Tuesday, February 26, 2008

3-2-1 Discussion of the Communication Theory Module

Now that the Communication Module is over, please take a few moments to complete a 3-2-1 discussion.
  • Give 3 putups--let me know what you found interesting, enjoyable, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Make 2 suggestions--let me know what I could do differently to make the module more interesting, fun, educational, worthwhile, etc.
  • Provide 1 rating--Rate the Communication Module on a scale of 1-4 (1=Loved It, 2=Liked It, 3=Didn't Like It, 4=Hated It). Explain your ranking.
Your comments help me understand what is good about the Communication Module and what I can do to make it better in the future. Thanks for your time and input.


David K (1/2 B) said...
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Erica said...
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Anonymous said...

3 things that I liked were:
~symbolism activity
~activity where we draw what one person says
~watching the TV shows

2 things he could do differently:
~Don't make kids do so much outside of school
~Make it a little more fun(not as big of packet)

1 rating is:
~2-3 it was fun sometimes, but other times, like working alone in the packet wasn't as great. It wasn't the best since we did stuff on our own. Communicating is usually with people.

wheremypancakes said...

One thing that I liked was watching Everybody Loves Raymond. Another thing that I enjoyed was watching the cheesy movie thing on communication. One last thing I liked was the test because I thought it was pretty easy.

A suggestion I would make is that we wouldn't have to do as many things in the packet. Another suggestion is that we would get to watch another Everybody Loves Raymond just for fun.

I would rate this a 2 because it was fun but there were some not so fun things that we had to do.

Unknown said...

1. a) I liked the "everybody loves raymond" tv show.
b) I liked the walking though the forest quiz.
c) I liked the cheesey communication movie.

2. a) I heard the Packer contests was realy fun. too bad we didnt get to do it.

b) More movies :-)

3 a) I rank it 2


3 putups are:
1. I liked watching I love Raymond.
2. I liked the symbolism activity.
3. I liked the activity where you gave us choices and it was almost like we were writing a story.

2 suggestions are:
1. Not do all of the reading in the packet in one day. It got really boring.
2. Watch the movie that we watched at the end, in the beggining so that it sort introduces the unit.

Overall, I rate this unit a 2.5

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

Three good things were... The sybolism activity, watching Everyone loves Raymond, and drawing.
Two suggestions would be to get rid of the packet and to do more activities.
I give this a 3

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

1) 3 things I liked about the communication module are the symbolysim activity, the tv show, and the communication videos.

2) 2 suggustions I have are there should be more activities like the symbolism activity to help us understand a little better, and there should be less reading, it was kind of confusing.

3) I give the communication theory module a 7 because it was ok, but I think it could be improved.

David K (1/2 B) said...

I liked the easy to follow packet.
I liked the communication videos.
I liked the activities we did.
I think we should not watch Everybody
Loves Raymond.
We should have played some communication games.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

1) What I found intresting was watching everybody loves raymond, I also like the walking through the woods activity and when we had to draw what somone was telling us and to see how it turned out.
2)Somthing that I think would make it more enjoyable would be not to show the corny video because i don't think it was really necessary and not very intresting.
3)My rating would be a 2 I liked it but could also be very boring at some points.

David K (1/2 B) said...

1. I liked watching t.v, i also enjoyes the symbolism activity and finally the drawing activity was very interesting.
2. We could of played a game about communication, and we could watch some more funny videos or other t.v shows.
3. I gave it a 2 because i found it very interesting.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

3 put-ups
1. Overall, the unit was pretty fun.
2. I liked the symbloism activity.
3. I also liked the activity where we took away the feedback from a conversation.
2 suggestions
1. You could add a little more variety, Mr. Buckley. A few of the classes are just the same thing over and over.
2. You could make the communication packet a little more interesting to read by either giving out less homework or making it more fun.
1 rating
1. I would give the Communication Module a 2. I thought most of it was interesting, but one or two of the classes were just really boring.

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...
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Erica said...

I liked:
1. Watching "Everybody Loves Raymond"
2. The symbolism activity.
3. The drawing/communication game.
1. You could maybe do more activities that involve communication.
2.We could watch another funny video about communication.
2 because it was really fun at times, but sometimes it could've been a little better

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

3 putups
I found the symbolism activity enjoyable. I liked the movies that we watched. I also liked the drawing activity.
2 suggestions
To make the module more fun you could play full videos.Also, you should talk about music sending messages to people too.
I give it a 2 because it was informative but I did not love it

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

1)A: One thing i liked is that it was fun
b: another thing i liked was that it was enjoyable.
C: last but not least is that some of the things we did were very funny.

