Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Machine is Us/ing Us

Today we watched a short video called The Machine is Us/ing Us. What do you think that means? Explain.

If you'd like to watch the video again, click below:

I'd like you to read the student comments at a later time and respond to at least one other person's comment.


Unknown said...

I didnt know that the machine learns with each click of a mouse. and a new blog is made every .5 sec

Erica said...

I think that the video represents how much people use the web these days. I found it crazy how many times people click on a website per day. A lot of people rely on the web for work, school, or just pleasure. The machine is really becoming a great source of information and a place where people can connect with each other. There are also a lot of dangers so we have to watch out.

Kristin M (1/2 B) said...

I think the video was very true that the computers can do anything much more than we can.

Shahara B (1/2 B) said...

1. I liked the video because it showed how to use HTML tags. Like how to have bold print or Italian print.
It was short but it made things feel a little more interesting.

Megan R (1/2 B) said...

I thought the vidio was very informative. It was a little hard to read what the person was typing at some points because it was going too fast. Otherwise I think the vidio was very interessting.

Danie N (1/2 B) said...

i think the video was okay but it was a little weard because when the said something they would say something else t it.

David K (1/2 B) said...

I think it means that we use machines like computers so much and it is using us because we made everything on the web! I really liked the video because it showed us how many different ways you can use the web.

Peter M (1/2 B) said...

I thought the video was scary because it showed how much we depend on computers.I also learned more about HTML tags and how all of that stuff works.

wheremypancakes said...

I think that it means that we are part of The Machine because we created everything that is The Machine. Without us there would be no Machine. It uses us because whenever we go on our computers and go to websites we are teaching The Machine something new.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...

I thought that it was kind of weird, I mean, I know it has signifigance, but, at the same time it was confusing. I didn't get the POINT of it. I suppose it's trying to make us understand that the web reaches millions of different people, but it seems like they're trying to tell us that the machine might be able to controle us, which is weird.

Andrew P (1/2 B) said...

I found it hard to follow I didnt understand all of the thing s he was writing I thought it was a O.K. video but it would have been nicer if it was more Organized.


I think that this video was cool. I liked the typing in the beggining of the video. The machine is us means that we use it so much that it is becoming part of our lifestyle. I think the machines are using us means that the computers are so smart but they need us to work.

Anonymous said...

I thought the video was interesting because it showed you how any one can put something on the web.

Emma P (1/2 B) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nika W! (1/2 B) said...

I thought the video was pretty cool
i didn't know that the computer learns after every click.

Alyssa K said...

i thought that is video was weird but cool because it showed the things that we do and see every day and that we use the "machine" for just about everything the news,communticating, and almost anything else in the world. that is what this video showed me.

sarsteffen said...

I did not really understand this clip because it was really fast and confusing when they were eraceing and rewritting everything. I thought it was cool/scarry to see how thechnology is evolving faster than we are.

Brian B (1/2 B) said...

I think the video was very interesting. It was pretty cool how the words kept changing so fast throughout the movie. I think that the movie might be trying to say that the computer is nothing without humans. It said that we're teaching the machine, so it sounds like the machine wouldn't be too smart without us. The computer would be nothing without someone or something to constantly feed it information and updates.

monica o (1/2 B) said...

I thought that the video was interesting because it made you think about how the web affects people around the world. I think that the title of the video means that everyone uses the web now (the us part), and I think that the web is also using us because now we have online predators and there are also people that abbuse their rights to have a computer.

Peter W (1/2B) said...

I think the video gave alot of detail about the internet and how it grows evryday. It talks about the fact that the internet is gettign better better all the time and how the emprovments are getting to far for anyone to realize whats going on around us!

Maggie A (LRT 7/8b) said...

I think that this video was mostly true. I learned that the machine learns from us as we learn from it. i thought this movie was kind of boring, but it made sense and was important to learn about.

sebastian r (lrt 7/8b) said...

I dont really know what the point of wacthing this was but i have to admit it was interesting.

tomdelanaey7/8 B said...

i think it means that alot of peaple are using the machine today and we are showing it how to do alot of stuff and some peaple us the maching for good(work, school) and some for bad (hackers and hackers) and u just have to be carfull.

Mackenzie Sorensen said...

I think that it means we should be careful what we do online because not only are other people learning and using that information but computers are, too. Also, I think it means that even though we can decide which websites we want to go to, it can influence our choices. (ex: pop-ups)

john h 7/8B said...

i thought this video contained lots of interesting facts and info.
its very interesting how much the web is used and how many people use it

Lara R (LRT 7/8 B) said...

