turned all red
3. no because he still doesn't speak in the dead poets society.

Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

He tried to get away from his fear of speaking because he does not try.He thinks he is off the hook.
I think he felt many symptoms of fear and he did not conquer his fear.

Katybeth B-1/2 A said...

I think that Todd ran from his fear. He wouldn't read the poem in front of the class even though he wrote one. He said that he didn't do the assignment.

Todd was turning read and his heart was probably racing. I think this activity helped Todd conquer his fear because he no longer had to worry about what people thought when he spoke in front of them. All of his classmates clapped for him.

Jeff s said...

1. i think that todd chose to run (flight) instead of reading his poem (fight).
2. to me he looked like he was sweating and his face was extremly red
3. this helped todd get closer to coquer his fear of public speaking

Jackson K1/2A said...

I think Todd tried to run away from his fear (flight), because even though he did write a poem, he threw it away so that he wouldn't have to read it in front of the class. I think that Todd probably experianced a lot of physical fear reactions like heart pounding, red face, and butterflys in the stomach. I don't think he totally conquered his fear because he has only done it once and will have to do attempt it more to gain more confidence in it.

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

I think that todd was trying to run from his fear of speaking in front of people.i think that todd probably had butterflies in his stomach from being so afraid of what people would think of him. I think that totally helped todd because he probably realized not to be embarassed since everyone ended up clapping for him.

Jacksonc said...

I think that Todd wanted to run,but was forced to stay and fight by Mr Keating. I think that Todd must have had butterflies in his stomach, and you could see that his cheeks were red. I believe that this helped Todd's fear somewhat,but it seems that Tood's fear is so deep that it can't be conquored by a simple exercise.

Grant M-1/2 A said...

I think that Todd tried to flee from this activity, I think this is because he is very afraid of what his other peers will think. I think that Todd showed very many physical reactions; he was sweating and it seemed like he was breathing a lot quicker. I think this experience helped Todd very much to conquer his fear.

Maddie M-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that todd tried to fun away from his fear because he is scared to speak in front of others.
Physical reactions that todd had was blushing, and his heart was probably at a much faster beat. I think that this might have helped a little because he recited a poem that he made up on the spot in front of his peers and the gave him an ovation after he finished.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

I don't think Todd tried to face his fear,because he prepared a poem, but he just threw it out. He thought he could get away with "forgetting" to make a poem. He used the flight technique, but it didn't help him. IF he had chosen to concur it,he would have read the poem to the class.I bet he was probably shaking a little bit, sweating and he might of been a little light-headed. I don't think this totally conquered his fear, but probably gave him a lot more confidence in himself. You can't completely conquer fear of public speaking, because every one gets nervous (at least a little) when in front of others.

Go Colts!!!

Thanks, Chris

Tom G said...

I think Todd originally tried to fight it originally but then ripped up his poem and ran away, because he wrote a poem and then ripped it up. I think he experianced butterflies in stomach, sweating, twitching, and his heart rate going up. Yes i think Todd will be more confident because now he has experiance.

Anonymous said...

1. I think that Todd was trying to run from his fear because he lied about not having his assignment when he just threw it away.

2. I think that when Todd was up infront of the class he experienced the fear of his face burning up and his heart rushing.

3. I think from the activity that he conquered his fear of speaking in front of a group. But although it helped him i still think he will still be a little afraid of speaking in front of a group.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

Todd was very frightened by this assignement, and he ran from his fear. Instead of reading the poem he had written, Todd threw it away, and in turn was faced with a much more fearful experience.

I think Todd experienced many differents reactions to his fear,such as buterflies in his stomach, blushing, feeling very nervous, etc. I believe that this experience has not completly cured Todd of all of his fears about speaking in front of others. He will need to practice this skill more, otherwise it will never be a comfortable position for him.

Peter slrt-5/6A said...

I think he tried to run from his fear. He might have had a red face, and butterflies in his stomach. I think this has been a step forward in helping Todd and his fear of public speaking, because after people clapped he probably wasn't as embarrassed.

bakr j-LRT 5/6 A said...