2) A: One thing i really liked was watching everybody loves raymond.
B: one thing i did not like was the test on the bord that we did.

3) A: I think it was about a 2

sarsteffen said...

1) I enjoyed the symbols activty, the t v show in class and the chessy vidio

2) I do not think we should have had to watch t v at home or done so mush work in that one packet.

3) I would give this unit a 2.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

I liked when we watched Everybody Loves Ramond. I also liked the symbolism activivty and the get to know you questions that Mr. Buckley asked the class, (the forest thing). Two things I would suggest would be to get a different communication movie, (not the cheesy one), and to give out less homework. I would rate the communication unit a 2 because it was entertaining and educational.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

I enjoyed:
1. Watching 'Everybody Loves Raymond'
2. Taking the quiz (even though it was WAY off)
I was gone for the rest, but I have noticed that many people liked the symbolism activity.
1. More activities that makes US communicate to each other
2. Have a lot of 'hands on' activities

Brenda Palacios (1/2 B) said...

3.*I thought that the Communication unit was interesting because it gave me a better understanding of how we communicat with other people.
*I thought that the video was a little cheesey and old but still very educational.
*By leting us watch a tv show of our own made it worthwhile & fun!

2.*Maybe you should have your students watch a more recent video on communtication if you have one.
*I thought everything was fun so I don't think you should make any changes. {Well except the video.}

1.I think I would rate this communtication unit with a 2 because i really enjoyed it & it was fun!

Anonymous said...

I liked when mr.buckley yelled at a class to give an example of nonverbal and verbal communication. Another thing I liked was when we watched the cheesy video. Finally I liked when we had the people describe to us what we had to draw.
I think instead of watching everybody loves raymond we should watch Seinfeld. Second I think we should watch more videos. I would rate it a two because it was fun.

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

*One thing I found interesting was the fact that we got to learn different kinds of communication. I never knew what intrapersonal, Oral, or even Written communication was.
*Another thing is I loved how we had a packet that we carry around with us and study for the test.
*Last, is that my favorite part was watching the Raymond video.

*There were a few parts of the lesson that were boring, so a little more interesting
*Some of the video's where not really interesting..so pretty much just make it more interesting that's it.

3.I would rank it as a 2 (liked it)
because there were some days that I would have fun and then there were the days where i wanted to hurry up and get to the library so I had ups and downs everyday about how fun it was or wasn't

Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

1) the fbi-sos challenge
2) watching "everybody loves raymond"
3) the symbolism activity

1)more groupcommunication activities
2) watch other/more communication movies

1) i rate this unit a 2 because i thought it was boring, and it felt like we already know bout this stuff.

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

I liked getting to watch Everybody loves Raymond in school, the symbolisim activity, and the cheezey movie.

The packet was a slow read and having to do some of the packet out of school was not enjoyable.

I rate this unit a 2

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

1) I liked the symbolism activity a lot. Also, I thought the drawing activity was very interesting. Lastly, I really liked the videos that we watched about communication.
2) I think we should not focus on so many definitions of words in the packet. We should also do more interactive activites like the drawing activity.
3) I would rate it a 2 because some of the the videos and symbolism activities were fun, but the packet was not.

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

I liked watching Everybody loves Raymond, the symbolism activity, and the drawing.
2 suggestions are to have easier homework, and have better in class activities.
2, the activitys are fun sometimes and we always do exciting things.

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

I liked watching everybody loves ramond during class, the symbolism activity and drawing what 1 person says
I think that we could have not had as much homework and not spend as much time on the verbal nonverbal messages..etc.
I would rate this unit a 2-3 becasue working on the packet was boring.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

3 things I liked:
-watching the tv shows
-the phsycologic quiz
-the cheesy video

2 things that could have been better:
-do more stuff that apply the material to dailly life
-dont give us a big packet

my rating of it:
-2, I didn't really learn alot that I could apply to my life

NoviceLD said...

1. I liked the pshycology test, the picture drawing activity and the tv watching homework :)
2. Some of the videos were junk, and some of the assignments were really cumbersome, like some of the packet
3.2, It wasn't an exciting unit.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

3 Things I liked were watching "Everybody Loves Raymond", the symbolism activity and the cheesy video. 2 Things that could be better is a smaller packet and not have to watch a TV show outside of class. I would give it a 2 because ot was fun at times but boring at others.

Julia said...

Put Ups-
symbolism activity
draw what one person says
watching Everyone Loves Ramond

You could maybe do more activities that involve different types of communication.
Less reading in the packet

I would rate it a 2

Emma C said...