I think that the video means that the internet or the computer is a machine, and the machine is us. The machine is us because we created everything about it, and that when you are talking to someone online, it basically goes through another person. It is not the samer on paper because we can not make it bold, or italic without putting in a different amount of effort than just clicking a button on the computer screen.

cotywc7-8b said...

I think this video shows how fast info gets sent around the world.
It also shows how the people can talk about every day things in there life. This video was sick.

Kate O 7/8b said...

I think the vedio shows how much the web is used now. The vedio contained many facts i did not know. Without us there would be no machine. I thought the vedio was pretty cool!

sofia h (7/8 b) said...

I thought the video was very helpful. One thing I really liked was when it showed us how to use HTML tags. Also, it was crazy to think about how many people use the internet and how you can connect with them. The machine is a great tool, but it can have some disadvantages too.

wes F. said...

it was an ok video but realy boaring. i almosy fell asleep but it ended just in time to wake me up.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

The video i saw in Mr. Buckleys class was kind of boring, i didn't understand what the video was telling us. But at the end of the video i kind of known what it was talking about.

dylan v said...

I felt the video was very interesting and insightful. It showed me that digital lettering is much easier than handwriting. Now I know that this will change the way humans send messages to eachother.

Ashley S said...

I like the movie it was interesting. I did not know people typed as fast a they did in the movie. I also think it explained that a lot of people use the blog every day. I did not know that so many people used the blog everyday. I also think that it explained how the internet is growing as more people start to use it. That is what i think the movie meant.

DavidF 5/6B said...

I think it was interisting how the guy in the video used technology in a way everyone would understand to show the points of web 2.0

Preston B said...

I think that the video was explaining that we use the internet everyday. We use it alot and it is a good device. I think that computers know a lot more than we do but they also bring together other imformation just as we click on different web things. I learned that the internet is very good for things but can also be dangerous in many ways to.

IsabelleB said...

I think the video shows that the machine advances further everyday in technology. The internet is becoming a big part of our life, and will keep on impacting it more in the future as technology becomes more advanced.

Fresa S. said...

I think that the video was teaching us that we use the web so much. The video was telling us about all of the things the computer does everythime we click on something. The web is learning something knew everytime we click on something.

Alexis L. (LRT) said...

I think that the video was interesting because it had a lot of information that I didn't know about text and HTML. It was kind of confusing but for the most part I was familiar with the majority of the stuff they were showing.

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

The video that i saw in Mr. Bucleys class was kind of boring, and a lot of confusing. But at the end of the video i understood what the video was talking about so its a good thing that i got it,(even though it was boring.)

kami h 7/8 b said...

I think that this video was true, it taught me many new things about the internet.

alex c 7/8b said...

i think the video was intriguing. the video also showed how obssed we are with the web.

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

I thought the video was interesting. It's weird to think about how much we use a computer and how much it impacts our lives. If computers learn with every click then who knows how advanced the computer will be in the future. Computers have changed our lives with new techonology and they way it helps us connect with people.

Lindsey S said...

I think that it means that there are a lot of people using the machine. It is becoming a very commonly used thing beacuse the machine is becoming an excellent source of information. There are also dangers that go along with the machine. Online predators get on the machine and don't use it for a good reason creating dangers.

Fletcher B said...

I think that the movie was really informative, a lot like "did you know". Its amazing how many blogs are made every day, and how much computers learn with every click of the mouse, its actually a little freaky.

Emma C said...

I think that it means that the computer is made from us and all its knowledge is really just people wjo go on the computer.Also I agree with Emma P.

Fresa S. said...

I agree with Megan's response. The video was interesting but it was sometimes hard to read what the person was typing because he was going so fast.

Nick B (lrt 5/6 B) said...

I think that means that we made the machine so its us, and we use the machine so its us using us.

Ellen G (LRT 5/6 B) said...

I thought that the video was pretty cool. I think that it means that since people use the web and the computer so much, the computer is getting smarter with every click.

Josie W said...

i think this video is mainly saying that there are so many things that you can do on the computer.

sarsteffen said...

I agree with emma c and emma p. It is weird that computers are going to be smarter than we are.

christian w (lrt 5/6b) said...

I think it means that we are getting so connected to the machine that the machine is becoming part of us.

JohnB said...

I didnt realize that Websites had so much code put into them, it loks really complex

Philip C. (LRT 1/2A) said...

I thought the video was pretty cool. It showed my how the internet is changing people and that we can put so much information on the web so quickly

Alex S said...

I think this video means that we use technology on an every day basis and we couldn't live without it.

That One Guy said...