Todd just run from it.Todd was breathing heavy infront of the class.yes ti teach todd a lession because the teacher brought him up to speak in front of the class and that made him thing it's easy now to speak in front of a class.

Ariel L said...

1. I think Todd stayed to deal with his fear because he still tries to do well in front of the class.
2. Todd may have experienced heart beating fast and increased perspiration. just a random guess.
3. I still think Todd has a fear of speaking in front of others because it usually takes more than one time to conquer a fear.

ashley e said...

I think that Todd tried to run from his fear. He maybe thought that if he didn't write a poem, then he wouldn't have to speak in front of the class. I think that Todd's fear reactions were getting sweaty, blushing, and stuttering. I think that it helped with his fear, but it didn't completely get rid of his fear, because he may now be more self-confident after making a really good poem and speaking it in front of the class.

Z E V R A said...

Todd tried to run away by not writing a poem to present to the class. Then he HAD to 'fight' because Mr. Keating made hime YAWP. He looked like he was breathing hard, and he was embarrassed. He probably had butterflies, too. He might have half way conquered his fear, but I don't think he's totally over it.

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Todd trie to run away from his fear (flight)because he said that he didn't have a poem. Some physical reactions that Todd had were blushing and palms sweaty. I think this activity helped Todd, but it did not help him totally conquer his fear because he is probably still really nervous.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

I think Todd tried to run away but Mr.Keating stopped him and made him stay in front of the class. He ends up writing a poem on the spot.

Some physical fears Todd may have experienced might be his heart beating faster, his hands getting sweaty, and wanting to run away. I do not think this experience helped Todd TOTALLY conquer his fears but I do think it helped some what.

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

I think that Todd tried to run away from his fear (flight). I think this because he was scared of reciting the poem, so he threw it away hoping that he wouldn't have to recite a poem. Some physical reactions that Todd might have had would have been sinking stomach feeling, being light-headed, and him getting warm. I don't think that Todd's experience helped him conquer his fear because he was really scared when Mr. Keating made him come up in front of the class. Also, after his experience, he still wouldn't read the poems in the Dead Poet's Society meetings.

Joe N-1/2 A said...

I think Todd chose to run away from his fear (flight). I think that because he chose to throw away the poem he had instead of read it to the class. Todd probably had an increase in perspiration, and his heart was racing.This activity helped him because Mr. Keating made him stay up in front of the class. He ended up saying a poem without even realizing it.

Renee J said...

1. I think that Todd tried to run from his fear. He didn't want to go in front of the class.
2. I think he expierienced fear reactions durring this. His heart started racing and he probably felt all warm.
3. I don't think that Todd really conquered his fear yet.

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

Todd tried to run away from his fear because he lied to Mr. Keating telling him he didn't have a poem. He may have had sweaty hands, feeling light headed, warm all over. I think it helped him conquer his fear because he spoke in front of the class and they clapped.

Aria S 7/8b said...

He tried to run, but Mr.Keating made him fight it. Physical reactions are sweating shaking and going red in the face. i think it helped him very little, because he was still afraid of public speaking.

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

1. I think that at first he tried to run away from his fear when he didn't turn in his poem. But I think that he tried to help conquer his fear at least a little bit when he was describing the picture on the wall.
2. I think that he did experience physical fear reactions like his face was all red and he was short of breath.
3. I think that it did help him with his fear but I think that he will be just a little less self conscious about it.

Anonymous said...

1. I think that todd tried to run away from his fear because he did not even write the poem and he was afraid to yawp in front of the class.
2. I think he was sweating, heart beating faster, palms sweaty, and face turning red.
3.No I think it just showed him that people will not laugh at him for showing his ideas. I did help him beging the path to conquering his fear.

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

He took flight by not wrighting a poem and when he tried to
'Get away eaisly.'
I think he was sweaty and he stuttered, and blushed.
No, well not fully. He was dragged up agenst his will and it was hard for him, but he did slightly overcome it when closed his eyes and said what came to him.

Brady D 7/8A said...

1. I think he tried to deal with his fear and in the end he made up a great poem.
2. He was sweating and not talking very loud at first but he did get into it.
3. I don't think he ha totally concorred it but he is on a good path because you can't overcome a fear that easily.