3.This unit was fun, interesting,and educational.
2.two suggestions are:a)try to make this more interesting.b)watch more fun videos.
1.I give this unit a 2 because it was fun but there is definatly room for improvment.

Chris M 5/6B said...

3 things i liked were
-symbolism activity
-watching the tv show
-drawing activity
2 things he could do different
-not as much reading
-make class more fun
1 rating
-2, class isnt that fun

Nick S. 5/6B said...

That Freudian Psycology thing was really cool, Watching everybody Loves Raymond in class was fun, and watching 'Its not what you say' wasfunny, 'cause it was so bad.

I say more Everybody love raymond days, and maybe some more TV show days, fun, and helps you.

On a scale of one to four, I'd say it was a 2,It wasn't like the most amzing unit in the history of schools, but pretty interesting.

rachaelc said...

Some things I liked~
Watching Everybody Loves Raymond
Watching It's Not What You Say
Watching The Machine Is Us(ing) us
Not so much homework
Maybe on Fridays have RIF days and we can sit by eachother!
I would rate 2-43 because its fun sometimes, but other times no.

Preston B said...

3 putups
1) watchin a tv show
2) the symbolism activity
3) drawing what the person said

2 suggestions
1) dont make kids do so much out side of school stuff
2) watch more movies

scale rating
i rate this class a 2

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

-the symbolism activity, it was very interesting.
-the packet it was easy to follow
-I enjoyed the t.v. show part because it showed communication in the real world.
- Some of the things in the packet we didn't do, i would take those things out. It would make it easier to follow
- I didn't like the drawing activity because i couldn't find a clear point.
-I would give it a 2 because some things i didn't like and some things i did.

Lindsey S said...

I enjoyed watching the TV shows, the woods activity, and the paper drawing thing.

I think that the homework should have been more fun and shorter. I also think that when we filled the packet in, it should have been more fun.

I think that I give the Communication Module a 3 cause it wasn't really that fun. I think there shoud have been a game or something that would have made it more interusting.

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

I enjoyed the symbol activity. I also enjoyed the raymond video stuff. I also liked the wierd videos.
You could add more hand on activitys. You should also add a quiz that shows peoples fears.
3 is the rate because it was okay.

kami h 7/8 b said...

3 putups - Learning that communication is mostly visual, watching the movie, and doing the activities.
2 suggestions - do more group activities, smaller packet
1 rating - 2 (Liked it)

Unknown said...

WEll,this unit was ok and 3 things i liked where the videos we wached as a class. the
2-the tv activity(Raymond)
3-the bloging
two things that could be different are
1-less homework
2-smaller blog questions
I give this lesson a 3

Fresa S. said...

3)the tv activity(Raymond),the symbolism activity, the drawing activity
2)less bloging homework,correcting the review sheet
1)I would rate it a 2. It was a fun unit but there are somethings that could have been better.

wes F. said...

3 things i liked were
- The thing were u did a close guess to what we were fealing
-watching the videos
-Symbolism thing

2 thing u could do better are
-do more stuff involving the mind because that was really cool.
-let us watch every body loves raymond mond more.

I rate this unit a 2.5 because it was kind of boaring besides the mind game u did were we had to write the paragraph and u told us what u thought was going on wiht our lives

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

3 Putups:
- Watching Everybody Loves Raymond.
- Listening Activity/ Drawing.
- Symbolism Activity.

2 Suggestions:
- More TV/Movie Activities.
- Less outside of school work.

I would rate the communication module about a 2 because it had some fun activities, but it was also kind of boring.

tomdelanaey7/8 B said...

3 things i liked were:
~symoblisim activity
~the one were you drew what the person said
~everybody love ramond

2 diffrent thing
~smaller packet
~more watch TV homwork

1 rating

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

1) the videos on Youtube
2) watching Everybody Loves Raymond
3) the symbolism activity

1) more involvement and less reading
2) not that many assignments on the computa and outsided of class, you know we have core classes that take up a lot of the time.

5) I think that the communication module is about a 3. We had a lot of reading in the big blue packjet, and i dont exactly like packets. heh. I didnt hate it because there were some fun parts to it. heh heh heh heh heh heh

Alexis L 7-8B said...

1) I thought the T.V. show was funny.
2) The physicology quiz was interesting.
3) The drawing game was enjoyable.
1)Maybe not as much reading. (the blue packet)
2)More games would make the module more interseting and interactive.
I would rate the Communication Module a 2 becuase most of what we participated in was interesting and educational.

Ashley S said...