I thought that some of it was kinda cool, but I think the guy who made the video was being a little paranoiud about "the machine."

Alex H (LRT 1/2A) said...

I thought the video showed how the internet has become such a huge part of our daily life, and its getting bigger and smarter whenever we use it. I also didnt know a blog was created every half second.

Maddie F (LRT 1/2A) said...

i think it means that the computer is not the web; we are because we are the ones adding all of the information!

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

I think the video means that we teach computers stuff and the computers teach us stuff. So we are the heachers and the students.

mackenzie kelley said...

i think the video is a good representation of how many people use the web each day. i found it unbeleivable how many times people click on a web page everyday.this video was very informative

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

I think that the video true when it said that computers are smarter than we are. I think that the statement: "The Machine is Us/ing Us" it means that we spend alot of time on the computer.

Sawyer K (LRT 1/2A) said...

In the video they talked about how many times a website is clicked on per day. It's amazing how big the number is. I found it fascinating that one new is made every half a second. There are lots of dangers that we are going to have to solve in the future

Ishanghai said...

I think the video was good at explaining, but the guy typed to fast and the video also didn't show what he typed that much. Also the video explains that we are the web because we made the web.

Nateglewwe said...

This video shows how far we have come since we first learned how to write. We've been able to put so much more meaning in a bunch of symbols. For example, if on a web page, it says "click here to learn more", and it's a link, you can just click a button and you will have tons more info at your feet.

Aly B ( LRT 1/2A) said...

I think that this video was showing us how much the internet is growing daily, every half second more and more information is out there. Lots of things can be in jeopardy like privacy, but way more information is right at our finger tips, literally! I also agree with Allie, it’s amazing how many people click on a website, and that there are many new dangers existing to us.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

I think that the video tried to explain that we can control what we put on computers, and in a way we are teaching the computers whenever we use one. We use computers a lot, so we are teaching the computers a lot of stuff.

Kelli said...

I think the video represents how the web has impacted people and technology. The video was saying that just about everyone on this earth uses the internet. The machine was refering to the computer. I agree that the computer is using us because it is now apart of most of our daily lives. In the video it also said we need to rethink some things like safety, and I agree with that too. The web can be a dangerous place. I thought this video was helpful, I learned alot from it.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

I think the video means that people add everything to the internet, so are teaching the "machine" and other people. People created the machine, so there would be no machine without us. So the machine is "using" us because anytime we do anything on computer we are teaching it.

Nora said...

The movie pretty interesting, but it said a lot of what I already know. I did learn things about htmls though. The movie said how everyone can make an impact on how the internet works.

Addy Z (LRT 1/2A) said...

I also agree with Emma because I understood the movie, but I didn't understand the point of it.

Nora said...

I agree with Emma Potter about how the main point of the video wasn't very clear, and it was kind of weird about how we're controlling computers.

Emily A said...

I think that this video means that it is much easier to use digital text rather than written and it is taking over. like it said that that the computer learns with every click of a mouse

Zach G said...

i think the video is true. digital text and web 2.0 are becoming more and more used.

laura s (5/6a) said...

well, the computer learns something new every time we are on it so it could be using us to learn more and we are the machine because we put everything on it

Allie B said...

I think the machine is us means that it needs us to run it and improve it, but it is using us by taking our knowledge and learning from us. We both use eachother.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

I think that The Machine is Us/ing us means that not only do we as people control the internet and practically everything on it, but we are also controlled by the internet-most people get their news and information on the internet.

Alison P (5/6 A) said...

I think it means that machines are getting smarter because of us and that soon they will know more than us.

allie a [LRT 5/6 A] said...

I think that the video is supposed to show how important the web is becomming. I thought that it was amazing that the computer learns something at every click of a mouse. The web is becomming a part of our everyday lives and it is very important.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

I think this video is showing us that there is a part of us in a machine because we are the ones using them and making them. It also shows us that the machine is smarter than us becauase it is practically the one using us!

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KaTyH 5/6 A said...

I believe the video meant that digitaltext makes making a website or blog easier because you dont have to learn how to use the complicated HTML. You just type and it is there.

mitchy p (5/6 A) said...

i think we are the machine and the internet is also the machine.

Sofia B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

I din't really get the pointt of it....but i think this video is mainly saying that there are so many things that you can do on the computer...but yeah i didn't really get it.


Nick L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

1) I think this means that we are adapting to the technology of our time but also that we are depending on technology a little too much.If the internet tells us to do something people will do it because it is in the web.

james m said...

The video means the relationship between people and internet/computers is really strong now. We depend on computers for virtually everything. So the more we USE technology, like computers, the more comupters are USING us.

adriana o (5/6 a) said...