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

I think that Todd tried to run from his fear. I think this because he doesn't even make an attempt at speaking to the class, he just tries to get out of it.
Physical reactions I noticed were shaking and he got all red.
No, I don't think it helped Todd conquer his fear. Although he did it, everyone was laughing and he thought that it was at him.

Kaitlin C. LRT 5/6B said...

I think that Todd ran from his fear because he threw away his poem and lied. I think his pysical fear reactions were that his heart was beating fast, he was shaking, and he got very flushed.

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

i think he tried to run from his fear by pretending he did not write a poem.
he reacted by turning red and shaking and not really being able to speak even.
no it didn't totally help him but it made him realize that he is ok and nothing bad really happens when he talks in front of others.

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

I think that he ran from his fear because he didn't even try or anyting. He experienced physical fear. I don't think that this experience helped him conquer his fear, because he was embarrassed in front of his classmates

Camille P 5/6B said...

Todd tried to run from his fear because he doesn't even want to try. He expirienced sweating and his heart was probably pounding. This probably helped him conquer his fear because he actually had to face it.

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

I think that Todd tried to run from his fear, but Mr. Keating forced him to stay and deal with it. I think that Todd experienced many of the physical fear reactions during this activity including a red face and getting sweaty. I think that this experience moved him toward conquering his fear (but didn't completely conquer it) because everyone applauded him but he was still embarassed.

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

1. i think that todd ran away from his fear in the beginning but towards the end of the class he read a poem to the class because Mr. Keating pushed him to face his fear.

2. todd's face turned very red and he was sweating and fiddling with his hands alot.

3. i think that mr. keating definitely helped todd overcome his fear of public speaking because he encouraged him and pushed him to be his best.

Sam W-LRT 7/8B said...

I think that Todd tried to run away but over all i think he conquered it after the expeirience of closing his eyes with Mr. Keating. I think his physical reactions were shaking, maybe sweating, and blushing.

Kathleen O said...

1. I do think Todd experienced fear during the activity. I think Todd tried to run from it(flight) because he was trying to go back to his seat and Mr. Keating encouraged him to stay.
2. Some physical fear reactions that Todd experienced were that his face got all red, and he looked a little sweaty.
3. I don't think this helped Todd totally conquer his fear of speaking in front of people, but i do think that it gave him a little more courage to try it again.

Maria S-LRT 1/2B said...

I think Todd Tried to run away from his fear.
Todd started to sweat. I think that this might have helped him not be so afraid to talk infront of the class. I don't think it totally changed todd.

lucas-bjorlie-5-6B said...

i think todd ran from his fear by thinking that if he didnt bring his poem he wouldent have to speak in front of the class.this expeirence helped better understand the reason of standing in front of others. to give your opinon.

Jimmy said...

he ran away from his fear because he didn't write a poem. todd may have gotten red in the face. it helped todd conquer his fear alittle bit.because he is still scared of speaking in front of a group.

Griffin C-lrt5-6a said...

I think that he stayed and delt with his fear, he didnt gopt back and sit down at his desk, he stayed.
it has helped him cus at the end of the movie he spoke out!

Hannah B-LRT 1/2 B said...

i think Todd tried to run from his fear. Todd might have experienced increased persperation and butterflies. I think this experience didnt TOTALLY help Todd conquer his fear of speaking in front of others because you can improve and get better at something and feel more relaxed but still experience fear.

Phil D-12b said...

i think that todd was trying to hide his problem because he lied to his classmates and to his teacher. This eventually will help todd overcome his fear of public speaking.. but not right away.

Kali K LRT 5/6B said...

I think Todd tried to run from his fear because in class he didn't write a poem because it was required to read to the class. He didn't want to have to read to the class. I think Todd experienced sweating and heart beating faster, difficulty breathing. I think it partially helped him conquer his fear, not totally. He still seemed a bit reluctant afterwards, yet later in the film, at the final scene he stands on his desk and speaks up.

Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

Yes. I think he fighted it because in the movie he showed that he wa confident enough to speak up. Sweatiness and blushing. Not totally, but alot because everyone has a little bit of fear.

grace Q78lrt said...

