Sunday, October 14, 2007

Importance of Tests

While commenting on another blog entry, Aria asked an interesting question:
  • I have a Question about and NOT aobut Tests. Why do we take them? i mean if we turn in the Homework, and we get 100% on all of them doesnt that SHOW YOU that we DONT NEED TESTS?!?!?! yeah so yeah...
I'd like to know what my students think about this. Are tests necessary? What should be the purpose of tests? Do 5 point homework assignments and activities function only as learning opportunities or do they also adequately meet the requirements for earning a grade in LRT? Are there other ways to accurately measure learning in class?

Let me know your thoughts. I'm very interested to get your perspective.


Ariel L said...

I think tests are important. They summarize the unit and help you remember what you studied.

Allen L LRT 5/6B said...

it help you know how are you doing in this subject and keep the teacher infromed.

steven D LRT 5/6b said...

i think there beter then homwork because it does alot of things at once instead of one or to things at a time

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

i'm not sure.
i think if we could find another way to review at the end of the unit that would make kids pay attention that would be better, because it would stay in your brain longer, and you would learn it because you wanted to, not because you had to or you would flunk your test.

ashley e said...

I think that tests are actually a good thing. They help you see what you learned, if you know the material, and they help you summarize what you learned (even though study guides help you do that too).

Anonymous said...

I think tests are necessary, not so much in classes such as LRT, Phy Ed, Science, and Language Arts/Reading because these are classes in which you have to apply yourself even in homework and class to show that you understand concepts. Personally, I don't learn much from the 5 point assignments. I can't think of any other way of accurately measuring learning in class, but even tests do not always do that.

Ryan H-lrt7/8A said...

i think that tests are necessary because without tests we would all probably lose all the information we had learned throughout the unit

James L. LRT 5/6 said...

They both can be argued, thus a paradox. Test are used to measure the comprehendtion of the student, but, I think, shouldn't play a significent part in the grade, say, 30%. But homework makes sure you are proiritizing and studying. The homework shouldn't be more then 30 minutes a night. there should be enough so that if you miss several assignments, you won't get an F.
Therefore, there should be test but they shouldn't play too big a part in your grade.

Bridget! said...

I think tests are very important. They let the student and the teacher where they are learing wise. Unless we can find something else that shows off our knoladge, i think we should stick to tests.

Bridget! said...

I think tests are important and we should stick to them because they let the studuent and teacher know where the student is-learning wise.

Nico A 5/6B said...

I think that homework is partly testing organization and time management and doesn't just test your knowledge of the material, but it's necessary for learning. Tests, on the other hand, ensure that you've learned everything you should have, and are only about knowledge. Basically, you need both to really get everything.

Jon Buckley said...

These are great responses! I really appreciate your input!

Let me mention the purpose of our 5 point daily assignments. As Tara points out, a lot of what we do in LRT involves applying concepts and skills to actual activities. So many of the 5 point assignments are designed to get you to put together some information in preparation for an in-class activity. For example, you were to complete parts 1-6 of the Personal Experience Speech packet. A big part of that was writing a detailed story. With that information in hand, we then talked about how to actually create your Personal Experience Speech.

Homework in LRT shouldn't be something that you can't figure out on your own. Sometimes that may happen in math and then Mr. Hanson, Mr. Hoffman or Mr. Anderson will help explain and teach you how to do the math. Instead, you should be able to do your homework for LRT and then use that homework for activities in class. Make sense?

Emily said...

I think that tests are important. They're important because when you're doing the homework and assignments you remember everything because you just learned it. Tests are usually at the end of a unit so you have to remember what you learned to make sure you actually learned something.

Emily said...

I also agree with Nikki though. There could probably be a funner way of doing it.

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

I think tests are important to show the teacher how much you are learning. But that doesnt mean we need to take them all of the time.

Natalie P-LRT 5/6B said...

I think tests are important to show the teacher how much you are learning. But that doesnt mean we need to take them all of the time.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

Ok here are my thoughts about tests. Tests summerize what you have just learned in a unit. I agree with Aria that som tests seem pointless (like unit tests). But I think that some tests (ACTS, MCAs, ect.) are important because they measure how well you are learning, or how much you know.

Kate b said...

I feel that Test's are very UN-nessesary and I think that the school only has us take tests because they dont actually trust us with our homework. They probebly think that we cheat some way on our homework. but if that was true(which it is Not) than what would stop us from cheating on tests? I mean, if they actually believe we're cheating on our homework, its no different than actually cheating on a test! Right?????

I really dont get this.

Tests are just one way to find out what a person knows. A test doesn't actually tell you how smart a person is but instead tells you how well they perpared for the test it self.

2 arguments 1 conclusion....

A test is one way of finding what a person had learned, but its not complete.

Drew M-LRT 5/6 A said...

Tests are importent because they help you remeber the unit better.

Stephanie P-LRT 5/6B said...

Although tests can be Frightening they do help us summorize, and give us time to read at the end!! >.<

Kalli T-LRT 5/6A said...

I think tests are okay and not okay. I don't like them because their stressful and you have to study a ton of material for them when the test only covers about half of what you studied. But they are good because you review what you learned in the unit.