I think this means that the internet is a big part of our lives.Also that many people use it today. Another thing is that the machines need us to work.Also that we use it so much that its getting smarter and better with every click.

Uzi M. said...

I think we made the machine so we are useing the machine.

Jon M (LRT 5/6 A) said...

I agree with John L.-without us there would be no machine.

Anonymous said...

think it maens that the computer is learning from us. that its sees what we do then it dose it its self

patty w (5/6 A) said...

I think this video means that we use the computer a lot. I don't really think the computer learns more everytime we click on a button or icon. I think the computer already knew the information, even if it hasn't used it before.

Anonymous said...

go pack

patty w (5/6 A) said...

I think this video means that we use the computer a lot. I don't really think the computer learns more everytime we click on a button or icon. I think the computer already knew the information, even if it hasn't used it before.

kellyk said...

What i think the video means, is that the internet is taking over all of us. It is the biggest thing and everyone talks about it. Almost everybody has used it in their lifetime and it just keeps getting bigger.

Jacob L (LRT 5/6 A) said...

I feel that the video showed us that we are constantly feeding the machine our information and that we should be warry of the danger of this.

Eric H (LRT 7/8A) said...

I think that since we put so much information into machines and the internet, the machine essentially IS us.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

i think it's very helpfull and kind of cool

paul7/8 said...

nice video!

shelby h said...

I think that it is really neat and very helpful.

Shannon Awes said...

I think that the video represents how important the web it to bringing people together. It also showed the ratio to how the machine (computer) is working on its own, to how we use it to express ourselves.

Dan M said...

I think the video represents how technology is becoming an important part of our lives. It shows how much we've used technology and how much we're going to use it even more.

Anonymous said...

I thought the video was....well....wierd. I didn't really understand what the point of it was. It was confusing.

Mitlentz said...

i think that this means that people and dependant upon the "machine" in their everyday lives, because they hit web sites 100 billion times per day and they post all their personal information on it.

Olivia A. (LRT 7/8A) said...

I think Machine is Us/ing Us means that we are the machine sometimes because we're telling it what do do. But the machine is also using us to learn from us.

I agree with Allie Davis when she says that the video represents how much people use the web. I think this because they talked a lot about how many people use the computer a lot in the video and was its main poin.

clara k!! said...

I think it means that we are to advanced in technology. This can be good and bad both. An example of machine using us is online preditors. I way that we use the machine is search engines. This is a way Machine is us/ing us.

Anna B said...

I think that this video is showing us that the internet has evolved and will keep evolving; The internet evolves at the same rate as humans evolve.

jordieee s! said...

I think it means that we are machine users. That means that we use the machine (computer) a lot in our daily lives to look up things or type things. For example i am typing this right now so im using a machine and it is using me because i have to do this.

aoneill said...

i think that the the computers can do alot of stuff

Yannick A said...

yeah i did not know that themachine learns with each click of a mouse it makes you wonder what your computer knows about you

and to me the machine is Us/ing Us
means that instead of us using the machine the machine is using us to see what we know

ellie w. 7/8A said...

I think that means that we put so much information into machines, and rely on them so much that they are kind of one of us. I liked the video, I thought it was cool.

Julia said...

This video showed how much we depend on computers. With how much we use computers, we would have troubles without them. I learned alot about html tags and i thought it was cool that the machine learns with each click of a mouse

NoviceLD said...

I think that it means that we are creating/teaching the machine, as they said, and it's all good and wonderfull but...
At the same time, we are very dependent on the web. So the proverbial "man behind the curtain" could use us throught the machine. and they do.

laura s (5/6a) said...

I agree with a lot of people that we are the machines since we created everything that is on it.

Shannon Awes said...

I agree with Alex S. We couldn't live without technology now that we are so accustomed to it.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

I think that this video ("The Machine is Us/ing Us") shows us how dependent we are on the internet. I think this means that the machine is, basically "us" in the fact that we are using it so much and how we are a part of the machine since we were the ones who created it.

Libby said...

This video is very interesting. It's amazing how much people use the internet and how much is showing up on the web.

Alma P (LRT 1/2 A) said...

I agree with Isabel B because I think that she is right that the internet is becoming a big part of our daily lives and will continue to have a bigger and bigger impact on people.

Matt H (LRT 1/2 A) said...

I agree with Sawyer because I also find it amazing how many times a web site is clicked on every day.

Michelle L. (LRT 5/6B) said...

I agree with Kristin, the video was true on how computers can do way more than we can.

Laurel W(7-8 B) said...