I think that Todd tryed to hide the fact that he doesn't like speaking infront of others and he thought if he said he didn't do the homework that he would just get out of speaking infront of the class.

Nico A 5/6B said...

I think that first he chose flight by not doing the assignment at all and staying safe. But Mr. Keating can't let him do that, because he's trying to teach the class about using their inner voice and that's what Todd was afraid of, so he helped him stay and fight. He felt all the normal reactions that made him uncomfortable - sweating, shaking, stuttering, and that stuff - but he thought it was telling him to get out of there. The experience has helped him realize himself immensly, but he still has a ways top go.

ivanl said...

I think that Todd tried to run away from his fears. I think this helped conquer a little bit, because in the end, he stood up for Mr. Keating, which is a very big deal.

Anonymous said...

I think that he tried to run away from his fears because he did not try. He might have experienced sweating and butterflies. I do not think this experience has helped him very much because it shows us he still cannot do it on his own.

Jake B-LRT-1/2B said...

Ihink TOdd fan from his fear of talking in front of people and still should have read it. He lied to his fellow friends.

Haley N- LRT 5/6B said...

1. I think that Todd tried to run away from his fear of public speaking. I think this because he though that not bringing in a poem was going to get him off the hook.

2. When Todd got up in front of the class he experienced his face to get very red, and his heart racing.

3. I think that this activity helped Todd conquer his fear, but I still think that when he speaks in front of groups he will still be a little frightened.

Susan D-LRT 7/8A said...

He ran from it, because he did not show any effert at all to share a poem. He looked really scared and his face was very red. He also looked a little shaky. Not totally, but i think it really helped, because now the class and him are more use to him speeking.

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

i do not think that he tried to deal with his fear but he just stayed up there because mr. keating told him too. he because all red in the face and he was shaking a little bit. i don't think it helped him completely conquer his fear but maybe a little.

Tryg V-LRT 5/6B said...

I think he tried to run from his fear. He was very nervous in front of the class. I think this activity helped todd conquer part of his fear of speaking in front of others. I don't think he conquered it completely

Kate b said...

I think that Todd decided to (flight) run away from his fear because he lied about his paper so that he couldn't read and face his fear, but instead run away.
Todd experienced fear and than because he never faced it he is still afraid, and he will always will be unless he concerds that fear.

Anonymous said...

1. When he got assigned to do it, he ranaway. But when mr. Keating pushed him he confronted his fear.
2.I think Todd may have expierened persperation and shakyness.
3.I do think it help Todd over come his fear of speeching in front of people.

Anonymous said...

1) At first during the scene, he tried to run away from it but then he saw that it wasn't so bad and he stayed.
2) Some reactions he probably had were not wanting to talk and also getting a little sweatier than normal.
3) This didn't help him conquer his fear completely..but it helped.

Michael N-1/2A said...

I think that Todd ran from his fear but Mr.Keating made him go up infront of the class and make up a poem there and that helped him.

Han C-Lrt 5-6A said...

Todd did try to run from his fear of public speaking. He was nervous and didn't even want to try. I think this just convinced him a bit about speaking in public.

balkis a LRT 7/8 said...

I think that Todd was trying to run away from his fear, because he lied about writing his poem, so that he will not have to face his fear of public speaking.
I think that Todd probably experienced every phisical reaction there is when he was up in front of the class. I don't think that this experience helped him conquer his fear, because after being embarrassed in front of his classmates, I think that he is even more self conscious.

JustinN-LRT 7/8B said...

1. He decided to run becuase he is scared to talk infront of the class.
2. Todd was studdering and sweating and probally had butterflies.
3. No because he is only in front of the class for a minute and need practice to conquer fear.

sherlock Homles said...

I think Todd tried to run away from his fear. When Mr.Keating told him give a yawp he did after a few tries then went to sit down after.
He got red and he was fumbling through with bhis words everytime he would speak.
I think this helped Todd conquer his fear because he actually recited a poem he made up from his mind and when he was done the boys in his class were clapping which I think made him feel be

Bridget! said...

