Monday, September 10, 2007


After reading the Communication Chapter, post a comment that lists three things you learned from the reading. For example:
  1. Communication is not a one-way process.
  2. When communicating a sender can send any combination of verbal, vocal or nonverbal messages.
  3. Intrapersonal communication can be out loud or in your mind.
After you post your comment, be sure to print out your post. That's worth 5 points.


Taylor A-LRT 5/6A said...

On Monday in LRT we read a packet on communication three things I learned were:
1.Intrapersonal Communication is communication with yourself.
2.Oral interperation and drama are forms of public speaking.
3.There are 3 types od messages, vocal, non verbal, and verbal.

Maddie M-LRT 5/6A said...

i agree with those three actually communicate with someone it takes two to have a conversation. Also sending a nonverbal message can be the biggest clue to what a person is truly trying to say.

Have a Great Week!!

Kalyna R-1/2A said...

There are many things I learned in this communication packet. Here are three that I remembered the best.
1. Intrapersonal communication means to communicate to yourself, which can mean talking to yourself.
2. Many jobs require having to know how to communicate such as construction workers, teachers, and sales persons.
3. The last and final thing I learned about communication is that it comes in four forms: gestures, facial expressions, spoken words, and vocal inflections.

Renee J said...

These are the three things that I learned from the packet.
1. Group Communication is a discussion with three or more people involved.
2. I learned that people make the decision whether to talk or write several times a day.
3. I learned that communication skills are used in many jobs.

Jeff s said...

three things I learned were.
group communication is with three or more people.
public communication is withone or more speakers who present a message to a group of listeners.
mass communication is when one or more people communicate with a larger audiace.

Chris B.-1/2A said...

When reading the communication packet i learned these three things,

1. Communication can be vocal. I didn't think vocal would be communication.

2. That communication with yourself is intrapersonal.

3. and last but not least, that interpersonal was communicating between two people.


P.S GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryan G-LRT 5/6A said...

From the Communication packet I learned:
1. That interpersonal communication is 1 to 1.
2. That speech classes will help you throughout your entire life.
3. That there are 5 types of communication: Intrapersonal, interpersonal, mass, public and group

Natalie D-LRT 7/8B said...

The Three things that i learned was:
1. there is a kind of communication that is verbal
2. there is also a communication that is non- verbal
3. finally there is a kind a communication that is vocal

Jacksonc said...

After reading the communication packet, I learned
1. Intrapersonal communication is talking or thinking to yourself.
2. Many jobs require someone with good communication skills.
3. Speechwriters and musicians have much in common, such as repeating important things a lot.

Alyssa E-LRT 5/6A said...

From reading the Communication packet I learned:
1.That there are three types of messages: verbal, vocal, and nonverbal.
2. Group communication is three or more people having a discussion.
3. Last but not least i learned that there are five types of communication: intrapersonal, interpersonal, public, group, and mass.

Hannah H-1/2 A said...

Three things that I learned from the communication packet were:

1. How important speech is to your daily life and occupation.

2. There are five kinds of communication: Intrapersonal communication, Interpersonal communication, Group communication, Public communication, and Mass communication.

3. There are three types of messages: verbal messages, vocal messages, and nonverbal messages.

Camille P 5/6B said...

Hey Mr.B,

1. I learned what the communication process was.
2. nonverbal is a type of message along with vocal and verbal.
3. Many jobs require good communtication skills.

See you on Monday!

Jane D-LRT 7/8B said...

Today I learned many things about communication. Here are three.
1. The 3 types of messages: verbal, vocal, and nonverbal messages.
2. Communication is not just words.
3. Specific words can set boundries to what message is recived such as pink shirt not a brown sweater.

Danielle S-1/2A said...

I really alreaddy knew most of the stuff that we read in the packet on Monday. Here are 3 things in the communications packet that I alreaddy knew but was still kind of fuzzy until I read the packet.
1. intERpersonal is when you talk 1 on 1 with someone and intRApersonal is when you talk in side your head. I always mix up thoses two words!

2. Communicating verbal is much more efficiant than writting a letter.

3. A lot of good job require good communication skills. If you lack good communication skills, you will not get a good job.

See you tommorrow!

Joe N-1/2 A said...

I learned a lot of things from the communication packet. Here are three of them:

1.A lot of jobs require good communication skills to be successful.
2.I also learned that there are five kinds of communication. (Intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication)
3.The most important thing I learned was how important speech is, and how we are using it most of the time, even unconsciously.

zoe m lrt 7/8 said...