I agree with Ellie because we do rely on computers a lot. They have become a big part of our lives.

Julia P. (5/6 B) said...

I thought the video showed a great prospective. It showed how much we use computers. We are using it for information, and the computer is using us to help get more information. The computer can influence our choices also.

Jon Buckley said...

Some very insightful and honest comments. Many of you commented that you didn't quite get the video or it was kind of fast. I think that's part of the point of the video. Things are changing and they are changing so quickly it's hard to keep up. Thank you for reflecting on the video and providing your perspective.

Dan M said...

I agree with james m in the sense that we are becoming the machine.

patty w (5/6 A) said...

I agree with aledavis that it's amazing how many people go online every day.

Isabel B (LRT 5/6 A) said...

i agree with nick l because i also think that we are depending on technology too much.

jessica G said...

I think that the author is trying to say that we are teaching technology, and it is becoming more and more smarter than us, so we should be careful of the technology taking control of us.

jessica G said...

i agree with Julia P's comment.

KelseyE said...

I agree with all of them, it's pretty creepy that the computer learns from us and that one day it may be even smarter than us, but I guess thats a good thing to some people.

As long as they don't take over the world.

~kelsey e. 5/6A

Jami M (LRT 1/2A) said...

I agree with Laurel and Ellie!


Brooke D (7/8B) said...

well this video realy opend my mind about the use of computers on our lives. like digital texting and the web serchers.

danbach said...

I didn't know that so many blogs are created all the time.

2. That technology is growing in power

XOXO said...

The video represents how many people us the web each day; at least that's what I think.

aaronp.(5/6B) said...

i think that means that we run the machine but it uses us for example, it gets smarter every time we use it

muntaas h (LRT 7/8B) said...

I think "The Machine is using us" it means that how to use things that you don't know how to use it???

cailyn c said...

I think that the video means that we create the internet and everything on it but it also can take advantage of us.

sam r said...

I think it meant that there are so many people using the internet these days. Its like a machine that has taken over.

Morgan W said...

i didnt know that two! cool

Michael W (LRT 5/6B) said...

I didnt know how fast the internet grows and how much it is used.

Chris M 5/6B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris M 5/6B said...

I dont really know what the point of wacthing this was but i have to admit it was interesting.

Libby said...

Is weird that something we created is smarter than us.
I agree with Kristen m.

Anonymous said...

the video was interessting i never thought about how the computer knows all that. every .5 seconds thats allot of blogs

brittany said...

i didnt know that either that a new blog is made every 5 seconds that pretty cool.
and that there are many different reasons for using the web.

rachaelc said...

I didn't know that a new blog blog was posted about every .5 seconds and that the computer learns so much from us!

Matt M (5/6 B) said...

The video represents that there are way to many people on the internet. There are way to many blogs that will never be read on the internet.

Nick S. 5/6B said...

I cant beleive that computers are learning so much. Makes them seems almost human

Emily D said...

I think it means that because we can personalize and change the computer and the internet we control it, but it also learns each time we do something so it is using us to get info.

Emily D said...

Is weird that something we created is smarter than us.

I agree with Libby.

holle g 5/6B said...

i liked this video. i learned a lot of things that i wouldn't expect. like that computers learn things from us when we use them..

John R (1/2A) said...

I didn't know a blog was made every 5 seconds and I didn't know the machines use us

Fallon S. 5/6B said...

I think this video shows us how big of a part the web has become. It was really interesting to find how all of the facts about people clicking on websites everyday and how many times a new blog is created everyday.

Hannah A (LRT 7/8 A) said...

I think that the video tells us how much people use the computer or 'machine' now. There are lots of different reasons people use the web, both for pleasure and work.

Mikey L 5/6B said...

I didn't know that that many people used the web every day.

David K (1/2 B) said...

computers creep me out now

braschill said...

i think that the video shows how muuch everything has become part of the dailylife and how obssessed we are with the web.

Greg M (7-8A) said...

I think it represents how we rely on the internet to always help us and to always work and how mcuh people use it but int he past they didnt even know what it was.

Loic.A(LRT 7/8A) said...

i don't really know what it means and i don't have an idea

Sam.c said...

I didn't know that the machine learns every time something is clicked and that there is 100 billion clicks a day

Kriften G!! said...

it learns from us

wes F. said...

1. I know people use the web alot these days but i did not know that every .5 seconds a new blog is made.

nicole h said...

I liked the video
It was very interesting to see, but sometimes the video was going to fast.

Lizzie H. (7/8B) said...

i think it was saying that computers can be smarter than we could ever be.