1. He tried to run from it, but ended up facing it when mr. keating told him to go up there with him and make one up with him.
2. i think he was sweating, his heart rate increased, and he was blushing.
3. i think it helped but it didnt totally conquer the fear altogether because that takes a little more time.

Mickey S-LRT 1/2B said...

Todd tried to run from his fear by throwing away his poem. He must have had butterflies in his stomach, sweaty palms and blushing. He didn't completly conquer his fear because he was still nervous later in the movie.

KirstineNN-lrt78B said...

1. I think that first Todd tried to run away from his fear, but at the end, I think he choose to (Or maybe slightly forced to by Mr, Keating!) stay and fight his fear!
2. I think that Todd experienced shaking and a loss of breath during the happenings. I also think that he may have had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that made him want to run far, far away!
3. I think that this experience helped Todd a lot, because then in the other happenings and scenes of the movie, he seemed to be much, much more confedent in speaking, and making bold, spontanious choices.

Ian AK-LRT 7/8 B said...

Todd tried to run from his fear said he didn't make a poemand his face turned red because he knew he was lieing and i think it will help him by joining the dead poets society becasue i think eventually he will face his fear

Lift (britta) said...

1)Todd didnt want to stay and deal with his fear, but he did anyway, and it benefitted him. I'm pretty sure he would rather have been sitting comfortably in his desk, but he knew he couldnt just go back and sit down. He unwilling-ly faced his fear head-on.
2)Todd was sweating, breathing hard, and his heart was probably beating fast.
3)I think this expeirience sort of helped Todd conquer his fear of speaking in front of others. I think he will be less fearful of public speaking because everyone thinks he did a good job and now he has a little more self-confidence.

Amira K-LRT 5/6 A said...

I think that todd was trying to run away from his fear, instead of facing it. Since he didn't write a poem, he assumes he wont have to present anything...but instead he ends up having to do something much more fearful, make something up on the spot in front of the whole class.

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

1) flight- because he did not right a poem for the class

2) blushing, stomach pains, dizzyness

3) no- because even though he ended up speaking aloud, he had his eyes closed so it doesnt look like you have an audience

Timmy E-LRT 5/6A said...

I think that Todd chose to run from his fear because he through away his poem. He experienced sweating palms and probalby butter flys. No because he just now knows that he is cappable of doing it he is proble still afraid.

Erik N-1/2 A said...

1. He fought his fear because he stood in front of the class and recited a poem.
2. He did not totally conquer his fear, he just worked another step forward towards it, he'll get better with more experience

adamfarhat said...

Flight, because he said that he did not do it as if he thinks he does not have to do it and it will go away. He was red and was sweating, he was also mumbling and shaking. I dont think it helped him totally with his fear.

Celine H-LRT 1/2B said...

I think that Todd didn't want to overcome his fear for public speaking. He was probablly embarassed! After Yawping in front of class he is probably even more self conscious

Michaela G said...

Todd chose fight. He was asked to come in frnt of the class and YAWP. And he did it even though he really didnt want to.I think Todd maybe had butterflies in his stomach or maybe he was sweating a little bit.Yes i think it helped him. Now he isnt afraid of talking in front of others.

Chip 5/6B said...

Todd fought his fear. Some pysical fear reactions he may have experienced could have been sweating, and nerveousness. Yes, this experience helped Todd conquer his fear of speaking in front of others.

Sami's bloggerrrr! said...

1. I think that Todd definitly chose to not deal with his fear. He chose to flight instead of fight. He told Mr. Keating that he didn't have his poem so that he wouldn't have to read it in front of the class.
2. he reacted by turning red and shaking and not really being able to speak even.
3. I do not think this experience helped Todd TOTALLY conquer his fears but I do think it helped some what.

mel e. said...

he fought! that ws a really cool poem.
he probably had clammy hands, butterflies, and thought he sounded like an idiot.
i think it very nearly helped him completly overcome his fear, if not showed him that he could speak something w/out sounding stupid.YAWP!!!!!!!!!!

Tierra D. 7/8A said...

I think that he tried to run away with it by pretending to not write a poem. I think he experienced sweaty palms and butterflies. I don't think he conquered it totally but i think it will help in the future!