- Watching Everybody Loves Raymond.
- Listening Activity/ Drawing.
- Symbolism Activity.
-You could do more activities that involve communication.
-Less reading in the packet
-2 to 3
i think it could have been more fun but it was an okay unit.

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

I liked the activity where we drew what people were describing, watching Everybody Loves Raymond, and your example of non-verbal communication.
I suggest that we dont have to the video. I also suggest that we do something other than the packet.
I would give the communication unit a 2 because it was good, but i lost interest towards the end.

Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

3 things I liked were:
1) I liked being able to watch " Everybody loves Raymond"
2) I thought the It's not what you say video was useful
3) I liked learning about communication overall

2 suggestond would be:
1) give us study time at the end of class to study what we did that day
2) also, watch "It's not what you say at thing start of the unit

I would give this unit a 2 because I got to learn more in depth about communication



Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

3 things I liked were:
1) I liked being able to watch " Everybody loves Raymond"
2) I thought the It's not what you say video was useful
3) I liked learning about communication overall

2 suggestond would be:
1) give us study time at the end of class to study what we did that day
2) also, watch "It's not what you say at thing start of the unit

I would give this unit a 2 because I got to learn more in depth about communication



Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

3 things that I enjoyed was
- The activity where we watched "Everybody Loves Raymond".
- Drawing what a person tells us.
- The cheesy communication video

2 suggestions:
- Not have such a big packet (Its a little overwhelming)
- Maybe do other activities that involve us learning about communication.

1. I would rate thihs unit a 2. I thought overall that it was fun and easy.

Alex S said...

Three things I liked:

*symbolism activity
*Watching TV for homework
*activity where you draw what a person tells you to

Two suggestions are:

*More interesting discussion topics
*less packet work


3, it was a very boring topic to me:)

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. I liked the symbolism activity, the drawing activity, and watching Everybody Loves Raymond.
2. Things that could be better is not so much work in the packet, and more activities that we could do in class.
3. I would rate the module as a 2 because it was fun, but I didn't love it.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

3 things that i liked were: the easy to follow packet, the symbloism activity, and watching the tv shows.
2 things that you could do to make it more fun is: do more group activites, and to not watch that corny video.
I think that it was a 2 because it was kind of fun watching tv.

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

3 things i liked were the symbolism activity, the machine is us/using us video, and watching everybody loves raymond
2 suggestions i could make were to make the packet more interesting or fun to do, and some more intersting discussions.
My rating of this unit would be a 2

Nateglewwe said...

The three things that I really liked about this unit were:

~Everyone Loves Ray
~copying someone's drawing by ear
~personality quiz

Two suggestions are:

~Little less HW
~More stuff like the 3 above things


~A 3. It's fun, but not "Uber Awesome"

That One Guy said...

3 things about the communication module:
1. The symbolism activity.
2. The drawing activity.
3. The packet.

2 suggestions:
1. Less homework.
2. No test.

Rating: 2.5

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

3 putups:
1. The drawing activity was fun.
2. The Everybody Loves Raymond episode
3. The test was pretty easy

2 suggestions:
1. We could have used less of the packet because it was pretty boring.
2. I think we could have skipped the cheesy video too because i didn't think it was that helpful.

I would rate it a 2 because I liked most things like the t.v. episode, but there was a lot of repetition

Kelli said...

3 putups: I like the videos because they provided alot of information without being too boring. I also like some of the activities we did.

2 Suggestions: 1. Watching more movies. 2. Not so big of a packet.

1 Rating: I would give the communication module a 2.5 because some of it was kind of boring, but I learned alot of information.

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

3 things I liked were-
The symbolism activity
The walking through forest quiz thing
and The everybody loves Raymond Show

2 Suggestions are--
Don't make kids do stuff out side of school on the packet
and More awesome movies

I would rate it a 2.5!

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

3 thing i liked about the communication module were:
*watching i love raymond
*the symbolism activity
*andthe packet. it was easy to study with

2 suggestions:
*not as much reading in the packet
*more activities like the symbolism activity!

i rate this unit a...
2 (some parts were fun and some were not as fun)

Nora said...

Three things I found interesting were when we drew what a person told us, watching Everybody loves Raymond, and watching a t.v. show for homework. I would suggest making the packet smaller, and not giving so much information that's pretty obvious already. On a scale of 1-4, I would give the Communication Module a 2.5. It was okay, but it didn't seem like I learned all that much.

shanti said...

i like this class because its a class where i can sit back and relax. i think we should do more partner work that would make things a little mor interesting. i think the communication module was a 2 for me. it was a good project i just think if we could do things with partners it would be more fun like if we example with a person and expierience the different communication expieriences

XOXO said...