In the LRT packet we read on monday i learned three things from the packet:
1. there are alot of jobs that require for you to be good at communication.
2. There are four parts to communicating with another person: sender, message, reciever, and feedback.
3.You can communicate by just moving your body or a facial expression.

Ariel L said...

1. blogging and instant messaging are both examples of verbal communication.

2. intrapersonal communication is basically talking to yourself. I do that sometimes, or I talk to my fish...

3. interpersonal communication is talking to ONE other person. I use interpersonal communication a lot at home.

Hannah S- 7/8B said...

Here are 3 things I learned from the communication packet:
1. Speechwriters use the same strategies as musicians.
2. Communication is really important for future jobs.
3. There are 5 types of commmunication. (intrapersonal, interpersonal, mass, public and group)

caitlin r-lrt 7/8B said...

Three things that I learned from the communication packet are:

1. The three types of communication are verbal, nonverbal and vocal.
2. Intrapersonal communication is communication with yourself.
3. How many jobs require good communication skills.

Nikki L-LRT 7/8B said...

Three things i learned from the packet were:

1. Public speaking is not really just important if you are like a polition or something, all jobs use it.

2. when you are thinking it is intrapersonal communication

3. interpersonal is the most common type of communication, it is 1 on 1.

have a good day!

Izy M-LRT 5/6B said...

The three things I learned were:

1. What mass communication is.

2. The four parts of communication.

3. And the difference between intrapersonal communication and interpersonal.

Emily said...

The three things I learned are…
-That communication involves 4 parts: a sender, a message, a receiver, and feedback.
-That singers and public speakers use EXTREMELY similar ways of communication.
-That communication is very important in almost any job that you get.

Maggie W! said...

there are many things i learn from the packet.
1. Interpersonal communication is communication with yourself.

2. Oral interperation are forms of public speeking

3. There are 3 types of messages, vocal, non verbal and verbal.

Natalie W- 1/2A said...

These are the three things i learned from the communication packet we read: communicate alot in your job don't have to talk in order to communicate

3.There are five kinds of communication, Interpersonal Intrapersonal communication, communication,Mass communication,Group communication,and Public communication.

brian f lrt/7/8 said...

what i learned in lrt on monday was...

1.the 3 types of messages, vocal, verbal, and none verbal

2.interpersonal is between two people

3.intraperson is talking to yourself

Lift (britta) said...

Let's see...
I learned:
1. About all the things that speakers and singers have in common, such as raising and lowering the pitch of your voice to add expression and emotion.
2. Ways that oral communication can depend on written communi-cation to be succesful, like when actors often learn their lines from written scripts.
3. That every day, we chose forms of communication, like whether to talk or smile (use actions) or write a note, instinctively.

Brady D 7/8A said...

I learned there are 3 types of comunication

I learned that verbal comunication is with words not by doing verbs

I learned that speeches can be more meaningful than letters if they are said with good ivolume and pronounciation

Bevlin J.-LRT 7/8A said...

Three things that I learned from the Communication Chapter is:
1. Intrapersonal communication is when you are communicating with yourself.
2. I learned what the communication process is and how it is used.
3. That there are very many types of communication such as group, public, and mass communication.

Erik N-1/2 A said...

These are three things I learned from the communication packet:
1. Intrapersonal communication is communication that goes on inside your head
2. There are three ways to communicate.
3. A combination of all three ways to communicate will get your message across the best.

Michaela G said...

Three things I learned from the Communication packet were:
1. There are three types of messages.
2. Many jobs require you to have good communicating skills.
3. There are five types of communication.

Michaela G said...

Three things I learned are:
1. Jobs reguire you to have good communicating skills.
2. There are five diffrent types of communication.
3. There are three types of messages.

Anonymous said...

Three things i learned about communication are:
1. Communication is sending and recieving messagers though words.
2.Group communication involves on or more speakers who present a message to a group of inactive listeners.
3.Verbal message is the actual words a sender uses.

Maddie D said...

In the packet of communications i learned 3 things
1. That Vocal Messages are usually the words senders use.
2. Interpersonal communication is communication is a one to one basis.
3. Interpersonal communication can range from a friendly chat to a more serious/in depth conversation.

Paul B-LRT5/6B said...