Three things that I liked were:
*Watching the t.v shows and writing about verbal, vocal, and nonverbal things that happened.
*That one quiz where we answered questions and MR.Buckley could tell our personality from it.
*The activity where we draw something that another person is trying to describe.

*Don't assign us as many things to do in the packet at home.
*Don't make us read one whole passage in class, it's really boring.

*I would say it was a 3. I found this Module really boring.

sam r said...

3. I liked the sybolism activity, the drawing activity and watching TV shows for homework. They were fun acivities.

2. I think giving more blog entries would be good for homework. I like blog entries they're fun.

1. I would rate it a 3 i didn't like it too much but it was ok.

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

Mr.Buckley you did a great job with the communication module! I liked all the activities!
You shouldn't change anything!
I give the communication module a 4

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

1. 3 Things i liked were: Watching TV shows, Sybolism activity, and the pretty easy test.

2.Not do all of the reading in the packet in one day, and watch a movie at the end.

3. My rating is 2. It wasn't extremely fun but it was still amusing.

mackenzie kelley said...

three things i liked where
~activity where we drew what one person said
~watching the tv shows
~the homework
2 things you could do better would be
~not do all the reding in the pacet in one day
~faster computers
one rating of this unit would be
~4 it was very interesting and informational

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

3 things i liked:
the sybolism activity
watching everybody loves raymond
the activity where we had to draw what the person described.
2 things I didn't like:
that cheesy movie I didn't find it informative at all
I didn't like reading out of the packet.
1 rating is:
2-3 I didn't hate it but i didn't love it either.

Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...
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Max F (LRT 5/6B) said...

three things that I liked:
* when we tryed to draw what someone else was discribing to us
*watching Everybody loves Raymond
*watching the "in plain Engalish videos

two things that could have been different:
*not having to do as much homework
*not having to do a packet on it.

the rating I give the unit:
*3, because it does have some not fun parts, but overall it was a good unit.

Uzi M. said...

Some things I liked~
Watching Everybody Loves Raymond
Watching It's Not What You Say
Watching The Machine Is Us(ing) us
Not so much homework
Maybe on Fridays have RIF days and we can sit by eachother!
I would rate 2-43 because its fun sometimes, but other times no.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Three things i liked:
the symbolism activity,the drawing activity, and whatchingg stuff..

2 suggestions:
not to have such a long packet and having to write alot, and probably watch a different TV show than everyone loves raymound..


Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

Three things i liked:
the symbolism activity,the drawing activity, and whatchingg stuff..

2 suggestions:
not to have such a long packet and having to write alot, and probably watch a different TV show than everyone loves raymound..


james m said...

1. Three things I found enjoyable or helpful in the Communication module were all the videos, it got the point out well. Another thing was the symbolism activity, that was fun. A third and final thing I liked was the SOS thing, it was fun too.
2.Two things I would do is 1. drop the cheesy old video. 2. don't have as big of a packet.
3.I rate this unit a 2, it was fine, but wasn't perfect.

mitchy p (5/6 A) said...

Three cool things were... The sybolism activity, watching Everyone loves Raymond, and the thing where d bach went behind the dorr and we drew a pic.
Two suggestions would be to get rid of the packet and watch more tv shows
I give this a 4


laura s (5/6a) said...

3 things I liked were
1. the symbolism activity
2. watching Everybody Loves Raymond
3. drawing what the people were saying

2 suggestions are
1. dont use the cheesy old video
2. dont have such a big packet

I would rate it a 3 it was fun sometimes but there was a lot of notetaking and we wrote somethings over and over again.

Emily D said...

1. The symbol game was really fun, the SOS FBI thing was interesting, and the reading was very informative.
2. I think the module would be more fun if there were more games we could do or if we got to do a skit or something like that to demonstrate communication.
3. I rate the commnication module a: 2.5 because I thout it was boring a lot of the time, but sometimes it was fun like during the game or the SOS thing.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1. I liked the comm. activity, the cheesy video, and watching T.V. for homework.

2. You could maybe try to find a not so cheesy video, and have a T.V. show other than Everybody Loves Raymond.

3. 3-The unit was educational, but was boring most of the time other than watching T.V.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

3 things I liked:
1) symbolism activity
2) watching Everybody Loves Raymond
3) the activity where we drawed what the person behind the door told us what to draw

2 Suggestions:
1) not having to do so many activities for the Everybody Loves Raymond TV shows
2) not having to do the communiation module things so much

Communication Module Rating: 3

Allie B said...

1. I learned how important communication was and how often it was used in our lives every day. I also liked watching everybody loves raymond.
2. I think you could not use the cheesey video at the end of the unit. YOu could also not have that giant blew placket, make it smaller.
3. I rate this a 2, I had fun during most parts, but found other parts dry.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

3 things i liked...
watching everybody loves raymond.
the symbolism activity.
the cheesy communication movie.

2 things to change...
make the packet work more interesting.
have us play a game.

i would give this unit a 2 because it was interesting but the packet work made it kind of boring.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

3 things I liked:
~the symbols activity(drawing the pictures)
~the tv shows
~the walking through the forest activity

2 things that could be done differently:
~not as much packet work
~study time in class

My rating:
~2-3. It was fun at some times but at others it got kind of boring

Uzi M. said...


Emily A said...

1)put- ups; i found the pycology expierement fun, i found the drawing activity fun, i also found the sos thing fun.
2)i think that you could help the class study more, i think you could also have the class do a play using communication
3)i would rate this unit as a 2 or 1

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

1. I found the symbol activity, the movie, and the drawing activity interesting.

2. you should do more hands on activities and we should watch more than one tv show.

3. 2: i liked it!! it was fun but i knew alot of the info.

KelseyE said...

Three things I liked about it was when we did the excesizes with the paper and pictures, when we did the story with the woods and obsicals and lastly i liked the movies and shows.

Two things you could do to make it better would be more activitys and a insted of watching the same show twice maybe watch two different shows.

I rate it a two because it was fun and informational but it's kind of boring at times, not always though.

~kelsey e. 5/6 B

Anonymous said...

i liked watching everboby loves Ramoned and um the activitys and um the you tube films

i think we should watch more moives/tv shows and um also get to play silent ball.

i give a 4 because go vike

Zach G said...

1. I liked the video
2. i liked watching Everyone Loves Raymond
3. I liked the forest quiz

1. THe packet was kind of boring
2. more activities where we use communication
I rate it a 2.5

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i liked watching everboby loves Ramoned and um the activitys and um the you tube films

i think we should watch more moives/tv shows and um also get to play silent ball.

i give a 4 because go vike

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

3 things that were enjoyable to me were the symbolism activity, watching Everybody Loves Raymond, and all the videos we watched.

2 suggestions I have is to not show the cheesy video and to keep the waling on a path or brush activity.

1 rating I have for the Communication Module on a scale of 1-4 would be a 2 or a 3, because it was fun sometimes but others it wasn't as fun.

jacloff said...

3 put ups:interactive, informative,and liked the activitys.

2 things to change are less home work and more movies.

my rateing is a 3 i liked the unit.

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

I liked watching 'Everybody Loves Raymond', watching the cheesy communications movie, and the life journey activity.

A couple things you could do differently:
There should be less reading and more movies.

I would rate this unit a 2.

Shannon Awes said...

3 things I liked:
-Drawing the picture from description.
-When Mr. Buckley was totally phsycic about our lives.
-The test: It was easy!

2 suggestions:
-I think we could have done more with Everybody Loves Raymond.
-Not as much in the packet.

1 rating:
-I'd give it a 2-3 because it was fun sometimes but others I got bored doing the packet.

Sam.c said...

3 things that i liked:
1. i liked the watching TV
2. i like the thing when we wrote down our first thoughts and you interpreted them
3. i liked the parent arguing activity

2 things we could do diffrently
1. i think we should have a few less blog entries
2. i think we should have less work like in mr forester's class

1 rating
i give it a 2 because it was ok but at some points it was pretty boring

Yannick A said...

3 things that i like were:

- the drawing activities
- the writing activities
- watching the tv show

2 things we could do different:
- watch the tv shows first
- watch more than two tv shows

1 rating is:

3-5 it was fun but the educational video was a little two cheesy

ellie w. 7/8A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

--I found the task where we wrote quick answers to things and Mr.Buckley told us what they meant interesting. The booklet was really educational and explained very clearly what the different parts of communication are.

--Next time, to make the module more interesting and fun, we could be instructed to perform little skits about what we should and should not do with communication...

--On a scale of 1-4 I would probably give the communication module a 2.

shelby h said...

1) 3 things i thought were interesting were the movies, communicaton is everywhere, all of the types of communication.

2) mabey not make us read so much, also highlight stuff.

3)i whould rate it as a 2 because it was fun but it got boring at times.

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

3-Three things I found enjoyable was the drawing activity, the movie we watched; "It's Not What You Say," and the symbolism activity.