Three things i learned from the communication packet are,

1. There are three types of messages, non verbal, verbal and vocal.
2. Interpersonal Communication is when you communicate with yourself
3.Group communication is three or more people having a discussion.

Carly C-LRT 7/8B said...

Three things that I learned from the packet were:
1) When a person is talking or thinking to themselves, it is called intrapersonal communication.
2) When three or more people, often with the same goal communicate, it is called group communication.
3) Oral communication is based on words, actions and sounds.

Svea!!! said...

From the communication packet that we read i learned quite a few things. Here are three of them:
1.I learned that communication is more than just talking to another person.
2. I learned the three different kinds of messages which are; non-verbal messages, verbal messages, and vocal messages.
3. I also learned that there are many advantages to taking a Speech Course!

Jenny W said...

Today I learned many things about communication, three things that come to mind are:

1. You can communicate with yourself. This is called Intraperspnal communication.

2.Communication goes in a circle: Someone sends a message which is recieved and then the reciever gives feed back.

3. You use all three types of messages on a daily basis.

Elena T - LRT 7/8B said...

Three Things I learned:

1. There are four forms of communication.Gesture, spoken words, facial expressions and vocal inflections.

2. Speech classes can help you your whole life.

3. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal are two different types of communication.

Chip 5/6B said...

I learned:

1. Drama is a form of public speaking.
2. Talking to yourself is a form of communication.
3. Many jobs use communication skills.


Catherine C LRT 1/2B said...

Three things I learned from the Communication packet were
1. Communication is key in certain jobs such as education, health doctor, etc.
2. Speech classes can help you get more confident and less nervous about speeches and communication.
and last but not least
3. There are alot of different ways to use communications.

Sophie N LRT 5/6b said...

three things i learned form the communication packet are...
1.lost of jobs require communication.
2.three types of messages are verbal,non verbal, and vocal. communication is with three or more people.
go pack!

Emily E LRT 5/6B said...

The three things that I learned about communication were:
1. There's actually a communication for your own thoughts, which is intrapersonal.
2. Drama as in theatre is a form of public communication.
3. Singers and speech makers are similar in many different ways, such as the both stress the important words and phrases in either a chorus (singer) or just repeat them over and over again (speech makers).

~Emily E.

Anonymous said...

Three things I learned from the communication packet were:
1. alot of actors and public speakers take speech classes
2. there are 3 different types of messages, verbal, vocal, and non-verbal.
3. Communication does not have to be person to person, it can be intrapersonal (communication with yourself)

BrynM-LRT 7/8 B said...

From reading about communication I learned that...

1. Many jobs use communication
2. That there are lots of different kinds of communication
3. You use different kinds of communication daily without even realizing it.

Those are just a few of the things I learned.

Max H-LRT 5/6B said...

Three things I learned after reading the communication Packet.

1. Communication is used in many jobs.

2. Mass communication is one or more people communicating with a large audience.

3. There are five kinds of communication, intrapersonal, interpersonal, group communication, public communication, and mass communication.

Joey said...

1) I learned that there are many kinds of communication and messages.
2) I learned that communication is very complicated.
3) I learned that communication is involved in alost every job.

Anna L LRT 5/6 B said...

There are many things that I learned in this communication packet. Here are three.
1. Interpersonal communication is on a one-to-one basis.
2. Intrapersonal communication is communicaiton with yourself.
3. In mass communication one or more people communicate with a arge audience.

Jackson K1/2A said...

three things i learned in the packet of communication were
1. Intrapersonal Communication can be what you are thinking in your head.
2. Interpersonal Communication is when your talking on a 1 to 1 basis.
3. Almost every job invloves comminication.

Jackson K1/2A said...

three things i learned in the packet of communication were
1. Intrapersonal Communication can be what you are thinking in your head.
2. Interpersonal Communication is when your talking on a 1 to 1 basis.
3. Almost every job invloves comminication.

David F.lrt7/8A said...

one thing that I learned was that vocal and verbal communication were two different types of communication. I also learned the five types of communication. I also learned that feedback is part of the communications process. Oh and by the way Go GIANTS!!

Edie O. said...

3 things i learned from the communication chapter:
1. intrapersonal communication is communication that takes place in your own thoughts.
2. grunts are considered communication
3. many jobs require communication skills

sherlock Homles said...

On tuesday in lrt i learned three things about communcation.
1.i learned a intrapersonal communcation is with your self.
2. and second that interpersonal communcation is with someone.
3. third mass communcation involes one or more people communicating with an adience.