2-Two suggestions are to watch more Everybody Loves Raymond episodes and to make the packet have a little less reading or more interesting.

1-I would rate this a 2.5 because I didn't like and I didn't not like it. I thought that it was okay and was a bit boring at times but not too bad.

clara k!! said...

- the thing were you told jordie's life.
- i liked it whnw you screamed.
- and when you made ppl go outside.
- less homework
- less reading
- better video
- Rating- 2 satisfactory
boring a sometimes.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

i thought the different ways you could comuunicate, the kindo of ways you could communicate,everybody loves raymond and the symbolism activity

we could watch more tv shows and we could do more of our hw inside the class

i would rate it 2.5

paul7/8 said...

The three thing that i thought were enjoyable was the video we watched in class, when you yelled at us to show us about commuication, and the homework was esay. two thing that I didnt like was highlighting the packet and taking the test. And my raiting is: okay

nicole h said...

I enjoyed the drawing activity, everyone loves raymond, and the cheesy communication video because it was actually so cheesy that it was funny.
Two suggestions I have are make the packet a bit shorter. Also have more videos.
I would rate it a 2 because it was okay i didn't love it, but it was preety good overall.

ellie w. 7/8A said...

I enjoyed the symbolism activity, watching the tv shows, and the walking in the woods activity.

One suggestion I have is to try to guess about more than one persons personality when we did the walking in the woods activity. Another suggestion is to shorten up the packet a little.

I would rate is a 2 because sometimes it was fun, but somtimes working on worksheets and in the packet by ourselves was kinda boring. You could just add more activities that involve the whole class.

jordieee s! said...

1)3 putups!
-the symbol activity!
-the cheesy movie!
-the drawing activity!
2)2 suggestions!
-less homework!
-make the packet a little more fun and exciting!
-2! There was kinda a lot of homework!


Mitlentz said...

3 putups:
1) I liked the psychology unit
2) I liked how you made people go out in the hall without talking
3) I liked watching everyone loves raymond

2 suggestions:
1) More space between the desks
2) Watch more funny t.v.!!!!!

Rating: I would give the communication module a 2 because it taught me many new communication skills

Dan M said...

1.a. The symbolism activity
b. Watching everybody loves raymond
c. The drawing activity

2.a. We should do more activities where we communicate with each other.
b. Less blogging

3.a. I would rate the module a 2 because the activities were all fun but the blogging was kind of dry

cailyn c said...

3 putups are:
1. watching that tv show
2. drwing what the other person described
3. that forest quiz

2 suggestions are:
1. more activities
2. more fun stuff

1 rating is:
1. 2, because it wasn't the funest thing to do but it wasn't the worst.

Alyssa K said...

3 things i like were~
the tv shows
the writing activity about walking through the woods.

2 things you could do to make it more interesting is~
a littler packet doing things instead of just listening.
most of our classes are the same thing we sit and listen and towards the end we do homework i would like more varity in my classes.

i like the communication module about a 2 or so.

danbach said...

the 3 things that I liked were
1. the forest activity with the workings of the human brain.
2. the everybody loves raymond.
3. the cheesy speech vidio

the dislikes were
1.not so much packet/paper work
2. more activitys

I would rate a 2. because the acticitys were really creative and fun but the work in packet and other work not so much.

KaTyH 5/6 A said...

What i liked
symbloism activity
watching the tv show
and the cheezy comunication video

doing the packet over a more spread out time instead of all at once.
played a communication game.

my rating is a 2

kellyk said...

3 Put Ups:
i thought the communication unit was fun when we watched everybody loves raymund.
i also liked how i learned alot
it was educational because we did the packets and they were hard.

2 suggestions:
Maybe to have more fun activites
and to have more partner activities or something.

1 rating:

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

3 things that I liked were:
symbolism activity
activity where we draw what one person says
watching the everybody loves raymond

2 things he could do differently:
Don't make us do so many blog entrys or make them optioinal.
dont make us do so many packets

1 rating is:
2 it was fun sometimes,but working in the packet wasn't fun. It wasn't the best since we did so much packets. Communicating is usually with people.

Fletcher B said...

I liked the symbolism activity a lot.
Do less packets
3-4, it was fun most times, but a little boring at others.

Brooke D (7/8B) said...

things i liked
1- drawing activity
2-symbolizm quis

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

3 things I liked about were..

-the symbolism activity
_watching everyboby loves raymond
-the movie
2 things that should be different are...
-shorter packet
-more group activities
i would give it a 3 because it was just alright.

cailyn c said...

1. Fun, interesting, and educational.
2. Don't make us have to do so much on this blog and have a smaller packet.
3. I would rank this a 2 because it wasn't the best but not the worst either.

Morgan W said...

1. the blogg
2. the activitys
3. RIF

1. less homework!
2. you need to ease new students into the blogging

1. 2

Angela said...

I found interesting is that you have to have body languege to help your story. Also that you have to annuciate. Also make eye contact to help make people interested.
2) have a video, a game to help us learn, and maby a song!!!
I will rate it as a 3...i thought the subject was REALLY boring.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

1. the three things that i liked was watching the everybody loves raymond, the test because it was the easiest test in any other classes test. and it was fun doing it.

2. the two things that he could've did more was letting us watch more shows every day and i wish we didn't have to do the packets because it was just so boring do it.

3. i would rate this a 2 because i disliked the whole thing.

Libby said...

3 things that I liked were:
-symbolism activity
-activity where we drew what the person says
-watching the the shows

2 things you could do differently:
-Don't give us so much homework.
-Make it a more fun

one rating is:
-2 it was fun at times but other times, like working on the packet wasn't as fun.

Anonymous said...

1.i liked watching everybody loves raymond,and doind the activitey were someone went up to the board and answered those questions.
2.we should get like a 5 minute break
3. 2 or some times 3 like watching shows thats fun but the packet is boring.

alex c 7/8b said...

watching tv
drawing activities
the walking through the forest quiz

alex c 7/8b said...

watching tv
drawing activities
the walking through the forest quiz

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

3 things I liked were:
1) I liked being able to watch " Everybody loves Raymond"
2) I thought the It's not what you say video was useful
3) I liked learning about communication overall

2 suggestond would be:
1) give us study time at the end of class to study what we did that day
2) also, watch "It's not what you say at thing start of the unit

I would give this unit a 2 because I got to learn more in depth about communication

brittany said...

3 things i liked were watching the tv shows and filling out our packet, another was playing the paper game, and the communication videos.

dont make the packet so big and dont make us fill out the whole packet.

i rate this a 3.

Kate O 7/8b said...

Three things i liked:
the symbolism activity,the drawing activity, and whatching stuff..

2 suggestions:
not to have such a long packet and having to write alot,


holle g 5/6B said...

i liked the "its not what you say, its how you say it.' video. i thought it was cheesy.

i rate it a 2. i thought it was ok.

John R (1/2A) said...

I think it could have been more fun but i enjoyed drinking from the fountain of knowledge

Jacob L. said...

3 put-ups:fun, informing, interesting.
2 suggestions:more activitys, less homework.

JohnB said...

Three good things were... The sybolism activity, watching Everyone loves Raymond, and drawing.
Two suggestions would be to get rid of the packet and to do more activities.
I give this a 3

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...


-Watching Everybody loves Raymond
-Drawing what the person described
-The activity where we wrote our own answers to what we would do and you told us what those answers meant


-Dont do such a big packet
-Not so many blogs


-I rate this module a 2 because we learned things, but a lot I knew already and the packet was too much

Mikey L 5/6B said...

I liked the tv shows, the forest thing and the lame movie. to make it more fun, we could another episode of everybody loves raymond and not have to do so much reading. I would rate it a 3.5.

john h 7/8B said...

i liked the symbolism activity and the drawing one i also liked that we watched everybody loves raymond

i didnt like the videos or the big packets.

i would give it a 2 because it was fun at times but not great

Greg M (7-8A) said...

3 things i liked
1. Symbolism thing
2. Drawing activity
3.watching everybody loves raymond.

2 things we could have donw differently:
1.Dont makes kids ahve so much homework
2.make it easier not as much in class work more fun

1 rating is
Communicating with a small group

cotywc7-8b said...

it was cool. informational . and it was different.
it was cool but not to cool

jessica G said...

1. Watching Everybody loves ray, The drawing activity
2. Not make us do packets, not have us take notes on the tv show, but just pay close attention
3. 1

Kriften G!! said...

1. a) I liked the "everybody loves raymond"
b) I liked the walking though the forest quiz.
c) I liked the cheesey communication movie.
2 not as big of packet
less blogin
3 it was a 3

braschill said...

3 put ups are:
1. the whole thing was pretty fun overall.
2. i learned alot of how tocommunicate and what to look for when comunicating.
3. the drawin activity was fun when we took away the feedback.

2 suggestions are:
1. we should of played more games to do with comunication
2. we should not have such a big packet

1 rating is:
1.mine is a 1 because even though imisseda couple of days i still understood what is going on and it is easy to follow along.